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Posts posted by mercurygermes


    Hello bro

    I have always been inspired by the US Constitution and Parliamentary systems, how in this case the electoral system can be implemented and what should be got rid of.
    We need to come up with an electoral system that allows better, more democratic decisions.
    The system of withdrawal from YES-NO should take into account
    The list of participants who cause less rejection.

    I now have doubts about how I implemented the factions and the fact that the Board of Shareholders is not elected.

    How is the Legislation going now?
    There are four groups of people who are elected and vote differently.
    1. Independent members, each time you mine a block you are given 200 digital dollars and 200 digital shares.
    Every time you vote for a law, the law gets as many votes as you have shares, but with some nuances.
    Imagine you voted YES for 2 laws and NO for 4 laws and you have 100 shares. Then the laws you voted YES
    will receive 50 votes according to the formula (YES/2), the same for NO/4=25. But it doesn't end there. Next, we summarize the votes of all participants cast for a particular law. Separately sum YES and separately NO and subtract from YES - NO and the result
    must be greater than 1.

    2. Board of Shareholders. The Board of Shareholders consists of 1500 members with the largest number of shares. But only those accounts that were active during the year are taken into account.
    One score equals one vote. We also Sum for each law separately all YES and all NO and also subtract from YES - NO and the result should be 10 or more.

    3. The Board of Directors is an analogue of the House of Representatives.
    Consists of 301 elected members. Members are elected by independent members and the 301 accounts that receive the most votes become members of the board of directors. One score is equal to one vote, and like with the Board of Shareholders, for each law we add separately YES and NO and subtract from YES - NO and the remainder must be 10 or more.

    4. And the last fourth group, these are fractions, fractions consist of 100 accounts and are elected similarly to the Board of Directors, but their
    votes are equal to their share. For example, if a Faction received 23% of the votes from 100 participants, then its vote is 23%.
    So every time a faction votes for a law, we go through the same procedure as for the others. Namely, we summarize separately all YES and NO and subtract from YES - NO and the result should be more than 10%.

    For all participants, only votes from which no more than four years have passed are taken into account. The votes change dynamically with each block, taking into account how many shares the independents hold or retain or the officials hold. A law is valid if it
    more than 1 vote from Independent Participants.
    10 or more votes from the Board of Shareholders.
    10 or more votes from the Board of Directors
    and 10% or more from fractions. But the law must be approved by all four groups.

    The system also has a negative rate.
    Why is she needed? imagine that you are mining a coin that reduces its production every four years, which means that in order for you to remain profitable, the value of the coin must double every four years and this is simply not possible mathematically, since you do not affect the value of the coin and this is in can eventually crash the system. There are other coins that have lifted the mining cap, but they are subject to high inflation. So that the total number of coins does not grow, I
    made such a system. If every half a year we withdraw 0.1% of digital dollars and 0.2% of digital shares from all accounts, then at some point we will come to the conclusion that the created coins will be equal to the destroyed ones and this will limit the total number of coins.

    This part of the code runs on a local disk and you can mine immediately, it connects to a server whose source code is also available and one such server has already been raised.

    server storage

    my discord https://discord.gg/J5KFNPJ

    I am a developer and I want you to participate. What do you think can be improved and what should be improved in the voting system.

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