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Posted (edited)

This presentation by Dennis Prager, one of America's most popular conservative speakers, tells how leftism is very destructive and destroying western civilization.  He explains why conservatives in general are wrongly focused on opposing individuals rather than the real foe, which is leftism.

I will add a few comments to this O.P. because some have complained the O.P. lacked substance.

Prager pointed out a number of things.  

He mentioned the Pope.  He has a lot of respect for Catholics, but said the Pope is not a Catholic.  The Pope came from South America and is more of a leftist.  There are a lot of leftists in South America.  That's why they have struggled with Communist revolutionaries and have had a lot of trouble in places like El Salvador, Venezuela, and other places.  This could explain why latin America has struggled with poverty.  It is not rich even though it has many natural resources.  He says latin America is a screwed up system because of leftism.

He says the Protestant church is failing because of leftism.  He said an American Presbyterian denomination singled out Israel for condemnation.  The world is full of evil, yet they single out Israel.  Makes no sense.  But that is what leftism does.  I know for a fact leftism has crept into many denominations.  The Jesuits could be behind some of this as well.  After all, the Pope is a Jesuit and a leftist.  He points out liberal Christians have also caved in to the leftists and go along with it.

He also talks about how he grew up as an Orthodox Jew.  He even wrote books about it.  But he left the Orthodox part because he says they have abandoned some basic principles.  They don't stand up against leftism even though it is ruining civilization.  He says the Orthodox don't stand up to same-sex marriage.  They don't fight the fight.  He says he is very tolerant of gays and says they are part of his life and family.  He makes it clear he is opposed to redefining marriage.  He says you have to have compassion in the macro and standard in the micro.  In other words you can be compassionate while standing up for certain principles.  Leftism confuses this and accuses anyone who has any kind of principles that defend the historic and biblical family structure of being bigots or racist and lacking compassion.  That is one of the problems in society today.  There is no distinction in leftism.






Edited by blackbird
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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

The internet always delivers. Pee Pee Poo Poo hats ! : r/comics

That is a good example of the mindless drivel a leftist zombie posts when he doesn't listen, think, or read anything or use his brain at all (if he even has one).  Why even bother being on a discussion forum if you are not prepared to read, watch or listen to anything.  Total waste of time?

Edited by blackbird

The left has been the bane of our species existence since we stopped being tree dwellers. In fact it's likely the left were the first to leave just to get away from the screeching feces hurling conservative monkeys above.

The nuns used to hit my wife's left hand with a stick and tie it behind her back if they caught her using it. That's the best example I can think of for staying away from conservatives, especially the religious ones - a scab on humanities ass if there ever was one.




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A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I can think of for staying away from conservatives, especially the religious ones - a scab on humanities ass if there ever was one.

If that's all you can come up with you obviously never received any discipline when you grew up which would partially explain your behavior and childish demeanor.   You probably should have had many spankings and other forms of discipline.  An obvious Christian hater who has nothing constructive to contribute.

According to the video message from Dennis Prager, the two big marks of a leftist are their hate for America and their rejection of God.  Sad but true.  That belief system leads to destruction and he explains how.  It creates a vacuum that needs to be filled.  The way the left fills it is by embracing secular humanist, anti-God ideas and ideologies.  If you want to know why America is divided (and Canada to some extent), the reason is LEFTISM.  (in Canada it is generally called liberalism but of course includes the more radical left, the NDP).

Edited by blackbird
Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, eyeball said:

especially the religious ones - a scab on humanities ass

You verify what Dennis Prager says in his video message.

The two subjects which generate the most hate are:

1.  Opposing same-sex marriage and defending traditional marriage as being ONLY between a man and woman.  That generates the most hate of all.

2.  Speaking about the existence of God generates the second greatest amount of hate.

That opposition to the Judeo-Christian view on these two subjects is leftism at is core.  It is basically a mindless nihilism. (denial of morals, ethics, and God).   That is why leftism is destroying the west.

Edited by blackbird
2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Opposing same-sex marriage and defending traditional marriage between a man an woman.

You are incorrect. Traditional marriage is the union between a man and a woman's estate and status. It is a business contract arranged by parents.

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A Conservative stands for God, King and Country

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

You are incorrect. Traditional marriage is the union between a man and a woman's estate and status. It is a business contract arranged by parents.

"The biblical view of marriage is of a God-given, voluntary, sexual and public social union of one man and one woman, from different families, for the purpose of serving God.


Marriage was first instituted by God in the order of creation, given by God as an unchangeable foundation for human life. Marriage exists so that through it humanity can serve God through children, through faithful intimacy, and through properly ordered sexual relationships. This union is patterned upon the union of God with his people who are his bride, Christ with his church. Within marriage, husbands are to exercise a role of self-sacrificial headship and wives a posture of godly submission to their husbands. This institution points us to our hope of Christ returning to claim his bride, making marriage a living picture of the gospel of grace."

A Biblical View of Marriage - The Gospel Coalition

Leftism in general rejects traditional marriage as described in the quote above.  This is the traditional marriage as the Bible describes it.   Of course there are many individuals in the left who might agree with this definition, but as a whole leftism rejects it and supports other beliefs instead.  This is just one way leftism is destroying western civilization.

Edited by blackbird
1 hour ago, blackbird said:

That is a good example of the mindless drivel a leftist zombie posts when he doesn't listen, think, or read anything or use his brain at all (if he even has one).  

If you don't quote his posts then the rest of us don't have to see them. 

  • Confused 1

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"


Here is a partial list of the differences between leftism and conservatism:

Dennis Prager: A Guide To Basic Differences Between Left And Right

Source of Human Rights

Left: government

Right: the Creator

Human Nature

Left: basically good (Therefore, society is primarily responsible for evil.)

Right: not basically good (Therefore, the individual is primarily responsible for evil.)

Economic Goal

Left: equality

Right: prosperity

Primary Role of the State

Left: increase and protect equality

Right: increase and protect liberty


Left: as large as possible

Right: as small as possible

Family Ideal

Left: any loving unit of people

Right: a married father and mother, and children

more points at:

Dennis Prager: A Guide To Basic Differences Between Left And Right | Investor's Business Daily (investors.com)

In Canada many people especially leftists are convinced the source of human rights is the government and spelled out in the Charter of Rights.  The big flaw is not only that the basic premise is wrong because the source for human rights is not government, but rather from our Creator.  Secondly, if one accepts that the government is the source of human rights, then one can easily believe that whatever the government says is moral which of course is proven to be totally wrong.  This is a serious error.

I would add the left idea that society is mainly responsible for evil instead of the individual has resulted in our faulty justice system and the release of dangerous offenders and especially aboriginal dangerous offenders which is basing justice on race.



A few other points that Dennis Prager define as the differences.

Ideal Primary Identity of an American

Left: world citizen

Right: American citizen


How to Make a Good Society

Left: abolish inequality

Right: develop each citizen's moral character


View of America

Left: profoundly morally flawed; inferior to any number of European countries

Right: greatest force for good among nations in world history



Left: a social construct

Right: male and female

   Do these differences between left and right sound similar to what is happening in Canada?  Of course.

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

"The biblical view of marriage is of a God-given, voluntary, sexual and public social union of one man and one woman, from different families, for the purpose of serving God.

The Bible not withstanding, traditional marriage over the last 2000 years has been arranged by the families to elevate the family's status and wealth. The idea of a voluntary union or marrying for love is very new and novel. The head of the family will choose the spouse for their son or daughter and reject their choice if it is deemed unsuitable. Most recently we have seen this when the King, as Prince of Wales, wished to marry for love but was over ruled and assigned a spouse deemed more acceptable for the family.  Sometimes, as in this case, a traditional marriage does not work.

The traditional marrige is the same for Princes or the children of blacksmiths.

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A Conservative stands for God, King and Country

30 minutes ago, blackbird said:

A few other points that Dennis Prager define as the differences.

Ideal Primary Identity of an American

Left: world citizen

Right: American citizen


How to Make a Good Society

Left: abolish inequality

Right: develop each citizen's moral character


View of America

Left: profoundly morally flawed; inferior to any number of European countries

Right: greatest force for good among nations in world history



Left: a social construct

Right: male and female

   Do these differences between left and right sound similar to what is happening in Canada?  Of course.

I agree with your overall assessment. I would have said "far left". But maybe it's not that far anymore.

Once upon a time there was a moderate left, and a moderate right. We knew about extremists, but they were put in a different category, essentially fringe element, considered belonging to neither left nor right. We didn't pay attention to them back then, we had important work to do.

I cannot explain how these extremists have become increasingly normalized. It may require a separate thesis. 

Perhaps it follows the same pattern as Spengler wrote in Twilight of the West. Over time a kind of decay sets in. When good men stop resisting, bad men win.

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Posted (edited)

Mr. Prager says that changes in morality has an effect on the health of a civilization. I don't see any evidence of that. Under the most immoral emperors in the most immoral of societies, the Roman civilization stretched from the Scottish border to Mesopotamia. As England embraced the likes of Johnny Wilmott 2nd Earl of Rochester, the Libertine, the British Empire began to grow to a point where the sun never set on the Empire. In the 19th century, the streets of London were awash in gin. Morality has no bearing on the health of civilization. 

Prager criticized Rep. Ellison for taking his oath on the Quran instead of the Bible, but as a Jewish person, would he not support freedom of religion? He was born into a society where he would have been denied entry into many restaurants and club because of his faith. 

In the 1990's Prager supported women's rights to safe abortion. The essence of freedom of religion is each of us has the choice to conduct our lives according to our personal beliefs and conscience, as long as it does not impinge on the rights of others. The same goes for freedom of thought and speech. We each have the right to be Tory, Socred, NDP, Grit or communist. Our politics are our own business.


Edited by Queenmandy85

A Conservative stands for God, King and Country

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Mr. Prager says that changes in morality has an effect on the health of a civilization. I don't see any evidence of that. Under the most immoral emperors in the most immoral of societies, the Roman civilization stretched from the Scottish border to Mesopotamia. As England embraced the likes of Johnny Wilmott 2nd Earl of Rochester, the Libertine, the British Empire began to grow to a point where the sun never set on the Empire. In the 19th century, the streets of London were awash in gin. Morality has no bearing on the health of civilization. 

Prager criticized Rep. Ellison for taking his oath on the Quran instead of the Bible, but as a Jewish person, would he not support freedom of religion? He was born into a society where he would have been denied entry into many restaurants and club because of his faith. 

In the 1990's Prager supported women's rights to safe abortion. The essence of freedom of religion is each of us has the choice to conduct our lives according to our personal beliefs and conscience, as long as it does not impinge on the rights of others. The same goes for freedom of thought and speech. We each have the right to be Tory, Socred, NDP, Grit or communist. Our politics are our own business.


Unfortunately the radical left are running our institutions now.  I’ve spent hours already this week at work being lectured about white privilege.  There’s no sense of context or perspective.  Rather than saying that our society has grown more diverse and our values are changing, there’s an attempt to interpret events in the distant past as though we’ve always lived in 2023.  The main reason that 50 years ago most of our books and films had white themes and characters in Canada wasn’t a white supremacist plot.  It was because the vast majority of society was white and the people created the culture in their image.  We became more aware of how our natural tendency to be around people who look and sound like us hurt minorities as the racialized population grew and we heard more stories.

It’s also true that the main reason Indigenous were educated in residential schools was because providing free public education was seen as a social good and only the settlers were providing it.  It’s only through today’s lens that we better understand the impact on the cultures and families.

The largest groups tend to dominate the narratives, which is the main reason we have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to protect the rights of minorities and individuals.

Unfortunately progressivism, while generally good, tends to devour itself because when it takes on revolutionary fervour, one can never be progressive enough and everyone must go to the guillotine.  That was the lesson of the French Revolution.

Most countries aren’t in a perpetual state of apology, shame, and purging of the laggards, as we find ourselves in today.  Canada is weakened by the failure of the current public and its representatives to understand and appreciate the efforts to build this country.  By failing to value that hard work, we risk losing what we’ve built.

The signs of decline are clear: fading meritocracy, emphasis on identification by race and/or ethnicity and/or sexual identity and/or sexual orientation as the determining qualitative identifications of a person.  Work ethic, moral values, talent, skill, and personality are deemed less important by today’s revolutionaries.  We’re afraid to refer to each other by our biological genders and to raise children as males and females complete with the transference of responsibilities associated with gender role models   

This is leading us to new and greater divisions and a sense of hopelessness for our families, communities, and country.

I’ve never seen so many confused young people.

I won’t even get into our healthcare system and the creeping growth of assisted suicide in Canada, which now has the most permissive euthanasia laws in the world.

What a mess.  It took less than a decade to get us here.

I don’t know how bad it will get, but I do know that this is happening on Trudeau’s watch.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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Posted (edited)

Yeah yeah it was the left who busted the unions and priced the younger generation out of housing. The left that demands ever increasing dividends and drove inflation back up. The left doing the lobbying over lobster & champagne lunches in Ottawa and Washington. The left that owns and runs everything.

Get back under your bed with your .50 cal machine gun - the bogeyman is coming, the bogeyman !

Edited by herbie
7 hours ago, blackbird said:

If that's all you can come up with you obviously never received any discipline when you grew up which would partially explain your behavior and childish demeanor.   You probably should have had many spankings and other forms of discipline.

Yes I understand you Christians are real big on discipline and punishment especially when it comes to beating a fear of God into kids.


An obvious Christian hater who has nothing constructive to contribute.

Sure I do like suggesting we remove that preamble you mentioned at the top of our Constitution.  As long as that abomination is in place there is no way we can claim to have separated religion from government and we live in constant peril of a return to the days of the Inquisition (if you guys can stoke public fear of the left by pointing at Stalin, Hitler or Beelzebub then I have every right to point at the Inquisition and God to stoke the public revulsion for religion).




According to the video message from Dennis Prager, the two big marks of a leftist are...

I wouldn't know I never listened to it.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

49 minutes ago, herbie said:

Yeah yeah it was the left who busted the unions and priced the younger generation out of housing. The left that demands ever increasing dividends and drove inflation back up. The left doing the lobbying over lobster & champagne lunches in Ottawa and Washington. The left that owns and runs everything.

Get back under your bed with your .50 cal machine gun - the bogeyman is coming, the bogeyman !

You’ve been raised to depend on handouts and believe that you’re useless and need to be taken care of.  That’s obvious.  The really sad part though is that the parties that you think stand up for the little guy are doing the opposite now.  They’re using phoney progressive rhetoric and the distraction of insane, unethical, and unscientific identity politics to cement themselves into power.  You’ll always vote for them because they seem to offer you more freebies.  The price you pay is the inability to think and do for yourself.  In the end it’s your problem though, and your histrionics tell me that the leopard isn’t changing its spots in this lifetime.

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18 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Yes I understand you Christians are real big on discipline and punishment especially when it comes to beating a fear of God into kids.

Sure I do like suggesting we remove that preamble you mentioned at the top of our Constitution.  As long as that abomination is in place there is no way we can claim to have separated religion from government and we live in constant peril of a return to the days of the Inquisition (if you guys can stoke public fear of the left by pointing at Stalin, Hitler or Beelzebub then I have every right to point at the Inquisition and God to stoke the public revulsion for religion).



I wouldn't know I never listened to it.

You’re the perfect communist citizen.

  • Thanks 2
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Mr. Prager says that changes in morality has an effect on the health of a civilization. I don't see any evidence of that.

That's odd.  I see the evidence on the news all the time.  A poll recently found that two-thirds of Canadians think Canada is broken.  I would say there is plenty of evidence to show the health of civilization is declining.

3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Prager criticized Rep. Ellison for taking his oath on the Quran instead of the Bible, but as a Jewish person, would he not support freedom of religion?

There is a big difference between supporting freedom of religion and supporting a practice in the religion.  It makes perfect sense that Prager would oppose someone taking an oath on a Quran in America (or Canada).  People are free to practice their false religions, but that doesn't mean one must support certain practices they believe in when it comes to our western institutions.


3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

In the 1990's Prager supported women's rights to safe abortion. The essence of freedom of religion is each of us has the choice to conduct our lives according to our personal beliefs and conscience, as long as it does not impinge on the rights of others.

Abortion is a very divisive issue.  People do change their view of things over time.  Bible believers reject the idea of abortion on demand because it is taking the life of another human.  This is another example which shows the decline of western civilization caused by leftism or liberalism which claims that anyone can do whatever they feel like if it directly only effects them.  Abortion is killing of our citizens and fellow human beings.  

Edited by blackbird
3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

That's odd.  I see the evidence on the news all the time.  A poll recently found that two-thirds of Canadians think Canada is broken.  I would say there is plenty of evidence to show the health of civilization is declining.

Civilization is the organization of society. In what manner is the organization of society declining? In what way is Canada "broken?"

A Conservative stands for God, King and Country

Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Civilization is the organization of society. In what manner is the organization of society declining? In what way is Canada "broken?"

Many ways.  One could probably write a book on the ways.  It is not possible to go into all the ways on here except to give a few examples but only in general terms.

First, the government officially rejected our historic Judeo-Christian heritage and civilization many decades ago and adopted multiculturalism as an official position.   Schools in Canada were started by churches, but taken over by secular humanists who eventually abolished any Bible reading from public schools and abolished references to Christianity. 

From then on, they opened immigration to the third world and brought in millions of people who do not believe in our historic Judeo-Christian society.  Many came from places which are totally alien to our way of thinking and life and they embrace leftism.  South America, Africa are largely leftist continents.

The leftist governments in Canada did many things that show they are bent against our historic western civilization such as legalizing same-sex marriage.  Now they teach sexual orientation and gender identity ideology to children in schools.  Government even provides medical assistance for people to transition their sex using drugs and in some cases irreversible surgery.  They teach children this is a normal and acceptable thing to do and try to hide these things from school kid's parents.

We could talk about the justice system but that's a whole story of an ongoing disaster.

The government is gradually increasing the number of social programs making the population more dependent on government and leading people to think that government must provide everything.  

Now recently they have even brought in medical assistance in dying (MAID), another godless ideology that teaches suicide and assisted suicide is normal and anyone should be free to choose it.  Over ten thousand people a year are choosing assisted suicide.  You ask for examples.  There are a few.

Most universities are taken over by leftists today.  The mainstream media has fallen under their control.   Leftists have been destroying many statues of historic figures also.  We are constantly being reminded of the evil colonialism of our European founding peoples in north America.

Leftists are working to change society in many ways.

Edited by blackbird

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