The Indian Act is federal legislation that provides the basic legal status and entitlements of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples. The Act deals with such things as the legal definition of who may claim Indian status in Canada, the rights and duties which accompany that status, the structure of Canada’s reserve system and the nature of Aboriginal self-government. This article provides an overview of the history of the Indian Act, including its early legislative foundations, the passage of the first Indian Act in 1876 and subsequent key amendments and revisions of the Act.
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The Equalization Program is an important component of Canadian federalism and the notion of equality between provinces regarding the social services they provide. Moreover, the principle of equalization has been a major source of debate in Canadian politics, between the federal and provincial levels of government, as well as between provinces. This article provides an overview of the purpose, operation and history of the Equalization Program, including a summary of key contemporary issues and debates.
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The Office of the Auditor General holds the federal government accountable for its use of public funds. However, the public is often unaware of the Auditor General’s official function and organization. This article introduces the Office of the Auditor General, including its role, legislative framework, history, basic organization and activities, as well as mechanisms of oversight.
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Traditionally, Atlantic Canada has proven to be a strong ally of both Canadian federalism and of federal government involvement in its economic, social, and financial life. Nevertheless, the relations between the federal government and the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island have been strained at times. This article provides an introduction to key issues and debates in Canadian federalism by looking through the lens of Atlantic Canada. The feature covers the regional economy and federal development policy, provincial finances and fiscal federalism, and offshore energy and relations between the federal government and the region.
[Read more…] about Federalism and the Atlantic ProvincesThe Official Opposition in the Canadian House of Commons
The opposition is an important element of the Canadian parliamentary tradition and the day-to-day operation of government. This article examines the role, structure and powers of the opposition in Canada’s premier national legislature, the House of Commons. This includes discussions of the basic nature of opposition politics, the powers of the opposition in the House, the role of the Official Opposition (as a component of the opposition), and the disadvantages faced by the opposition in its relationship with the government.
[Read more…] about The Official Opposition in the Canadian House of CommonsCanadian Federalism and Public Health Care
One of the most critical issues in Canadian federalism since the 1950s has been the delivery of public health care. This article provides an introduction to the nature and evolution of federal and provincial relations in the area of health care policy, with particular focus on the fiscal and policy aspects and their impact. Included is a discussion of the basic division of powers in health care, Canadian federalism and the introduction of public health care, and shifts in this federal-provincial relationship since the 1950s.
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