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Ford lock downs Ontario once again.


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Will this Covid 1984 hoax and nonsense ever end? Now comrade Ford has decided to shut down the province of Ontario for at least a month or maybe even longer to try and fight this fake and phony plandemic. The numbers are being fabricated to make it appear as though things are getting worse and not better. The pandemic is over. HELLO? How much longer are the foolish and gullible people in Ontario going to continue with this farce? It's been over a year now. Have you not had enough of this new normal communist lifestyle yet? Obviously, the people of Ontario must be enjoying the loss of their rights and freedoms alright. They just keep doing as they are told by their dear comrade leaders without a whimper or a question. 

I read that Doug Ford owns a printing business and is making plenty of money from selling all of those Covid signs thru his business. It's no wonder Ford wants to keep this plandemic going. He is said to be making millions of dollars from the selling of his signs for Covid. If anyone can dare say that this Ford liberal conservative is a real and true conservative well they have to be trying to bull chit themselves every day. Ford is making an ass of the Ontario people and they still do not get it. 

Again, to the people of Ontario. I hope that you are still enjoying your new found new normal communist lifestyle. It will never end until you say enough already. Ontario needs to start opening up and getting rid of all of these Covid 1984 mask and social distancing restrictions like 21 American states have done already. Their numbers of this so called virus are tumbling thanks to herd immunity. Their people are free once again. Want to be free also and get back to the old normal? Then do what those 21 American states have done already. Tell lying Doug Ford and the lying media and those so called lying fake and phony health officials to take their Covid 1984 and shove it up you know where. Your call. ;)

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

If anyone can dare say that this Ford liberal conservative is a real and true conservative well they have to be trying to bull chit themselves every day. Ford is making an ass of the Ontario people and they still do not get it.

Yeppers. But Ontarians deserve all the DoFo they get. They voted him in, after all. Majority. Provincial, never mind. It was written in the stars that PC would win, could have been anyone. Atilla the Hungarian could have been premier.

And so, Doug Ford is what they gave us.

Remember how that went? Quick little sex scandal, then bingo boffo, you're out Peter and in walks Doug. Interesting how that worked out.

As if all the chess pieces were being put in place already...

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Interesting little tidbit came out in the fine print about lowering the age for vaccine in Ontario. Says "Only 1 person in a hundred thousand might die from blood clots. Compare this to getting covid, where 1 person in 200 might die."

Noting that 1 in 200 is literally 0.5%. So another way to say this is, if you get covid you've got a 99.5% chance of living.

Meanwhile in Ontario, we're being told that we are but food for the gods.

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10 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Interesting little tidbit came out in the fine print about lowering the age for vaccine in Ontario. Says "Only 1 person in a hundred thousand might die from blood clots. Compare this to getting covid, where 1 person in 200 might die."

Noting that 1 in 200 is literally 0.5%. So another way to say this is, if you get covid you've got a 99.5% chance of living.

Meanwhile in Ontario, we're being told that we are but food for the gods.

Worldometer: 2% of Canadians who caught Covid, died.  

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Here is the official quote. This is from the lady who's doing Alberta.


The global frequency of VITT — also referred to as VIPIT — has been estimated at about one case in 100,000 to 250,000 doses. In a stark comparison, Albertans 55 and older who are diagnosed with COVID-19 have a one in 200 chance of dying from that infection, Hinshaw said.

Alberta confirms country’s second blood clot after AstraZeneca vaccine dose

Shooting you people down is just too easy. Just like taking candy from a baby.

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

Worldometer? What's that. Sorry, you'll have to take up your issue with the Canadian authorititties.

Hinshaw either misspoke or there's some other context in which that figure makes sense.

Canada has had 1.13 million cases of Covid diagnosed, with 23,667 deaths.  Thats a mortality rate of 2%.  The States has had 31.8 million cases, and 567,000 deaths, a mortality rate of 1.7%.  Brazil has had 367,00 deaths and 13.9 million infections, for a mortality rate of 2.7%.  France, 1.01 million deaths and 141 million cases, death rate of 2%.

You can visit this site and find out the mortality rate of any country.  Maybe you'll be thankful to live in a country in which mortality is only around 2%, vs 6% or 12%, as some other countries have experienced.

Shooting you down is like shooting fish in a barrel - almost everything you post is disproven by actual, easy to find data. 




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54 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Hinshaw either misspoke or there's some other context in which that figure makes sense.

Canada has had 1.13 million cases of Covid diagnosed, with 23,667 deaths.  Thats a mortality rate of 2%.  The States has had 31.8 million cases, and 567,000 deaths, a mortality rate of 1.7%.  Brazil has had 367,00 deaths and 13.9 million infections, for a mortality rate of 2.7%.  France, 1.01 million deaths and 141 million cases, death rate of 2%.

You can visit this site and find out the mortality rate of any country.  Maybe you'll be thankful to live in a country in which mortality is only around 2%, vs 6% or 12%, as some other countries have experienced.

Shooting you down is like shooting fish in a barrel - almost everything you post is disproven by actual, easy to find data. 




I don't have time to go over your crazy math. Again if you dont like it you;l have to talk to authorititties. Not my words this is Hinshaw, I'm sure she knows what she's talking about. You are spreading information thats counter to our governments advisory.

It is an offence to spread lies about Covid-19 on the internet, so you should stop.

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19 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Interesting little tidbit came out in the fine print about lowering the age for vaccine in Ontario. Says "Only 1 person in a hundred thousand might die from blood clots. Compare this to getting covid, where 1 person in 200 might die."

Noting that 1 in 200 is literally 0.5%. So another way to say this is, if you get covid you've got a 99.5% chance of living.

Meanwhile in Ontario, we're being told that we are but food for the gods.

In BC the population is close to 5 million people. Out of that number approx 1200 have died from this so called Covid virus. There has been just as many people that have died from the many other kinds of viruses that have been coming around every year for decades now. And yes, there is pretty much a 99.5% chance of surviving any virus, even this scamdemic one.

There are more people dying from Fentanyl in BC than from this china virus every year. But for some strange n/k reason, this virus has been made to appear as though it is the worst plague ever seen and that it is going to kill hundreds of millions of people or so we were told in the beginning. It did not happen. Why?

As you said, we are but food for the gods. Those gods being our dear welfare recipient leader politicians, the globalists and big pharma who all stand to make hundreds of billions of moola from the people who will take their new experimental gene therapy drug which apparently will alter their DNA forever. But hey, what more can be said. ;) 


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16 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Here is the official quote. This is from the lady who's doing Alberta.

Alberta confirms country’s second blood clot after AstraZeneca vaccine dose

Shooting you people down is just too easy. Just like taking candy from a baby.

And that is only with the AstraZenaca vaccine. What are Phizer and the other big pharma vaccine companies doing to people who take their vaccines? We do not know just yet. Only time and keeping an eye on those vaccines will tell.

For now, I will forgo my jab just to be on the safe side. No hurry to take the jab especially when I now know that some Covid vaccines may injure or even kill me. I cannot die yet, I have bills to pay. :lol: 

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4 minutes ago, taxme said:

Apparently, 23,541 Canadians to date have died from Covid. 84,000 Canadians died from cancer in 2020. So, what's your point? :wacko:

Cancer isn't transmissable through the air.  You can't get cancer because some joker didn't bother to take precautions.

But you are right, of course:  Why do anything to reduce death and injury to Canadians?  Who needs government sponsored ad campaigns to get people to stop smoking or eat healthier foods and exercise more to lower their risk of cancer, or heart disease or diabetes?  And those freedom-limiting laws that require sober drivers and seatbelt use in cars: Clearly they go against our Charter, just like mask mandates and travel restrictions do.  People who choose the good of the majority over the desires of the individual are freedom-hating, commie-loving traitors to democracy.


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12 minutes ago, taxme said:

And that is only with the AstraZenaca vaccine. What are Phizer and the other big pharma vaccine companies doing to people who take their vaccines? We do not know just yet. Only time and keeping an eye on those vaccines will tell.

For now, I will forgo my jab just to be on the safe side. No hurry to take the jab especially when I now know that some Covid vaccines may injure or even kill me. I cannot die yet, I have bills to pay. :lol: 

Since you've been claiming for a year that Covid is just made up, some kind of grand conspiracy to remove all our freedoms, why would you get a shot at all?  Are you scared of little bit of flu?  

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

No hurry to take the jab especially when I now know that some Covid vaccines may injure or even kill me. I cannot die yet, I have bills to pay. :lol: 

I don't feel it necessary to be vaccinated. No thanks, I'll just go with what nature gave me. I have bone marrow, and white blood cells. In fact I might have been exposed already a little, who knoes. Funny thing about viruses, or viri as it were.. if you get small exposures over a period of time, but not enough for it to win, your immune system learns how to overcome the virii. You're then in much better shape to deal with it the next time it comes around.

Thus it is only the free man who goes outside that shall endure. All else shall fade away, fade away.

Edited by OftenWrong
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10 hours ago, dialamah said:

Since you've been claiming for a year that Covid is just made up, some kind of grand conspiracy to remove all our freedoms, why would you get a shot at all?  Are you scared of little bit of flu?  

As usual, the truth can be found somewhere in the middle of two extremes! 

The Sars Cov-2 virus is a highly contagious coronavirus...much more so than the lethal first coronavirus that went global 20 years ago, when we had the Sars scare going on. The Cov-1 had high casualty numbers among elderly, but did not transmit as easily as this version is doing. 

Point is that if covid was just made up, how do antivax deniers explain the prior coronavirus and its 10% fatality rates? 

But at the other end, the conspiracists do have a point about how Big Pharma has moved into the vaccine business after coming up with new, patented RNA vaccines. And then there are the 'satan's little helpers' like Bill Gates, who has his own scam running that he is trying to pretend is all about charity and humanitarian causes. 

The anti-vaxxers can't conceive that evil, duplicitous plans and actions by big drug companies and their friends are just adapting to a situation they expect to profit from. No need to make up a whole story about them creating a fake disease to begin with!

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19 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I don't feel it necessary to be vaccinated. No thanks, I'll just go with what nature gave me. I have bone marrow, and white blood cells. In fact I might have been exposed already a little, who knoes. Funny thing about viruses, or viri as it were.. if you get small exposures over a period of time, but not enough for it to win, your immune system learns how to overcome the virii. You're then in much better shape to deal with it the next time it comes around.

Thus it is only the free man who goes outside that shall endure. All else shall fade away, fade away.

If all of these viruses that have been coming around for ages now, shouldn't we all be dead by now? We have been many real and serious and deadly plagues in the past but people are still around. Plagues are caused by unsanitary conditions. Viruses are just bugs that are put on earth to try and make our lives miserable as hell. But they still lose eventually. Sadly, some people will die from some virus and only because their immune system is running way to low. We all need to keep our immune system up and running thru proper eating and exercise and get plenty of good old vitamin D from the sun. 

Indeed, I am going to take a wait and see attitude before I will ever take the jab which will probably be never. I have lived a long life so far and I have never taken any vaccines. I am still here, much to the chagrin of some people here. LOL. 

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23 hours ago, dialamah said:

Since you've been claiming for a year that Covid is just made up, some kind of grand conspiracy to remove all our freedoms, why would you get a shot at all?  Are you scared of little bit of flu?  

And I still do that believe that Covid is all just an hoax and a big lie. There have been many people out there who have been asking for proof and have offered a reward for anyone that can prove that the Covid virus does exists. So far, no takers. Interesting indeed.

So, what does this tell me? It tells me that this China virus is all just a scamdemic planned joke brought to us all by our dear welfare recipient politicians and the deep state globalists who by the way are no doubt making plenty of moola from the fools who are still going along with this hoax virus game. The crazy fools who keep buying their masks and buying their Covid signs. It's funny how as soon as the plandemic arrived, there suddenly were face clown masks and Covid signs ready to go and be bought by the billions. The selling of masks and Covid signs are a big business now. Some people have become instant millionaires over the selling of masks and signs.   

Folks, it is all about the money and the power and control over we the stupid people who continue to play this con virus game. And if we do not put an end to this game now, then come fall baby you ain't seen nuttin' yet, pardner!! The big one of them all will be coming around in the fall. so, get ready, and get into the mask and sign business soon. There will be lots of money to be made. Just wait and see. :D

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13 hours ago, Right To Left said:

As usual, the truth can be found somewhere in the middle of two extremes! 

The Sars Cov-2 virus is a highly contagious coronavirus...much more so than the lethal first coronavirus that went global 20 years ago, when we had the Sars scare going on. The Cov-1 had high casualty numbers among elderly, but did not transmit as easily as this version is doing. 

Point is that if covid was just made up, how do antivax deniers explain the prior coronavirus and its 10% fatality rates? 

But at the other end, the conspiracists do have a point about how Big Pharma has moved into the vaccine business after coming up with new, patented RNA vaccines. And then there are the 'satan's little helpers' like Bill Gates, who has his own scam running that he is trying to pretend is all about charity and humanitarian causes. 

The anti-vaxxers can't conceive that evil, duplicitous plans and actions by big drug companies and their friends are just adapting to a situation they expect to profit from. No need to make up a whole story about them creating a fake disease to begin with!

Just how the hell would you know as to whether this China virus is as dangerous as your welfare recipient politicians and the lying media tell you? What expertise do you have in the field of viruses for you to be able to come up with your conclusions that this Covid 19 is all for real anyway? Conspiracies do exist. Only stupid people believe that conspiracies do not exist and there sure are plenty of stupid people around in Canada. 

The anti-vaxers are trying to keep from being harmed or killed by taking an experimental gene therapy vaccine. Only stupid people will do such a stupid thing. Canada has become such a stupid country indeed to live and be in. Just saying. :D

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Just how the hell would you know as to whether this China virus is as dangerous as your welfare recipient politicians and the lying media tell you? What expertise do you have in the field of viruses for you to be able to come up with your conclusions that this Covid 19 is all for real anyway? Conspiracies do exist. Only stupid people believe that conspiracies do not exist and there sure are plenty of stupid people around in Canada. 

The anti-vaxers are trying to keep from being harmed or killed by taking an experimental gene therapy vaccine. Only stupid people will do such a stupid thing. Canada has become such a stupid country indeed to live and be in. Just saying. :D

Like I said, Pfizer and Moderna can be carrying out a large global scale experiment with their designed vaccines and that doesn't mean Covid 19 isn't real or that real people aren't dying right now! You have to be pretty deep in denial to believe everything's a conspiracy and the only threat is having to take a vaccine in  your arm!

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19 hours ago, Right To Left said:

Like I said, Pfizer and Moderna can be carrying out a large global scale experiment with their designed vaccines and that doesn't mean Covid 19 isn't real or that real people aren't dying right now! You have to be pretty deep in denial to believe everything's a conspiracy and the only threat is having to take a vaccine in  your arm!

It was no my intention of trying to make it appear as though there is no so called Covid virus around. Maybe there is a Covid virus running around but I  just do not believe that this virus is any more serious than any other viruses that have been coming around for centuries. My belief is that this China virus is being used for some nefarious reasons. There has never been a virus that has ever done such damage and harm to Canada and Canadians like this virus has done.

In my opinion in the beginning this was never about the Covid virus at all but more to do with a conspiracy of trying to create a plandemic Event 201 type of crises by many billionaire elite globalists with their new normal World Economic Forum "Great Reset" program and agenda and to eventually install globalist communism. 

Sadly, our dear political leaders appear to be in on this conspiracy along with the bought off Canadian media who for over a year now have been allowed to do any and everything they can to take away our rights and freedoms. Canadians have been doing as asked by their welfare recipient dear political leaders for over a year now by wearing clown masks, social distancing, quarantining, and putting up with lock downs and now taking their vaccine jabs. 

But that seems to be not enough. Now they want to keep playing this Covid game by telling us all that we have more Covids on the way and that we must keep playing the mask game or things will get worse. This is all about power and control of we the Canadian people by these lying and creepy politicians to hang onto the power given to them. They pretty much are now acting like communist dictators. Pretty much most politicians already know that this Covid 1984 virus is all just plain bull chit but they keep it going anyway. Sadly, most Canadian people appear to want to help keep this Covid game going also. I hope that those that are quite happy with this new normal communist like lifestyle will not be very happy in another six months if they allow this lie and hoax to continue. My opinion of course. ;)

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On 4/22/2021 at 2:39 PM, taxme said:

It was no my intention of trying to make it appear as though there is no so called Covid virus around. Maybe there is a Covid virus running around but I  just do not believe that this virus is any more serious than any other viruses that have been coming around for centuries. My belief is that this China virus is being used for some nefarious reasons. There has never been a virus that has ever done such damage and harm to Canada and Canadians like this virus has done.


Can't say NEVER! 100 years ago, there was a global flu outbreak thanks to the death, disease and chaos caused by the first world war in Europe, that ended in 1918 -- the year the war ended. Even though many medical records were lost and even discarded in the years after that pandemic, massive disease outbreaks have happened continually throughout recorded history, and the similar conditions in the world today with that one 100 years ago, are likely the reasons why we have a coronavirus wreacking havoc today! 

We don't hear about the wars so far in the 21st century in our carefully sanitized western MSM news, but by best estimates, the wars in the Middle East have caused millions of deaths and at least 37 million refugees that left Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan looking for better places to live. 

We probably would have gone through some sort of a pandemic some time after the 2nd world war, but during the 50's and 60's spending on public health and medicine was at a relative worldwide peak. We were trying to stamp out contagious diseases....even sending UN medical teams into sub-Sahel Africa and the ME to try to eradicate the last remaining cases of small pox and other lethal diseases. 

Today's return to extreme capitalism, has defunded global health programs along with healthcare in western nations!  Once infectious diseases were considered on the way out and about to vanish, the attention on degenerative diseases (cancer, heart disease etc.) that accompany ageing were considered too costly to deal with as global health problems. So, it became a matter of treating those who can afford to pay!  

Now, since we are back in this hellhole of dealing with a viral disease that is mutating fast and developing more and more varieties to unlock our immune systems to attack our bodies, we are already finding that the predilection of capitalist motivators is leaving most of the world without vaccines of any kind...while some western nations like the US and England have more than they can use.

Our vaccines will soon be good for nothing other than placebo effects as variants evolve too much to get stopped by a vaccine-boosted immune system. 


Covid-19 Is Still Raging in Much of the World as Global Cases Hit Record Highs New variants, pandemic fatigue and easing of lockdowns have virus surging in many countries

Interesting that one of the large nations where Covid-19 is raging out of control is India....which also happens to be one of the world's largest vaccine manufacturers. Also of interest: 

White House refuses to comment on lifting ban on COVID-19 vaccine raw materials export to India

Apparently, that stupid, senile old bastard Americans wanted as president declares that vaccine-making ingredients shouldn't be exported to India until after all Americans are treated first!  

Stupid Fuck!  Now that's capitalism in a nutshell! 

By the time every American gets their one or two needed vaccines, there will be hundreds of new Covid-19 variants brewing in large, sick populations in India, Africa or Brazil, that will be unleashed on America and just slip right past those vaccine defenses as they make more people sick and die from the next waves of the global pandemic!

I'm reminded that the last great wave of the Bubonic Plague that swept across Asia and through Europe in the 13th century lasted at least 10 years and likely killed a third of the known population on the planet at the time.


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On 4/23/2021 at 6:30 PM, Right To Left said:

Can't say NEVER! 100 years ago, there was a global flu outbreak thanks to the death, disease and chaos caused by the first world war in Europe, that ended in 1918 -- the year the war ended. Even though many medical records were lost and even discarded in the years after that pandemic, massive disease outbreaks have happened continually throughout recorded history, and the similar conditions in the world today with that one 100 years ago, are likely the reasons why we have a coronavirus wreacking havoc today! 

We don't hear about the wars so far in the 21st century in our carefully sanitized western MSM news, but by best estimates, the wars in the Middle East have caused millions of deaths and at least 37 million refugees that left Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan looking for better places to live. 

We probably would have gone through some sort of a pandemic some time after the 2nd world war, but during the 50's and 60's spending on public health and medicine was at a relative worldwide peak. We were trying to stamp out contagious diseases....even sending UN medical teams into sub-Sahel Africa and the ME to try to eradicate the last remaining cases of small pox and other lethal diseases. 

Today's return to extreme capitalism, has defunded global health programs along with healthcare in western nations!  Once infectious diseases were considered on the way out and about to vanish, the attention on degenerative diseases (cancer, heart disease etc.) that accompany ageing were considered too costly to deal with as global health problems. So, it became a matter of treating those who can afford to pay!  

Now, since we are back in this hellhole of dealing with a viral disease that is mutating fast and developing more and more varieties to unlock our immune systems to attack our bodies, we are already finding that the predilection of capitalist motivators is leaving most of the world without vaccines of any kind...while some western nations like the US and England have more than they can use.

Our vaccines will soon be good for nothing other than placebo effects as variants evolve too much to get stopped by a vaccine-boosted immune system. 


Covid-19 Is Still Raging in Much of the World as Global Cases Hit Record Highs New variants, pandemic fatigue and easing of lockdowns have virus surging in many countries

Interesting that one of the large nations where Covid-19 is raging out of control is India....which also happens to be one of the world's largest vaccine manufacturers. Also of interest: 

White House refuses to comment on lifting ban on COVID-19 vaccine raw materials export to India

Apparently, that stupid, senile old bastard Americans wanted as president declares that vaccine-making ingredients shouldn't be exported to India until after all Americans are treated first!  

Stupid Fuck!  Now that's capitalism in a nutshell! 

By the time every American gets their one or two needed vaccines, there will be hundreds of new Covid-19 variants brewing in large, sick populations in India, Africa or Brazil, that will be unleashed on America and just slip right past those vaccine defenses as they make more people sick and die from the next waves of the global pandemic!

I'm reminded that the last great wave of the Bubonic Plague that swept across Asia and through Europe in the 13th century lasted at least 10 years and likely killed a third of the known population on the planet at the time.


Just go get vaccinated three times and go away with your covid virus nonsense and sillyness. No matter how many times we have been told that once people are vaccinated they can all go back to the old normal life that we all once lived and enjoyed. Such bat shit. This Covid virus bs will never end because the power elite in charge do not want it to ever end, and they already have told us that wearing a face mask and being vaccinated we all will still have to wear masks and social distance. WTH? So, as long as there are scaredy cat people like you around and still believing all their fake lies about this Covid virus bs it will never end. it will go on and on and on and on etc. Woke up, will you. 

After a whole bloody year you still live in a state of fear, panic and paranoia from a make believe serious virus. it's because of people like you that I may never get my old normal life back. This globalist communism that we are all living under today will go on forever if people like you keep getting your selfish and ignorant and quite stupid way. So, this bs will go on and on and on and on etc. if people like you allow it to continue on.

Thank gawd that there are many Canadians waking up and demanding that all of this fake and hyped up lying pandemic and it's communist restrictions come to an end. Those Canadians are patriotic Canadians who have finally seen the light and the truth. only dimwits and fools will still keep believing in this big covid virus lie and hoax. 

Here is something for you to think about if that is possible for you to do so. It's strange that anyone who would like to go on a plane ride somewhere in the world have to line up six feet apart and wear their clown masks when checking in. After they have checked in, they go thru security and then to their gate sitting six feet apart. What is so stupid about it all is that once people are boarded onto their plane they end up sitting inches away from one another. Maybe they will still have to keep wearing masks but they are not six feet apart. HELLO? 

Can anyone here see the total hypocrisy in this? One cannot be near anyone withing six feet while checking in but on the plane they can be inches apart.  

Any comments from you or anyone else here on this six feet apart nonsense? ;) 



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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Just go get vaccinated three times and go away with your covid virus nonsense and sillyness. No matter how many times we have been told that once people are vaccinated they can all go back to the old normal life that we all once lived and enjoyed. Such bat shit. This Covid virus bs will never end because the power elite in charge do not want it to ever end,

I'm more inclined to believe that the pandemic has become endemic and will never end also, as a matter of fact. But not because of the stupid conspiracy-driven reasons you and so many other rightwingers have latched on to! 

We're more likely to have a permanent pandemic, that requires annual or semi-annual vaccine booster shots because that will be the only way to remain disease-free in the future! 

Sure,  Pfizer, Moderna and other multibillion dollar drug companies were looking at the chance to use this pandemic as a cash cow....since they already do it every flu season! 

I'm sure the rich bastards who gather at Davos and other meetups of the rich and powerful were looking forward to easy money. And, since vaccines and treatments go first to those who can afford to pay, no doubt many of them think that causing or allowing millions of deaths around the world will not hurt their business ventures. The only problem with that is that this one looks like it got too big/too fast! And now that the ridiculously generous patent protection laws that have provided guaranteed monopolies are coming under scrutiny, and a growing chorus is demanding that the profiteering stop at least as long as the pandemic goes on, it looks like they got too greedy and killed the goose that lays the golden eggs!

In the coming years, the wealthier classes will be getting their regular (and expensive) booster shots to fight off future Covid variants that will keep mutating and metastasizing wherever there are large enough breeding populations.  The last report I posted about yesterday, noted that getting Covid-19 vaccines to the whole world....including those who can't pay, will take 3 or 4 years! By that time, the morphing and metastasizing coronaviruses will be almost impervious to the original vaccines, and if the disease doesn't become less lethal (no guarantees it will), it will continue ravaging the global south nations already hard-hit by rising temperatures and US foreign policy goals!


and they already have told us that wearing a face mask and being vaccinated we all will still have to wear masks and social distance. WTH? So, as long as there are scaredy cat people like you around and still believing all their fake lies about this Covid virus bs it will never end. it will go on and on and on and on etc. Woke up, will you.

The only thing that makes me panic, is being too close to morons like you! India thought they were past Covid-19 also....until this past month. If you can't read this article, take a look at the two charts: new reported cases and deaths (which are severely undercounted to start with) and you might have a clue about why India is 'panicking' now! With both new infections and deaths rising like they're going up the side of a cliff, the people who saw India as being past all worries are looking on as their hospitals fail and patients who can't get inside are left to die out in the streets! Even the morgues and crematoriums are backed up and unable to handle all the dead even if they are open and burning bodies all day and night long! 

 SOS messages, panic as virus breaks India’s health system

Experts tie the sudden surge in Covid-19 with the rise of a new double-mutant variant virus in March, that just happened to coincide with India's annual major Hindu festivals, where hundreds of thousands gather along the Ganges River and holy sites, but the Prime Minister would hear nothing about calls for locking down or postponing these festivals. Everything went ahead as normal, and likely functioned as the primary super spreaders for the pandemic that started making people sick a few weeks later. Up till three weeks ago, PM Modi thought he was on easy street heading to an easy re-election later this year; but it looks like the real world is going to crash his party! 

Is there a lesson there for all of you morons here who are demanding everything be open, and no restrictions like social distancing and mask wearing!



Thank gawd that there are many Canadians waking up and demanding that all of this fake and hyped up lying pandemic and it's communist restrictions come to an end. Those Canadians are patriotic Canadians who have finally seen the light and the truth. only dimwits and fools will still keep believing in this big covid virus lie and hoax. 

Here is something for you to think about if that is possible for you to do so. It's strange that anyone who would like to go on a plane ride somewhere in the world have to line up six feet apart and wear their clown masks when checking in. After they have checked in, they go thru security and then to their gate sitting six feet apart. What is so stupid about it all is that once people are boarded onto their plane they end up sitting inches away from one another. Maybe they will still have to keep wearing masks but they are not six feet apart. HELLO? 

Can anyone here see the total hypocrisy in this? One cannot be near anyone withing six feet while checking in but on the plane they can be inches apart.  

Any comments from you or anyone else here on this six feet apart nonsense? ;) 

You have the gall to throw a tantrum because you and other rightwing hacks don't want to follow any rules, because you would rather endanger public welfare than not be allowed to do everything you want! 


If anything, three and six feet spacing may not be enough indoors, as evidence suggests that some people (especially big mouths who try to talk over everyone else) project viral aerosol particles further than others. 

So, for the foreseeable future, avoid the amount of time you have to spend in indoor public spaces and Wear A Mask! If it's properly fitted and kept over the nose and mouth while indoors, it will at least reduce the amount of potential Covid-19 particles you are exposed to. 


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