By my count, there are 10 federal seats on the island of Montreal and 25 in Toronto. The federal Conservatives have none. Moreover, the CAQ has no seats in Montreal (but the QS wonders how to win outside cities.)
In the US this is obvious. But elsewhere, it is also true.
Some argue that urban people are progressive-thinkers while rural people are backward .
Others argue that most urban people are rent-seekers living beside a few limousine-liberal, wealth creators.
If I can tell you frankly, this proves to me that you have never had anything to do with certain jobs where you have to get dirty and get back pain. I'll explain better with a real case, taken from reality: mine.I have worked for many years as a spearhead of the advanced tertiary sector, if you want, I could be one of those tens of thousands of technicians that the High Tech industries, these days, are throwing on the street, by handfuls of tens of thousands of people. Profits have contracted, i