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Posts posted by Softtanks

  1. Nonavailability of WMD in Iraq became only excuse for reforming US intelligence agencies. In reality all talks concerning to reforms of special services with the aim of raising their effectiveness (that will promote better American national security) are pure populism. If we try to analyze reformations in this sphere it becomes clear everything is done for covering all traces of Bush team's crime against the Americans and for liquidation of all secret documents that serve as evidence of it. They carry out a cleansing of intelligence officers' ranks and cut off financing some structures there. But Negroponte's installation as the First Director of National Intelligence visibly testifies that Bush needs to have manageable, so-called "pocket intelligence", which he can use for conducting "velvet" revolutions or for violent liquidation unwanted leaders of any country in the world. There's no doubt that Mr. Negroponte has vast experience in this matter…

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