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Posts posted by OneNoShine

  1. Leafless, I agree but I just wanted to know if there was an official assimilation policy, would immigrants be required to do the things I listed? Do you think I am assimilated was basically my question. I know it is not required by law to assimilate by I do it anyway since I like the Canadian culture, and I notice it makes the White Canadians like me. I always seem to get a smile at the grocery store etc vs my parents who get a grouchy face.

  2. Leafless, Argus - am I assimilated?

    - Agnostic/don't practice any religions

    - Went to school here so able to speak proper English

    - No accent

    - Dress similar to Westerners

    - Call myself Canadian before Indian

    - Do not hold any of the traditional values my parents do, basically act like any average white Canadian

    - Would fight for Canada if Canada and India ever went into war

    What else can one do to be "assimilated?"

  3. Leafless,

    why don't you just admit you don't want anyone not white or English in Canada. All your posts point to it but whenever someone asks you straight up you tip toe around the question.

    I've searched through so many of your posts and it's the same thing....

    Can you answer this question or will you ignore it (which would confirm you simply don't want non-whites in Canada):

    Do you or do you not have a problem with non-whites who are assimilated into Canadian White Anglo-Saxon culture?

    YES OR NO?

  4. Someone like you like you could very well be a threat to White English speaking culture since as soon as government introduces a form of cultural favouritism towards minority cultures it represents a serious discriminatory aspect against other cultures that are not represented on a cultural basis.

    There is no magic formula to achieve equality among minority cultures or races, unless one discriminates to achieve it.

    Doing this against the wishes of the population in general (no referendum) not only discriminates but could be seen as a traitorous action against the majority White population of Canada by its very own government.

    Right, but if there was no cultural favoritism then how am I a threat to you? Unless you want favoritism towards you because it was your ancestors who built this country.

  5. It is the cultural burdens our federal government has saddled White English Canadians (official languages, official bilingualism, official multiculturalism and the Charter) resulting in a dysfunctional society that has created an abnormal society that spins on minority cultural demands resulting in outright discrimination against White English speaking Christian Canadians.

    There is no real answer to this except to proclaim 'official multiculturalism' has failed and has caused societal decay with no real leadership.

    You are merely a player and not the general cause of this decay which is in fact the fault of the federal government.

    Sorry, I'm not sure what exactly it is that is bothering you? The governments favoring of minorities and discrimination towards the white English Canadian or the mere presence of non-whites? If the government truly treated EVERYONE "equal" and immigration was controlled, would someone like me be a "threat" to white culture?

  6. If you were born in Canada, you cannot be deproted to anywhere. Where do you get this idea?


    I know, I know... but theres enough of them to scare me.

    What about my brother? He was born on a trip to India but my parents were Canadian citizens at the time of his birth, and he was in Canada after a few weeks of being born!

  7. Well thanks mate. :)

    The right does have a good argument though about how everyone seems to be a first class citizen here except the White Canadian male, and I do feel for them. I'm just worried about the day the average Canadian white guy has enough that they will group me with the muslims who ask for Santa Claus to be banned from the malls!! I know its very unlikely, but race riots and possibly even deportation scares me.

  8. No. Nor as a majority

    You are sounding like a fool. There is no need or requirement for you to assimilate to anything. You are who you are and there ain't a person on this earth that can change that. There is no need to ingratiat yourself to anyone...least of all us white Canadians.

    As an aside, since you truly love and appreciate Canadian culture, would you explain Canadian culture to us? You are probably the only person on this website who has any idea what it is.

    I know there is no requirement, but if the host nation has been so gracious to let me live here why can't I do this to eliminate as much discomfort as possible? I know its what most people here want because I've been told by very many people that they wish more immigrants were like me, and that Canada would be a better place if this were true.

    As for what is Canadian culture, I don't know exactly because its like someone said, Canada is a mix of European cultures itself, same with the US so its hard to have a "Canadian" culture here. But from what I have seen, I'd say its about being respective about different thoughts and values, enjoying the great outdoors, often having an interest in ice hockey, curling, other winter activities. Some other things I can't think of right now as well. Its hard to define what culture truly is.

  9. Leafless, what do you want me to do? I don't ask for special privledges because I'm a minority. I've assimilated into white culture, maybe not Canadian culture because many feel it does not exist beyond playing hockey and eating timbits, but I have assimilated to western culture. What else can I do? Would I warrant deportation simply for not being "tribal" or "looking like you"? Thats fine of course, if thats what the majority wants - it just saddens me that people would feel this way.

  10. Hello, merry Christmas all. :)

    I've been browsing through the forums and have seen some good debate regarding the poorly executed "multiculturalism" model and how it does not favor white Canadians at all. I am a second-generation South Asian who has lived in Canada his entire life. I was born here, raised here and plan on staying here. I was brought up in a very white demographic my entire life. From childhood to university. I've read a lot of complaints about how non-whites do not tend to assimilate and how they force THEIR culture on YOU, in your own country. I have done the opposite, assimilating into Canadian culture as much as I possibly can. I played hockey from an early age, took a Canadian Politics and History course just to learn a little more about the history of this country, have never asked a White Canadian to change his lifestyle for me simply for being a minority, and have no threatening religious fate (I am a little confused about my religious faith at the time. I do believe in god but don't follow any specific faith). I was recently working at Future shop (I'm sure some of you hate me now after learning this! :P) and will be finishing my University degree soon and then I can hopefully find a good job that contributes to Canadian society. I plan to raise my children the "Canadian" way too!

    Basically, what I am here to ask is: Do you have issues with me living in Canada as a minority? I've done everything I possibly can to assimilate, be as small of a problem to you white Canadians as possible and to be a contributing member of the society. And I am not doing if by force either, I truly love the "Canadian culture" and appreciate it tons.

    Well, thanks for your time and any answer is appreciated!!!!

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