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Biblio Bibuli

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Posts posted by Biblio Bibuli

  1. I mean, its not like the NDP even have enough seats to have made the difference!

    But they DID make the difference!



    "On an issue as contentious as this one is, the Conservative government -- and many Canadians -- felt that an open and fair debate followed by a vote in which members of Parliament were free to vote their conscience was appropriate.

    It is a credit to the current Liberal leadership that it understood this and freed their party members to vote as they wished.

    Regrettably, despite pleas from their colleagues, both the Bloc and the NDP ignored the request to allow a fair and democratic process to occur and required their members to vote the party line.

    Amongst those members of Parliament who were free to vote their conscience (the Liberals and Conservatives), the vote on the motion to reopen the debate on same-sex marriage carried 56% to 40%, with 4% undecided.

    Only the "whipped" vote of the Bloc and NDP (131 against; none in favour) moved the "no" vote into a majority.

    Mr. Layton and Mr. Duceppe should be ashamed of themselves for their failure to respect the democratic process on this important social issue.

    Dec. 7 was a sad day for democracy.

    Bob Brook, Toronto."

  2. Why the thread on Ted Williams, you ask?

    OK, I'll tell you.

    You see, the other day I got a message from da man: ....

    "I'm getting complaints from Teddy about your mentioning him in your posts.

    Please do not mention Teddy Ballgame in your posts anymore.




    I immediately wrote back: ....

    "Dear Sirs!!!

    Teddy Ballgame hasn't posted on the Forum for close to 5 months (140 days to be exact), but I still have to mind his sensibilities ? ............ Do we have a cadre of other folks with "listening handles" who are lurking around, unbeknownst to us, and whose tender egos we must also stroke? ............ Is Bin Laden a lurker? Fidel Castro in his hospital bed? ........ Please provide a list of people WHO DON'T POST HERE whom we must bear in mind when on the forum. ......... Thanks in advance for this list. ........ Merry Christmas to Holden!"

    But, worried about being banned on the spot, I guess, I never sent it.

    Today I've had plenty of wine, and you know what they say ... In vino veritas.

    Hi Greg! :D

  3. Ignatieff knows that he has zero chance of becoming leader of the Liberal party and he will not run in the next federal election. He didn't get into this to play drums for Dion.

    I agree with that. He has too much going for him to sit around worrying about the smell of sewage in Etobicoke.

    As usual the Liberals can't recognize brilliance even if it hits them smack in the face.

    Oh well, Harper seems to be doing a great job so far. He'll do.

  4. The reason that some people think Harper will have a hard time this election is because they are still using the corrupt Liberal government campaign. Several journalists have said it won't work. I tend to believe that.

    I see another minority. I just don't know for who.

    I think Ignatieff is thinking that he will have to show his chops in Parliament.

    And even if Harper wins his majority, it still means Ignatieff is well placed within the same timeframe that I mentioned. Five years.

    Since Dion was a member of the corrupt Liberal establishment, then they're going to have a very easy time with that one. Even if it's off the radar with the electorate now ... a guy who can't speak English with a dog named Kyoto? Nah. Laureen can call in the decorators.

    As for Iggy. Well, one election next year ... another 5 years later ... that'll make Iggy 65. A bit long in the tooth for a first time PM. He'll be back in England long before that, I predict. Evidently his wife rather misses living in an urban & sophisticated environment.

  5. Ignatieff is not going anywhere. I think Dion needs him on the front benches to carry the fight. The longer he is there and the more seasoning he gets, the better his ability to lead the party later on. His campaign was not exactly the smoothest. He still needs to establish himself in the minds of Canadians as a Liberal; a strong one.

    There is likely going to be two elections in the next four years. Ignatieff is young enough to be ready to lead then. He'll still have to fight others but Rae might not be the factor that he was this time around.

    It's a nice thought ... but I disagree with the "two elections" theory.

    Stephen Harper is going to sew up a majority the next time around. A big majority. Guaranteed!

    And before you say ... "Look who is talking" ... let me assure you that I was never so sure about ANY election as I am about this upcoming Harper/Dion one. It'll be a slaughter.

    I would like to know what Iggy is thinking right now.

  6. Trudeau turned me into a Liberal.

    Trudeau/Turner turned me into a Conservative.

    Mulroney turned me into a Liberal.

    Chretien turned me into a Conservative.

    Martin kept me a Conservative.

    Dion/Harper will keep me Conservative.

    Reflecting back to Mulroney and Chretien, both were arrogant,

    but I'll have to give marks to Mulroney for doing more for Canada than Chretien.

    LOL so true!

    I voted for Mulroney too just on the fact that you could dress him up & take him anywhere, unlike Chretien, he wouldn't embarass you in public.

    I have to give him high marks on the diplomatic /Irish malarkey front.

  7. Peter C Newman has a great article in Maclean's this week about the Liberal convention. It isn't on their website yet so I'll just give you a few excerpts that I thought were salient.

    Here are some about the new LIberal leader & the man who SHOULD have been the new Liberal leader ( Peter's with me on this one ... he's an Iggy admirer):

    "Given the chance to modernize and reform itself .... to hook into the global world of progress and opportunity by backing Michael Ignatieff .... Canada'a Liberal party settled on Stephane Dion, the Joe Clark of the 21st century."

    "Like Clark, he will only set the world on fire by accident."

    "In vivid contrast, Michael Ignatieff, who was the convention's runner-up, personified the spirit of Canada'a current economic and social renaissance.."

    "What had happened of late was that the Liberals didn't stand for anything much except winning elections. Too many people in the party were professionals, basically in it to make a living, to become lobbyists who peddle their influences. That was a culture that had to be changed."

    "Stephane Dion's surprise selection was as much a protest against the stranger from Harvard as a vote for the eventual winner."

    Ain't that the truth? They just don't seem to get it ... the Canadian public doesn't want the old professional politicians anymore. Didn't they learn ANYTHING from Martin's defeat to Harper? Did they think we just wanted a portlier PM?

    Now here's the part that has had me stewing since the convention when I heard that Rae turned down Iggy's proposal to unite if one of them came third ala Kennedy/ Dion:

    "In the end it was his former school chum, Bob Rae, who sank Iggy. If the two candidates could have merged their campaigns before the ballot, Dion would not have triumphed. At the time, Denis Coderre, Ignatieff's national compaign co-chairman, advenced this suggestion to the former Ontario premier, who declined to discuss the possibilities. Even later, after the third ballot when Rae was eliminated, had he thrown his support to Ignatieff, the 219 delegates Ignatieff needed to push him over the top might have switched, too. Despite their former friendship, Bob seemed to have decided that if he couldn't have the crown, neither would Michael."

    What a miserable competitive SOB that Rae is. I was kind of glad to see that he looks like he's getting very old ,very fast, for his age. God'll get you for that one Bob!

  8. Question #1 - Who dubbed Ted Williams "The Splendid Splinter"?

    Question #2 - Who dubbed Ted Williams "Teddy Ballgame"?

    Question #3 - Who dubbed Ted Williams "The Splendid Spitter"?

    Teddy Ballgame is my favorite.

    Of course Ted was known by other nicknames too, such as "The kid", "The Thumper" ... who knows how many more.

    Teddy Ballgame is my favorite by far!

  9. Transportation accounts for some 60-70% of our GHG emissions

    I agree. Cars are the problem. But a car doesn't emit GHG unless you put gas in it. Someone who only drives their car once in a while is not contributing nearly as much to GHG emissions as someone who drives to work everyday.

    I can drive hundreds of miles compared to what it takes those modern Alberta cowboys to get to their local watering hole in their monster trucks.

  10. Well when it comes to total greenhouse gas emmissions these were the statistics I could dig up for provinces. Unfortuantely they are from 1998, so they might have changed.

    Canada 692 MT

    Alberta 201 MT

    Ontario 198 MT

    Quebec 90 MT

    B.C & Territories 65 MT

    Saskatchewan 60 MT

    Atlantic Canada 53 MT

    Manitoba 22 MT

    That means that, per capita, Alberta greenhouse gasses are 4 times that of Ontario.

    I'll be damned.

  11. I just heard on the tube that Scott Brison is married.

    I didn't know that.

    Scott was walking together with Bob Rae and said something like .... "I see you found your wife, I still can't find my husband."

    To which Bob replied something like .... "Oh, where is Max?" Or at least I think he said 'Max'.

    That couldn't be Svend's Max, could it?

  12. NOBODY knew that Bob Rae would jump on the Anybody But Ignatieff bandwagon in the end.

    I'm trying to remember some of the truly ugly, unsightly and unspeakable things that Bob Rae had to say about the Liberals while Stephane Dion was riding high in that corrupt party.

    The media mentioned some real zingers lately but my brain is like a sieve sometimes. Don't ever get old!

    Thanks ahead of time for the help!

  13. Hey Biblio, speaking of predictions......

    If Iggy doesn't win (over 33% of the vote is my prediction), I'll eat a wide-brimmed Mountie Stetson for breakfast.

    With the Mountie in it?

    Did you want some ketchup?


    EVERYBODY knows that a stetson goes better with salsa.

    NOBODY knew that Bob Rae would jump on the Anybody But Ignatieff bandwagon in the end.

  14. In today's column Babs tirelessly ooohs & aaahs over Bob Rae, and says that it's he (Bob) who is the "best shot to win".

    Tsk tsk tsk, there ought to be a law.

    The Bob does have the best shot to win a general election. Go Iggy Go!!!

    Something tells me that Yaffe's earlier column was influenced by tallking to the lower mainland Liberal 'elite'. Mark Marissen, Christy Clark and Big Billy Cunningham. They are all supporting Dion...

    Today, the Vancouve Sun's "junior" columnist, Babara Yaffe, brags about her early prediction. Not a peep about how she later abandoned Stephane for Bob. Like I said, there ought to be a law!

    Further in her column today she suggests that Dion should give Michael Ignatieff "a portfolio no more onerous than public works so he can learn on the job".

    I wonder who influenced her on THAT?

    In the meantime the National Post's "senior" columnist, Andrew Coyne, in his well written piece practically begs Dion to "find some way to keep Michael Ignatieff, in particular, by his side". Andrew obviously doesn't support Babs' idea of keeping Iggy occupied by giving him some scut work to do.

    Whoever is influencing Babs deserves a good slap upside the head.

    Could it be Justin? She seems to think a great deal of him ... he "made numerous impressive convention appearances" according to Barb.

    Now I don't want to condone violence, but I doubt there's a person in the land, dead or alive, who would convict someone who slapped a little sense into that dilettante.

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