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Status Replies posted by Abies

  1. Inconvenient historical truth from Conrad Black: “There were never more than a relative handful of slaves in New France or British North America, apart from the numerous native slaves captured by warring tribes, a practice the British and French eventually ended.” - Maxime Bernier

    1. Abies


      So your are arguing against something entirely made up in your own head. Good to know. I’ll wait till you have an actual argument other than a strawman.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  2. Inconvenient historical truth from Conrad Black: “There were never more than a relative handful of slaves in New France or British North America, apart from the numerous native slaves captured by warring tribes, a practice the British and French eventually ended.” - Maxime Bernier

    1. Abies


      It's an attempt to minimize the Slavery in the US by pointing a finger at other groups and saying, "SEE THEY DID IT TOO!"

      You are not contextualizing anything.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  3. Inconvenient historical truth from Conrad Black: “There were never more than a relative handful of slaves in New France or British North America, apart from the numerous native slaves captured by warring tribes, a practice the British and French eventually ended.” - Maxime Bernier

    1. Abies


      You and Argus are not arguing facts and context you are simply yelling that the natives and other groups also practised slavery in order to minimize the Atlantic slave trades and slavery in the US.

      Nobody is ignoring other forms of slavery that occurred in the past.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  4. Inconvenient historical truth from Conrad Black: “There were never more than a relative handful of slaves in New France or British North America, apart from the numerous native slaves captured by warring tribes, a practice the British and French eventually ended.” - Maxime Bernier

  5. Inconvenient historical truth from Conrad Black: “There were never more than a relative handful of slaves in New France or British North America, apart from the numerous native slaves captured by warring tribes, a practice the British and French eventually ended.” - Maxime Bernier

    1. Abies


      Nobody is pretending that slavery is unique to white people on Africans.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  6. Inconvenient historical truth from Conrad Black: “There were never more than a relative handful of slaves in New France or British North America, apart from the numerous native slaves captured by warring tribes, a practice the British and French eventually ended.” - Maxime Bernier

    1. Abies


      Pretending that the practice of African slaves being brought to America "wasn't all that bad, the natives did it more than us!" isn't operating on facts.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  7. Inconvenient historical truth from Conrad Black: “There were never more than a relative handful of slaves in New France or British North America, apart from the numerous native slaves captured by warring tribes, a practice the British and French eventually ended.” - Maxime Bernier

  8. There is a real misconception being spread around, that people who are against mass immigration are hateful, this is wrong, for me this is all about love. Love of my identity, my culture, my countrymen and my country. I don't hate or wish violence on anyone, I simply want us to be left as we are. -- found on reddit

    1. Abies


      The current immigration issues in Europe are over and were due to conflict in other regions. Europe isn't experiencing mass immigration and the issues between immigrants and Europeans predates the refugee crises. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. There is a real misconception being spread around, that people who are against mass immigration are hateful, this is wrong, for me this is all about love. Love of my identity, my culture, my countrymen and my country. I don't hate or wish violence on anyone, I simply want us to be left as we are. -- found on reddit

  10. There is a real misconception being spread around, that people who are against mass immigration are hateful, this is wrong, for me this is all about love. Love of my identity, my culture, my countrymen and my country. I don't hate or wish violence on anyone, I simply want us to be left as we are. -- found on reddit

    1. Abies


      The fact that he frames it as mass immigration and wants his country to be left as it was found tells me this person isn't entirely honest. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

    1. Abies


      I doubt that is it they probably still pay considerable amount of tax. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Andrew Shceer vows to make the senate more partisan by ending Trudeau's senate reforms. https://election.ctvnews.ca/scheer-would-end-trudeau-s-experiment-with-less-partisan-senate-1.4615630

    1. Abies


      An elected senate isn't possible without serious changes to our constitution. and Trudeau's Senate made 33 amendments to bills compared to Harper's senate making 1 amendment.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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