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Alex Reese

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Posts posted by Alex Reese

  1. 16 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

    Learn about New France, English and French Acadia, the Hudson’s Bay Company, the couriers du bois, the CNR, Confederation, and get back to me. 


    See, there it is again! The "I have to be better and prove to these people that I am better" mentality. You know what you sound like? You sound like those trying to make females strong wannabees on TV shows and movies. Instead of showing us how strong a woman is they have to tell us.......


    Gosh, why don't you cancuks and your european masters form a super alliance and just go your own way? Prove to yourselves that you are not completely pathetic. Both of you are so annoying and honestly, I have never encountered a genuine kind canadian or european; all of you are horrible horrible snobs who I just want to punch in the face so hard.


    The United States should just end NORAD and get itself out of NATO. You Americans are wasting billions  of dollars on an ungrateful bunch of swine while they enjoy the benefits from it. Oh and ms. canuck, if you dare tell me I am wrong or how arrogant the US is, I dare you to do just that and prove to me how pathetic you and your people truly are, arrogant canuck slime ball.

  2. 5 hours ago, Army Guy said:

    We don't occupy anything this nation belongs to Canadians,


    So, it is okay for me to go to your home, with a bunch of armed men and say "this property is mine now"?


    5 hours ago, Army Guy said:

    such as freedom of speech



    Does that freedom of speech extend to this site or is it a "if I don't agree with you, I will ban you" kind of thing?

  3. 10 hours ago, taxme said:

    Who is this person that you say that I would love?


    He loves Trump and you and him share the same likes and dislikes.


    10 hours ago, taxme said:

    I can only assume that this Pigeon guy had something to say that the Zionists did not want people to hear or learn about.



    You're right, he spread hate speech and real hate speech and got banned for it and rightfully so..... "women destroy countries", seriously? Feminism is bad....... "The islamization of the West"...... sigh?


    10 hours ago, taxme said:

    Leftist liberal commies get to preach their hatred and intolerance and hardly ever get banned.



    Really because I've noticed that a lot do.

  4. Because the canucks are a bunch of arrogant snobs who want to fantasize that they are soooooo much better than their neighbor down south; they are the same with the europeans. I mean, if it was a european who was doing it, it would be alright because europeans at least have a history to back up what makes them better but what about you canucks, hmm? What about you? What do you have to show off? Let me guess, your healthcare? Your maple syrup? Your hockey? Your friendliness? This:



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