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Posts posted by Qwerty

  1. I have seen these documents before and I'm sure the Tories will bring it up in their lawsuit. Elections Canada disputes that the Tories ever intended the money to be used in the local campaign and they question the invoices which appear to be altered. In other words, someone in the federal party appears to have given false information about expenses.

    Do you not find anything strange about EC using the RCMP to serve a warrant against the CPC when the CPC has a civil suit against EC?

    Perhaps the EC should clear up the questions that the CPC has for EC in the civil matter before it starts confiscating documents related to the case against them.

    That just stinks to me.

  2. Stealing is stealing. The amount is irrelevant, it is the action which is wrong.

    Everyone is entitled to their entitlements. Otherwise they wouldn't be entitlements, they would be incentives.

    The CPC hasn't been proven of doing anything wrong. So please stick to the facts as they are.

    If they have been proven to wrongdoing please cite an impartial reference to back up your statements other wise your statement is clearly false.

    For the record it was the Liberals who coined that term "Entitled to our entitlements". This statement shows arrogance and lack of respect for the taxpayer.

  3. I assume what they wrote int the Affidavit is not a lie because it is a sworn statement. Which is when I read it I find they never say anyone did what they did but things which are similar. Here lets us an example I ask my friend if I can take his car out and then I do, or I just take his car out with out asking. They are similar things which I did but on is stealing and illegal that what them saying the other parties did similar things is not a charge I am willing to by from the Tories.

    Please stop using causality. This is bad form and should be avoided during a debate.

    Thank you.

  4. No but I don't see anywhere in that the money coming from the PMO.

    Which means one thing. Your drive by smearing hit a brick wall.

    Maybe if you actually posted facts instead of simply your ill informed opinion, you might meake points.

    Thank you.

    You may continue with your ad hominem at will.

    By insulting me personally you may be opening yourself to further credibility failures in the future.

    I will take this as a victory as I am a credit to not only myself but to the struggle in general.

    Good day.

    EDIT - I am just having some fun right now, making it up as I go to see and gage the reactions off of some members here. When I do start debating and landing blows with crushing accuracy you will see and feel the true power of debate and what it is meant to be used for.

  5. Q: Who writes the budget? A: Finance Minister aka..Paul Martin

    Q: Who needs sign the budget and approve any new program? A: Finance Minister aka...Paul Martin

    Q: Who else need sign both the budget and any new parliamentary programs? A: The PM aka Jean Chretien

    Q:Who assigns funds to Public Works? A: The Finance Minister aka..Paul Martin and the PM both of whom assign the funds through the budget.

    Q: Who is ultimately responsible for supervision of ANY dept in Parliament? A: The PM aka Jean Chretien

    So as I have said many times. Either they knew about it or are both completely incompetent andhave no business in public office as ADSCAM happened during a period of governing when the Liberals were in power and Jean Chretien as the PM and Paul Martin was his Finance Minister.

    Blushing yet Dancer?

    Do you deny any of these above?

  6. Because it is an Affidavit, it is not something coming from the court it is something coming from the Conservative party. Read the web page you do not even have to read the document you have to read the first sentence before the "Donald Affidavit" to know it comes from the Conservatives not the courts.

    Punked: Is everything the Conservatives say a lie?

  7. Yes I did it is full of spin. They do not accuse the other parties of what they have done they say things like "similar" and so fourth so they could later use this to show they are being signalled out. The accusations of other parties doing an "in and out schemes" is just an in scheme that is they charge other parties of diverting funds to people who have not reached their limit to spend till their limit. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE TORIES DID. They gave money to people who didn't reach their cap only to pull that money out and use it else where, where the limit was reached and said it had been spent in the ridings it was not spent. Maybe you should read the document carefully you will see they accuse no other party of what they have done they accuse them of doing things "kinda maybe like it sorta." SPIN

    Everything that doesn't come from the media is spin. The media and the LPC website are the only gospel. Courts lie according to punked.

  8. Alright leave it like this.

    So you think that the CBC and CTV and CityTV, TVO political anchors are not Liberal minded? You are surely joking I hope.

    Typical Liberal arrogance, thanks Dancer, yet again. I am a reader and they do not give me stories that I want that they have out west and in the States.

    Liberals live in a fantasy world where people like Dancer believe that we live in a perfect Utopia. If only they could outlaw right wing politics. Well Richard Warman is working on that, don't you worry. He is trying hard to outlaw right-wing politics. Many would say he is succeeding. So in a few years time right wing politics will be outlawed in Canada.

    You know damned well that there isn't a cite Dancer. That doesn't make it untrue. You are playing with words. If the media was right winged you'd be up in arms over it just the same and you know it.

    All one need do is look at the type of panels they have on the political shows. Always 2 Lefties against 1 righty...always.

    Last night on CTV they were interviewing Ezra Levant and they wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise...that wouldn't be a bias...nooooo....

  9. I would like to see the percentage of Left vs Right wingers we have here at Mapleleafweb.com.

    I said earlier that is was 10-1. Left to Right.

    They suggested I start a poll. So here goes.

    I left out middle on purpose as we have no middle party here in Canada.

    We only have Right wing, Left and Far Left.

    The Green Party of Canada may prove themselves to be Centrist but the jury is still out.

  10. So far though, no evidence that the funding came from the PMO, which isn''t surprising since it didn't.

    It came from Public Works.

    Q: Who writes the budget? A: Finance Minister aka..Paul Martin

    Q: Who needs sign the budget and approve any new program? A: Finance Minister aka...Paul Martin

    Q: Who else need sign both the budget and any new parliamentary programs? A: The PM aka Jean Chretien

    Q:Who assigns funds to Public Works? A: The Finance Minister aka..Paul Martin and the PM both of whom assign the funds through the budget.

    Q: Who is ultimately responsible for supervision of ANY dept in Parliament? A: The PM aka Jean Chretien

    So as I have said many times. Either they knew about it or are both completely incompetent andhave no business in public office as ADSCAM happened during a period of governing when the Liberals were in power and Jean Chretien as the PM and Paul Martin was his Finance Minister.

    Blushing yet Dancer?

  11. The problem here is the other parties don't do this. That is the Conservatives are in hott water, and trying to spin this.

    Richard Warman will be taking me to the CHRC soon I'm sure in his holy crusade to outlaw right wing politics. Don't worry punked Conservatism will be against the law in a few years than you can turn Canada into whatever your heart desires and can be dictator of Canada forever like Cuba.

  12. Mainstream media being dominated by the left or the right or even "interests" is just hooey.

    Mainsteam media is dominated by the overwhelming concern to deliver a product that readers want, and to deliver readers who are wanted by the advertisers.

    If anyone thinks that an advertiser can influence the content, they have never worked in reputable outlet. Eatons was running full spreads in the dailies and the dailies wrote about the inevitable collapse of the retail giant. Banks, who make up a significant proportion of the business press advertizing revenue have not received any kid glove treatment in any of their blunders, nor do they receive any glad handed coverage when they get it right

    And it goes without saying that politicians of every stripe are fair game is they are newsworthy. Just ask Mike Harris, David Peterson or Bob Rae, each of whom had been forced to run the media gauntlet for their terms.

    So you think that the CBC and CTV and CityTV, TVO political anchors are not Liberal minded? You are surely joking I hope.

    Each of them backed the Liberals in the last election.

    Typical Liberal arrogance, thanks Dancer, yet again. I am a reader and they do not give me stories that I want that they have out west and in the States.

    Liberals live in a fantasy world where people like Dancer believe that we live in a perfect Utopia. If only they could outlaw right wing politics. Well Richard Warman is working on that, don't you worry. He is trying hard to outlaw right-wing politics. Many would say he is succeeding. So in a few years time right wing politics will be outlawed in Canada.

  13. Your questions are irrelevant. What I am trying to do is nail down this belief of yours that the money came from the PMO. Whether someone else was part of the approval process is irrelevant. You claim it was part of the PMO's budget or a secret slush fund as it was according to you "flowing from the PM's office to Ad companies in Quebec"

    When you support your claims that you made first, or at least admiot you are wrong then I was answer your silly misdirections

    He said former prime minister Jean Chrétien became preoccupied with increasing the federal government's visibility in Quebec after the federalists' slim referendum victory in Quebec.

    Two days earlier, a feisty Jean Chrétien had remarked that he and Martin had always "agreed to set aside $50 million a year for expenditures related to national unity."

    Chrétien said he "regrets any mistakes that might have been made in the course of this program."

    "When I quit in 2003 after 40 years of serving my country, I thought that I've done my job to the best of my abilities."

    I also signed Treasury Board submissions to fund national unity initiatives, including sponsorship.

    Chrétien is fully prepared to defend the establishment of the sponsorship program.

    As an added bonus...

    Stéphane Dion, who was appointed intergovernmental affairs minister after the 1995 referendum


    The PM did set up a secret slush fund with $50 million dollars for national unity in 1995, that's where it all began. It had to of gone through the PMO.

    BTW the PMO is not just a single office with a desk for the PM, you do know that right?

    Who is the one person who has to approve a request to transfer $250 million dollars?

    Did it just leave by itself? Musty have been magic right? You could go to Ottawa and get $250 million no problem right? No one has to really approve it do they?

  14. Its frustrating when the house of cards starts to fall Qwerty. We Liberal supporters sure know that, but don't get too upset and start taking things personally. You are starting, it seems, to get a little sideways on all this. Relax and defend your party's actions, if posible.

    No it isn't possible. You have decided that everyone is guilty. Liberals are always ready to point the finger and say...look they are just as crooked so vote us backin so we can go back to stealing your millions. One small problem, Liberals have been proven crooks, the CPC has not but proof isn't important is it?

  15. Non-citizens???? Dunno bout that, but anyway thought it best to link right to CIC.. here you go.

    If there are issues with any of this, of course you know the Minister in charge is Finley.

    Now perhaps you can answer my question? why am I paying the salary of Sparrow?

    Write to the Toronto Star and aske them. I am sure they will have answer for you. You'll get along great they are lefties,

  16. Non-citizens???? Dunno bout that, but anyway thought it best to link right to CIC.. here you go.

    If there are issues with any of this, of course you know the Minister in charge is Finley.

    Now perhaps you can answer my question? why am I paying the salary of Sparrow?

    Write to the Toronto Star and aske them. I am sure they will have answer for you. You'll get along great they are lefties,

  17. Please show that the PMO was the source of funding....as per your claim.

    Who is the one person who has to approve a request to transfer $250 million dollars?

    Did it just leave by itself? Musty have been magic right? You could go to Ottawa and get $250 million no problem right? No one has to really approve it do they?

    Answer the questions please.

    Even if a Ministry approves it still must go to one man for final approval who might this be?

    Why are you afraid to answer this? Who are you Richard Warman?

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