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Posts posted by playfullfellow

  1. I have lived in Alberta for the better part of 20 years and a few years in BC. I have seen Canada from Quebec and West. I have yet to visit the Maritimes but will do so one day. I live in Alberta because I like it here. We have pretty good freedoms. My standard of living is pretty good. Aside from a whack of "service fees", the taxes are bearable. I have never been un-employed and send my fair share East every year. I do not sub-mit to the seperation movement as I feel I am a Canadian first, an Albertan second. Klein isn't perfect by any means but he has done fairly well for the province. I know a few of the current MLA's as past neighbours and I know they are honest people. This East West crap sucks but it is a reality that we have to live with. As long as Quebec gets their little special status quirks, you will always have others pointing fingers and wagging their tongues about unfairness. I am not in favour of an "all-powerful" central government as the current electoral status is set-up. I would fear another repeat of NEP and the hardship that was endured for almost 10 years afterwards.

    If we had a central government that actually stood for something other than being "PC", then there would be less grumbling in the crowd. We need a central government that looks out for the whole of Canada, not just vote rich regions out east. Currently we need a central government that will address the soft wood lumber dispute, wheat tarriffs, gasoline prices (though the prices are good for our coffers here in Alberta, they will bankrupt the average joe if we don't cap them) and the issue of taxes. We need a central government with a set of brass balls so to speak before they will get any respect from Albertan's.

    Let's start to see some tangible lip service to making Canada a serious country again instead of a glorified banana replubic.

  2. In our area we are in the midst of nominating new candidates for the Conservatives. I haven't heard the results yet as I think the voting was for today. The problem is that one of people vieing for the position is a local lawyer whom has some very questionable clients. This is mainly contractural stuff, not much criminal law here. Now this guy helps set up questionable contracts for realestate deals so hence forth I have to question his basic ethics. I know his job is to do the best for his clients but some of these clients are down right nasty and cheaters. The results have been that a lot of people have lost everything they own.

    My problem that I would hate to see this skidmark get into office yet I am generally a fairly strong conservative. Do I still vote for the party and pop more pepto if this arse gets into office or do I send a message (yep, one vote more or less is a strong message) to the party. for the first time since I have started voting, the party flavor does not seem so inticing if they let this arse run.

  3. Caesar, "bring cash" just means things cost more in BC because of that wonderful sales tax you have there. Agree with you in the weather statement though, man its ugly here now.

    I seem to ge the impression that the separtists in Quebec definately want their cake and eat it too. I see no reason why they should get all of that if they decide to leave. Plus they should also pay their share of the national debt.

    But we need to get back on track to make this a stonger, cooperative country. This bloody crap over east/west, french/english so and so forth does absolutely diddly to make this a better country. There are a lot worse countries out there to live in.

    I still say no one has the cahonnies to do anything about it though in politics. No one in politics has the guts to say that we need to do away with the current language laws. Let Quebec be French as they always have. Let the other provinces do as they see fit and what they decide that they want to pay for out of their own budgets. If Quebec wants to diversify their business, well they will just do it in the language that will give them the better turn around. The ROC of Canada could save a bundle as we would not need to pay for the bilingual cereal boxes we have. Quebec cereal boxes could be french only, more savongs there.

    This is a very simplified point but that many people can start to agree with. But as with many things, people forget the KISS rule "keep it simple stupid".

  4. (Even whining Albertans)
    Raspberries to you caesar :P but ultimately you are right. Sigh, I can not deny that. This issue has to be put to bed but it seems no one has the cahonies to do so. Reading through the posts here, there sure seems to be a variance on peoples interpretation of history. But you know, history is in the past, we can't change it. What we need to do is look towards tomorrow, we can do something about that out come. Even as a "whining Albertan", I am not in favour of seperation of any province. I do however dislike favourtism shown at times in the past just to buy a few votes.

    If Quebec does chose to seperate, let them. Let them leave with what they have right now, not what they had 200 years ago. Pull all Federal projects out of the territory, cancel all Federal contracts and then send them a bill for their share of our national debt. "X" number of dollars for every person in Quebec. How many companies would stay past the first couple of years after they lose their place at the Federal feed trough? You would have a country that does not have it's own money, has no military, the infrastructure would be chaos and there would be a huge debt to boot. What about unemployment, what kind of figures would we see there? Everybody is screaming they are the victim here yet the only ones who seem to benefit here are the lawyers and politicians while the rest of us get to pay the tab. This includes people from Quebec. Can you imagine the strength of this country if we were organized and united, striving for the same goal? With our resources and determination (even welfare BC has determination) we could be a very self-sufficient country.

    Caesar, I am sure you have heard this before but do you know what we Albertans refer to "BC" as ....... Bring Cash ;) Anyways, have a good day and look forward to your next Alberta bashing post.

  5. Zundels a freak as fas as I am concerned. I've seen the camps, graveyards and hundreds of pictures from the 40's in Europe. I have listened to my grandparents talk about how they hid jews and other "undesirables" through out the war. You don't all the facts from just one book. You need to lossen that tin foil up a bit paulpaul, it's starting to cut off circulation from your brain.

  6. His recent 'decision' (an outright lie actually) on missile defence is a disgraceful play to his caucus and Liberal convention.

    Though i do not agree with him, you have to give PM PM a little more credit than you do. His decision was met by a US response of basically " we don't really care what you think, we will shoot down missiles over your soveirgn airspace if we feel like it". Through past speeches from the US, this has hardly been a surprise. PM PM just appeased nay sayers of the BMD , made the yanks look like bullies and buffoons, put the opposition in a position where they get hammered no matter which direction they take. If they agree with PM PM, then they get whacked from the left and if they are with the yanks (who have said they will wage a war in Canuck airspace if needed), then they will get slapped silly from the right. There is no safe middle ground on this issue anymore. If PM PM plays his cards right, he might just come out this smelling like a rose. :blink:

  7. Lougheed was hardly of an intellect to broaden his vision

    Lougheed was one of the few premiers to stand up to Trudeau and eventually win. Lougheed could not be bought and he stood his ground.

    Face it, Canada is much too diversified culturally, ethnically and geographycally to fit neatly into a cute little perfect bottle. Lets accept that fact and then lets find ways of dealing with it. I took my oath to become a Canadian citizen and am a very proud Canadian firstly, I am a proud Albertan secondly.

  8. Road building and maintainance is a A Provincial jurisdiction.

    Correct me if I am wrong (it may be different for BC, I dont know) but isn't the breakdown for responsibility of road maintenance as follows?

    trans canada and hwy 16 are federal as they are the two coast to coast highways and built by the feds. I think this also includes roads inside of the federal park system.

    all county, rural roads and small town main streets are provincial

    all large town and city streets are municipal responsibilities

    I know the provincial government helps towns and cities with major new road construction and transit systems with grants and subsidies but general street construction and maintenance is up to the cities.

  9. If you drive your car in downtown Montreal, I think you should also pay for renting the space. (I don't care if the space is moving along the 40 or the 30 or Ste-Catherine. Your car is taking the space, like a hotel room.)

    I know where you are coming from august, in theory it makes sense. In reality, it is not doable as you suggest. I have no problem with short term tolls on roads that greatly improve efficiency. But under your idea, we can just as easily say that pedestrians should pay to wolk on the side walks, slide a quater into a meter everytime they want to use a cross walk. I know this is very simplyfied but that is what you suggest when you say user pay.

    My understanding of the fuel tax system is that it is supposed to be redistributed from the feds to the provincial governments, municipalities and cities to go into road construction and maintenance. So, you need fuel to drive on these roads so you pay your toll when you fill up. If these governement groups spent more than 16% of all fuel taxes collected, then we would see a vast improvement of our road ways. But it seems to me that the feds are handing over a pile of money to municipalities to spend on infrastructure but no real guideline as to what that may be. I know our current bunch of trained monkeys on city council would first spend 100 thou plus on a study, then another 50 thou on public meetings, 100 thou to the lawyers to make sure they get it right. Then we get seceral weeks of ads on the radio, tv and newspaper about what a good job they are doing. Oh yeah, now they need a raise to for this good work too. Ooooopppppsssss, now the money is running low, give the contract to the lowest bidder, watch the project go over budget, raise taxes to pay the bill and sit around and waith for the next handout so the whole process can be done over again.

    If I am to pay tolls on the roads, then why should I pay fuel taxes and the same for vice versa? I do agree with paying for what you use, I know I get nothing for free is this lifetime. I don't like this double taxing crap, which of course I know a lot of stuff is double taxed. Government needs to get more bloody efficient and we would be able to see our tax dollars actually working for once.

  10. The more pertinent point is to simplify the tax system, or at least make its effects less pernicious. The fewer people the Revenue Agency must deal with, the better. People earning below, say, $15000 should not have to file.

    I agree with you here august, the simplification and efficiency aspect should be spread across all government agencies but we all know that is a pipe dream. Looking at me own budget 15,000 is definately a good benchmark for the cutoff. This should be implemented immediately, not over 5 years either. A lot can happen in 5 years to blow this plan out of the water.

    And lastly, we should pay for using all roads as is done north of Toronto on the 407.

    Why should we pay tolls when we pay fuel taxes that are supposed to pay for all our roads? If the feds actually spent 50% plus of the collected fuel taxes on roads like other countries, then we would better roads. I think the current figure is around 16%. Temporary tolls are a good idea but these tend to turn into a permanent tax. Just look at BC.

    Payroll taxes (CPP, EI) should be rolled into general taxes.

    This would certainly simplify things and in principle I think that it is a good idea. My fear would be that some brainiack in Ottawa would forget this and then spend this money else where. I would prefer to see people who never use the dole get this money returned to them when they retire.

    The GST and PST should be harmonized, extended to all goods and services and be embedded in the selling price.

    I like the embedding the taxes into the selling price. It can be a real brain pain that if you are picking up supplies, have an exact amount of bucks in your pocket and have to try figure the GST on the fly so you dont over spend. Being from Alberta, I don't have to worry about the PST.

  11. hmmmmmmmmm, so you have get off of your butt, move around, put down the game control and get some exercise. You have to do some volunteer work in the community and at the end of the day, you have to write a report on it. This homeowrk assignment is over the span of 3 years I take it. I have to agree with caesar here, get with the program. This assignment sounds better than a lot of the other brain fluff that is being taught in schools nowadays. Exercise and volunteer work never killed anyone that I know of.

  12. Albertans are peppered with former Americans who are attempting to Americanize Canada.

    Hmmmmmmmmmm, I have lived in Alberta most of my life and haven't come across too many Yanks living here. The ones I do know are pretty well Canucks aside from the fact that they have an accent. A lot of non-Alberta born people I know are from BC, the Maritimes and Ontario. The majority of them just want to make a decent living and not lose the majority of their earnigs to taxes.

    I met a lot more Americans living in Canada when I lived in BC. They seemed to like the weather more than in Alberta.

    The majority of Albertans I know come from all sorts of backgrounds. The one thing linking most of them that are over 40 is that they scratched an income from the dirt, didn't take any crap from anyone and weren't scared to take a chance. They don't like someone several thousand miles away telling them how their hard earned money (taxes) are going to be spent.

    Trudeau was a much stronger thinker and intellect than that. He never worried about the votes.

    That is a bunch of hooey as far as I am concerned. Trudeau was an arrogant ass who only did things that he felt was his vision of Canada, not what the populace wanted. Trudeau was a good talker, he knew how to orate in a way to impress people. Yeah, he didn't take any crap from anyone but the NEP was not a very well thought out program. It was a way to buy eastern votes, thats all.

  13. Canada is held together now by certain reserve powers of the federal government that only Trudeau has had the courage to exercise to a degree (the NEP being an example) and the spending power.

    Trudeau failed because the NEP mainly affected only one province, Alberta. The benefits were mainly felt by Quebec and it pissed a lot of people off.

    Geographically, Canada is huge compared to many of the other countries around the world. We have basically 5 very distinct regions that revolve around very different ways of making money. The current central government focusses mainly on Ontario and Quebec when it comes to fiscal dealings. A lot of the other laws enacted also favour these 2 provinces. If the federal government was to have better regional representation, then we might hear a lot more people say they are a "proud Canadian".

  14. As near as I can tell this budget wont affect me personally or economically in any degree. I could use a tax break but it won't happen this time around :(

    - Increasing Guaranteed Income Supplement benefits for low-income seniors by $2.7 billion over five years.

    All I can say is that it is about time, we need to respect our elders and look after them.

    - $1 billion for an innovative Clean Fund to further stimulate cost-effective action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Canada.

    Kiss another billion goodbye

    Implementing the pledge to share $5 billion worth of gas tax revenue over the next five years: In 2005–06, the share of the federal gas tax dedicated to cities and communities will be $600 million. By 2009–10, the share will increase to $2 billion, representing 5 cents per litre

    With the city council we have here, we will probably get a new art centre or something instead of getting rid of the VW eating potholes we have around here. :P

    - $4.7 billion over five years, including $1 billion to cut greenhouse gases and $200 million to boost wind energy

    More hot air blowing in the wind I see

    - $1 billion to further strengthen Canada's national security

    This should go to the RCMP instead

    $700 million over five years for Aboriginal health programs announced in September 2004

    Unfortunately this money wont change anything

    $398 million over five years to help settle and integrate new immigrants to Canada

    Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I dont seem to remember my folks having any problem learning English when we first immigrated to Canada. They had to pay for their own EAS classes.

    - $345 million over the next five years for First Nations early learning and child care, special education, and child and family services.

    Again I hope it helps but I have my doubts

    - $60 million for the CBC in 2005–06

    Definately money that could be better spent somewhere else.

    - $70 million a year to Sport Canada, doubling its ongoing funding to $140 million in 2005–06 from $70 million in 2004–05.

    This wont help the underexercised, overweight people running around. Probably wont help us get anymore medals in the future either.

    I guess this budget could have been a lot worse. I would have liked to see some more go to the military so they can get back up to snuff. As for the enviromental spending, I would like to see some more incentives for people upgrading their in home heating and energy systems. I fear only the big guys will benefit from this money, as always. I would also like to see some more of our debt paid off, that would leave a better system for future generations if they were debt free. Tax cuts for us middle income guys will never happen so why bother asking for it.

  15. Yes, of course, the Americans helped win the war but the victory was broought about by the Allies not just the Americans.

    Thats basically what I was saying. It was not just a single effort of one country that finally proved victory for the Allies. I agree with you in a lot of cases that the Americans like to blow their own horns and make themselves the heros of every story. Canadians like to get on with life and look towards the next day.

    Playful fellow; Where in the heck are you from???? Perpetrating a myth???? We sure are not frozen solid nor even cold 6 months a year in most of Canada.

    That was just an analogy. Most yanks like to think we still live in igloos and all have sled dog teams. What I was basically saying was that we have more important things to worry about than to tout what we have done in the past. Sorry I didn't make myself clearer. BTW, most provinces experience either snow or frost more than 6 months out of the year. I have seen snow fall every month out of the year and that is not just here in the north. This was southern Alberta and BC.

  16. Holy dina people like to pick the parts of history that suite their own needs and arguments. What a lot of people fail to appreciate is the fact that a lot of people died due to the ideas and actions of a few. Any person who has read more than history book knows that the Allies were in trouble until Germany invaded Russia. That was a majot tactical error, much to the relief of the Allies. We also know that the US had no real interest as a whole to enter the war until the Japanese attacked. The allies were victors because they worked together to achieve a common goal. It was not just the efforts of Britain, Canada or the US acting alone but as a team. For those of you who think that Britain and her allies had a chance to beat the Nazi's before they attacked Russia or before the Japanese attacked the US, do the math and the geography lesson and see that the Allies had neither enough troops or weapons to beat Hitler. This was not from lack of trying but pure logistics of the whole war. Britain did manage to hang on and beat the Nazi'z in the battle of Britain which was a good thing, if not, then Hitler may have ignored russia for a while until he was completely established all over Europe. If the US had not entered the war, it may have lasted years longer and with greater loss of life. A lot of people forget we were all allies trrying to beat a common enemy. Everyone suffered, we all have family who were killed, maimed or just simply lost during the war. We seem to forget that the majority of us on these boards have not fought for freedom, we are all too young.

    As for the US, they can not really claim they have won a war since Korea. Every war they have been in since then has basically been them trying to boot out some dictator somewhere or stop the domino effect. They have won battles, but not many wars. Patriotism is good, Canada could use a little more but face it, we are frozen solid 6 months of the year and would much rather have a couple hot toddies to tide us over till spring than brag about what a great country we are.

  17. The soviets tried banning the church, didn't work. The Communist Chinese try to ban the church, they aren't having much success there either. The Nazi's also tried banning most religions, that get really far either. Christians were fed to the lions by the Romans. The list goes on and yet we still have churches around and people who are deeply religious.

    Protection of our religious beliefs is protected under the charter. Long before any rights of the homosexuals was protected. We are allowed to make our own decisions on whether we go to church or not. That is the great thing about Canada, we have a choice but so many people want to limit our choices as they feel that their was is the only way. We have more religious people in this country than homosexuals but yet our religions are under constant attack from the outside. People scream bloody murder when it comes to the rights of homosexual ( I am not attacking homosexuals here, personally I couldn't care less), criminals, pedophiles, terrorists and so forth yet they are the first to comdemn peoples choices to go to church. I think some people have way too much time on their hands and need to mind their own business and leave others alone. It is my choice to be able to attend church if I want to, deal with it. You don't have to go, thats the wonderful thing about choice.

  18. I think that anyone that wishes to carry a weapon of any sort, should first have to undergo victim affinity training. Ergo, a potential gun owner would, before being considered for ownership of a licensed firearm, be shot in a non-vital organ, in a controlled environment, by a weapons control commissioner. Likewise, a person wishing to carry a knife on his/her person, should first be subject to state sanctioned stabbing...

    I suppose we should also run over people with a car before they get a drivers license? Heck, why not hook electrical wires to peoples never regions if they wish to change a light bulb without a proper license? People who wish to jaywalk can do so after they have been run over by a city bus once or twice.

    Caesar is the only one who has it right so far, it is not the gun or the knife that is at fault, it is the idiot behind them that are at fault. It would make more sense to make people take compassion courses or something in school.

  19. Whats the matter MS, some big ol mean trucker cut you off or something? Maybe a trucker was a disappointing date at one time or another and you now hate truckers. All I have to say is, you have no clue what it takes to be a trucker. You have no idea what a trucker has to pay to make a living. So until you spend some time working in the trucking industry, quit acting like you know something about this issue. Truckers can turn around and say they should have priority on the road because they bring commodities and food staples to the general public in a safe, efficient manner. As for buying only local goods, well, good idea but it wont work. Look at Vancouver, they is no way in hell that, as an example, the farmers in the Fraser Valley can produce enough food for all of Vancouver. What about all of the neat stuff you can find in China town stores, this would no longer be around under your ideas.

    So anyways, get a job driving a truck for a month, then get back to me about this latest brain fart you have had. If you still feel the same way, then we can debate this on a logical level.

  20. The issue isn't the knife, gun, bowling ball or garden gnome itself, it is the idiot that is behind them. People have lost the respect for human life. Knives have a purpose in life, they are a tool that we use to make our lives easier but some idiots feel they are for getting your point across in an argument. Mandatory registration is about as usefull as the gun registry, even more so because anyone with a file can make a knife of sorts. We would be better off spending that money on better enforcement, tougher prison sentences and proper education teaching people respect for fellow people. Short of a small pocket knife, there is absolutely no need to be carrying a knife anyways in public. As a tradesperson, I carry a razor knife most of the time, but this is a tool, not a weapon, I was taught respect for human life growing up and would never conceive using a knife on anyone else unless it was to protect my own life or someone elses.

  21. Gun registration has done absolutely nothing to lower gun crimes. All it has done is made criminals of countless numbers of people who do not wish to register their firearms. Criminals are not going to register their weapons no matter laws are in place, hence they are already criminals and don't really care about our laws anyways. As of yet, no one has been charged for not registering their weapons as far as I know. The system is full of flaws and a total waste of money. The main guns used by criminals are not long guns but guns that are already restricted under Canadian law. To own a handgun has meant mandatory registration for well over 30 years. This hasn't stopped the criminals from obtaining them and using them in crimes. Fully automatic weapons are illegal but yet the criminals still seem to be able to get them. There are restrictions on what modifications you may make to a firearm but this does not stop criminals from doing so. This whole legislation has been a waste of money and time no matter how you look at it. I would have prefered to see the money spent on additional police members and jails that can keep these criminals locked up for longer periods of time. Gun registration does absolutely nothing to deter criminals. What we need is a zero tolerance policy for anyone who uses a gun in a violent crime situation. Lock them up, throw away the key.

  22. As I said there are 175 votes for, and only 155 are needed for it to pass. As I have said before, it's a slam dunk!

    Is this anything like your predictions for the NDP in the last election? This should be a free vote so the MP's can vote the way their constituents want them to. As far as I am concerned, no matter what happens, I can personally say that I won't recognize ssm.

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