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Posts posted by USA_Liberal

  1. I have made up my mind and will vote for the Liberals in Ontario, I believe they reflect the kinds of policies needed for Ontario and do will good for all the people despite all their scandals.

    And I do this knowing that the Conservatives is a better choice for me as a person.

    Good for you.

    56 of my relatives in the competitive hamilton, Ontario riding are switching votes as a group from NDP to Liberal. Amazing, I thought this was a done deal and the conservatives were gonna win easy, but reality is still setting in for many...the conservative threat is allowing people to switch a major vote at the last minute ! wow ! If this is any indication of what will happen tommorrow, i say this election is still anyone's for the taking.

  2. Assuming the Conservatives win, how long is it going to take for the Liberal Party to clean house, and for the conservatives to show "disgruntled" Canadians that their decision to vote conservative just came back to bite them in the @#^% ??? How long before Harper starts to scare people with his right wing social policies ??? how soon, before we can put things back on the right track and boot the conservatives out for another decade and a half ??? What's the possibilty of a summer election ???

    A conservative win in this election is beneficial to the liberals for the long term. Harper's policies will show his cozyness with bush and his scary right wing tactics, it will allow people (especially New voters) to realize the price of swaying away from mainstream Canadian values for the sake of "punishment". Furthermore, it will show the NDP and their supporters how weak they trully are with a conservative majority (hopefully liberals won't back the NDP at any time on any proposal that they have put forward). This will also allow a recharge of a damn good liberal machine that needs a break and some adjustment. The liberal party should just sit back and relax and allow the conservatives to impose thier views on Canada.

  3. USA Liberal:
    Most americans aren't conservative

    Bullspit! America is a centre-right country. If Perot hadn't split the right in 1992 (he took about 1/3 of Bush Sr's votes), Clinton would have never won (Clinton only got 43% of the popular vote in '92) and it might have been 7 consecutive victories for the Republicans in the White House.

    And if the Dems don't purge their party of leftwing extremists like Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, they haven't got a hope in hell in 2008--no matter how hard the MSM campaigns for them.

    you seem to be confusing right wing conservatives with republicans. there are many republican congressman and senators who aren't conservative ! america is a center very slightly left leaning country. those election numbers are nice but they don't tell you anything about changing demographics and it doesn't account for the eligible thousands who don't turn up to vote. what you have to understand is that in the american republican system, we elect a president only and not an entire cabinet, instead of electing a whole government in canada. Americans are dumber than canadians in many ways (i can say that without bias, i am both). People pay a lot more attention to propaganda, and any kind of scare mongering such as the "war on terror" works. this trend is slowly going to change as more and more hispanics move into middle america. if you look at the numbers in texas, it is slowly changing. in the last 2 presidential elections, there has been a slow move away from the conservatives. Orange county california has long been (and had been one of the last) republican strongholds. Increase in hispanic population enabled congresswoman loretta sanchez to kick out right wing Dornan. Republicans acknowledge that they might have lost Orange County for good.

    America very much votes based on racial lines. whites make up 70% of america, and slightly higher than 55% vote republican, african americans unanimously vote democrat, hispanics (except cubans) vote democrat. asian vote is split. hispanics have displaced blacks as the largest minority group. Democrats already own new york and california. the only other state with huge electoral college is texas and as i stated, that number is changing. when texas falls, as more and more mexicans move into the state, the republicans will fall-for good, but that won't happen at least for the next 2 decades.

  4. This thread is ridiculous, you (liberals) don't want about the issues because no one believes you after 15 years of bull. So you talk about issues of the past such as abortion saying that the Conservatives will take away. well unfortunately recent polls in canada have shown that 60% of canada disapprove of abortion. Now you make ask yourself why is it not working this time because people fear so old man who stutters and is the biggest hypocrite in the world will become prime minister again and continue to embarrass this country. I like all other conservative wanted an issue orientated campaign but unfortunately the liberals have reduced themselves to petty and unfounded personal attacks so we now have to play defense well the real issues lose the spotlight.

    as much as i'd like a liberal win, there is a part of me that wants the conservatives to win for 1 term just to show canada what the other option is all about. it just might happen that way. things have been great for 13 years, life in canada is lots better than most places in the world. sometimes we can take things for granted, and that includes the few liberal mps who have betrayed our trust. but 1 term under conservative rule will be enough to show canadians the nastyness of "the other option".

    a win for the conservatives now could end up being the long term blessing in disguise that the liberals and NDPs need.

  5. tml12, I don't think there is anything do sad in this campaign as those who proudly chant the new Conservative slogan of "Stand for Canada."

    How does Harper stand for Canada? He has quite explicitly expressed his determination to dismantle Canada. He has not been shy about describing Canada as a failed country that does not deserve to continue as a nation.

    Harper has said that it does not matter if we don't have a national government. He has sais openly, that it is O.K. if there are any number of national governments in this Canadian territory. He is very clear that his vision of what is now Canada is to convert it into a defensive alliance and trading bloc.

    Harper does not want a country of Canada and to talk of standing for Canada is the height of hypocrisy on his part and the abandonment of inquiry and concern by those who have bought the slogan.

    "stand up for bush's boy" won't sell, so he is trying something else. gotta give him credit for trying :)

  6. For all those like me who fear Stephen Harper and his "hidden agenda" (we'd be the biggest fools not to believe that there's tonnes of them), this morning's speech by the Prime Minister was what the doctor ordered.I had said before that all the prime minister needed to do was to remind Canadians the stark difference in view between the varying visions of Canada's future. That's all. Today, Paul Martin did just that. He brought the whole package and the part I liked best is the stephen harper quotes that he used that pretty much degraded Canadians to second class citizens when compared to the american (conservative american)counterparts. Brilliant ! I liked him using the term "right wing".

    He went into the deep areas of discussion that the conservatives fear-women's right to choose, marriage rights to all etc. This is the conservatives nightmare. I would really like to see a liberal ad with Stephen Harper Addressing a bunch of George Bush's buddys. I think that will be the final nail in the coffin, but at this point not necessary.

    Brilliant speech by an intelligent Prime Minister who is doing his very best to keep the country together, at the same time working just as hard to preserve and protect Canadian values.

    Only two weeks to go, of course the hidden agenda will come out. Harper's pretty good at hiding this agenda don't you think? Only been doing it for 3 years.

    So Belinda and Brison... what is it? How come we don't know what it is?

    If you look at these quotes in context, of which the Liberals never offer, you find that they are far more moderate then you'd ever know. But people like you that fall into the hidden agenda trap obviously have no motivation for the truth, especially when you support a party that is the target of criminal investigations. Theft, fraud and misleading the public are not Canadian values.

    You make a claim that Martin is keeping the country together... it is the sponsorship scandal that has divided Quebeckers. The Liberals, yet again, have created an environment favourable to separtists, just to have the ability to wrap themselves in the flag and come to the rescue. Go Captain Canada. Too bad most Canadians no longer believe these lies.

    Saying that Harper is in support of these things is a complete lie. This is coming from the man (Martin) that would use the notwithstanding clause to defend rights, and himself voted against same-sex marriage. If Harper is some right-wing crazy, then Martin is a hypocritical right-wing crazy. I insist neither is true.

    The hidden agenda is supposedly "hidden" because Harper hasn't come out saying the things that would turn the voters off. and why would he ? he's flying the ship of the sponsorship scandal and he thinks that will take him to the promised land-except that Paul Martin never was obligated to exert pressure on him till now, this is election time.

    I'll tell you what the hidden agenda is- and the biggest proof if it is harper's lack of denial ! Its to end a woman's right to choose, its to end homosexual marriages, its to take Canada into dubious wars and bring Canadians back in body bags, its to offer 1200.00 for child care which the prime minister showed comes down to 366.00/year after taxes (a buck a day), he has the ability to change canada's health care into an american style (have you ever had to subscribe to american health care like me ??? do you know the misery in that ??? ).

    This is a dangerous man. There is no excuse for what some of the liberals have done, but to put in place this guy who has the ability to dangerously alter the course of canadian identity is outright shocker !

    Quebecers are just as angry as all canadians on the sponsorship scandal. But I've got news for you my friend-they will split faster if Harper was in power. Separatism apart, Quebec is probably the french version of the NDP. If you are a quebecer, you have some motivation for staying in canada because at least your left leaning viewpoint coincides with the liberals. If however you bring in the conservatives, now you have a difference in not just linguistics but ideology. Quebecers are not fools. I expect them to vote Bloc, but they'll stay in canada as long as the conservatives are not in power.

  7. Where has the left said they hate all Americans?

    edited: And where have I said (a Liberal) I hated all Americans.

    I already asked days ago for someone to provide proof of anyone stating they hate Americans.

    Still Waiting.

    I have stayed in Canada for a few years now, and know that there is no hatred by mainstream Canadians towards Americans. There is the sports rivalry. We saw the roudy fans in Vancouver during the youth hockey tournament, but that's it. Hate is such a strong word, and I have found it hard to be in existence in any Canadian group. There might be a few here and there, but to suggest liberals have hate ?

    Its just another typical conservative ploy. They want to sound as if they are more in synch with americans. Most americans aren't conservative, so their argument is bogus to begin with. On a more important note, left leaning people such as those who vote for the liberals or the NDP are more compassionate and caring towards the less fortunate, and fight harder to make sure that equal rights are distributed to all, and not just a select few. Tolerance and the end of hatred is what we fight for in the social left, therefore any notion that liberal canadians hate americans in general gets thrown out the door.

    Liberal minded people outnumber comservatives in both countries. That advantage will always be there. Just need to show up on election day !

  8. For all those like me who fear Stephen Harper and his "hidden agenda" (we'd be the biggest fools not to believe that there's tonnes of them), this morning's speech by the Prime Minister was what the doctor ordered.I had said before that all the prime minister needed to do was to remind Canadians the stark difference in view between the varying visions of Canada's future. That's all. Today, Paul Martin did just that. He brought the whole package and the part I liked best is the stephen harper quotes that he used that pretty much degraded Canadians to second class citizens when compared to the american (conservative american)counterparts. Brilliant ! I liked him using the term "right wing".

    He went into the deep areas of discussion that the conservatives fear-women's right to choose, marriage rights to all etc. This is the conservatives nightmare. I would really like to see a liberal ad with Stephen Harper Addressing a bunch of George Bush's buddys. I think that will be the final nail in the coffin, but at this point not necessary.

    Brilliant speech by an intelligent Prime Minister who is doing his very best to keep the country together, at the same time working just as hard to preserve and protect Canadian values.


    On a lighter note, my first reaction when I read your post was : Boy, an American moving to Canada?

    My reply then would've been:

    You think being a Democrat makes a difference here? The Liberals hate ALL Americans!

    Ironically, now that you're here....the ones you don't like (Conservatives) are the only ones who like you.


    Let me describe my street to you, betsy. It consists of people who have mixed US/Canadian heritage and it has Liberal tags all over right now. and here's something that will blow you away. its in alberta ! I know the conservatives like me. I am a huge supporter of my premier Ralph Klein. I vote conservative in provincial elections. I am a staunch fiscal conservative, and my provincial government is all about that. Heck, my buddies call me red **** ! yet, i wouldn't live anywhere else. love alberta, its home ! and we all receive a 400.00 rebate while we cast our vote on Jan 23rd !

    On the federal level, its a different story. Stephen Harper ain't no ralph Klein. Federal Conservatives become a turnoff for me when they start talking about social issues. For that reason, I am just as Liberal in Federal elections.

    kinda like quebec. they will vote for the bloc mostly, not so in a possible referendum.

  10. its really disgusting to see the generalization of americans. I am American, I resent bush just as much as most canadians. they say that americans don't know their geography. on the same token, Canadians don't really seem to understand American political makeup. California reminds me of Canada, but I hope what happened there doesn't repeat in Canada. The state is moderate to left learning with the exception of a few counties. It took a backlash from voters towards a liberal governor, enabling arnold to become governor. On a normal political day, the conservatives don't have a fighting chance in Califonia. Most eligible popular voters in the US are not conservative, yet somehow there is this belief that US means conservative. Not all americans are texans, or cowboys.

    from my standpoint, the conservatives are minorities in both the US and Canada, and as long as the left shows up on election day, the hillbillies don't stand a chance.

  11. There's a truly bizarre Liberal attack ad in French now.

    It attacks the Conservatives (mentioning same sex marriage among other things) and then notes that the Bloc will be incapable of doing anything to stop the Conservative agenda. (I;m not sure of the logic there.)

    The ad finishes with a St. Patrick's Cross, the flag of the Protestant Church of Ireland. WTF?

    the logic is quite simple. separatism apart, the bloc, ndp, and liberals share a left leaning view of canada. that's what sets the conservatives apart as the odd ball. the liberals are telling quebecers that in the middle of harpers "right fury", they'll be hapless. by voting liberal, at least they face no threat to their social beliefs.

  12. Analyst/strategist said that a very likely scenario will have the Liberals going on an all-out blitz attack on Harper AFTER the debates....when it will be hard on Harper to respond.

    i don't like these attacks either way but paul martin has patiently endured them for a while now. Blitzes are all about timing. Paul martin isn't going to blitz on every play. he will smartly pick and choose his moments. I expect and demand severe SAFETY blitz right after the election. Opinion polls are going to keep changing and a seasoned veteran like Martin knows the right time to stop harper's drive on fourth and short. He just needs to awaken the liberal base, and show the distinction of 2 very varied visions of Canada's future. that's all.

    a am not the slightest bit concerned about the liberal ability to ground Harper.

  13. I can't believe how great Harper did last night. He had Layton sobbing in the corner scared to respond. He had Martin grasping on straws and forcing him to make up policies on the spot (removal of the notwithstandingclause)

    He looked like the future Prime Minister of Canada yesterday. Almost like Mulrooney. Strong. Bold. Ready. He took on every issue with poise and stabillity. If I were to vote based on their performance, I would give Harper a 9.9/10.

    Everybody get ready to welcome our New Prime Minister.

    Come january 23rd, welcome to office Prime Minister Harper. :):):):)

    sam please no jokes ! we're in the middle of a serious election. my stomach was already churning from last night's spicy lasagna, and now you made it worst. like i say my friend, dreams are for free !

  14. Martin=Desperate








    my take :)


    Can you provide some detail as to why you think Canada is more democratic than the States?

    sure thing my friend. US isn't a democracy, its a republic ! Canada is !

  15. wow ! i thought Martin was spectacular but there's lots more in that arsenal to dish out. there is no point fooling around with duceppe and layton. i really liked the manner in which he went after harper. Harper, for his part i will congratulate for maintaining composure and showing canadians the fake side of himself. we saw a lot of smiling teeth from harper this time around. he knows that his scary face is a liabilty. i congratulate harper for maintaining his composure, but as good as Martin was, he needs to continue to differentiate himself from harper and go on an all out assault. we don't have canadians coming home in body bags from Iraq! let's cash in on that mr martin, let's take harper through preschool again.

    * on a sidenote, NDP lost some votes to the liberals last night by agreeing with Harper on mandatory sentences.

  16. I have to admit, these are especially NEGATIVE ads and there are three possible scenarios (in my opinion):

    1. Voters will be pissed at Liberals for their extreme negativity and will gravitate toward either the NDP or the Conservatives.

    2. The ads will scare voters away from the Conservatives and will gravitate toward either the NDP or Liberals.

    3. Voters will not like how the Liberals have gone so negative but at the same time will second guess Harper and his Conservatives and gravitate toward the NDP.

    That's my take, I'm hoping for option #3 but who knows what will happen.

    your 3 points are more than likely the scenario, but there's a fourth. if i am a liberal strategist, i would encourage less personal attacks on Harper, and simply show his track record especially his willingness to take canadian troops to iraq, but make sure to show Harper's scary face in enlarged format.

    Here's the 4th view. My wife was gonna vote conservative until she saw a conservative ad in prairie smalltowns where people show their dismay at the liberals. She made up her mind to send the conservatives a message. this whole thing can play out in so many ways. those tv ads have the ability to do more damage than good.

  17. USA Liberal... when you picked Canada as a destination, were you aware that this is a democracy? A country with multi-party elections? I'd have assumed something like that would have come up in the citizenship exams. You said that Canada is "the real democracy," yet you seem aghast in horror at the notion that people might actually choose a government you don't support. Perhaps if you were uncomfortable with the idea that people might actually exercise their democratic rights, you should have picked a single party state or a handy dictatorship.

    As an aside, I find it hilarious that the same people who thought it was "despicable" to speak badly of Jean Chretien's mangled, f'ed up, fugly, gruesome visage are now supporting their opposition to Stephen by speaking badly of his personal appearance. How funny is that? That's hilarious.


    look, my 3 year old thinks stephen harper is scary looking and we'll leave it at that. Its not meant to begin a serious form of discussion, but appearance does play a role in election, like it or not.

    Of course Canada is the real democracy, and I am equally horrified at the notion of Harper coming into power at the same time. If he does get elected, I will accept it, because I view Canadians as intelligent people making smart decisions. but that's not going to happen. My "aghast in horror", as you suggest is part of the democratic process. It includes your right to feel whatever way you want to towards candidates and vote whichever way you desire.

  18. I am pleased to be a liberal minded Canadian now. Certainly shows how much conservatives have to scrape for in this country when the leadership places so much emphasis on the sponsorship scandal and even goes to bed with the separatists.

    Sir/Ma'am....what you're saying is an insult to a lot of Canadians. Since you had just recently turned your back on your own country.....using a president you don't like as a convenient excuse....it is understandable that your values may not be the same with a lot of Canadians.

    Corruptions is not part of Canadian values. We show our love of country by trying to stop it from destroying our system. We do not just abandon our country that easily....whether we like the one who sits in power or not.

    Let me straighten up a few things here. both my parents are Canadian born, and although i never aquired a canadian passport, by law, the citizenship was always there. i have not abandoned my country. my love for both sides of the border are the same. George Bush's policies in itself didn't play a role in my move here. It included the appeal of Canadian values, excluding Conservative viewpoints. Of course corruption is not a part of Canadian values, i never said that. It is rare in Canada, all I suggest is that the conservatives are so desperate that they will milk out every drop of the corruption card to get elected. My point was not to say that the Liberal party reflects Canada's corruption, rather to point out that to me, and many other Canadians Stephen Harper is a scary guy. A friend yesterday suggested to me that he'd rather vote for the devil that he knows as supposed to the one that he doesn't.

    what canadian values are you specifically talking about ? lets clear the air. hope to hear from you soon.

  19. After Bush's 1st term, in disgust, I arrived in Canada (the real democracy). Now a new Canadian Citizen, I am all ready to become a part of this moderate to left leaning country's political system. And just when I think i'm all juiced up for the federal election process, i look into the eyes of Stephen Harper- the scariest pair of eyes I have ever seen ! Now back in the states, Bush's victory was somewhat understandable. The conservatives in the south showed up on election day. Stephen Harper becoming PM on the other hand is outright horror !

    I see that there has already been threads discussing Harper, so I won't add too much to that, except that from my standpoint, if somehow, this guy does sneak in, then i'll feel i got kicked in the gut a second time.

    However, this is Canada after all and that won't happen, especially now. How I know that ? Because the polls have shown the conservatives with a slight lead. And I've lived here long enough to know that that slight bit of advantage on paper is enough to fire up the liberal base and make people realize that the probable damage that Harper can unleash far exceeds any corruption that the liberals have been accused of.

    I am pleased to be a liberal minded Canadian now. Certainly shows how much conservatives have to scrape for in this country when the leadership places so much emphasis on the sponsorship scandal and even goes to bed with the separatists.

  20. Hello. I've just registered here and would like to comment on the topic. As I see it Canada/US relations are at an all time low primarily due to the stance currently taken by the current American Administration. As the world's only superpower it is, in my opinion, using it's powers in an overly agressive manner to the detriment of us all.

    My son lives in Dallas and he tells me that living down there is like living in a different world than we are accustom to.

    On an individual level I am sure Americans and Canadians want many of the same things out of life. I am from central Canada and occasionally travel to the states to the south of me. There is no discernable difference between the two places. We speak the same language and appear to have similar tastes.

    When I travelled to Texas I did notice a difference in the ethnic makeup than that which I noticed just south of the 49th parallel.

    On an instutional level I see Canada as being distinct from the USA in that I think we emphasize the collective in contrast to the emphasis on the individual in the USA.

    Even though we (Canada/USA) have a number of differences I feel that there is a strong enough bond between us to overcome some of the problems we are currently experiencing.

    I am at the left of the political spectrum.

    I am a dual citizen. I have lived in Canada for 4 years. Lived in the US for 2 decades since birth. When I first moved to Canada, I suffered the sort of culture shock that I hadn't expected, mostly due to my assumed expectations that the 2 countries were similar in many ways. The differences that I came across are simply too many to list, but one of the biggest shockers was how much i came across people who were vocal in their dislike towards the US.

    I have recently become a Canadian Citizen and over the years have learned what Canada is trully all about and have a lot of appreciation for this land that I call "the real democracy".

    I make 4 trips back and forth across the border per year (on average) and each time, I remind myself to change my mindset arrival to either side. anyone who says that the US and Canada are alike is seriously mistaken. Hardly !

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