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Posts posted by MountainMan

  1. Many are just getting by and need both parents working. This is life in the new millenium.

    I still disagree. You and I are probably destined to disagree on this point, but as i said, I think most of it is because people want more "stuff'.

    Why is a man not "putting his children at risk" by going to work and enjoying his career?

    Touche. I think that any two parent household is potentially putting their children at risk if both parents work outside the home. As I said earlier, I found a wonderful provider for when I was at work. That is possible for single moms, single dads and two parent families, but the risk is greater for single parent families because they have to put the kids in day care. Two parent families mitigate the risk because they have the option to not use daycare.

    I've been a hot commodity all these years and I had a child at home on my own. wink.gif

    I am good at what I do therefore I am "hot" in the job market. Doesn't matter if I have kids or not, it's all about how I perfrom at work.

    Yes, the single father's career may suffer. But what about the married father? Does his career suffer? No. The married woman's, yes.

    I understand this, but for me, sometimes things depended upon being available for extra hours. I didn't have family available to pick up familial duties and thus had to leave work at times. That made me less of a benefit to the company regardless of my skills. It happens with women more frequently than men, but the result is the same. The tendency in society is to have the mother take time off before the father does.

    I have not advocated for a government "program". As I am not in the daycare business I do not know what difficulties/issues they face. Provincially we already have daycare subsidy programs for low income families, but I don't think money is the biggest issue -- finding a space to place the child seems to be the problem.

    And this is just my lack of knowledge about you personally, and your country. It was not meant as an insult against you.

    Exactly, and if your children have a good experience at daycare, chances are that moms out there that want to work will too. Which is why I have a problem with people saying that women going out to work "put their children at risk".

    My point was more that anybody that puts their children in daycare runs a risk. Two parent families have a lot better chance of eliminating that risk than single parents do.

    Please try not to take things so personally, I was being more general in my comments than specific.

  2. Immigration is very good for Canada, and you can parrot your mantra 1000 times a day, but it doesn't make it any less true. The majority of immigrants come here to work and pay taxes. We are very lucky to have them. I'm not worried so much about who will take care of me, but your generation. I also don't fear for my safety because I am not paranoid and I make sure I get the facts. Fact is, violent crime is falling. Canada is a very safe place and it will remain that way. Thankfully there aren't many people like you who have no tolerance for others.

    I have a lot of hispanics down here in the US I am willing to part with. You are more than welcome to them.

  3. Well, it's certainly about time that the pasta patriarch be granted equal time in religious theorising!!

    Pasta Monster Gets Academic Attention

    ""We have evidence that a Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe. None of us, of course, were around to see it, but we have written accounts of it," Henderson wrote. As for scientific evidence to the contrary, "what our scientist does not realize is that every time he makes a measurement, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is there changing the results with His Noodly Appendage.""



    Well, in all honesty the FSM is just as real as the big Daddy in the Sky!


    A flying spaghetti monster? How ridiculous. Everybody knows that the IPU is the one and only true god.

    The Invisible Pink Unicorns is a being of great spiritual power. We know

    this because she is capable of being invisible and pink at the same time.

    Like all religions, the Faith of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is based

    upon both logic and faith. We have faith that she is pink; we logically

    know that she is invisible because we can't see her.

  4. Exactly AW.

    The notion of the traditional family where dad works and mom stays home is rare. Most families today need two people working to make ends meet.

    I would argue that most families have 2 people working so that they can have more "stuff".

    But that is not the entire crux of it.

    I like working. I like my career. I would not have been a happy person if I would've had to stay home. Many women feel the same. A man can have a career and a family but a woman has to choose between career and family? Not fair IMO. That's why there's been a "woman's movement". All we really want is the same choices, the same opportunites.

    Just don't put your kids at risk in order to please yourself. I don't know that you are, just hope that you don't.

    A man's career is not held back by the fact that he has children, why should the woman's career suffer?

    Actually, that is not quite true, single fathers do have their careers suffer. I know from personal experience. My kids are grown up now, and all of the sudden I seem to be a hot commodity at work. Why?, because I don't have to take time off when the kids are sick, I don't have to go to parent/teacher conferences anymore, etc etc.

    On the other hand, many woman would be thrilled to be able to stay home, yet are forced into working for economic reasons.

    Again I disagree, it is because they want more "stuff".

    What we need to do is find how to help these families do the best for their children whether or not they are in daycare.

    No government program will accomplish that.

    Being a good parent is much more than simply being there. One must actually parent no matter the circumstances.

    You are absolutely correct on this point. I would have preferred to raise my children in a "traditional" household, but those circumstances didn't happen for me. I was fortunate to find a private day-care provider for after school care that had the same principles as myself, but the bottom line is, I was always the parent.

  5. Two things are possible;

    1-someone did as she said put a swastika on her door, then when she felt she was not being taken seriously, started putting swastikas on her door to get someone to react;

    2- 1 is a lie she made up and in fact she may have what is called histrionic personality disorder or a variation thereof.

    In this disorder which for some reason is noted more in young women then other groups, she may be feeling compelled to engage in attention getting behaviour (negative, positive, passive, aggressive, subtle, blatant) because she feels insecure or un-noticed or unloved or unappreciated and craves acceptance and love.

    This could be as a result of many things in her life ranging from low self-esteem, perhaps harsh overly judgemental parents or unaffectionate parents, bio-chemical imbalances, socio-economic pressures, sexual molestation, any number of events that may have traumitized her, etc. To fully understand it one would need to a full physical and family case history then slowly find out what has been going on in her life and in particular what she feels she has lost control of or does not feel she can control.

    Most probably this person has depression or some other kind of mood disorder.

    Its possible she could have an obessive compulsive disorder, low spectrum autism,and many many other conditions.

    Bottom line, this person may be histrionic not deliberately evil and it may be as simple as a hormonal imbalance, insomnia or a vitamin defficiency triggering it or unresolved conflicts, etc.

    The courts will simply send her for a psychiatric assessment, they probably will put her on an anti-depressant and she'll be forgotten.

    It was a cry for help.

    Whether she gets it is anyone's guess.

    Did she do it for political motive. Probably not. Someone smart enough to manipulate things for political agenda don't limit themselves to just one form of expression of their political views.

    No one is suggesting she is a Zionist activist on campus sorry to say Kuzadd. Give the political conspriacy theories a rest.

    She has an emotional disorder.

    A young woman with an emotional disorder. Hmmm. Imagine such a concept.

    Histrionic personality disorders do not make one a Zionist conspirator Kuzadd just conflicted.

    Wow, could you possibly have made any more excuses for a criminal act?

  6. Part the banks fault, part the persons fault.

    Person knows that they cannot afford it, bank tells them they can afford it. Bank knows all to well that they cannot.

    The sad part here is the bank wins either way. They get their money back in interest on the loan, or they simply take the house back if payments are not made. Either way the bank walks away with something.

    People like to live above their means. Trying to live the high life on a low wage. Many do not prepare enough in order to purchase a home. It is the single biggest investment of anyones life. Not something that can be just taken care of half assed.

    Other factors like job loss, or a recent disability, ect ect can also be a factor, then there is the issue with insurance (have it?). You spend quite a bit on insurance to keep everything safe in case something happens.

    I'd love to buy a house, but I know I will not be finnancialy ready for a couple more years. And when I buy a house, it is not going to be large and fancy. Buy a home you can afford, and then make it into the home you want. Planning is essential in homebuying.

    The bolded statement is why people fail.

    The money I have put into my stock portfolio has tremendously outpaced the money I have put into my house. For 14 years, my mortgage has been $500-$600 a month, my investment in stocks has been under $200 a month for most of that time. The stock portfolio is worth more than the house, and certainly worth more than the gained equity of the house.

    The house purchase was more of a hedge against inflation, rents go up, house payments do not provided you get a fixed rate. I re-financed after a few years in the house, and lowered my payment while reducing the length of the mortgage.

    You are spot on about buying a house you can afford. I had just me and my 2 daughters, 1200 sq feet was plenty of house for us.

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