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Posts posted by DrYouth

  1. Any thoughts on what might transpire next decade...

    We can look back in 10 years and see whether we were anywhere close.

    Will driverless vehicles finally arrive?

    Will virtual reality make an impact? Will it outcompete real reality?

    Will Global Warming start to have serious impacts?

    Will the middle east sort itself out or continue it's clusterfucking ways?

    Will the social impact of automation +/- the impacts of climate change stir social unrest?

    Will the retreat from globalization into nationalism continue or will the pendulum swing back?

    Will China continue its ascent?

    Will US hegemony continue relatively unchallenged for yet another decade?


  2. 47 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

    Not as easy as you make it out to be doc, I've buried a lot ( more than 15) of my friends and comrades of mine in the last 8 years because of metal health issues, and they begged to be seen by health clinic workers, some even taking drastic measures like bringing a toy pistol into a police station begging them to shot him , another drove his truck into a the main window of a bank waiting for the cops to show up....and then all they got was  45 min session and a fist full of powerful drugs  only dulled the pain....turning them into zombies...and told their next appoint might not be for months...weeks later they were being buried....and it is not just like this where I'm from , but around most military bases you'll hear the same story...

    No it's not easy...

    The deep seated problem is the medical systems failure to understand stress and trauma.... the underpinnings of most mental health issues and many physical illnesses and chronic pain issues.

    Our education system is another part of the problem.. Clinicians train academically - basically learning knowledge and facts rather than skills. 

    These systems converge to talk a lot about diagnoses and brain chemistry and essentially know very little about actually working through the impact of trauma on the nervous system.

    There are some very powerful new therapies for trauma... but they are not widespread.... 

  3. The Global Financial Crisis led to the Occupy Movement...

    The Arab Spring sprung and fizzled.... The Syrian Conflict

    The rise (and fall) of ISIS

    The rise of China... Russia asserts itself

    Smart phone dominance - Social Media - The Rise of FANG - Facebook. Apple, Netflix, Google

    The Surveillance Society - Wikileaks - The whistleblowers

    The challenge to Globalism - the rise of Populism

    Trump / Brexit... and the Culture Wars

    What do you all say?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Argus said:

    A friend of mine's teenage daughter was having suicidal thoughts. She was admitted to hospital quickly enough, stayed for a week, then was discharged with medication. Her mother was told it could take three years for her to get in to see a psychiatrist. Let's hope she survives that long.

    Don't wait to see a psychiatrist. Doctors always think they need to refer to other doctors. Suicidal thoughts in teens are extremely common and do not usually require medical psychiatric intervention. Get her connected with a well rated mental health worker who works with teens and families. Check out your local public mental health service for youth and families. Find out what the intake process is.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    So you're saying seeing a therapist is almost worthless?  You're saying the vast majority of the psychology and counselling professions are worthless?  You're saying anti-depressants or bust, which goes against your anti big pharma stance.  Jesus man....

    Not at all... I was referring to medication based treatments as often neffective and occasionally counterproductive for mild to moderate mental health issues.

    I agree with you that the public system is underfunded.

    However there is a public mental health system which is not insignificant.... although it is rationed.

    The Canadian Mental Health Association also provides meaningful services and peer support... and is open access.

    So overall we are not doing too badly and certainly better than the US when it comes to public access mental health services.

    A completely unrationed publicly funded mental health system is a utopian fantasy... but I completely agree with striving for better public mental health supports and addictions programs.... we have a long way to go.


  6. 4 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    The problem with Canada's health system is that it's rationed.  As a psychiatrist you should know that in some major Canadian cities it can take several months to see a publicly funded therapist like a psychologist or psychiatrist such as yourself after your family doctor has submitted a referral.  Unless of course you're having a severe or emergency situation like suicide or voices in the head, which you'll get to see someone fairly quickly.  That's also because our system is triaged based on need.  So if you don't have an emergency situation and you need psychological help, you're paying out of pocket to see a therapist.  The system is a disgrace regarding mental health issues.

    Same with trying to get an MRI, or getting surgery for something that isn't an emergency.  Canada's healthcare system often is an utter failure for those not in emergency situations.

    If you have health insurance in the US, which is most people, the system is superior.  They have the best healthcare facilities in the world and you don't have to wait like you do here.  They can improve their healthcare situation and insurance regulations without a doubt, but Canada's health system is no miracle.

    What Canada should do is either fund the system properly or go back to private insurance where everyone is mandated to have insurance and the insurance is tightly regulated so people aren't taken advantage of by insurance companies, and maintain a publicly funded insurance option for those on low income.

    A publicly funded mental health system HAS to be rationed.

    There are in Canada many privately funded mental health providers.

    Medical psychiatric care is OF COURSE rationed.... but there is much more of it available publicly in Canada than in the US.

    Medical psychiatric care is really only something you want to consider if your mental health needs are in the severe range.

    Medical treatment of mild to moderate mental health concerns has been shown to be often ineffective and not infrequently counter productive...

    Once again Big Pharma has hijacked the system... much to all of our detriment... although there are some situations where psychopharmacology has a significant role to play... it is sad to see it taking the lead role in management of our mental health issues... leading to a lack of expertise in non-medication based approaches.

    Going back to a mandated insurance system is the biggest brain fart of them all. Why insert a private middle-man - something that  has been demonstrated to inflate costs and vastly increase burocratic red tape.

    • Like 1
  7. 13 hours ago, Argus said:

    Who exactly is happy about six hour waits to see a doctor at an emergency room? Who is happy  about the shortage of doctors? Who is happy about 2 to three year waits for trials? Anyone? Well, maybe the lawyers.

    The point I'm making is that no one is even talking about how to fix these things. We've accepted that that's just the way it is, so no one is studying them or proposing changes. They're just left as they are. In the last election, how much talk did you even hear about how to improve the economy and enrich the country? Virtually nothing. Instead they were just talking about how to move money around from one place to another to please this or that voter block.

    I am a practicing psychiatrist working with adolescents at our local general hospital. In speaking with physicians from the US, I am convinced our Canadian system is head and shoulders ahead of the US system. I can provide support to teenagers of all financial backgrounds that are admitted to our hospital with suicide attempts or major mental health presentations and hospitalize them for the amount of time necessary for them to stabilize without overwhelming the families with financial burden. This would simply not be possible in the US. Only those with adequate insurance would receive the treatment necessary and those without would not. In fact those with adequate insurance often receive more interventions than necessary which is often counterproductive.

    The primary concern with the medical system continue to be the over reliance on Big Pharma in funding research and promoting interventions. This is far bigger than a local Canadian issue. Canada certainly does a better if still inadequate job of curtailing the expenses and negotiating with Big Pharma to reduce our health care costs.

    Can we do better, certainly and we should.... And yes we look good compared to the US... but we should look to other models of health care that have worked out efficiencies that strike a better balance. 

    • Like 2
  8. 27 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

    Until there's some type amending formula for the Constitution that reflects what the country is to-day . . . . Canada will continue to divide along regional, racial, and economic lines. Canada's not doing 'pretty well' . . . . it's coming apart.  

    If Canada was going to come apart it would have already. 

    Other than a bunch of whining of which there is no decline... there is no sign of Canada coming apart any time soon...

    I agree with the OP article on that score.

    • Like 2
  9. 28 minutes ago, Argus said:

    That's a mentality that prevents anything from getting better.  "Yeah, things kinda suck, but it could be a lot worse!"

    I guess the question is "how do they suck?"...

    I hear a lot of different problems being expressed around here.

    Each solution brings its own potential problems with it.

    Make so and so happy and you make this other guy unhappy...

    All I'm saying is for the most part Canada does pretty well... should we continue to strive to do even better... why the hell not...

    But what exactly are you proposing?

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, eyeball said:

    We need fewer identitarians and more definitionists - people who maintain that the original definitions are best. i.e. I'd restore the original definition of right and left wing so we can stop identifying with some stupid pendulum that swings back and forth like a wrecking ball.

    The original definitions of left and right had the right as monarchists and those defending the rights of the nobility and clergy against a left that wanted a constitution to constrain the powers of the monarch and allow a small percentage of male property owners the right to have a say in government.

    I doubt you want to restore those original definitions... 

  11. On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 8:55 AM, Argus said:

    Classical liberals, that is. The author makes a reasonable case that classical liberalism is basically today's conservatism minus the social conservatism.  Also that the Liberals are not the least bit liberal but are actually illiberal.

    Seems to me that classical liberalism is now lost at the centre.... and generally overlooked.

    "Progressives" have given up liberalism for their cult of egalitarianism, where individualism no longer counts for much. Individual liberties are to be sacrificed for identitarian causes... where victim status is what matters.

    "Conservatism" is now conflated with a new nationalism and a position in opposition to the above progressive position... with the sole goal of burning this ideology down and slaughtering it's sacred cows.

    Strange times we live in.

    • Like 2
  12. 13 hours ago, cannuck said:

    BTW:  Merry Christmas to all of the Christians here, Happy Hannukah to the Jews, and happy something to whatever the hell everyone thinks of for the holiday.

    Merry Christmas cannuck!

    I wonder if Jews appreciate it when non-jews wish them a Happy Hannukah...

    I rarely do... primarily because I never remember when it is... it isn't always on Christmas... it can be quite a ways off as far as I know.

    And honestly I don't feel I know enough about the holiday.

    That and I rarely know whether someone is a practicing Jew or not...

    I've never known a Jew to be offended when I offer them a Merry Christmas... not that they would tell me...

    Anyone here Jewish and want to comment... or anyone who isn't Jewish want to speak for a Jew?

  13. 23 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

    America prevailed, with the hydrogen bomb.

    The epoch however is sweeping that order aside as well, Information War transcends the industrial thermonuclear deterrence.

    I guess we will see who wins the Information Race...

    Maybe it comes down to who develops the most potent AI.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

    It's the same sort of displacement and dislocation, it causes the same collective response.

    Totalitarianism is a knee jerk response, it's not rational, it's driven by panic, social panic, is the face of an epoch sweeping aside the established order.


    So lets hope we learned our history.

    The totalitarian left created massive dystopias... and the totalitarian right created somewhat smaller dystopias... with dreams of creating bigger ones.

    The centre prevailed.

    Perhaps we can skip the totalitarian stages this time...

    But I'm certainly unconvinced that we will.

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