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Posts posted by MapleLeafMerc

  1. Many people are imitating Chicken Little when it comes to discussing free trade among nations, especially China. Outsourcing, cheap labour, yadda, yadda, yadda...we're all going to die!

    "On April 5, 2004, the WTO published that China's imports increased by 40% while its exports grew by 5%. China leapfrogged three positions and ranks for the first time as number three among the world's leading merchandise importers. Please join us to examine how China can sustain its tremendous growth, the revolutionary reforms that are driving this economic powerhouse, and what business opportunities are opening up."

    Attention, all anti-free traders: China's BUYING is growing faster than their SELLING.

  2. I think that in some ways Canada does need to be respective of the fact that we have two official langauges. But at the same time the people of Canada should'nt be forced into learning new langauges, tolerance comes with experience not government intervention. However if you go through Vancouver, then you'll notice that alot of street signs are spelt in Mandirin, and in the North, alot of the inuit language is basically a second langauge. I think that we should just get rid of having official languages all together.

    "tolerance comes with experience not government intervention"

    Thanks Alliance. This should be tatooed on the forehead of every bureaucrat in the official languages and immigration departments. Ever since Trudoo-doo, the gov't has been clubbing us over the head to force us to like each other and it has only delayed natural assimilation and acceptance.

  3. Some people here think that there is no limit to government resources. If you believe that every dollar you and I earn really belongs to the government, then that may be so. I guess we should be thankful that the tax rate isn't 100%. For the rest of us, we see gov't spending as making choices as to how to best use scarce resources.

    So I think August has a point. A heart operation for a child at Sick Kids, or rescue an adult that went to Iraq of his own free will? The choice is easy.

    Besides, with all this altruism going around, I'm sure you guys would have no problem raising the rescue/ransom money yourselves.

  4. On Wednesday Paul Martin confirmed that Liberals care little about, and may in fact resent Canadian history.

    Our 'Dear Leader' Martin was addressing the troops in Gagetown on Wednesday, throwing them a few long-overdue bones, when he described how, sixty years ago, we and the rest of the Allies stormed the beaches at NORWAY. He then confirmed his and his Liberal party's contempt for Canadian history by repeating the error. It even tops McCallum's Vimy/Vichy blunder.

    Liberals have done a fine job of erasing and trivializing Canada's history, as they bring in wave after wave of immigrants who aren't required to know or care either. The only time Canadian history is important to Liberals is when they are bashing the Europeans that settled this country as racists, sexists, etc.

  5. Svend Robinson is one of the most strident, sanctimonious left wingers this country has ever seen. He never passed up an opportunity to lecture this country or the world about his left wing views, from trying to crash checkpoints in israel, to heckling Reagan in the House of Commons like a ten year old schoolboy. Heck, another socialist, Nelson Riis, even said Robinson would "drive a knife into your neck with no remorse"

    Spare us the crocodile tears and get lost, Svend.

  6. And once again, you confuse rejection of Anazar's unpopular pro-war stance with capitualtion to terror.

    No, BD, No.

    Please don't try to change historical facts on us, or confuse cause and effect in Spain. Let's review: Aznar was in fact headed for a victory. Spanish voters CHANGED THEIR MINDS en masse as a direct result of the train bombs. Giving up what you want in the face of physical threats is appeasement.

  7. and please, don't go on about sweden without stating some statistics. the fact is that most european countries and japan are very protective of their industries and its workers and are continuously rated as having a higher standard of living than the united states... the only globalization flag waver!

    cgarrett, the least you could do is PRETEND you have a passing familiarity with the facts... Why do you waste our time with your made-up rants? Most European countries are in fact BELOW the US in per capita income. In fact, there isn't a major world economy ABOVE the US!!! (Which drives all left wingers and US haters crazy)


    Oh, I forgot- liberals don't need no stinkin' facts ;)

  8. The US fought a war for independence, we did not. That's why they value freedom and independence more than we.

    The US got frisky and tried to invade. That's something liberals will NEVER get over, and why so many hate the US. (That and an inherent envy of success.)

    Overall we are lefties. Steal from the producers, give to the moochers.

    August, willy, good points.

  9. The US fought a war for independence, we did not. That's why they value freedom and independence more than we.

    The US got frisky and tried to invade. That's something liberals will NEVER get over, and why so many hate the US. (That and an inherent envy of success.)

    Overall we are lefties. Steal from the producers, give to the moochers.

    August, willy, good points.

  10. Black Dog, IP, jccc:

    You all have an innate ability to display self-loathing and fear of freedom for all. When Muslims truly embrace freedom and democracy, let us know. Until then, you defend societies that believe in bending their citizens to their will through terror.

  11. I am wondering if the results for the federalist parties in the next election is going to be:

    First: Conservatives

    Second: NDP

    Third: Liberals

    While they still lead in the latest opinion polls Across Canada as a whole, does anyone else here think that the Liberals may crash and burn in the next election?

    Yes, I think the Liberals just may crash in the next election. Paul Martin can blame Liberal corruption on the House of Commons janitor if he wants to, but this time I think the s**t is going to stick.

  12. Conservatives across Canada, from every province, now have a common voice to battle the corruption that is the Liberal Party. They now have a voice to fight for that majority of Canadians that know what is fair and just, and do not want or need to beggar their neighbour to get ahead.

    The kind of people that will oppose Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party are the ones who feel that it is the guaranteed right of one Canadian to live off the efforts of another. To these people, panhandling is not just a street activity, it is political philosophy.

    Sorry to all liberals here, but the pendulum is swinging back to common sense. Don't let it hit you on the way out...

  13. hey cgarrett i have a question for you. do you think everyone should have the same income? what are your ideas and ideals for the distribution of wealth?

    You sound like Marx speaking to Lenin the first time they planned the glorious system called communism.

    Why don't you "like minded" thinkers just PM each other and spare the rest of us a boring discussion about failed ideas. :)

  14. prejudice based on something as stupid as skin colour i think is a relatively recent thing, stemming from slavery in the states. prior to that the different racial groups interacted economically and while they may not necassarily have liked each other they didn't use race as a reason to dislike.

    Do you think the practise of slavery originated in the United States?

    Do you believe that racism did, too?

    Absolutely shocking statements to make :angry:

  15. So cgarrett, how is this wealth measured. To they have big bank accounts that hold cash? Do they own a number of personal homes?

    No, a few individuals own large organizations. Jim Pattison a good example. He probably does take home more than you our me but to use his net worth as a basis of comparison doesn't equate.

    I would not seek equity. I would focus on those in society with the lowest living standard and figure out how to give them a leg up. Don't spend time figuring out how to make successful people poor.

    Excellent, Willy :)

  16. :angry: Unions, especially public sector, are a joke. There was a time & a place for them, which has long since past. Trust me, what we need now is an EMPLOYERS union. Employees nowadays can get away with murder & not too much can be done about. The days of firing employees on the spot are all but over. First there must be verbal warning, then 3-4 written warnings & on & on & on & then they can still try to sue. I say that Unions have ruined/are ruining our workforce & teaching our children that if they don't get their way they can bitch & complain & cry til they get their way.

    This nonsense of unionized workers being more skilled & dedicated is the biggest laugh off them all. I'll pit any non union workers against some union jokers in their area of expertise, not only will the non union workers do a better job, but will do way more efficiently as well!!

    As for the public sector unions, cross a civil servant with a union & you get the whiniest, laziest thing under the sun. Take for example last year, the Toronto Parks dept start their yearly whine when volunteers wanted to plant flowers & clean up  the parks. The Union said "No way, thats taking work away from our employees" The union doesn't  own the parks, the people of Toronto & Ontario & Canada own them.

    Don't even get me started on the teachers.....

    So to sum it up, Yes, any Canadian should be free to work any place they choose & not have to be involved with a Union, anything less would be an infringment of basic human rights.

    In a perfect world, Mike Harris would be  PM of Canada

    Jim (Non union & proud of it)

    Thanks Jim!

    I will never understand why the liberals here won't show us all how it's done by starting their own businesses.

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