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Posts posted by Sue

  1. I'm struggling a bit. Currently I'm studying to get into a master called Oncology. I'll be learning about cancers and their medicine. At the moment, in Europe medicine HAVE to be tested on animals, by law. So, although I might not will be doing animal testing, I know that animals will be tested in the course of finding new medicine. I'm a vegan, so I really put maximum effort in my daily life to not be cruel to animals. Thus I'm also against animal testing, but what now? Do I just advocate for animal rights and continue my degree, this is my passion...

  2. Sometimes, looking into the meaning of life can be overwhelming. Look into the meaning of today or even the meaning of the current hour. Today I woke up to learn about cancers, since I hope to study a master in this field. I haven't figured out the meaning of my life (apart from having fun and being there for other humans (animals)) 

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