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Posts posted by lukin

  1. Yah no they negotiated directly with the teachers which is what they are saying needs to happen now. Seriously I get it, you are repeating the Liberal talking points you hear but fact is what you are saying doesn't go against what they have done in the past. Which is what you were saying. Plenty would argue and have every right to that past NDP governments were much better then the Liberal government of today. You just wouldn't agree I get that.

    Stop smelling the dead roses already. :rolleyes:

  2. I know that you are trying to take Shady's place as the most miss informed member on the forum but this is just plan crazy. Seriously know where you got that 40% number? You took it out of your butt that is where.

    Here is a fact the last time we had a leadership race (which is one member one vote) Bev Meslo the socialist caucus candidate, they got a whole 1% of the vote. At almost every convention the socialist caucus tries to get their resolutions to the floor it take around 10% support to get your resolution on the order sheet to go the floor, they NEVER GET THEIR RESOLUTIONS TO THE FLOOR.

    I know you have trouble with how numbers work so I will say it again. The Socialist Caucus is a fringe group in the NDP who have every right to exist but make up around 1% of the membership. All the facts support that and the only place they hold any power is inside your head under your tin foil hat.

    Your post is all hearsay.I don't subscribe to hearsay. don't respond to my posts unless you are willing to deal with the truth.

  3. No I have been to convention they can't even get one of their resolutions enough votes to ever get it debated. The Socialist Caucus makes up about 1% of the membership. You live in a fantasy land created in your head with communist around ever turn.

    1%. That's laughable. More like 40% of NDP membership leans to the Socialist Caucus.

  4. Or perhaps it suggests that Canadians care more about government getting things done than cheap political stunts to drag Canadians to the polls in a vain attempt to seize power. Attack the message, not the messenger.

    How come we didn't here of the robocalls in, let's say May, right after the election. Anyone who thinks the CPC was behind these calls are in for a rude jolt of reality. :ph34r:

  5. It's quite interesting what's been happening the last 10 or 15 years. When you stand back and filter out the noise, it appears that we have a somewhat substantial warming anomole in the Northern latitudes - mostly the Arctic. When you look at almost the entire rest of the world - the US, Asia, Europe - as alluded to in the initial post of this thread - all you see is harsh winters and lots of snow. If you consider that the average global temperature has remained virtually unchanged over the past 15 years - and you subtract out the Arctic anomole, a very strong argument can be made that the Globe is actually cooling. As opposed to looking at the Globe as a whole, it would be nice to have a clearer explanation for the Arctic anomole. In fact, I'm sure most of the answers are there - but it's an inconvenient truth to put them in the context that I have laid out.

    Did I mention that I have Waldo on IGNORE?

    That makes a lot of sense. Good post.

  6. Anyone who believes we caused the earth to warm has to be pretty arrogant.

    Good post olp. If you haven't yet done so, research the role of one billionaire named Maurice Strong, and his role in the birth of the alarmist. Researching Maurice Strong is what led me to know that humans are not causing climate change. Strong is a pro-China advocate who will do anything to transfer wealth from the west to the third world. The Global Warming, Sorry I mean Climate Change caused by humans bullshit was his master plan to transfer wealth. Thankfully intelligent people are seeing through his scam, evebn though he did make a lot of damaging process.

    OLP...research Maurice Strong and you will see how this bullshit started.

  7. NOT true, I don't want one single Canadians soldier to fight for Israel or in a war with Iran. So you tell me, will Harper send soldiers over? Do you want them to go? Israel has nukes and who ever is in the area, won't come back, is that what you want from our military?

    Whomever is in th area won't come back? What the hell are you talking about. Are you claiming Iran already has the ultimate WMD?

  8. I hope we DO get bogged down in a war in Iran for a decade or two. And I hope they put millions of small time drug offenders in jail as well, and fully implement the warrantless surveillance of citizens etc, and I hope the waste 100 billion dollars on building an offensive military as well.

    Canadians need to learn that elections have consequences.

    Typical hateful, kooky left-wing response, hoping Canadian soldiers are killed in a 2 decade war for left-wing political gains. You are a disgraceful human being, dre.

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