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There is a poster on Twitter who claims the Digital ID is being demanded by Trudeau in exchange for federal health care funding.

I am not sure this is really true.  I checked the BC Government website and it appears they already are using Digital ID for provincial government services.

The poster seems to think it could be expanded to include control over banking, shopping, and everything else.  I have not seen evidence of this.  I don't know.

I am suspicious that Socialism as with the public health care system could expand in that direction.  I think it is reasonable to believe Trudeau Liberals want to control everything on the internet including social media and everything posted on the internet.  There are websites that say bill C11 which is currently before Parliament is designed to also control social media comments.

What’s wrong with Bill C-11? An FAQ | OpenMedia


Quit cowering under the bed over socialism FFS and open your damn eyes. It's the capitalist running dog lackeys of the Wall Street imperialists that are screwing your privacy sideways every day and you have to "imagine" to yourself it's the gov't that has evil intent.

WTF are you ranting that a  Thatbarcode on your medical card is the equivalent of a chip planted in your brain? That Visa and your Bank card can chip a card to make sure it's you but gov't can't?

Posted (edited)

Sorry you missed the bulletin herb. Those "running dog lackeys of the wall street imperialists?".... 

They flipped. They're with you and yours now.

And did you forget so soon how you needed to show ID to be allowed certain societal amenities during Covid. Actually you get a pass on that one because they don't have societal amenities in Fort St. Jimmy. ;) No I'm not talking about indoor toilets. But do you guys have a movie theatre yet? See, down here if you wanted to do anything social you needed to show ID.

But you do have the internet up there. Surely you've heard of China's Social Credit score. How about ESG? Heard about that one? It's a score that allows the money managers at the top (Wall street, for instance) to deem whether or not their fellows are performing up to snuff with their obeisance to leftist dogma. Environmental, Societal, and willingness to be Governed by excessive regulations. ESG.

Some says it's a slippery slope to the social credit system China has. But if we land there, they'll need a central data base. Do you know what they'll need to connect it to?

Digital ID.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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Government has done a truly crap job at protecting our online privacy.  Governments don't want us to have privacy, they want to track us as much as companies do.

Corporations just want to sell us stuff.  The Liberals wanted to get into the bank accounts of Canadians to track their spending habits without our consent.  I've seen some Canadians even defend this.  So many Canadians roll over and take it up the poop-chute like the submission biznatches they are.

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"All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain

Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.


To add: technology isn't inherently good or bad, nor is it exactly used for good or bad.

What technology does is unleash changes that aren't understood early on.  

Corporations, government and so on know so much about people today.  What will our response be?

It's tough to discuss, and you need a futurist approach to do it properly IMO.  As the Infinite Dog points out, the powers have aligned in self interest and are conspiring... yea I used that word.



I know a small amount about this.  It's actually somehow ok for a financial institution to buy your Facebook likes and use them to assess your loan risk.  At least I suspect that this is happening.

No human can tell you how the risk score is calculated.

So we're back to the epoch of wizards examining chicken entrails to assess the destiny of the king etc.

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I don't really understand what digital government ID would be used for online. 

"Despite the obvious paternalism, a regulator of online expression appears to be coming down the pipe, based on consultations underway by the Department of Canadian Heritage. Such a system would run counter to our actual Canadian heritage, which includes the right to free expression — not government-regulated expression, which will be the practical result of censorship legislation.

While no bill has been tabled yet, you can expect an “online harms bill” early this year ."

"Canadians might soon see a proposal for a quasi-judicial system to regulate the internet, in order to keep us from experiencing mental, emotional, psychological and social harm. If that sounds like an effort to treat adults like children, that’s because it is."

Jamie Sarkonak: Trudeau Liberals want to treat adults like kids with online harms bill (msn.com)

Could Digital ID be used to coerce Canadians into thinking and speaking the way the government decrees one should?

Digital ID on the internet could mean the government would have the ability to know every detail about everyone's life, where they go (Smart phones GPS systems track their location), where they shop, where they bank, what they buy, what their interests and beliefs are, what their associations are, etc. 

Digital ID would allow the government to track everyone's financial transactions on the internet and possibly collect personal information if they so desired.

Trudeau has already made judgements about who the worst kind of Canadians are.  Could Digital ID have a negative effect on those Canadians who do not fit into the government mold?





Edited by blackbird
  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, blackbird said:


Trudeau has already made judgements about who the worst kind of Canadians are.  Could Digital ID have a negative effect on those Canadians who do not fit into the government mold?

First of all, stop saying this could happen.  It's happening now, Alberta has a digital ID and all concerns about that are valid.

Secondly, it's an actual conspiracy so it's even more important to not muddy the issue with silliness.


Lastly, erase Trudeau from this: ALL parties, right and left, make use of this to manage power and security.

Harper's surveillance bill wasn't THAT long ago surely.

Posted (edited)

"16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: {to receive: Gr. to give them} 17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."   Revelation 13:16, 17 KJV

Are we heading in the direction of a one-world government controlled by an anti-Christ where nobody will be able to live unless they are under complete submission and control of the government?  I just watched a free movie on the internet about the Great Tribulation prophesied to come, possibly sooner than people think.  In the movie, anyone who does not take the Mark of the Beast, cannot buy or sell anything and if caught, will be beheaded on a guillotine.  Unfortunately I cannot find the movie at the moment.  There are lots of free movies on the internet about the Tribulation period prophesied in the Bible (book of Daniel, Revelation).  George Orwell also wrote a book called 1984 about Big Brother controlling society in the extreme.  

The Twitter user thinks totalitarian control of everyone is coming with the use of Digital ID.  Listen to what she has to say:


Edited by blackbird
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, blackbird said:

1. "16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: {to receive: Gr. to give them} 17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."   Revelation 13:16, 17 KJV

2. Are we heading in the direction of a one-world government controlled by an anti-Christ where nobody will be able to live unless they are under complete submission and control of the government? 

3. I just watched a free movie on the internet 

36 minutes ago, blackbird said:


 1. Even if you believe that the bible warns against this, it's in your best interest to not cite that if you want to convince others.

2. We are all ready there, but it's worse than just 'governments'. it's all mass communications organizations including ad agencies, media, unions, corporate brands, lobby groups.  We need to get wise and mitigate the effects of being influenced and not educated.

3. That's a problem.  WHO is making FREE movies on the internet and paying for it to go on your feed?  Ask yourself.

Blaming this on any other entity rather than the system as a whole helps to ensure that it will continue.

Edited by Michael Hardner
1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

 1. Even if you believe that the bible warns against this, it's in your best interest to not cite that if you want to convince others.

I disagree.  That's your belief.  I believe knowledge is better than lack of knowledge.  If people are biased against it, nothing anyone says will convince them otherwise anyway.  The prophets who wrote these things several thousand years ago were absolutely correct.  Simple fishermen and sheep herders revealed things thousands of years ago that seem to be coming to pass now. How could they know the future several thousand years beforehand without divine direction?  Its simply not possible.  We will always have people who refuse to believe things because of their biases.  We can't get around that.

Posted (edited)

It is ironic that the common thread in this discussion is government invading our privacy etc. and then we see complaints that the government doesn't do enough to protect our privacy. Sorry, but it is our individual responsibility to protect our privacy. If you don't want anyone to know how much money you have or what you political leanings are, don't tell anyone. If you don't want to share information with the government, don't use government services. If you object to showing ID to go someplace, do go there. If you don't want banks to do credit checks on you, don't borrow money. If you want privacy, stay off the internet, destroy your phone, cut up your credit and debit cards and don't give out any information about yourself. We live in a free country, relatively speaking. (The exception is during wartime or a public emergency such as the pandemic. The government has a duty to protect.) You do not have to use government services. Don't use any digital ID and your problem is solved. There are too many people needing medical help already, so if you don't want it, it will free up a space for someone who wants it.

Edited by Queenmandy85

Socialism is the opiate of the intellectual class.

7 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Sorry you missed the bulletin herb. Those "running dog lackeys of the wall street imperialists?".... 

They flipped. They're with you and yours now.

Socialism is in fact a religion

based on the philosophy of German Christian Gnostic Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Karl Marx, the Young Hegelian, simply secularized the faith

to be a Socialist, is simply to believe that you have "gnosis", a Greek word meaning "ultimate knowledge"

and through this Gnostic faith, you will bring about a post scarcity Utopia on earth, called "Communism"

there is nothing actually precluding the wealthy from adopting this religion, appointing themselves as its Clerics

hence the term "Champagne Socialist"

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44 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Socialism is in fact a religion

Your post is hilarious. 

Frameworks for looking at economic activity are necessarily fact based, unlike religion and its metaphysical cousins like astrology, and unlike the self-fulfilling fantasies of conspiracy populism that many on this board immerse themselves in.

People who are afraid of facts will start on square one by demonizing ideas as a signal to others who also refuse to learn how to discuss things intelligently.

17 minutes ago, West said:

All ties in to the woke score communist style social credit. Agenda 2030 is great!

What did I just say?!?


You barn sniffers should be ecstatic that I'm supporting you on this, but instead of following my lead you're soiling yourselves rhetorically from the outset.


1 hour ago, blackbird said:

The Twitter user thinks totalitarian control of everyone is coming with the use of Digital ID.  Listen to what she has to say:


You're posting Tiktok videos from basic bozos using face filters.  As sourcing goes, it couldn't get much dumber than this.  

  • Haha 1
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"A man is no more entitled to an opinion for which he cannot account than he does for a pint of beer for which he cannot pay" - Anonymous

Posted (edited)

So let's talk about the organisations doing this.

What is their goal?

To understand you better to predict how you will react to certain inputs.  This is a kind of macro control that builds on Madison Avenue.  It extends persuasion to a maximum but still presupposes some kind of freedom of choice there.  Even China is using these methods, and to a greater degree.

It results in a two tiered level of knowledge of our public being institutionalized.  

What can be done?


Edited by Michael Hardner
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, blackbird said:

"16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: {to receive: Gr. to give them} 17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."   Revelation 13:16, 17 KJV

Are we heading in the direction of a one-world government controlled by an anti-Christ where nobody will be able to live unless they are under complete submission and control of the government?  I just watched a free movie on the internet about the Great Tribulation prophesied to come, possibly sooner than people think.  In the movie, anyone who does not take the Mark of the Beast, cannot buy or sell anything and if caught, will be beheaded on a guillotine.  Unfortunately I cannot find the movie at the moment.  There are lots of free movies on the internet about the Tribulation period prophesied in the Bible (book of Daniel, Revelation).  George Orwell also wrote a book called 1984 about Big Brother controlling society in the extreme.  

The Twitter user thinks totalitarian control of everyone is coming with the use of Digital ID.  Listen to what she has to say:


Very good sermon. Between perverts being allowed in the women's change room, SOGI in schools, and all the other nonsense I'd say we are in "the days of Noah"

Edited by West
  • Thanks 1
10 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

What did I just say?!?


You barn sniffers should be ecstatic that I'm supporting you on this, but instead of following my lead you're soiling yourselves rhetorically from the outset.


Not rhetorical at all

14 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

You're posting Tiktok videos from basic bozos using face filters.  As sourcing goes, it couldn't get much dumber than this.  

Right she doesn't have a liberal arts degree like Moonshine ?

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