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Posts posted by CanadianOak

  1. I find this article funny. (Wow seems a lot of people have never met an immigrant in their life post in this board)

    So majority of you want a melting pot. What would that "main" culture be? The Italians want their culture, the Irish want theirs, then the Columbians, Mexicans, Polish, Scottish, English, Indians, Natives want their culture. Which culture do you mean?

    Multiculturalism is a good thing. Melting pot does not work. I'm surprised you don't understand it, melting pots encourage more cultural assimilation.

    The so-called Melting Pot nation US, what does it have? You bet, the largest ghettos, largest spots of communities that stay within their own community. We can see this with Mormons in Utah, Baptists, Pentacostals etc. in the Bible belt, Mexicans in the Los Angeles area, the fundamental rednecks in North Florida vs. the leftist hippies in South Florida, inner city youth and gangs. The last I've seen no non-Christian forget about Muslims even Catholics don't willingly venture into the Bible belt. So you mean by a melting pot there should be 1 kind of culture, and 1 kind of life. But even in that 1 cultural practices you have denominational conflicts of Protestants vs Catholics vs. Baptists just like Shia vs. Sunnis. So how are you going to make that happen where everyone is happy?

    You see where I am getting at? at least multi culturalism makes an attempt to allow people to work together even after their differences but a melting pot atmosphere only causes more pre-conceived notions, and dumb assumptions. All we see here is "the muslims are doing honour killings" or "that Sikh wants to ride without a helmet" but never "that Canadian wants" and you are the same people advocating a melting pot ideology.

    People say they are shocked that McGuinty won a majority, after looking at these responses I can see why, the immigrants are more scared than you are and being an immigrant myself who's been living here for almost all my life, I can see why they would vote for McGuinty because even though most immigrants hate his record, when he gave that speech in the BAPS temple in Toronto, a lot of Indo-Canadians especially liked that one thing in him.

    Now whether he believes it or not is another issue but there is a reason why he won the majority and there is a reason why a Conservative Hero like Reagan could not gain popularity with the Blacks, Hispanics and other minorities even though he had a charming personality because he could not connect with them as well as someone like Bill Clinton did and it must be hurting the CPC and conservatives that the immigrants are siding with the Liberals the same way African-Americans, Hispanics and some other minorities have sided with the democrats who have changed the political spectrum completely. It really is no co-incidence.

  2. I think it is hilarious that majority of American (especially Ohio) think China is part of NAFTA...

    Plus, Ohio was losing jobs to Texas way before NAFTA was even signed by Bill. That's what makes this argument silly. Then these media guys add fuel to the fire. Americans really have a short attention span. China which is probably the most capitalist country in the world in disguise of communism is surpassing America and people are worried and blaming illegal immigrants, immigrants, NAFTA, middle easterners, Oil producers and the list goes on... The bottom line is, Americans did not know what it feels like being #2 for once and it is really stinging them and they are unable to deal with it.

  3. Khrist...I sure hope so! $500 to Senator McCain's campaign at once. But nothing will beat the Canuck bitching amd moaning when President Bush was re-elected in 2004.

    What? I thought he stole the election in 2000 in Florida + having Nader to siphon the votes. Iraq war also helped him in the south where the people were completely sold by the LIE that Iraq=Al Queda, Iraq= Nukular weapons and still do.

    The Repubs in US are nothing but necons who have a very liberal big-government agenda, something they are highly critical of. The same Ann Coulter, Limbaugh, Cunningham crowd who are now saying "I'll vote for Hillary instead of McCain" will change their mind come general something they are so used to. The fact that the evangelical crowd actually listen to these people for advice says the story of why American politics is messed up. They do not practice true Christian ideals.

  4. Yes of course, they forced, by gun point, Obama's economic advisor to meet with Canadian officials in Chicago. Then, they forced him not to tell Barack Obama about said meeting. Then, they forced Obama to double-talk on the NAFTA issue during his campaigning in Ohio. Yeah, that must be it, cause Obama certainly couldn't have any responsibility here. He's not even President yet and he's caused an International incident. I can't wait until he's in the Whitehouse meeting with Castro, Chavez, Kim Jong Ill and Ahmadinejad, without pre-conditions.

    I see the leaker of this memo as a whistle-blower. American voters have the right to know if Mr. Hope and Change is really Mr. Politics as Usual.

    According to the writer of the memorandum, Joseph De Mora, a political and economic affairs consular officer, Professor Goolsbee assured them that Mr. Obama’s protectionist stand on the trail was “more reflective of political maneuvering than policy.”

    It also said the professor had assured the Canadians that Mr. Obama’s language “should be viewed as more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy plans.”

    Actually my friend, although I'm not an Obama supporter, it is against the law to do that.

    Are you telling me it is okay to give away such secrets? Than why doesn't Harper talk openly of Mulroney? Bush letting American people know what prompted him to go to the stupid Iraq war? If so he can fire them? I don't see any of that.

    When it comes to dirty tricks, why is it that you are trying to spin it to make it a positive? It will probably end Obama's campaign but to make it seem as if CPC did the right thing is ludicrous and you very well know it. It was 100% obvious that if Clinton lost Ohio (which was very likely before this) and why doesn't Harper agree that his camp did it and speak the truth?

  5. We need them in Afghanistan? Damned right they do. To cover for their dumb-a$$ adventure in Mess-o-Potamia. Too bad McCain didn't hit on trade. That's where the jobs are. But then we have NAFTA for that, right?

    Haha very true.

    All of a sudden McCain is professional? This is the same guy who was part of the Keating Five Scandal, the McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, against bush tax cuts etc. He has done what Obama just did many times now and worse... they are 100% proven.

    To add to the misery, McCain will continue Bush's great conquest of finding 'Nukular' weapons everywhere else and having more wars. It doesn't sting the American seniors who are voting for McCain at all when there is a Draft in 2009 or 2010 when McCain will call for a surge in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and neighbouring states.

    I like McCain being a soft-spoken guy but he's way too dangerous for Americans as he changes his opinions on things whenever he wishes. Be careful for what you wish for.

  6. No kidding.

    It's quite obvious the CPC was behind this. The question is... WHY?

    Are they confident that McCain will beat Hillary? Or do they want to disintegrate the democratic party by causing Hillary vs Obama conflict?

    I think Harper wants Repubs in because it will give his party the stability and consistency it needs to continue their agenda. Because if a small change occurs and causes a problem that goes against Harper's budget plans, it will hurt CPC considerably in the future especially when it comes to things CPC is taking for granted when they prepared the budget.

    Only time will tell... But one thing is certain... It has proved Barack Obama is not so Messianic after all... thereby diminishing his supporters' last resort in an argument "at least he's honest" sad, THIS will probably end Obama's campaign and the fact that Canada was involved makes me scared when Obama wins the nomination and clinches the presidency as he'll seek revenge for sure.

  7. As a small business man ,this holiday is a financial hardship. In my business Febuary is the slowest month of the year for me. One less day of productivity makes it harder to make a payroll. I struggle not to lay people off! They have bills to pay and I like to reward loyalty but this makes it harder to endure.

    interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing.

    But, Ontario is one of the only provinces which did not have a February holiday so far and whether you call it Family Day or Banana Day it doesn't matter but it was bound to come sooner or later. So my question is, wouldn't it balance the playing field so to speak with other provinces? Plus mondays are generally low-productivity days anyway :lol:

  8. Hey guys,

    Being a Hindu and a moderate liberal I'd like to shed some light on this issue and I'd say many Hindu Canadians don't have a problem with Lord's Prayer but many have a problem with prayer in public schools because it just doesn't make any sense when there is a clear seperation from Church and State and in a democratic country.

    We also don't have a problem with "Merry Christmas" to be honest with you. I think there is a weird far-left movement of "Lets sympathize with these people etc." let me be honest and say we don't need any sympathy or empathy. The far-right has Canadians believe that the minorities are somehow destroying Canada by seeking more and more reform, let me tell you, majority of immigrants who are eligible to vote don't even vote, they are confused by the whole process here and are overwhelmed by the fact that there are only 1-day voting processes and no "priest" or anyone else ever says "Vote liberal" or "vote conservative" but rather spend time in religious discourses.

    And as for secularity, Canada is FAR behind India on that terms. An Italian-born Woman party leader who gave her position to a Sikh Prime Minister who is governed by a Muslim President in a majority Hindu country. You don't see that in any other country.

  9. I believe the auto-workers don't get off because they already get a lot more holidays like Remembrance Day and SPA days than the rest of Canadians is it not? Then I think they should stop whining about it.

    Also, RE: Family Day, I think it was more of a day to balance Ontario's holidays with other provinces right?

    Nice discussion though. Thanks guys.

    PS. My relatives are very happy with McGuinty on this issue which is interesting. I think Remembrance Day should be a public holiday.

  10. I'm shocked as to why Liberals chose Dion! If anything he actually gives Harper's Conservatives a chance at majority even though Harper ran on a Liberal agenda over the past couple of years and has even teamed up with the NDP on some issues for God's sake!

    Next we are gonna choose Trudeau's son who will be just as dismal. I cannot believe this nonsense. Trudeau jr. is already campaigning for some MPs as if he is some kind of a Super Star.

    I personally don't like the conservatives after Mulroney screwed sh*t up. But I'd much rather prefer Harper who seems like a stronger leader than Dion and would give the cons a few more years because I think they deserve them but a minority government though.

    Anyone but Dion. He makes Harper look amazing.

  11. Hey guys,

    New here, after a lot of heated debate with a few friends, what do you Ontarians think about Family Day?

    Personally, most of my family from all parts of Canada are coming to celebrate it with us while my grandparents feel "isn't sunday supposed to be family day?"

    Just wondering what are your thoughts about it and McGuinty?

  12. Nope....Clinton left in January 2001...technically the recession was from March - November 2001.

    Balanced budgets are not the main priority. Debt ceilings were raised for Clinton too. JFK was famous for tax cuts as well. Moderates and independents are engaging in wishful thinking if not outright revisionist history.

    Conservative does not equal Republican. True conservatives wouldn't even want to be POTUS.

    Conservative does not equal Republican? There... You answered the question of why people like McCain wins the nomination and RINO's like Romney, Huckabee, Fred Thompson have to back him. Was it so hard for Romney to just stay quiet and not endorse anyone after all the attack ads on McCain?

    Nothing will save the Republicans now until Stewart or Bobby Jindal takes over and revive the Old Right of strict paleoconservatism rather than neocons and social cons who are destroying the party.

  13. Well maybe a bit satire, but there's some truths in there! :lol:

    Tit for tat -- both the left and the right have extremists. The extremists on the right seem louder because the left still maintains a level of decorum (for the most part). Take Moxie's reaction to Kuzad's post in "Mohammed/Cookie" thread. She totally loses it, no decorum at all... of course I lost it once too... so maybe Moxie just had a bad day. ;)

    *cept I never called anyone an asshole... just sayin'

    Good thing for us that most people are in the middle.

    Lol, the Far-Right is really scared of Muslims aren't they?

    Just imagine what would have happened if religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism etc. ACTIVELY and AGGRESSIVELY started missionary work and started to convert people... I'm afraid the focus would have shifted on the other "threats"

    Terrorism is real. But the fact that National Security is the number 1 goal is laughable. Aren't the conservatives, atleast the Old Right, against Nation Building and against wasteful spending? Oh it's okay, if it is spent on the name of National Security and "You are with us or against us" psychology or the "Patriot Act" which is completely against the conservative ideology of individual freedom.

    More and more these days it seems the liberals uphold the constitution and individual freedoms.

  14. Obama has really done nothing. 2 Years in the senate? He has not proved that he can lead yet other than being an excellent motivational speaker.

    The only reason he's doing well is because of the Anti-Clinton vote and John Edward's crew coming to his base and everyone knows this -- the race issue.

    I think it is easier said than done. Everyone knows this.

    Not one of his bills were passed in the senate. Yet he talks of Change. What Change is he talking about when he hasn't changed a single thing in Congress to date? I find it nothing but pandering.

    I like him as a candidate but the more I research on him, I find Hillary much better.

  15. this is what makes me angry at the neo-conservatives. Especially the Bush crowd. McCain is NOT a conservative. Is that so hard to understand? He has repeatedly backstabbed Bush and conservative ideologies.

    Yet, now the neocons come up with "Anyone but Hilary and Obama" but when liberals voted for Bill Clinton based on his experience and when he decimated Dole, conservatives went on to say "Liberals will vote for anyone, their candidates suck blah blah, Bill cheated on his wife blah blah" but the man left with a surplus in the economy EVEN when there was a recession after the dotcom bust.

    McCain-Feingold, Amnesty Bill, 100 Year War in Iraq ring a bell? Bush has not done a single thing on Amnesty and building up solid defense yet spends money out of thin air AND reduces taxes. This is what pisses of the moderates and independents like myself so much. Conservatives including Reagan come in, spend money on military conquests as if there is no tomorrow and reduce taxes as if they are doing the public a favour and what happens? The budget is not balanced forcing the one who comes in next to increase taxes back again.

    Same with Harper, reduces the GST, but taxes on income trusts. So we are to assume it somehow helps Canadians? I think not. No one is a true conservative these days and the conservative base knows it.

    The Republican base is left with social conservatives like evangelical Christians who are destroying the voting process by voting for ultra-liberals and corrupt politicians like Huckabee.

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