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Posted (edited)

So, let's summarize...

Since the collapse of the Leman Brothers Investment Bank, the economy has entered a period of recession that has plunged large parts of society into semi-poverty. Or in real poverty. All manufacturing has moved, from Western factories, to those of the Far East, where a worker (enslaved) can cost (even) 15 times less than here. To counter this competition, the West has responded by pushing innovation and (above all) automation to the maximum.


Those who have white hair, will explain to you that, to make the same sweater, to make the same tile, to make any product, the same type of factory, right now, uses a worker who controls, say, 15 fully automated looms: before, however, each loom had its own worker. The other 14 workers, inevitably, disappeared. And they will not return. This explains the (not negligible) economic growth, which is never accompanied by an equally large reduction in unemployment. A mechanism that I do not hesitate to call 'infernal and diabolical'.


The appeals that scientists, at least those not funded and secretly corrupted by the hydrocarbon industries, since I was a child, have tried to warn us about the risks of climate change caused by the risk in the atmosphere millions of tons of CO2. And, like a child who accidentally gets locked in a car, under the sun, And with the windows closed, now the disaster has been made: we have closed the windows, locked them, sealed them: even if we stopped heating our homes, if we stopped walking around with cars, even if we all stopped breathing, there would be nothing more to do: as happens in the cars of that poor child, The temperature of the passenger compartment (i.e. our atmosphere) will rise inexorably, year on year. Indeed, month on month. Making us do the end of the turkey in the oven.


The Mediterranean Sea has (I go to memory) a degree and a half more than normal. The same thing happened in the oceans. This means that that huge mass of water has accumulated an incredible amount of energy: like when you put a pot of cold water on your stove, for quite a long time the flame does not heat your kitchen: it does not do so until the water in the pot becomes hot but, when it has finished storing energy, Here your kitchen immediately warms up through the flame of the stove: here, we have passed this step: and we are realizing it from the temperatures of our cities that, literally, season after season, month after month, have gone crazy, and inexorably beat the record set a few days before.


I read somewhere that this enormous energy released by the oceans ended up modifying the functioning of air currents in the Stratosphere, or at those heights where the winds blow (I go by memory ...) at 300 or 400 kilometers per hour. It is this change that caused the descent of a polar cyclone that placed its coldest point over the State of Wyoming (U.S.A.) causing temperatures of [b]-57 degrees Celsius[/b], and hundreds of frozen deaths. The same thing, in these hours, is happening in the valleys of Afghanistan. In other words, the North Pole is no longer in its place, and its air masses oscillate, like a huge crazy pendulum, going each time to hit a (once) temperate area. And this also has very serious long-term consequences: in those areas all potatoes were grown, because no one expected such a joke: translated, if this pendulum swings many times, throughout the winter, it will end up burning (with its frosts) almost all our crops. Crops, already very small, due to drought. Even this drought, an event never seen in memory (of all) the men who lived in those places.


Diseases have appeared, various forms of Avian, Swine fever, but I mean above all Covid, which has managed to attack us all inside the house, forcing the so-called Advanced Societies to behave, no more, no less, roughly with the same countermeasures as Florence in 1348 (at the time of the Black Death). Far from being defeated, Covid is still blocking the giant China, which giant, given its huge population, will almost certainly act as an incubator for new variants that will make the vaccines used so far ineffective. If you search the internet, you will find that new varieties of [b]mosquitoes[/b] have appeared in Indonesia and Cambodia that are absolutely immune and resistant to pesticides..

(fonte: https://phys.org/news/2022-12-mosquitoes-highly-resistant-insecticides-vietnam.html)

... and there are (once only) tropical diseases, such as Dengue, and several others, of which no pharmaceutical company has produced vaccines, because they exclusively affected poor countries, or people who would never have paid the costs of research and production of drugs. The larvae of these mosquitoes resist months and months, and surely a couple will arrive (inside container ships) in our ports. Ports that, now, have temperatures, if not really tropical, at least sufficient to carry those pathogens. In addition, they are running out of the animals called "Brain-eating Amoebas", or creatures that live in certain waters, waters that, if you drink them, or if you swim through them ...

(fonte: https://tg24.sky.it/scienze/ameba-mangia-cervello)

... They make you go the way of the kissed apple, the inside of which is devoured by the worm. If Covid, so far, has somehow strangled you, this other disease is objectively a thousand times more atrocious.


The purgatory of Covid was not over yet, which we woke up in the nightmare of thermonuclear conflict, with Russia on one side, and the West on the other. That then the problem is not limited there, if we look better, Russia has in fact allied itself with China (they are several times that they do military exercises together, they take off a squadron of atomic bombers to circumnavigate Japan, while the President of the U.S.A. is on a state visit, and much, much more ...) and to China and Russia, North Korea is de facto united, the religious Iran that is now able to manufacture advanced weapons, so much so that it supplies them to the Russians, Maduro's Venezuela and others.


China, in some places backed by Russia, is making its way through the chain of supplies of raw materials that, until now, have always been the dominance of the West: I mean the conflicts in North Africa, to secure uranium, zinc, cobalt mines, the same thing is happening with the assistance of China and Russia to Maduro's Venezuela, to Cuba itself, that is, a finger in the eye in the so-called '[b]Garden of Home[/b]' of the United States, the entire American continent, North, Central and South in which, we do not know on the basis of what divine right, the U.S.A. have always demanded that no one put their beak. The conflicts of these days are also understood in the light of these moves.


China has decided, it is now evident from how it behaves, that it is time to close the game left pending at the end of the Long March, when Chiang Kai-shek's pro-capitalist troops, now defeated, all took refuge on the island of Taiwan and, thanks to the intervention of the US Navy, not all were slaughtered. The thing has basically remained frozen ever since. One can think as one wishes, but imagine if, in the mid-nineteenth century, the defeated Southern troops of General Lee had all withdrawn, say, all in Florida and the Chinese People's Army had intervened, catapulting millions of Chinese soldiers into Miami, getting in the way, preventing Lincoln's troops from settling the matter with his opponents. The anger of the Chinese can only be understood by putting oneself in their shoes, for example, by giving the (only apparently) absurd example I gave above. A hundred Chinese fighter-bombers aiming, one week yes, and the other as well, straight, straight, towards Taiwan, and then veering at the last minute, before entering the territorial waters of Taiwan, is a behavior that, in the long run, indeed, in the short term, will cause trouble. Troubles wanted and studied at the table.


So many volcanoes in the Fire Belt, I mean that imaginary circle that starts from New Zealand and, through the islands of Oceania, the Philippines, Japan, Russian Kamtchtka, Alaska, California, Mexico and Central America, and then all on the coast of South America, all together make the edges of the largest (and potentially destructive) Earth's tectonic plate. Well, there is an unusual awakening of many volcanoes: the explosion of the volcano of Tonga, a few months ago, if it had not occurred in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, but on the mainland, would have introduced so much dust and debris into the atmosphere, to cause a lowering of temperatures, and famines, much worse than those that occurred (for a similar event) in Europe and North America in the mid-nineteenth century ...

(fonte: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_senza_estate)

... there are three active volcanoes in Kamtchatka (one of which is gigantic), a couple in the Philippines, we have already talked about the underwater volcano of Tonga, and there, moreover, a small island has just emerged from the ocean from nowhere (an island with the habit of smoking ...) ...

(fonte: https://www.ansa.it/canale_scienza_t...dd175345e.html)

... I know that the subsoil (and I think also the volcanoes) of Alaska are in turmoil, a couple of volcanoes have rekindled in Central America, and three others (I go by memory) have started again along the Andes Cordillera). In the area of Peru and Chile there are continuous earthquakes. Much more frequent than usual.

The Earth's magnetosphere, or the enormous magnetic field caused by the movement (convective motion) of lava in the bowels of our planet is changing. And this change has (potentially) lethal consequences: the [b]North Magnetic Pole[/b], that point at which all our compasses indicate, is moving: it has never been stationary, it has always moved a few kilometers ......

(fonte: https://www.wired.it/scienza/energia/2020/12/23/polo-nord-magnetico-spostando-rapidamente-siberia/)

... But now it is moving (I go by memory ...) of 60/70 kilometers every year. Perhaps you know that there are animals that manage to lay their eggs, even after many years, on the same beach, or in the same stream, where they were born, after having lived all their lives miles of miles away. Mind you: the same beach, not the same archipelago. Scientists have finally understood the mechanism behind it: in the eye of these animals there are substances that are sensitive to magnetism, and acts as a compass: in other words, the Eternal Father has placed a very sensitive and very effective GPS system even in the last of our turtles, and in the last of our salmon. That is how it is. Point. Now, with the movement of the North Magnetic Pole, more and more species end up getting their migratory path wrong...

(fonte: https://www.rollingstone.it/pop-life/450-balene-pilota-stanno-morendo-spiaggiate-in-tasmania/532372/)

... for example, on two occasions, 450 Pilot Whales stranded, and died, in Tasmania, and in the area near Australia. I have read about the same phenomenon for other animal species. And this phenomenon does not have implications only for these poor beasts but, in perspective, a very bad prospect can erase any form of life on earth, because the position of the North Magnetic Pole also depends on the functioning (and effectiveness) of the Van Hallen Belts, and the so-called Magnetosphere ...

(fonte: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetosfera)

.. or that kind of magnetic 'shield', produced by the movement of incandescent material inside the Earth, which protects us from the particles emitted by the Solar Wind: if this shield were not there, probably there would be no Earth's atmosphere, at least not as we know it, and all waterways would dry up. . As you can see from the images, this magnetosphere is stronger at the equator, and divine less thick (and resistant) at the Poles: it is for this reason that, near the North Pole and near the South Pole, sometimes, these particles manage to hit us 'by crawl', causing the famous ...

(fonte: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_polare)

... Northern Lights. Which are beautiful, but if this saving North Magnetic Pole ended up being placed, say, on the Equator, here we would be hit by the Solar Wind with a shield that is no longer made of steel, but of paper.

Well, maybe I forgot something. But I think that is enough for the moment. I know that these speeches are very obnoxious, and very scary. But I, in my heart, feel the duty to do it to you. And to those who want to reproach me for my behavior, as if I were a kind of invaded monk of the Year One Thousand, who boasts of the End of the World, I remind him of the words of the devil, in the book "The Master and Margarita", when the devil himself, with his helpers, wandered in a park in Moscow, and two professors of the Institute of Atheism discussed among themselves about the NON-existence of God. The devil himself, at one point, objected to them that...

"These are facts. And in this world there is nothing more obstinate than a fact"

That's it.

Edited by Holubice

Automation will take care of itself, there will still need to be customers for the crap they make, unless machines are going to sell each other crap.

The magnetic pole moving closer to the geographic pole will make navigation in high latitudes easier. 

Human caused climate change is the biggie, the others are pretty normal occurrences in the earth's history.

  • Like 1

Hi @Michael Hardner,
It seams to me you are one of the most "affetionados" (I mean, a person who know very well this forum...), I have a question for you: 


Software forum, as vBullettin or PhpBB, they use a 'coding' to create their post named 'BB Tag', in other words, a coding very similar to 'HTML' language, but with some plus, to work well in forums. It seams to me this forum doesn't accept that coding, and that wide standard. Is it possible (somehow) to write a post using the 'BB Tags' here? To be more clear, something similar to this list below: 


Qui, caro #Nordista, non ne va bene una ... Dammi retta, se dall'Alto il "Deus ex machina" di tutto l'universo non interviene, con qualcosa che riesca a distrarre questa gente, con qualcosa di clamoroso, che li faccia riflettere e, soprattutto, desistere, qui va a finire che finisce tutto. E anzitempo ...

[b][url=https://www.msn.com/it-it/notizie/mondo/nave-da-guerra-usa-entrata-illegalmente-in-mar-cinese-la-denuncia-di-pechino/ar-AA18Y46Q?ocid=Peregrine&cvid=e87fa04aa42945df940fd209553fcc41&ei=20]"Nave da guerra Usa entrata illegalmente in Mar Cinese", la denuncia di Pechino[/url][/b]


[i]"... L'esercito cinese ha dichiarato che una nave da guerra statunitense è entrata illegalmente nelle acque delle isole Xisha, nel Mar Cinese Meridionale. Il portavoce del Comando Sud, il colonnello dell'aeronautica Tian Junli, ha detto che l'Esercito popolare di liberazione (PLA) ha monitorato e allertato un cacciatorpediniere missilistico. Junli ha assicurato che questa azione "mina gravemente" la pace e la stabilità nella regione del Mar Cinese Meridionale e che l'esercito rimarrà in allerta e adotterà tutte le misure necessarie per "salvaguardare la sovranità nazionale, la sicurezza, la pace e la stabilità" nell'area ..." (CONTINUA NEL LINK SOPRA)[/i]

... che gran casino #Nordista ... Per fortuna che, io e te, sappiamo come (grosso modo) dovrà andare a finire. E sappiamo che non dovrà finire tutto quanto, per una cosa del genere. Lo so, è una magra consolazione. Ma ce la faremo bastare ... A proposito: ieri, hai fatto i tuoi giri intorno a casa scalzo ...? Guarda che non sto scherzando. Adesso, comincio pure io. Non lo farò qui intorno a casa mia, perché io non vivo come te in un villino isolato in legno nei prati del North Dakota, e gli altri condomini mi prenderebbero per matto. Già c'è quella candela, che accendo tutte le notti, davanti ad una mia finestra, e quella pila da 15 quintali di legna. Non posso aggiungere altra stranezza, alle altre stranezze ... 


Il post originale era qui:


... thank a lot (in advance...)



But the naked and raw news, dear #Northern, demands our attention ... 

North Korea experiences the underwater drone that creates radioactive tsunamis. Yoon: "Pyongyang will pay for its provocations"



"... The back and forth on the Korean peninsula continues. And it is becoming [B]increasingly dangerous[/B] . Between amphibious assault ships, underwater drones and missile systems. This morning, the media of the Kim Jong-un reported that [B]North Korea[/B] has tested a new type of underwater drone for the first time.Similar to the Russian system known as Poseidon, this drone is [B]capable of generating tsunamis[/B]radioactive. Launched off the northeastern coast of the country, it sailed at a depth of about 80-150 meters in an oval course in the Sea of Japan for 59 hours and 12 minutes. Eventually it reached a predefined point set up as an enemy dummy port and exploded. The KCNA news agency explained that the drone's capabilities are to "stealthily penetrate operational waters and cause a large-scale radioactive tsunami to destroy enemy naval strike groups." The North Korean media also published some photos of the launch of the drone, whose operational deployment received the go-ahead from last December's Workers' Party Plenum ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

 ... our Kim always raises the placed on the table in the casino ...


The original message was here: 


I was expecting a somewhat unpredictable attitude from our good Trump, dear #Northern, if you go to review it back, I felt it a bit but, honestly, not so exaggerated ... 

Trump: from my "death and destruction" indictment



"... Former President Donald Trump has warned that " death and destruction " could follow if he is indicted by a Manhattan grand jury. In a post on the Social Truth platform, Trump railed against what he called a "false accusation" and suggested that a lawsuit against him could trigger nationwide violence that could be " catastrophicThe billionaire also added that in such a scenario, only “a degenerate psychopath who truly hates the United States ” would go forward with the indictment. His words come less than a week after Trump himself called for widespread outcry. by his supporters stating that the New York Attorney's Office was preparing to arrest him ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

... this man is faring worse than my worst predictions. Reality is giving three or four laps to what, until recently, were just my fantasies, and fears... And now, #Northern, what the heck are you doing...? Pack a big bundle, get out of your wooden house on the Colorado meadows, and go into hiding in the woods ...? Why #Northern everything, absolutely everything, he decided to go to hell, and everything together ...? 


The original post was here: 

3 hours ago, Holubice said:

Hi @Michael Hardner,
It seams to me you are one of the most "affetionados" (I mean, a person who know very well this forum...), I have a question for you: 


Software forum, as vBullettin or PhpBB, they use a 'coding' to create their post named 'BB Tag', in other words, a coding very similar to 'HTML' language, but with some plus, to work well in forums. It seams to me this forum doesn't accept that coding, and that wide standard. Is it possible (somehow) to write a post using the 'BB Tags' here? To be more clear, something similar to this list below: 


Qui, caro #Nordista, non ne va bene una ... Dammi retta, se dall'Alto il "Deus ex machina" di tutto l'universo non interviene, con qualcosa che riesca a distrarre questa gente, con qualcosa di clamoroso, che li faccia riflettere e, soprattutto, desistere, qui va a finire che finisce tutto. E anzitempo ...

[b][url=https://www.msn.com/it-it/notizie/mondo/nave-da-guerra-usa-entrata-illegalmente-in-mar-cinese-la-denuncia-di-pechino/ar-AA18Y46Q?ocid=Peregrine&cvid=e87fa04aa42945df940fd209553fcc41&ei=20]"Nave da guerra Usa entrata illegalmente in Mar Cinese", la denuncia di Pechino[/url][/b]


[i]"... L'esercito cinese ha dichiarato che una nave da guerra statunitense è entrata illegalmente nelle acque delle isole Xisha, nel Mar Cinese Meridionale. Il portavoce del Comando Sud, il colonnello dell'aeronautica Tian Junli, ha detto che l'Esercito popolare di liberazione (PLA) ha monitorato e allertato un cacciatorpediniere missilistico. Junli ha assicurato che questa azione "mina gravemente" la pace e la stabilità nella regione del Mar Cinese Meridionale e che l'esercito rimarrà in allerta e adotterà tutte le misure necessarie per "salvaguardare la sovranità nazionale, la sicurezza, la pace e la stabilità" nell'area ..." (CONTINUA NEL LINK SOPRA)[/i]

... che gran casino #Nordista ... Per fortuna che, io e te, sappiamo come (grosso modo) dovrà andare a finire. E sappiamo che non dovrà finire tutto quanto, per una cosa del genere. Lo so, è una magra consolazione. Ma ce la faremo bastare ... A proposito: ieri, hai fatto i tuoi giri intorno a casa scalzo ...? Guarda che non sto scherzando. Adesso, comincio pure io. Non lo farò qui intorno a casa mia, perché io non vivo come te in un villino isolato in legno nei prati del North Dakota, e gli altri condomini mi prenderebbero per matto. Già c'è quella candela, che accendo tutte le notti, davanti ad una mia finestra, e quella pila da 15 quintali di legna. Non posso aggiungere altra stranezza, alle altre stranezze ... 


Il post originale era qui:


... thank a lot (in advance...)


There's a Support and Questions forum - you need to post it there and Greg should take care of that for you.


Posted (edited)

These surface earthquakes, in the Campi Flegrei area, the area east of the city of Naples, actually occur at the top of a caldera, or rather a very dangerous super volcano, which in its last explosion shot so much material into the atmosphere, that ended up collapsing. This happens at a time when the Etna volcano is erupting, the Stromboli volcano is erupting, or has just stopped, the island of Vulcano, in the Aeolian archipelago, suddenly finds itself with the waters turning white, as in an Icuzzi hot tub. And finally, the phenomenon of bradyseism raised the surface of the land in the Pozzuoli area, leaving the boats dry in the port... I won't add anything else, I only recall the words of the great poet Totó: - It is the sum, which makes the total... -

Earthquake in Campi Flegrei, Naples: shock M 2.8/ Fear among the people but no damage


 "... A strong earthquake was felt late yesterday evening, precisely at 11.40 pm, between Naples and Pozzuoli with its epicenter in Campi Flegrei The magnitude was not very high, equal to 2.8 degrees on the Richter scale, but it was among the highest felt in recent years and the fact that the earthquake had a very low hypocenter further increased the effects. the most affected were those of Bagnoli, Fuorigrotta, Vomero, Rione Alto, Pianura, as well as Pozzuoli, Quarto, Monterusciello, and the earthquake originated from the phenomenon of bradyseism..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

... and, although I live quite far from that area, I'm still very worried, because I know what the monster that dwells in the subsoil of the Gulf of Naples can do. This video, by a good Neapolitan geologist, clearly explains the matter. If you need to translate the video from Italian, use the appropriate option on YouTube ... 




Edited by Holubice

You #Northern what bank do you have...? The Negraska National Bank ...? 

Bags today March 24 | Deutsche Bank collapses, Europe in sharp decline with banks, Milan black jersey "... European stock exchanges in the storm


[I] again . And the banks are always to blame: among the most targeted by the financial day is the [B]German giant Deutsche Bank[/B][B][/B][B][/B], whose stock lost 15% on Friday morning. The crash of the largest German bank and one of the largest in the Old Continent has obviously conditioned the entire European banking sector and the performance of the lists, already tried by the Credit Suisse crisis, by the bankruptcy of the Californian bank Svb and by First Republic, another institution American close to crash (here the stock market trend in real time) ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)[/I]

 ... sure that #Northern, having a lot of money, right now, it's hard to sleep the night. Here the good Bob Dylan really begins to be right, when he sang [I]"... when you have nothing, you have nothing to loose ..."[/I]. Which then, is the only great fortune of those who don't have a pocket of a penny. Or rather, it's not the only one. If he doesn't have a penny, it's not because he squandered it on slot machines or whores, but he doesn't have it because, always working honestly, he has always been paid little or nothing, or has had to pay everything that others have never wanted pay, their zero bill, will be their biggest lottery ticket in the entire Universe... 


The original post was here: 
[URL="https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-4.html#post44036"]https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le- things-began-to-fall-4.html#post44036[/URL]

Posted (edited)
QuoteOriginally posted by nurmalso2.0
Do you share a room with him on the ward!? https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthr...ten-reactions

... which translated, means ...


QuoteOriginally posted by nurmalso2.0
Are you sharing a room in the lane with him!? https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthr...wer-Reaktionen

I gave that conversation a quick read. I mean, you're driving me crazy . I confess that I'm quite used to it. I mentioned that I've been doing the same things for a long time that I'm doing now (also) here with you, but with Italian atheists, and they, for example, have confined all my speeches to a thread that has this icon. ..


Italian atheists: Padded cell

... unfortunately that conversation, in which I have essentially explained (for a very long time) always the same things that I am telling you here now, is now accessible only to registered users (I think because lately I have been posting numerous links to it, and some users chatting had disclosed personal data). In short, nothing new under the sun. And I also confess something else to you: I am subject to restrictions on my legal capacity : until recently, to buy a candy, I had to ask a stamped applicationto a judge, to a doctor, and for information to the President of the Republic. Now the measures have loosened up a bit, and I have a small monthly budget, which I can manage in total autonomy. But I still have limitations. The details of what I've been up to, I won't give you, even under torture. But when I tell you ...

doctor, take care of yourself ipsum

... that is, before asking others to do what is written in the Gospel, you must first put it into practice yourselves , I am not saying it just to say it. And when I tell you this when, and if, you do, it's going to get you in a lot of troubleI'm not talking just to say. The speeches I'm giving you now, I've also made to doctors, a long time ago, at the beginning of my story, asking them that everything be faithfully reported in my medical records. That is, that everything was recorded, as when one goes to a notary, and I was perfectly aware of the consequences that this would have entailed. The last time I met these doctors, many of them are still the same as then, now as now they no longer have the sufficiency, and the amused look of then: they have become much more thoughtful and much more attentive : we read in let him think about the thoughts that go through his head: but do you want to see that, many times, this one here, when he made these speeches to us, many years ago ...
One of the doctors I had to deal with, who was a young doctor (among other things, also pretty) during one of the usual chats that I have to have periodically with them, I asked him:


- Doctor, listen, can you explainwhy , if a man talks to God, he is praying. But if it is God who, somehow, speaks to him, do you immediately bring him in here ...? In short, it should be a duplex telephone line, from time to time, it should even answer...
- Well, yes, in fact, you are not entirely wrong ...

Listen to me @nurmalso2.0, you need to be more careful when you want to drive people crazy. Because it is a very dangerous action ... (1)

1) From my Sacred Reference Text:


For I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

[21] You have heard that it was said to the ancients: Thou shalt not kill; whoever kills will be judged. [22] But I tell you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment. Who then says to his brother: stupid, he will be subjected to the Sanhedrin; and whoever says to him: mad , he will be subjected to the fire of Gehenna .



Original post was here:

Edited by Holubice

The mess, dear #Northern, is spreading like wildfire: now the Russians, through their Iranian allies, are teasing the mercenaries, hops, the so-called 'contractors', with an American passport in their pocket, in the land of Syria ...

In Syria, high tension between the US and Russia "Armed flights against American bases"


"... In light of the recent repeated attacks on US forces and their Kurdish allies in Syria. A sign of Tehran's willingness to raise the level of tension in the region, as General Michael Kurilla, head of Central Command, reported Thursday in a hearing to Congress: "Iran hides its hand using allied militias". And yet, on Friday Biden clarified in a press conference in Ottawa that he was not seeking "conflict with Iran" but that in any case the US "will protect their personnel". Kurilla himself had reported on the Iran hides the hand using allied militias". And yet, on Friday Biden clarified in a press conference in Ottawa that he was not seeking "conflict with Iran" but that in any case the US "will protect their personnel". Kurilla himself had reported on the Iran hides the hand using allied militias". And yet, on Friday Biden clarified in a press conference in Ottawa that he was not seeking "conflict with Iran" but that in any case the US "will protect their personnel". Kurilla himself had reported on thegrowing military alliance between Iran and Russia and the "recent increase in risky and unprofessional behavior of the Russian air force in the region". The general had explained that Moscow's Su-34s "fly over our bases loaded with ordnance , in an attempt to provoke us" ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

... listen to me #Northern, if tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, somewhere, there will be an earthquake of the 10.5 Richter degree, or 30 times more powerful than what happened in Chile, in the sixties, and which is the most powerful of which we have precise measurements, in the end, would be our salvation. because it will make these people give up, blinded in their reasoning, and will not make them do the irreparable. Obviously, it won't be for those who find themselves around the epicenter of that earthquake, and all the coastal cities that can be reached by the waves of that ocean. But for the rest of humanity, for the moment, it would be a (temporary) salvation.


The original post was here:


I think there can be no more ridiculous news than this, dear #Northern. But I say, in a country like our Italian Republic (Bananiferous), in which a restaurateur on average declared (when the economy was going well) a gross income of 11,000 euros (I repeat, gross, this means that 23% of taxes, or that in his family they are forced to eat one day yes, and two no, ah, luckily they have a restaurant, and therefore they take home something left over from the customers' tables ...) where an average jeweler claims to earn like a newly hired elementary school teacher , but I say #Northern, where is the scandal? This means only one thing: the Chinese minority, present in Italy, has integrated perfectly ...

Illegal Chinese banks, 300 million a year disappear from Rome to Beijing


"... Clandestine banks, hidden in what appear to be normal Chinese shops, where briefcases full of cash are brought, the proceeds of both licit and illicit activities. In the first case this money, after being collected (often illegally) by entrepreneurs and merchants, escapes the tax authorities and is sent to China.There is talk of at least 300 million euros hidden from the Bank of Italy's radars, because they were not tracked by authorized intermediaries ( such as money transfers).In the second case, however, with this system the proceeds of crime - mainly the result of drug trafficking - are recycled and virtually moved, inside and outside national borders, from one "branch" to another ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

... In short. #Northern, do you also notice a certain difference in treatment, in certain newspaper articles...? Something which, combined with the warlike and worrying news arriving from the Sea of Japan, are the prodromes of a witch hunt , and violence against minorities present both in Europe and in the United States (definitely very little, almost not at all) of America ...? But even here #Northern, I could be wrong: things could be even worse...


The original post was here:


It seems to me, or something like that, I had already imagined it, and in absolutely unsuspecting times, since the beginning of this mess ...? But it was something very easy to guess: a country that has a gross domestic product that is 15 times smaller than that of the United States, and which, in order to remain competitive (and effective) against the giant represented by NATO, has invested everything its budget where it could do the most harm: the modernization and strengthening of its thermo-nuclear missiles, at a certain point, in order to be right and defeat its small enemy on the borders, it will have to resort to the same quick methods with which the States United made Japan surrender in 1946. Think about it: Has anyone put America on trial for what he did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki…? And Putin has been repeating it for a long time: if by chance we launch them, it will only mean that we will have caught up with the Americans...

Putin's escalation: tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus


"... Russia is once again positioning its tactical atomic bombs in Belarus, thus marking a turning point in its military devices.It was from the mid-nineties, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, that the Moscow government no longer carried its nuclear arsenal outside its borders. A move, strongly desired by Vladimir Putin himself, which once again underlines the seriousness of the tensions between the Moscow government and the countries linked to NATO. Belarus borders three Alliance members: Poland, Lithuania and Latvia . Armaments experts point out that the "tactical nukes" are more agile and less powerful than the traditional long-range ones capable of annihilating entire cities, they were designed in the 1950s for possible use on battlefields ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

... here it didn't take who knows what strategist to understand that things would end up like this. It was enough to put two and two together. And to get out of it, it was enough to use Kissinger's strategy: we shout at everyone with megaphones; we won! We won...! Soon after we get on the helicopters, and we go home. And instead, this round, of statesmen endowed with this wisdom, there are none. Nowhere. Have you noticed #Northern...? Earlier I told you not to pay attention to all this "background noise". But here the noise will be so strong that no one will be able to ignore it ...


The original post was here:

Posted (edited)

Do you remember #Northern the mess that came up with the so-called subprime mortgages, or the subordinated bonds, those that, here in Italy, were saddled with thousands of old ladies, completely ignorant about the functioning of complex (and specious) investment products, products that left them without a penny, when here banking groups turned out to be insolvent ...? Well, when the smoke from the rubble of that financial collapse cleared, it turned out that, among the various obligations to which the banks were subject, there was also that of having an information document signed on the risks that bank customers ran, at the time to accept those contracts.

In particular, there was a number, which sums up the river of words of that contact, and which indicated the risk that one ran or, if the number 100 indicated the absolute certainty of seeing one's money back, if you found 50, he wanted say I would only have a 50% chance of getting your money back, plus your interest. Guess what number there was for those sheets formed by old ladies...? I'm going from memory, but it seems to me there was a 1%, or 2% probability. And I ask you, where was that little number put, in plain sight, written in large letters, on the first page ...? No, it was in the middle of pages, and pages of clauses, written thick as the poop of a constipated fly.

I wonder, dear #Northern, why didn't the official of our Banking Regulatory Authority put that number in pole position...? Do you know what the good Henry Ford used to say about lawyers...? Who were the perfect accomplices of the bankers … But let's peer into the next financial pandemonium to come on the horizon…

At1, what are the bonds that make the markets tremble. In Italy 18 billion, almost all of Intesa Sanpaolo and Unicredit


"... Securities more similar to equity are a useful tool to protect other subordinated debt and customer deposits. But after Switzerland wrote off 17 billion at Credit Suisse, investors were frightened: rising yields prompted Deutsche Pfandbriefbank and Aareal not to repay them, causing further fears. On June 3, Unicredit must decide whether to repay its 1.25 billion At1. About 7% of the 250 billion euros of "At1" subordinated bonds outstanding in Europe are in Italy. In fact, Italian Additional tier 1 bonds amount to 18.05 billion, and were issued, with a crescendo that began nine years ago, by four of the main Italian banks. What are At1 bonds and what are they for - If with the crisis of Lehman the world has become familiar with subprime mortgages,now that the banks are dancing because of Svb first and then Credit Suisse the At1s enter the current news ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

... the thieves, and the moth. Here, of course, we are talking about the first category. Which, in concert with each other, will wipe out all that wealth we relied on so much. And that we won't have invested (in time) in something really durable. Indeed, it will never end ...


The original post was here:

Edited by Holubice
Posted (edited)
On 3/24/2023 at 1:22 PM, Michael Hardner said:

There's a Support and Questions forum - you need to post it there and Greg should take care of that for you.



@Michael Hardner

I don't need to bother Greg with this anymore, because I've seen that the editor of this forum software fully supports the principle ... ...



in short, I'm quicker to translate my posts here than anywhere else where I sneaked. Excellent and filling.



Edited by Holubice

In passing, I would like to point out the usual Cyclone , or the usual Flood , which have now become daily ...

A tornado devastates Mississippi, at least 25 dead


"... The death toll from the devastating tornado is at least 25 dead and a few dozen injured that slammed into the Mississippi, leaving a trail of destruction in its path. Video taken in Rolling Fork, the city of 1,700 that was hardest hit, showed roofs torn off, cars overturned and entire neighborhoods flattened. Severe thunderstorms and gusty winds traveled over 100 miles (60 kilometers) across the Mississippi, affecting several towns along the way..." (CONTINUE IN LINK ABOVE)

... ah #Northern, I point it out to you, who I know you live in Montana, but who in any case I think you still have many relatives and friends here in Italy, and by telling you, I also warn all our forum friends who read from Italy: this tour, not only do I have to look for a place, a little raised, which is safe from a possible (and by now often probable) flooding of the river, but I also have to find one that is sheltered from any canopies torn up by the wind , and hurled at great speed against the windshield of my car. In short, from now on, I have to find something that looks more like a bunker than a garage ...

Weather: Winds getting stronger, then a real storm arrives, with gusts up to 100 km/h; risk areas



The original post was here:


Meanwhile, an anarchist international has been created, which organizes real popular uprisings, in various places in Europe, with lots of real martyrs to claim. And all in all, we're still in good shape dear #Northern: imagine what could happen if our Ministry of Finance gets confused, i.e. it no longer has the means to renew ours (wait a minute, I'm going to check) ...

... 2,821,347,509,969 euros of Italian Public Debt (click here, if you want the precise figure, updated in real time) ... ...


and therefore, without expiring Government Bonds renewed, and without the possibility of tablet printing banknotes, suddenly stops paying the wages of millions of nurses , policemen and garbage collectors, as it no longer gives anything to pensioners who go to the post office. At that point, there will be many who convert to Anarchy. Or, at least, to join the general mess ...

Demonstration of anarchists in Venice. Shutters down, windows covered in cardboard. Cordon with agents in riot gear in front of the Video Photo station


"... Armored Venice for the procession of anarchists. At 08.30 in Campo Santa Margherita. Many exhibitors who already in the early morning lowered the shutters and removed all the stalls. There are 700 men of the police force who have been guarding Venice since early morning in view of the unauthorized demonstration at 3 pm in Campo Santa Margherita. In other cities such as Milan and Turin, the call for solidarity against the harsh regime prison of 41 bis set up for Alfredo Cospito, and which he contested with a hunger strike, led to guerrilla warfare and destruction. The demonstration was organized in solidarity with Juan Antonio Sorreche Fernandez, the Spanish citizen sentenced in the first instance to 28 years by the Court of Treviso for the bomb attack carried out in 2018 against K3, the Villorba headquarters of the Treviso League (... ) The leaflets that have been posted in the historic center for days read: «War is no longer declared but prosecuted. The Appeal process against the anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche will take place in Venice on 28 March. Alfredo Cospito buried alive with the 41 bis, other comrades sentenced to life imprisonment. They are the reflections of a condition that can be summarized in three words:we are at war » ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

... feel a little #Northern, then you did that tour around the house, barefoot ...? Come on, don't complain. It's arrived the spring. If nothing else, we won't have to chatter our teeth...


The original post was here:


If there is one (almost) funny thing in all this decay, dear #Northern, it is the journey of the King of England who, in the midst of all this mess, and in the midst of all this revolution, wanted to meet in the Palace of Versailles ...

Skip the official visit of King Charles to France due to protests in the square against the pension reform


"... "This trip is not to be done". Perhaps French President Emmanuel Macron has not used exactly these words to explain to King Charles that the official trip to France was cancelled, but the meaning was this: because of the violent protests in the squareagainst the pension reform, the Elysee preferred to postpone the visit, initially scheduled for March 26 to 29 (...) A trip, that of King Charles, which, according to some, could have turned into an own goal for the Elysium and for the image of the British monarchy. Lord Ricketts, former national security adviser of the United Kingdom and ambassador to France from 2012 to 2016, thinks so. The former diplomat, in fact, underlined in public how inappropriate the trip was and, in particular, the planned official banquet in the palace of Versailles ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)


The original post was here:


From the French countryside, images appear that seem to have been taken from a battlefield, with people gearing up to make homemade mortars , and demonstrators using umbrellas to advance in ' tortoise ' formation, just like the legionaries of the Empire did Roman, to defend against the enemy's arrows. #Northern, please watch the video on the site below, and then tell me: just a couple of years ago, would you have ever dreamed of seeing similar images in the placid companion of one of the most prosperous states of old Europe ... ?

Guerrilla warfare in the French countryside


"... Protests in France this weekend against water 'mega-basins' under construction in Sainte-Soline in the east of the country. Protesters threw Molotov cocktails and stones, but also used homemade mortars while officers fired tear gas and fire hydrants were used. The demonstrators protested against these basins which are used to collect water for agriculture. The marches were not authorized and the presence of black blocs from all over Europe was confirmed. Many agents were injured. The Minister of the Interior , Gerald Darmanin has promised a tough hand against those responsible for the violence ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

... and tonight too, dear #Northern, you will go to sleep. But tomorrow morning you will wake up always in the same nightmare ...


The original post was here:

3 hours ago, Holubice said:


@Michael Hardner

I don't need to bother Greg with this anymore, because I've seen that the editor of this forum software fully supports the principle ... ...



in short, I'm quicker to translate my posts here than anywhere else where I sneaked. Excellent and filling.



You are answering questions now?  Fine with me but I didn't ask anything.

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