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Posts posted by Madman

  1. Madman or is that gayboy? Anyway a lot of folks do care about what we think the meaning of gay marriage means. It means corn holing and canoe playing. No reproduction of the human race possible between ya - so it is just a friendship with gay (yeck) sex.

    Madman thank you... but I'll role play if you like.

    Don't worry, I'll be gentle with your spike.

  2. The problem in talking in traditional terms about minorities is we always get branded as haters. Sorry to disappoint you but I don't hate queers, yet.

    I'll let you know, but I'm getting REAL tired of gay parades and things like Gay Ski Week up at Whistler this week.

    I'm sure you've got them shaking in their boots.

    You could pop a vein and fall into an epileptic fit of rage, and the parades and skiing will go on.

  3. What 'meaning' are you talking about? Do you think anyone cares what you think the 'meaning' of their marriage is? Since I doubt you’d be invited a wedding of a same-sex wedding anytime soon, leave that meaning to those involved.

    The only encompassing meaning there is to any union that matters is the legal one. And as far as that goes, you don't really have a choice.

    And what about divorce? Is it meaningless if it's forbidden by the church?

    Do you think inter-faith marriages are meaningless if their respective churches EXPLICITLY forbid it?

    This holier than thou attitude you exuberate is pathetic.

  4. Since we're all big on links and research: How about what the American Psychological Association says on sexuality and whether it's a choice? You'd think that the largest association of psychologists in the world would know a thing or two about the matter.

    You can also browse around to see their position on marriage.

    You can also read on, though I doubt it would help in changing anyone's mind around here, the American Psychiatric Association's position on sexuality and whether it can be changed.

  5. The conservatives had the luxury of being idealistic because of their opposition status. All their policy propositions were theoretical. Talk is cheap. Once you get into power, it doesn't take long to realize you'll have to face the music and balance that ideology with practicality.

    What bugs me even more than the strategies of the new government, is the naivety of some who think the PM is gonna prove to be a hero for their ideals. Harper is Prime Minister of the nation now, the heat is on, and he'll do what he thinks he must to make it work. He knew he was gonna piss people off with this, but he did it anyway for what he thinks is the greater good. It's easy for the rest of us to criticize; we don't have to govern.

    Now for some venting:

    Vic Toews for Justice Minister? Canadian John Ashcroft on our hands?

    Emmerson is a... what's the agreed upon term? Political whore.

    And Fortier can suck it.

    BUT. I'm so glad Jason Kenny didn't make the cut, so glad... it almost makes up for it all.

  6. How ridiculous. Just because they're different doesn't mean they get a different set of rules.

    It's the government that's setting the different rules.. EGALE is asking that they be made the same across the board. What's your rationale for keeping the age of consent for the gay community higher than the rest?

  7. Anyone have any details to add about US (And apparently other governments)'s refusal to recognize Canadian claims over Arctic waters?? in addition to what's in the articles.

    Harper slaps Wilkins

    Another link

    Glad to see Harper standing up on that issue.

    Apparently journalists didn't bring it up during a press conference today, but Harper made sure he brought the issue to the forefront before leaving.

  8. Gay marriage has nothing to with the charter -as it has already been decided upon.............the charter allows civil unions by default. Gay marriage, on the other hand can not be passed; Its ironic but true that the charter would have to be violated (freedom of faith) in order to allow same sex marriage to occur. Even more ironic is the fact that the only way out of this (legally) is the use of the "not with standing clause".

    which conservative ass did you pull that argument out of??

  9. Seems like all Liberals opposed to SSM were either re-elected or replaced by Consevatives.

    I think the only additon to the ranks of Cons supportive of SSM is John Baird... No clue with regards to the new Libs. So with more NDPs elected, and the BQ being fairly stable, it would be interesting to see how the tides are shifting on this issue. I can't quite see it shifting either way.

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