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Trudeau vows to limit oil and gas development in Canada


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On 11/1/2021 at 3:43 PM, WestCanMan said:

Canada's climatards: "Alberta oil is bad. We need to buy our oil from ethically challenged countries like Saudi Arabia and get it shipped thousands of miles across the Atlantic in supertankers, which are the only oil-bearing vessels which can sail through our tidewaters."

Right now the US is begging OPEC to increase oil production because Biden and Trudeau did everything that they could to curtail our energy sectors in NA.

In actual fact they're traitors, but leftists are so stupid that they can't get enough virtue signalling, no matter what the topic is or how much it harms our country. 

Well in Biden's case the man can hardly talk without slurring his speech and showing off his obvious dementia.

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On 11/2/2021 at 11:55 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

Sometimes, I feel like I am talking to a fence post. Oil and coal are not the only sources of energy. Western Canada is blessed with enormous riches in uranium. We are in a position to export reactors all over the world which means jobs all over Canada. It means enhanced revenue for the Provincial and Federal Governments. The re-building and electrifying transportation around the world means jobs around the world. Transitioning away from global dependence on coal and oil fuelled energy will extend the supply coal based products  and petrochemicals for centuries beyond the current expectations. In the near future, thorium fuelled LFTR reactors, which are already being tested in China, will also come on line. 

Our solutions are simple. With fighting global warming, stop burning precious coal and oil. Change to something else.

Tell that to China.  They are burning coal to create the electricity for their electric cars. Crazy

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On 11/2/2021 at 3:47 PM, blackbird said:

Man-made climate change is unproven and the biggest scam in history.  So Trudeau is imposing carbon taxes on Canadians for nothing.  Taxes do not reduce CO2 to begin with.  Punishing seniors for driving their car to the grocery store, doctor's appointments, and to see their grandkids is the height of ignorance of our political masters.  It has not reduced greenhouse gases and has no effect on climate change.  There is a major disconnect between politicians and the common people.  Oil and gas are natural resources that God placed in the earth for the benefit of man.  They provide the necessities of life such as heating our homes, providing transportation, food, the construction of homes, etc. etc.  If is bizarre that we are facing the biggest threat to our way of life from those who want to deprive us of the energy that runs the world.  The threat is not climate change;  it is the destruction of our essential resource industries.

Michael Mann perpetrated a baseless fraud with his hockey stick graph.  Fanatics want you to ignore the medieval warming period and the global cooling that almost killed the immigrants from the Mayflower.

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On 11/2/2021 at 4:30 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

The effect of carbon dioxide and methane on the re-radiation of energy is proven. You can test it in any undergraduate physics lab. It is predictable and the results confirm the prediction. The results are measurable and will be the same no matter how many times you test it. That is the definition of a scientific fact.

It has not been proved that man's activity contributes to global warming in a meaningful way.  We cannot even predict the direction of the stock market with computer models.  There is no way to predict the average warming decades from now.  Even so, we haven't even proven that warming is on net a negative to human existence.

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On 11/7/2021 at 12:29 PM, suds said:

If oil and coal are to be replaced as sources of energy, it will take renewables and all the nuclear and hydroelectric generation necessary to fill the gap.  Population reduction could dramatically decrease the reliance on nuclear.  In order to reduce population we would have to rethink our ponzi scheme mentality that perpetual population growth was essential to maintain present living standards.  Is there any other way of stabilizing or reducing harmful emissions on a world wide basis?  The west exporting its pollution (and manufacturing) to china might look good on paper but solves nothing.

I am not against electric vehicles or other energy alternatives, as long as the MARKET can bare them.  They should never be promoted on the public dime with incentives.   

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2 hours ago, Faramir said:

I am not against electric vehicles or other energy alternatives, as long as the MARKET can bare them.  They should never be promoted on the public dime with incentives.   

True, and EV’s are all for naught if the means to produce the electricity and batteries are environmentally problematic.

The self-contradiction in Canada is too much.  Oil and gas production and resource development are Canada’s high cards.  They’re central to the transfer payments Quebec expects and Trudeau uses to fund international pet projects that he can show off alongside his socks.  Russia, China, and the Saudis will happily take Canada’s market share of world fossil fuel production.  Biden asked them to boost production as he shut down Keystone.  These are not serious leaders.  

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34 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

True, and EV’s are all for naught if the means to produce the electricity and batteries are environmentally problematic.

The self-contradiction in Canada is too much.  Oil and gas production and resource development are Canada’s high cards.  They’re central to the transfer payments Quebec expects and Trudeau uses to fund international pet projects that he can show off alongside his socks.  Russia, China, and the Saudis will happily take Canada’s market share of world fossil fuel production.  Biden asked them to boost production as he shut down Keystone.  These are not serious leaders.  

Trudeau is just another head of the usual grift that is the Liberal Party.  Quebec firms get subsidies or get to somehow win bids against better contractors say in BC for example.  The Liberal Party is not only a handmaiden to the ChiComs but also has a bias to PQ firms.

It SEEMS, and I am not expert, that Musk has proven that electric vehicles can be sold at a competitive price and can also perform quite well.  Again, I really have no idea what the future holds.  If EVs are the better alternative to fossil fuels then it will just happen.

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4 hours ago, Faramir said:

It has not been proved that man's activity contributes to global warming in a meaningful way.  We cannot even predict the direction of the stock market with computer models.  There is no way to predict the average warming decades from now.  Even so, we haven't even proven that warming is on net a negative to human existence.

I'll believe people who know what they are talking about like Steven Hawking instead of some random anonymous name on the internet.

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9 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I'll believe people who know what they are talking about like Steven Hawking instead of some random anonymous name on the internet.

I'm  not sure why anyone would put much credence in anything a well known atheist would say about the future.

"One more word of clarification about the so-called “end” of the world. In speaking this way neither the Scriptures nor I are suggesting that human existence on earth will ever end. What the Bible tells us is that human history in its present form or shape will come to an end. But God’s people will continue to live forever and ever on a new and redeemed earth, an earth that is free from pollution, free from corruption, free from natural disasters, free from the effects of sinful human beings, free from war and pestilence and disease, free from the presence of Satan and his demonic forces, an earth that will be glorified and transformed to serve as the habitation in eternity for those whom Jesus Christ has redeemed and saved by his cross and resurrection (for this, see Revelation 21-22)."   

Stephen Hawking, the End of the World, and the Bible - The Aquila Report

Better to read and study the Bible and trust in Jesus than put trust in man.

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

When I want to know something about physics, I turn to Professor Hawking. For genetics, Dr. Suzuki, and for theology, I ask Professor Jobling from St. Andrews College.

"In response to criticism, Hawking has said; "One can't prove that God doesn't exist, but science makes God unnecessary." When pressed on his own religious views by the Channel 4 documentary Genius of Britain, he has clarified that he does not believe in a personal God." stephen hawking criticism - Bing

The Bible says "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. " Psalm 14:1 KJB  Since Hawking said he does not believe in a personal God, it seems he is at odds with the teachings of the Bible.  So I'm not sure where that puts him on the scale of wisdom versus foolishness.

Down Under blunder: David Suzuki unmasked as a know-nothing huckster on Australian TV | Toronto Sun

For theology you have an infinite resource in the Bible and countless knowledgeable theologians and Bible scholars, many of whom have their information on the internet; I'm not sure how Professor Jobling could be the answer to everything or why anyone would say they go to a professor instead of the source of all spiritual knowledge,  the God in the Bible.

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The Bible says my uniform as a Peace Officer was an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. I grew up eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, an unclean diet. Worst of all, my shift often fell on the Sabbath so I should be put to death, bad for me because of my uniform, I am destined for Hell. 

Dr. Suzuki is a world renowned geneticist. Over and above that, he has been a conduit for experts in the global warming  crisis to educate the public. In addition to that, he has given us educational programs such as The Nature Of Things and Quirks and Quarks

Professor Hawking was a giant in physics. He never made any claim to be an expert in theology. What does the Bible say about the greenhouse effect or the over production of greenhouse gases? 

Do you know who wrote the Gospels according to Matthew and Mark? Spoiler alert, it wasn't someone named Matthew or Mark. Revelations was only added to the Bible at the last minute in a highly controversial move.

The Canadian Government's policy to begin limiting carbon emissions is the right direction. 

Edited by Queenmandy85

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My point is that the government needs to base its response to climate change on the advice from people who know what they are talking about, which, clearly, is the basis for the limit oil and gas development. 

The rest was a response to Blackbird's reliance on the advice of some neolithic Shepards. Sorry for the thread drift.

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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The Canadian Government's policy to begin limiting carbon emissions is the right direction. 

I can see we're drifting too far off topic, so I will let most of what you said pass for now except the last sentence is more closely related.  I disagree with all your other comments in that last post as well but won't go into it here.  I think I would be wasting our time.

You obviously believe the hoax of man-made climate change.  You will pay for that because governments at all levels are making you pay for carbon emissions, even if it doesn't do anything to stop climate change and it won't.  Man-made climate change has never been proven.  Do you have any proof that man is causing it at all?  Didn't think so.

Dr. Suzuki is more of a CBC television radical environmentalist cult leader than anything. 

For a guy that makes much of fighting climate change and carbon emissions, he sure emits a lot of CO2 with all four of his mansions plus jetting around.  He's all talk:  do as I say, not as I do.

" OTTAWA — Green sage David Suzuki has some expensive tastes for someone who wants to shut down the carbon economy within a generation.

QMI Agency has learned that Suzuki, who's made a name for himself fighting for the environment and against development, owns four homes, including one property he co-owns with a fossil fuels company.

His primary abode is a sprawling mansion in the Kitsilano neighbourhood of Vancouver, worth approximately $8.2 million.

At Occupy Vancouver, Suzuki extolled the virtues of his anti-corporate agenda and condemned excess.

He owns another slightly more modest property in the Kitsilano neighbourhood. Its value is listed as $1.01 million.

Suzuki owns a waterfront property on the Quadra Island area off the B.C. coast, that appears from photos to be something of a cottage getaway, complete with boat dock. The property is valued at $1.1 million.

Perhaps most interesting is a property on Nelson Island of which Suzuki is one of several co-owners listed on a B.C. land title registry, another of which includes Kootenay Oil Distributors.

Nelson Island is predominantly forested with little economic activity and a tiny permanent population."  David Suzuki a man of property | Toronto Sun  

"David Suzuki has spent years telling Canadians that we all need to pay carbon taxes and reduce our carbon footprint. Yet, Suzuki himself loves to travel and has a massive carbon footprint."

  CRAIG: David Suzuki's carbon footprint is immense | Toronto Sun


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Man-made climate change is just a cult and a hoax. CO2 in the atmosphere is a trace gas of about 400 ppm. All human activity produces about 12 ppm. Canada produces about 1.5% of all human emissions which is about 0.18 ppm, which is insignificant. So what you do won't make any difference to climate change. You're wasting your time and money.  If we use an Olympic swimming pool to represent the earth's atmosphere, Canada's contribution to greenhouse gases would be the equivalent of a medium size cup of Tim Horton's coffee.  Too bad nobody tells all these climate protesters and politicians at COP26.

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On 11/11/2021 at 6:00 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

I said Dr. Suzuki is a geneticist. For Climate change information, I listen to physicists like Professor Hawking.

But the professors field is not climatology, be like asking Wayne Gretzky for tennis lessons. yes he may know how to play, but it is not his specialty, so there fore not a expert.

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We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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21 hours ago, Army Guy said:

But the professors field is not climatology, be like asking Wayne Gretzky for tennis lessons. yes he may know how to play, but it is not his specialty, so there fore not a expert.

So who are our experts you could trust on climate?

Let me guess:

#1 Blackbird - God always tells him what will happening in the next 25 years and when the world will end. Get your most up-to-date info right from the source.

#2 Yzermandius - He has his way with words , so he can always argue any point back and forth; twist facts around, so under his expert guidance, climate change becomes nothing but a hoax; just a bunch of bad weather, but nothing to worry about.

#3 Nefarious Banana - He has 43 years in logging forests in the most sustainable way - he is logging them in a way that actually improves climate - they call it "super green forest management".  He wants to ramp up logging so he can help the economy, create jobs and of course fix this climate conundrum.  It is all easy to do and fix - "Hey , where is my chain saw?"

#4 Faramir - He knows what it is - a scam!  With so many scams around in this country , who can blame him?  He can also help.  He can call the fraud line and report the climate scam.

#5 ----- there are many more experts with pure talent here ; apologies to those I missed.


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16 hours ago, cougar said:

So who are our experts you could trust on climate?

Let me guess:

#1 Blackbird - God always tells him what will happening in the next 25 years and when the world will end. Get your most up-to-date info right from the source.

#2 Yzermandius - He has his way with words , so he can always argue any point back and forth; twist facts around, so under his expert guidance, climate change becomes nothing but a hoax; just a bunch of bad weather, but nothing to worry about.

#3 Nefarious Banana - He has 43 years in logging forests in the most sustainable way - he is logging them in a way that actually improves climate - they call it "super green forest management".  He wants to ramp up logging so he can help the economy, create jobs and of course fix this climate conundrum.  It is all easy to do and fix - "Hey , where is my chain saw?"

#4 Faramir - He knows what it is - a scam!  With so many scams around in this country , who can blame him?  He can also help.  He can call the fraud line and report the climate scam.

#5 ----- there are many more experts with pure talent here ; apologies to those I missed.


Would you say an ex president of green peace to be a good source ? and yes he is a climatologist. 

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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