The Indian Act is federal legislation that provides the basic legal status and entitlements of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples. The Act deals with such things as the legal definition of who may claim Indian status in Canada, the rights and duties which accompany that status, the structure of Canada’s reserve system and the nature of Aboriginal self-government. This article provides an overview of the history of the Indian Act, including its early legislative foundations, the passage of the first Indian Act in 1876 and subsequent key amendments and revisions of the Act.
[Read more…] about The Indian Act: Historical OverviewAuditor General of Canada
The Office of the Auditor General holds the federal government accountable for its use of public funds. However, the public is often unaware of the Auditor General’s official function and organization. This article introduces the Office of the Auditor General, including its role, legislative framework, history, basic organization and activities, as well as mechanisms of oversight.
[Read more…] about Auditor General of CanadaThe Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a central element of the Canadian Constitution and has a major impact on the relationship between Canadians and their governments. The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to the content, application, and enforcement of Charter rights, as well as to explain the role of the courts in determining the precise nature and scope of Charter rights.
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The Constitution is Canada’s premier political institution, representing the basic “rulebook” by which Canadian politics operate. It is, however, also one of the nation’s more complex political concepts to understand. The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to the basic nature of the Canadian Constitution. In so doing, this article examines the function of the Constitution as a governmental or national political code, the Constitution’s written and unwritten sources, and the key principles and values contained within the constitutional framework.
[Read more…] about Canadian Constitution FrameworkPublic Inquiries in Canada
Public inquires have become relatively common events in Canadian politics, be it at the federal or provincial/territorial levels. These public inquiries serve many different purposes, from examining allegations of government wrongdoing to studying divisive or complex issues dominating Canadian politics and policy-making. This article provides an introduction to the purposes, organization, and value of public inquiries in Canada.
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Youth or juvenile crime is a controversial issue in Canadian politics. While the fact that youth crime is quite common in Canada is lamentable, there are disagreements concerning how to treat youths in the criminal system. The controversy centres on the best approach taken to address youth offenders and the severity of punishment that should be given. This article provides a historical overview of Canadian approaches to youth justice. It outlines several stages of Canadian legislation, including the 1908 Juvenile Delinquents Act, the 1982 Young Offenders Act, and the 2003 Youth Criminal Justice Act.
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