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Mike south

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  1. That's actually new to me. This came in October too, so not too sure what we can do. Maybe Canada is just screwed then. I don't think the PC government can handle the US right now either. It's so sad to be a Canadian right now.
  2. Here's my theory as to why the Liberal government is not doing anything to get these tariffs lifted. Liberal government wants Canadians to be anti-trump which will in turn influence American voters come 2020 so that Trump will get out of office. All I hear from this Liberal government is complaining that these tariffs are unfair and calling them "illegal". Other than that, they have done nothing to get these tariffs lifted. Employment insurance is issued to everyone who has loss jobs to these tariffs which will hurt our debt or dollar in the long run. This will in turn cause more hatred towards Trump. Now more specifically about these tariffs, I actually agree with the Canadian government about the lumber tariffs but not about steel and aluminum tariffs. Just because companies in Canada buy lumber at a cheaper price doesn't give Trump the right to impose tariffs on lumber. This still doesn't mean the Canada should be doing nothing about this, there's always something to negotiate about. Now we have to remember the root cause of the steel and aluminum tariffs, which is the dumping of Chinese steel into America. Canada buys steel and aluminum from China which in turn is sold to America. So basically America is blaming Canada for acting as a proxy for China. It's not that I agree with America's decision on this, It just makes sense for America to this. Whether its a difficult task or not, Canada can get this tariff lifted if they would just negotiate with China on this matter. Obviously Canada has not negotiated with China at all or even with America I might add, and even worse Canada has been doing nothing. All they've been doing is yelling "illegal". America has been heavily divided ever since Trump came into office, that's why I think the Democrats are using Canada to influence the 2020 election. It sucks for us since we are actually getting hurt by this. It's really Trudeau's fault for being a puppet for the Democrats.
  3. Say what you will about President Trump, but China - US relations have never been better. Even with plenty of tariffs on both sides US companies are still performing better than ever. When or if US-China trade tensions end, the economy will boom on both sides. The Trump administration is playing the trade game right. For the past 3 months, US and China delegations have been meeting almost everyday in hopes of a new trade deal and to ease trade tensions. Now lets compare this to the Canada-China relations. For the past 3 months, Canada has been bitching about Canadians getting detained in China and bitching about China stopping imports of Canadian Canola Oil. All this because Canada feels China is retaliating against us for arresting Meng Wanzhou of Huaweii. All Canada has been doing is bitch and not get any work done.
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