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Mike C.

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Posts posted by Mike C.

  1. Nobody in this post has mentioned the fact that the federal libs reduced their agreed portion of healthcare to the provinces from 50% to 14%,in order to show they are capable of producing a balanced budget.I think our next PM was a key figure in this ripoff.This would explain the biggest problem,imo.affecting healthcare.

    The second problem,would be, users of the system who have never contributed to it,by way of fraud,or lack of people who actually sponsor new immigants and use the system for free just like all Canadians who have paid into it since it's inception.

    The feds need to hold up their and of the bargain,and stop wasting our tax dollars on every special interest group they support to ensure their next undeserved vote.

  2. In the last couple of days in the news,Canada is in a very likely position of having our commercial airliners being hi jacked for the same purposes as 9/11.This is not really a time to cut defense spending.What is this liberal regime's

    thinking process.And God forbid it does happen,does anyone think the liberals like chretien,manley,copps,mccallum et al will know what the hell just happened.Thier faces would have to be crimson red,if they are at least human.

  3. Being an eastener,I hate being called names by the CA out west.I do not vote liberal.Here is the dilemma in this country.PC or CA will not win any election ever as two separate entities.If you want to keep Canada out of liberal rule,which is killing this country,then the right needs to stop being so partisan,merge again as a united

    right wing party,and sweep the next election.However,if they fail to do so,you're looking at 4 MORE YEARS OF LIBERAL RULE,and we all know what that will do to Canada.So,time to get our collective crap together,and form a party that the the liberals will once again have to take seriously.The libs just can't believe their good fortune at this time,and it will continue as long as the RIGHT vote is split between the CA and PC.It's up to the voters to demand a strong right wing party,before Martin's now obvious crowning of leader of Canada. :(:(:(:(

  4. It seems to me that when something occurs that is away from from being normal,or what most people would find acceptable,the Charter or portions thereof are brought in

    to justify whatever the incident is.

    If you watch the news, it will most likely be a liberal member of the commons to use it quickly to substantiate

    his or her stand.Seldom,is there a real explanation as to why they hold a certain view,just that the charter demands it.I think as Canadians we deserve MP's who use their intelligence in all matters,and cease their use of the charter for their inability to explain certain events,as not all Canadians agree with a charter that is rapidly tearing away at the fabric of this once great country.

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