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From the post world war 2 order created by American Hegemeny, the world greatly benefitted. Speficially from american security umbrella visa vi american taxpayer subsidies. It allowed for international trade through american gaurded sea lane and an open market to american consumer. In summary this was a bribe for being cannon fodder incase the soviets decided to invade. 

Fast forward to present day and the dissolution of the soviet union , there is no longer an impetus to maintain such imbalanced relationship with Canada and the rest of Nato. President Trump was a manifestation of this feeling amongst American. He lead the great twitter crusade against the usual Nato deadbeat and humiliated Canada in the USMC trade deal. 

What the wider audience should take away however is that America doesn't need the rest of the world. Its quite the opposite. You see, without american hegemony, the old school mercantilist/imperialist/colonial competition amongst european power that dominated the pre world war 2 era would arise. There is two key factor the now enraged canucks should consider, geography and demographics. Without good access to vital sea lane for trade and raw material access, modern civilization would not be possible. Second without an over arching hegemony courtesy of the American, there is no such thing as fair competition. The natural competition that exist amongst countries would dominate and if history is to be repeated, privateers arg... Third, the typical demographic that support trade typically aged 15-45 no longer exist in canada or europe. These modern economy are aging rapidly similar to East asia. Canada and by extension these countries that suffer from this demographic collapse, now needs American involvement more than ever. America is the only major mordern economy that does not suffer from the population collaspe, hence still maintain a relatively large cohorts of millineal consumer to support a free market. MAGA

Posted (edited)

Its a declaration that America doesn't have any vested interest around the world. We make our own oil, can secure our own trade route to raw material being mostly in north and south america. FYI Monroe doctrine is very much still in play. Think of America as a continental size island. We are a naval power fashioned similar to the Brits, just 10x bigger and better. Meaning one of our Naval battle group can smash the entire world navy combined. We have 12. There is no replacement for America, simply because the demographics and geography doesn't support it. China will wither away in 20 years. Their population demographic is way past the point of no return. So will Russia, europe and most of the developed countries. So for the next 20 years America should isolate. There is no need to engage with the international communities. 

The problem however as you will see, there will be a mad dash for the scraps that's leftover while America will be the shining hill over the horizon. Countries will now have to pay for the cost of floating their own navies and millitary, else be subject to intimidation and sway by their rival neighbors. 

This social democrat free health care system that you all enjoy? Yeah that was only possible with a world subsidzed by American taxpayer's security umbrella and free access to our markets. Good luck world. I really mean that.

Edited by paxamericana

For the above stated reason America can and already has started on that path of isolating from the world. America is reindustrilizing, why? Simply because there isn't enough young and cheap labor to tap into or are there a demand overseas to support it in the first place. Nor does the rest of the world have enough free capital from their retiring baby boomer to support further growth and developement because they didn't have enough babies. America doesn't have this problem because of the Millineal generation and that's what the Boomers did right, have enough babies. America will be the only place that can even support economic growth. We can and do choose to import young labor and talent from outside the country legal or otherwise. Brain drain as you call it. Expect more immgrant flight to the US. 

Expect a return to normal, what you've seen in the last 75 year of American security subsidized globalism hypergrowth was ABNORMAL. 

The people that says China will be the next super power simply doesn't understand demographics, geography or frankly history.  

America will remain the preimnent global power from now into the forseeable future. The 20th century wasn't just the American century but so will be the 21st and maybe forever. 


Asides from your "Glorious Yanks" bragging and flag waving, just how does that make 'Canada screwed' ?

Do you actually believe we have designs or desires for world domination? Few of us think thumping our chests and telling the rest of the Grade Threes we're King Shit is a righteous thing.

Posted (edited)

Iran seizing the oil tanker is one of the many symptom of a disinterested american power vacuum. Who rely on those transshipment of goods and material. Everyone but the american. You all should be greatful you got to grow up in a world ran by the best world police force actually. That period of hyper growth is coming to an end.

Good luck securing market access and not to mention needed raw material to sustain modern life let alone growth.

That's how geopolitic work. There is no rainbow and sunshine. Its about leverage and chest thumping. 

The 20th century economic model was based on population growth aka demographic dividend. That is no longer supported by modern trends. 


8 hours ago, herbie said:

Asides from your "Glorious Yanks" bragging and flag waving, just how does that make 'Canada screwed' ?

Do you actually believe we have designs or desires for world domination? Few of us think thumping our chests and telling the rest of the Grade Threes we're King Shit is a righteous thing.



Edited by paxamericana

You guys went into a major tail spin the moment china couldn't supply computer chips.

and you do an aweful lot of business with the rest of the world for someone who's  "independent". :)

Sorry the us is anything but these days. That was clear during covid. that's a discussion that really needs to be had. It's cheaper ot have a decentralized supply chain like we do, but a global hiccup can put the economy in a really bad place. For everyone.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

You guys went into a major tail spin the moment china couldn't supply computer chips.

and you do an aweful lot of business with the rest of the world for someone who's  "independent". :)

Sorry the us is anything but these days. That was clear during covid. that's a discussion that really needs to be had. It's cheaper ot have a decentralized supply chain like we do, but a global hiccup can put the economy in a really bad place. For everyone.

We don't trade with much of the world actually. And most of that internaitonal trade is done locally with Mexico and Canada accounting for a mere maybe 8% GDP? Out of that 8, 2-3% is with China. 


Take a deep dive into the type of infrastructure America is building. See if any of that still requires china. 

I'll give you the short version nope. Its not out of national security standpoint either, its simply economics, due to china againg population their labor cost has risen greatly since the early 2000s. While quality of labor still remains poor. It makes more sense to invest into supply chain that are closer to home. Mexican labor is now cheaper than china and higher skilled FYI. 

Edited by paxamericana
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, herbie said:

Posts a pic of all world leaders rolling their eyes at the most ignorant boor America chose to represent them.... WTF??

But represent them he did. Trump is a manifestation of this post cold war era America. We're tired of holding up the roof while no longer recieving any security benefits. At the expense of American labor I might add. The liberal view of Trump is superfical in my observation. They sort of missed the tree for the forest. And if you think this is a unique problem for half of america you've no idea what Clinton,Bush,Obama did. They all in their own way disengaged from the rest of the world. For the above stated reason ofcourse. 

Edited by paxamericana
24 minutes ago, paxamericana said:

We don't trade with much of the world actually.

You trade with almost everyone. You do about 4.7 trillion dollars in trade. That's out of a 21 trillion dollar gdp.

You do a LOT of business with the world.  And if you're going to include canada and mexico then that's still not the US - so the best you could say is that north america is fairly independent -but that would mean the US is dependant on canada and mexico. Especially canada.  Yet your title is canada is screwed.  But your whole independence concept requires canada.

And as  we can see here you actually do a lot outside of north america


Remember that bad recessions involve a drop in gdp of only a few points.  So blowing that off as nothing is simply not reasonable.

Further a lot of those goods are ones you can't really get without tradiing.

24 minutes ago, paxamericana said:


Take a deep dive into the type of infrastructure America is building. See if any of that still requires china. 

Yup, it do.  Sorry.

24 minutes ago, paxamericana said:

. Its not out of national security standpoint either, its simply economics, due to china againg population their labor cost has risen greatly since the early 2000s. While quality of labor still remains poor. It makes more sense to invest into supply chain that are closer to home. Mexican labor is now cheaper than china and higher skilled FYI. 

About 5/6ths of that is incorrect. Mexico is not a viable replacement for china for about a dozen reasons. China actually produces a pretty high quality of product, that's why the us buys so much.  And while i'm sure there's going to be more investmet closer to home att the end of the day companies aren't doing that. Minor investments only. China is still the main supplier of many critical components. The car industry shut down until china could start selling them chips again.

Sorry - America is still very dependent on the rest of the world. And it always will be. You're about 600 years too late for an america that doesn't reuqire a bit of trade to get by :)

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

So I believe you're taking into account export which is incorrect. The goods that america NEED shall we say,  is import. Export are of either finished industrial product/machinery or raw material the offshore manufacturer need to  sell back to the US. In a isolationist america this is unnecesarry as supply chain can aquire the basic material locally and manufacture locally. 

So there is a big push by both the Trump and Biden administration to build out America's energy sector both oil and green tech. This makes america the cheapest in term of unsubsidized electricity. This inturn will produce cheap input cost for manufacturing. As manufacturer are moving assembly plants closer to the US. While you could argue that mexico can't replace china completely, there is also a southeast asia divestment out of china and into ASEAN countries.

Mexico is dependent upon us trade and so is canada FYI as a percentage of their GDP. Again you should look at import specifically. This point is moot however as the market is wholeheartedly in US. 

I will say that you could view mexico and canada and all of south america as an extension of the United state visa vi the monroe donctrine. Again courtesy of the United States Navy. 

Edited by paxamericana
45 minutes ago, paxamericana said:

So I believe you're taking into account export which is incorrect.

Of course it's correct. The selling of goods produces wealth. If that gets cut off then there is less wealth and less prosperity. Don't make me explain how capitalism works :)

45 minutes ago, paxamericana said:


The goods that america NEED shall we say,  is import.

That might be true if you were a communist country satisfied with the bare minimum necessary to support life.

But that's absolutely not the case :) 

think of it like this.  A guy with the right hunk of land could absolutely be self sufficient and live off that land and never 'need' anyone else. But that guy is NOT browsing the internet, he's not wearing modern cloathes, he's not reading the latest books. He's living a minimal life.

it's much the same when you scale it up. A minimalist country could SURVIVE provided it followed a communal market model with only a little capitalism perhaps but americans want far more than that.

45 minutes ago, paxamericana said:


Export are of either finished industrial product/machinery or raw material the offshore manufacturer need to  sell back to the US. In a isolationist america this is unnecesarry as supply chain can aquire the basic material locally and manufacture locally. 

Not how it works :)  

45 minutes ago, paxamericana said:

So there is a big push by both the Trump and Biden administration to build out America's energy sector both oil and green tech. This makes america the cheapest in term of unsubsidized electricity.

No, canada would still have you beat by a landslide in that department. Our psychotically abundant hydro power takes care of a lot of our electricity needs and we sell tonnes to the states as it is.  But - america could be self sufficient in the short term.  But probably only in the short term. It wouldn't be very long till america's energy resourecs were starting to get tapped unless a new form of energy emerges.

45 minutes ago, paxamericana said:

This inturn will produce cheap input cost for manufacturing.

Manufacturing for whom? You just cut off trillions of dollars worth of customers.

45 minutes ago, paxamericana said:

Mexico is dependent upon us trade and so is canada FYI as a percentage of their GDP. Again you should look at import specifically. This point is moot however as the market is wholeheartedly in US. 

Sorry but the US is just as dependant now. If that trade stopped, the us would suffer horribly.

45 minutes ago, paxamericana said:

I will say that you could view mexico and canada and all of south america as an extension of the United state visa vi the monroe donctrine. Again courtesy of the United States Navy. 

Well the last time americans 'viewed' things that way we kicked their asses back across the border and burned down the white house .  I see you've rebuilt it.  It's very nice.  :)

But joking aside You're talking about economics rather than sovereignty. And the bigger your economic area of influence the more prosperous you're going to be. This is true going back 3000 years. That's why cultures and civilzations built roads, developed naval tech. Those who didn't tended not to advance.

There's a reason all roads led to rome, or why china invested fortuntes of treasure into the silk road. Isolation is stagnation.

America could survive - but it would be much reduced and over time would become less and less. Simple facts.


I'll simply say this, the population demographics of the world (with a few notable exception, America being one) does not support a growth base economic model simply because the population is shrinking. There is no economic incentive to protect the "trade" route shall we say. The US isn't stupid, they know this will lead to major instability and possibly a war. That is why they aren't stopping investment into their millitary. They're preparing for a world that's going to break down interms of trade as well as physical security I would say. Geographically, America is a continental sized island and well insulated from the coming break down of world order. We can source most and with in easy reach all of what we need to produce goods for ourselves. While still boasting a young enough population to support it in the first place. 


52 minutes ago, paxamericana said:

I'll simply say this, the population demographics of the world (with a few notable exception, America being one) does not support a growth base economic model simply because the population is shrinking. There is no economic incentive to protect the "trade" route shall we say. The US isn't stupid, they know this will lead to major instability and possibly a war. That is why they aren't stopping investment into their millitary. They're preparing for a world that's going to break down interms of trade as well as physical security I would say. Geographically, America is a continental sized island and well insulated from the coming break down of world order. We can source most and with in easy reach all of what we need to produce goods for ourselves. While still boasting a young enough population to support it in the first place. 


Pretty much all of that is wrong.  The world population is increasing (alarmingly), the us invests in military for the same reason it pretty much always has, (this is the nation that invented the term 'gunboat diplomacy'), The trade routes are secured by all nations as we saw when the food shipments from ukraine were threatened, and world order is just fine.

I have no doubt there will be a war if we wait long enough, there always is. The often said joke is "peace is a theoretical statw who's existence we mistakenly believe may exist because occasionally there's a break between wars" :)

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Pretty much all of that is wrong. The trade routes are secured by all nations as we saw when the food shipments from ukraine were threatened, and world order is just fine. 

Mmmhmmm   Russia cares about the nutritious well being of subsaharan africa that much huh?

And they decided to stop threatening the west with nukes out of the kindness of their hearts or because they're scared of the big bad europeans and canadian millitary?

I guess the decreased in population from most of the modern world doesn't count or something. The universial trend is once you industrialized adults have less kids. Meaning if you moved from the farm where children was free labor to the cities, they become expensive habits and adults aren't stupid. So we have less of them. This is a universial trend with only one Exception and that's Israel. They see population growth as a religious duty coming out of world war 2.  

America and by exstension, Americans, are not putting up with the free loaders anymore. Its become a political force on its own with both parties. The international community should wake up and realize that America doesn't need them and is already repositioning their trade/industrial policies to reflect that. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/30/politics/europe-us-relationship-china-intl/index.html

Edited by paxamericana
On 4/28/2023 at 2:16 AM, paxamericana said:

 President Trump was a manifestation of this feeling amongst American. He lead the great twitter crusade against the usual Nato deadbeat and humiliated Canada in the USMC trade deal. 

The reason people liked Trump is because he was seen as a middle finger to establishment politics and anti-white political correctness. Very few Americans knew much about NATO. It was more about our own culture.

The Right has changed since then, but only in terms of what they're blaming their problems on. Trump's popularity on the Right is still about grievances within the country.

  • Like 1

Unsere Stadt, merk euch das, für euch ist kein Platz da. Alerta, Alerta, Antifascista!

1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

The reason people liked Trump is because he was seen as a middle finger to establishment politics and anti-white political correctness. Very few Americans knew much about NATO. It was more about our own culture.

The Right has changed since then, but only in terms of what they're blaming their problems on. Trump's popularity on the Right is still about grievances within the country.

Wow.  I can't believe it but you actually said something relatively accurate.  I guess what they say about an infinite number of monkeys is true :)

People are sick of the "woke". They were largely sick of that kind of political agenda under obama at the end and they're even more sick of it now. That and his decent economic record which was far better than bidens is what keeps him in the running now.

As you say - a middle finger to the woke crowd, and it scratches their itch about the economic situation. That's basically the entire trump pitch.

12 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Wow.  I can't believe it but you actually said something relatively accurate.  I guess what they say about an infinite number of monkeys is true 

I'm always right.

12 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

As you say - a middle finger to the woke crowd, and it scratches their itch about the economic situation. That's basically the entire trump pitch.

But you do realize this is cutting your nose to spite your face, right?

I've legit heard people say they voted for Trump because they hate SJW betas. And sure, we all hate the SJW thing, but what does voting for Trump accomplish other than making those people angry? Real patriots want to improve their country. They don't want to destroy their country in order to spite people they dislike. I absolutely despise tankies, but when Trump won, I wasn't thinking well at least this will drive the tankies crazy.

Unsere Stadt, merk euch das, für euch ist kein Platz da. Alerta, Alerta, Antifascista!

26 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

I'm always right.

No, I'm always right. You're always left.  :)

26 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

But you do realize this is cutting your nose to spite your face, right?

Mine? How so?

26 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

I've legit heard people say they voted for Trump because they hate SJW betas. And sure, we all hate the SJW thing, but what does voting for Trump accomplish other than making those people angry?

I don't think it was JUST the sjw's. But that concept basically is it. I think tho that it was also the 'status quo' in general - the republican party that many felt wasn't listening to the people and the democrats for treating anyone who didn't vote for them as 'the deplorables' instead of listening to their concerns, etc.

I saw a number of interviews where common people were asked things on the streets and their replies very very strongly support this concept. They knew he was a liar. They knew he was a bad person. They knew he would freak everyone out.

They hired him because he would be, in a word, disruptive.  And they felt he could do that without trashing the economy.

If we're being fair.... mischief managed.  He was VERY disruptive.  perhaps even more than people believed possible. And the economy did do well.


26 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

Real patriots want to improve their country. They don't want to destroy their country in order to spite people they dislike.

The vast majority of the left want to destroy their country in order to spite people they don't like.  Swing and a miss there. You're on the wrong side if 'not destroying country' is important to you.

However - i think that they didn't want to destroy anything per se.  I think they though this would rattle things enough that it might shake a few things they were missing loose. Like rebooting a computer or smaking a device that's not working properly.  Nasa's first rule of repair - if it's not working give it a swift kick.  :)


26 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

I absolutely despise tankies,


26 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


but when Trump won, I wasn't thinking well at least this will drive the tankies crazy.

It drove the left up the freaking wall.  But - i think it was supposed to be a message - treat us like that again and play intersectional politics and this is the kind of thing we will do in return.

I don't think the left got that message. If anything they've doubled down on their bad behavior.

Which makes me wonder if people might not double down and go trump again despite the very clear and obvious problems with him.

the Pendulum always swings.  Either america will somehow learn it's lesson and we'll see ratonal moderates who respect the voters who didn't vote for them again or eventually it'll swing far enough to tip things over. Every empire eventually falls.

19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

No, I'm always right. You're always left. 

We should have made the authoritarians sit on the other side of the king.

19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Mine? How so?

Because fascism doesn't benefit you. I would argue that it benefits nobody, but alright, I get how it benefits the rich in some ways. But if you're not rich, you're just voting to give away even more of your power to the upper-class. And what do you get in return? You suffer, but minorities suffer more?

19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I saw a number of interviews where common people were asked things on the streets and their replies very very strongly support this concept. They knew he was a liar. They knew he was a bad person. They knew he would freak everyone out.

They hired him because he would be, in a word, disruptive.

And you don't think that's kinda stupid? The problem with politics is that we have too many politicians that lie. So our plan is to elect a guy who lies even more than the other politicians!

19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

If we're being fair.... mischief managed.  He was VERY disruptive.  perhaps even more than people believed possible. And the economy did do well.

The economy that he inherited from Obama did well, until he destroyed it.

This is like the real-life version of the surprised Pikachu face. We elected a mentally challenged person because we thought it would be funny, then it turns out he couldn't do the job at all.

19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


Tankies are "red fascists." Basically, authoritarians who use left-wing imagery, like Stalin and Mao.

19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It drove the left up the freaking wall.  But - i think it was supposed to be a message - treat us like that again and play intersectional politics and this is the kind of thing we will do in return.

Yeah, cutting your nose to spite your face. If you insult me one more time, I'll blow up this house that we're both living in!

I get the frustration, but people who voted for Trump to make a point are verfickt stupid. The only thing I think at least makes sense was the accelerationists who voted for Trump. But they were also wrong, as all that happened is we moved closer to fascism.

Although, Trump is also destroying the GOP, so that's nice.

Unsere Stadt, merk euch das, für euch ist kein Platz da. Alerta, Alerta, Antifascista!

4 hours ago, Contrarian said:

Interdependence and collaboration among nations are crucial for addressing global challenges. From everything to international terrorism, no country can tackle these issues alone. Isolating from the world will only hinder progress toward achieving shared goals and finding solutions to these complex problems.

The benefits of globalism and free trade are well-established. By opening up to international trade, economies can access new markets, increase efficiency, and drive economic growth. Isolating from the world can lead to protectionism, trade wars, and economic stagnation.

  • NATO plays a critical role in maintaining peace and security among its member states. By strengthening alliances and promoting cooperation, members can deter aggression and prevent conflicts.
  • Isolationist policies can weaken these alliances and create instability, making it harder to ensure peace and security, long term, they might produce some short-term results, rare, in my opinion. 

I don't disagree with the premise of your statements. HOWEVER, be that as it may, Americans again aren't willing to shall we say shoulder the burden of maintaining the alliance to the degree that it has since the cold war. Especially now that nato members are wealthy themselves. And that a major security threat significant in magnitude to the soviets is absent.

The long term isolationist consequence will be America getting drag into another world war with the potential esscalation to nukes. (Or nuclear proliferation and one or a few going off more likely)


Now there has been a push by the Globalist wing of the pentagon to point that attention to starting with Obama and his piviot to asia. Specifically China, and establish a pseudo Asiatic version of nato in ASEAN countries like Japan taiwan south korea phillipines and vietnam. 

I think this in the long term is unfounded due to China's collasping demographic and terrible geography. China can de-industrialize in a matter of months wiping out half of the population. They can't even produce enough food to maintain their population wihtout fertilizer input from abroad. 

India also suffer from terrible geogrpahy, lacking navigable rivers and is mountanous making it difficult for infrastucture development. Populous but always poor. 

Yes churchill put bluntly "There is only one thing worse than fighting with allies, and that is fighting without them"


1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:


Because fascism doesn't benefit you. I would argue that it benefits nobody, but alright, I get how it benefits the rich in some ways. But if you're not rich, you're just voting to give away even more of your power to the upper-class. And what do you get in return? You suffer, but minorities suffer more?

So - a few points

This has NOTHING to do with people wanting to rattle the system by having trump as president. I know you love throwing words like 'fascist' but it really just demonstrates low brow thinking. Trump wasn't a fascist, he wasn't even very authortarian. Biden has been more authortarian than trump.  Look at the border.

Second - Canadian. Not my nose no matter what :)

Third - if you decide to 'shake things up' you're going to have unhealthy disruption no matter what you do. It's something people do as a last resort.

And finally Nobody is responsible for the minorities. People vote based on what they think is best, not what a minority thinks is best. And you'll find the minorities get just as sick of the bullcrap and being used as a pawn by the left to justify more and more authoritarian behavior. 

You seem to forget there's a law of politics very similar to the 3rd law of thermodynamics.  The more you say 'nazi' and 'fascist', the more they'll say 'screw the trans, screw the minorities, screw you."


1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

And you don't think that's kinda stupid? The problem with politics is that we have too many politicians that lie. So our plan is to elect a guy who lies even more than the other politicians!

doesn't matter if he lies. They didn't hire him to tell the truth. they hired him to break the mold and shake the system up and to send a message - tick us off by treating us as 'deplorable' and we'll do this.  And to the republicans "keep putting your choices in front of us for president instead of our choices, and we'll do this".

1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

The economy that he inherited from Obama did well, until he destroyed it.

Obama's eocnomy underperformed and trump boosted it nicely, and it stayed boosted.

Sorry kddo but it's lies like that which get you the trumps of the world in the first place. Thats the kind of behavior people were sick of. If you tried being honest you'd get a lot farther.

1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

This is like the real-life version of the surprised Pikachu face. We elected a mentally challenged person because we thought it would be funny, then it turns out he couldn't do the job at all.

Literally couldn't be less true. But - it seems that your one bit of honesty at the start was a flash in the pan, and it's all you've got.

1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

Tankies are "red fascists." Basically, authoritarians who use left-wing imagery, like Stalin and Mao.

Ok - never heard that before but fair enough.

1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

Yeah, cutting your nose to spite your face. If you insult me one more time, I'll blow up this house that we're both living in!

That's not cutting your nose to spite your face - that's saying if you force me to go down, i'm taking you with me. That's a different thing and you REALLY need to listen.

1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

I get the frustration, but people who voted for Trump to make a point are verfickt stupid.



Sigh.  Well - they're smarter than you apparently. Oh well.

Thanks for proving that old adage - you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make her think.

Posted (edited)
56 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Trump wasn't a fascist, he wasn't even very authortarian. Biden has been more authortarian than trump. 

I know, right? Remember when Biden tried to end democracy because he lost an election?

56 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Second - Canadian. Not my nose no matter what :)

But you do vote for right-wing policies in Canada. America isn't the only country with angry incels that vote for fascism to own the libs.

56 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Third - if you decide to 'shake things up' you're going to have unhealthy disruption no matter what you do. It's something people do as a last resort.

Yeah, but they should have known that America wasn't really at that point. Hillary Clinton sucks, but she wasn't THAT bad.

Though to be fair, I can understand not knowing how bad Trump would be, nobody did. We didn't know he was going to go full fascist. However, voting for him in 2020 is legit inexcusable. At that point, you're just voting for suicide to own the libs.


And finally Nobody is responsible for the minorities. People vote based on what they think is best, not what a minority thinks is best. And you'll find the minorities get just as sick of the bullcrap and being used as a pawn by the left to justify more and more authoritarian behavior. 

Not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that you're voting for fascism, even though it'll make you miserable, because it will be even worse for minorities. I think that's really moronic. 


That's not cutting your nose to spite your face - that's saying if you force me to go down, i'm taking you with me. That's a different thing and you REALLY need to listen.

That's how a child thinks.


Edited by Americana Antifa

Unsere Stadt, merk euch das, für euch ist kein Platz da. Alerta, Alerta, Antifascista!

On 4/30/2023 at 10:48 PM, Americana Antifa said:

I know, right? Remember when Biden tried to end democracy because he lost an election?

When did biden lose an election?

I DO remember when nancy and al gore did tho. nancy STILL claims trump's election was illegal

On 4/30/2023 at 10:48 PM, Americana Antifa said:

But you do vote for right-wing policies in Canada. America isn't the only country with angry incels that vote for fascism to own the libs.

If you're voting for the fascists you ARE voting for the liberals and the only ones who own the liberals in Canada are the Chinese.

On 4/30/2023 at 10:48 PM, Americana Antifa said:

Yeah, but they should have known that America wasn't really at that point. Hillary Clinton sucks, but she wasn't THAT bad.

She was that bad. She was truly horrible.

On 4/30/2023 at 10:48 PM, Americana Antifa said:

Though to be fair, I can understand not knowing how bad Trump would be, nobody did. We didn't know he was going to go full fascist.

he didn't. What fascist law did he bring in that affected americans? None.  He was a nationalst - and he said reatarded things that caused trouble a lot (like daily), but actually he did better than obama with the economy, didn't get into any wars, and generally DID a good job even tho he TALKED like a disaster.

On 4/30/2023 at 10:48 PM, Americana Antifa said:

Not what I'm saying.

Of course it's what you were saying, Now that i've pointed out how stupid it was you'd like to change it to saying something else :)  ROFLMAO - i can understand why :)

On 4/30/2023 at 10:48 PM, Americana Antifa said:

That's how a child thinks.

Or someone who's desperate and feels they're going to lose either way.

That's one of your biggest problems.  You have no humanity.  You have agenda, but no empathy. You speak but you don't listen. Your outrage is all professional. You don't even WANT to understand how people were feeling.

Another President had this to say once -  "if you make peaceful revolution impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable".

Trump was the violent revolution. And history is setting to repeat itself if you're not careful.

On 4/28/2023 at 2:16 AM, paxamericana said:

From the post world war 2 order created by American Hegemeny, the world greatly benefitted. Speficially from american security umbrella visa vi american taxpayer subsidies. It allowed for international trade through american gaurded sea lane and an open market to american consumer. In summary this was a bribe for being cannon fodder incase the soviets decided to invade.

Europeans fight every century or so.

Like Swedes, you Americans took a side.

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