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Posts posted by ChuckN

  1. On 2/26/2017 at 10:06 PM, cannuck said:

    My solution is that you stop robbing my back pocket to do a piss poor job.   It should be MY choice to use the money I pay to decide how and where my children get educated on my nickel.  "The system" as you call it, is broken.   Why should someone raising a family have to wait several generations to fix it?  Kids need good education when they are borne, not when they are half way to social security.

    Speaking to 'broken' and 'monopoly'.....the system is certainly broken. My girlfriends daughter is in grade 6, and she laughed the other day when we were talking about school.

    She said, "they don't fail students".....what incentive is there? Its broken because we aren't raising educated children!

    There should be a contract change for new full time teachers, not the existing ones. They should be deemed an essential service, and not permitted to strike. If you don't like that, pick another profession.

    Every time the teachers strike - which incidentally happens right at the school year start it seems - they hold the entire province hostage, and I can't easily send children to another school. As a matter of fact, now I have to arrange something else for them to do. I can't send them somewhere else to learn.

    It was mentioned that teachers love what they do so much..... why are you holding the kids hostage too? Of course the response will be, "We are interested in protecting your children's future." That would make sense, if the system were getting better.

    There will also be a comment that 'Teachers should have the right to strike!' I would agree if I could go to another place to acquire the education readily, as in not private education.

    If a car manufacturer goes on strike, I can go to another manufacturer. I don't have that luxury with teachers.....make them an essential service.

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