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Is Canada becoming a Communist state?

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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

FYI climate alarmism is one of the oldest scams known to man. 

Ok we're clearly deviating from the topic, better start a separate one. But if you don't understand or don't want to believe in science you should also stop believing in your truck and iPhone because it's the same laws of nature that drive them and climate change.

Or if you like read about Venus and runaway greenhouse effect.

And of course anyone can do that mental trick and make themselves believe in the iPhone but not climate science. And that's fine, don't try to explain or convince yourself or anybody. Because laws of nature, including greenhouse effect won't care about explanations anyways. Just enjoy while it lasts and to h... with what's left after.

If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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2 hours ago, myata said:

Ok we're clearly deviating from the topic, better start a separate one. But if you don't understand or don't want to believe in science you should also stop believing in your truck and iPhone because it's the same laws of nature that drive them and climate change.

Or if you like read about Venus and runaway greenhouse effect.

And of course anyone can do that mental trick and make themselves believe in the iPhone but not climate science. And that's fine, don't try to explain or convince yourself or anybody. Because laws of nature, including greenhouse effect won't care about explanations anyways. Just enjoy while it lasts and to h... with what's left after.

OK, you're clearly deviating away from the topic of science now and into propaganda.

FYI your iPhone analogy is unrelated idiocy. I didn't say that iPhones don't work, I said that climate predictions have all been bogus and you didn't bother to debate that FACT. I said that the polar ice caps are going against the predictions and you ran from that fact too. I mentioned that the planet's climate has constantly changed over the last billion years and........ you ran away. All that you want to do is harp on what CNN and CTV told you. Sorry but IDGAF what any of the MSM told you. The climate alarmists have all been wrong going back decades now and CNN and CTV misrepresent everything with political ramifications.

Venus now? We could talk about plants and how when there's an abundance of CO2 in the atmosphere, plants grow more quickly and make oxygen faster. We could talk about deforestation as a threat to climate change, or pollution in the ocean killing off the plankton that make most of the earth's oxygen, but that's not popular and the fear mongers don't want your brain to stray from the path. It's not divisive enough for them. THIS IS ALL ABOUT MYATA'S CAR! IF YOU TAX HIM THE PROBLEM WILL GO AWAY! Go feel shame myata, and pay some more taxes.

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

said that climate predictions have all been bogus

Misinformation.  Predictions made in the early 1900s about the effect of greenhouse gasses have come true.  Predictions made in the 1990s about change in weather patterns are happening now.  Predictions about the melting of ice caps didn't go far enough.  

4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

We could talk about deforestation as a threat to climate change, or pollution in the ocean killing off the plankton that make most of the earth's oxygen,

Yes, these are conversations that must be had, sooner rather than later.  Unfortunately, Capitalists don't want to have those conversations because then they'd have to think about changing their business practices; it suits them fine if time is wasted on denying our role in climate change.

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24 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Unfortunately, Capitalists don't want to have those conversations because then they'd have to think about changing their business practices; it suits them fine if time is wasted on denying our role in climate change.

She says as she's typing on her Chinese commie made keyboard, which they make in factories sans any safety regulations, so the duped leftist enviros can pay only 29.99 for a piece of crap. And feel smug about it, no less.

Carry on...

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10 hours ago, dialamah said:

Misinformation.  Predictions made in the early 1900s about the effect of greenhouse gasses have come true.  Predictions made in the 1990s about change in weather patterns are happening now.  Predictions about the melting of ice caps didn't go far enough.  

Wrong. The doom and gloom predictions about man-made climate change melting ice caps, rising sea levels, etc, already had us underwater but I don't take my kid to school in a boat.

What has been predicted is the normal, eons-old pattern of global cooling and warming.

This is like the fable where the guy who knew the eclipse was coming told his executioners: "If you don't let me go a dragon will eat the sun!"


Yes, these are conversations that must be had, sooner rather than later.  Unfortunately, Capitalists don't want to have those conversations because then they'd have to think about changing their business practices; it suits them fine if time is wasted on denying our role in climate change.

Unfortunately, capitalists aren't the bogey man, sweetheart. That's just your own stupid belief.

FYI there were over 50,000 streams and rivers in China at the start of the 1950s and now there are less than 25,000. They've dammed up/used up all of that other water, and a lot of what's left is highly polluted, but they put the blame on climate change lol. Leftists love it.

The Chinese are also creating hundreds of coal-fired plants as we speak. And that's your own beloved system of government where, like in Canada, the leader of one party exerts total control over the media and the judiciary. 

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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On 4/18/2021 at 4:07 PM, blackbird said:

America was fighting to defend freedom in the west in proxy wars in N. Korea, Vietnam, etc.  It was your freedom also that they were fighting for during the cold war with Communist USSR.  In Iraq they were fighting against ISIS extremists.  In Afghanistan, NATO, including Canada, the UK, and U.S.A were fighting Al Qaida jihadist extremists who attacked America on 9-11 and killed over 3,000 people.   You need to learn something about world affairs and the ongoing struggle between Communist Russia, China, and the west, as well as radical Islam.  The new cold war will be between America and it's allies on one side and Russia and China on the other.  That's just the way the world is.  You either defend your side or be subdued and taken over in the world.  Stop imbibing Communist propaganda for a start. 

You are just as wrong as with your take on climate change, religion, taxation, environment, economy and life in general.

What is / was your occupation if not a secret?

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On 4/13/2021 at 5:49 PM, cougar said:

You and Blackbird talk about things you know very little about.  You need to have lived under a socialist system to understand.

Neither Marx, Engels or Lenin wrote anywhere that people should be deprived of independence, locked up for their beliefs , mistreated, humiliated, oppressed or left penniless.  The system wasn't meant to be evil.  

This same good system of yours has all the flaws you can think about, but what is bad is immediately classified as socialist.

For your information it wasn't the socialists who raped kids in residential schools, killed off the Indians and dispossessed them of land, killed off most wildlife and continue to do so, left their own people behind in favour of globalist open market agendas benefiting stateless crooks.  It wasn't the socialists who threw all the garbage along the highways and into the forests.  It was you guys!

Who cares about starting a business and getting money from a bank to be in debt indefinitely and spin wheels for years  till there is only one word left in our heads - "money".

We, real people, think about life and the values of relationships, knowledge, ecosystems and all else before money.


The rich would really be in a panic if they couldn't hire propagandists who create the rhetoric justifying and even sanctifying their unearned wealth, and so, are able to string along enough useful idiots to assist them...usually thinking that they will one day get rich too...just like it says on the stupid lottery commercials! 

I don't know if it does any good to post the research, but I have in the past posted articles and book excerpts by sociologists and psychologists studying the effects of wealth inequality....which surprisingly doesn't make even the richest people happy either! Likely because they fear loss of wealth more than others, and in an increasingly income stratified society, their country club 'peer' shrink to fewer numbers. 

Someone like Donald Trump would be a prime example of someone who doesn't trust hardly anybody....except possibly for some family members. Because everyone else he comes in contact with, is either an employee or providing a temporary service, or is a potential competitor in the game of wealth accumulation. 

It is also noted that poorer people are actually more generous than those with higher incomes and greater ability to give donations to the poor.  The rich (like Trump again) have elevated opinions of themselves, and are less inclined to be charitable unless they have no other choice. 


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Just now, DogOnPorch said:


Hitler was a National Socialist.

I've done some reading on the subject. It seems the National Socialist Party was not as high on the socialist part as they were on nationalism after WWI. Although they were popular with many trade unions.

When Hitler and his henchmen took over, they deep-sixed the socialist part completely, since his first action after being named chancellor was to ban unions and strikes in Germany....not very socialistic on any scale!

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3 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

I've done some reading on the subject. It seems the National Socialist Party was not as high on the socialist part as they were on nationalism after WWI. Although they were popular with many trade unions.

When Hitler and his henchmen took over, they deep-sixed the socialist part completely, since his first action after being named chancellor was to ban unions and strikes in Germany....not very socialistic on any scale!


You can pretend that National Socialism is Capitalism all you like. 

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5 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


You can pretend that National Socialism is Capitalism all you like. 

You can pretend it's not, but the Krupp Family which owned Volkswagen and major steel production in Germany was producing the tanks and heavy guns for the German War Machine throughout the War, and in more profitable conditions: no strikes and even some munitions factories with concentration camp labor. And then there were all the bankers on both sides of the war, that were financing German and Allied war efforts.  

The Soviets, on the other hand, had to scrap their five year plans and shift most of their production to preparing for war when spies in Germany got word back that the Germans were intending to go east, rather than invade England after conquering France. And they managed to do it without having the moneylenders as a go between. 

And the best evidence that Nazism like all forms of fascism are more conducive to capitalism and less feared than communism, was that most western leaders except Churchill and Roosevelt wanted to make a deal with Hitler and attack the Soviet Union, even after Germany's aggressive invasions in central europe.  They saw that they had things in common, and as soon as the war was being wrapped up, the US and England were smuggling Nazi scientists, engineers and government officials out of Germany at the end of WWII. The most valuable and dangerous of the lot-- like Martin Bormann and Adolph Eichmann, were given fake passports  and sent to US unofficial colonies in South America -- Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, where they were given cover in some of the German expat communities down there.

*when one older neighbor where I grew up, was being investigated as a Nazi war criminal during the 70's, I noticed that there were several others in Canada who were being tracked down for various crimes. My father (a WWII vet) always wondered how so many Nazis and Fascists, and fascist sympathizers got in to Canada, while he says he can't recall ever meeting a communist among the immigrants from Eastern Europe after the war. Many years later we learned that our governments were carefully going through lists of communist party members and affiliates, while giving a pass to many low ranking SS or Nazi collaborators! The Canadian Government, like the US and England...which claimed to have such a hard time detecting Nazis, seemed to be able to screen out everyone who might have been a communist coming over from Eastern Europe and Italy after the War for some reason!


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13 hours ago, cougar said:

You are just as wrong as with your take on climate change, religion, taxation, environment, economy and life in general.

What is / was your occupation if not a secret?

Nobody gives their occupations and education in order to comment on here.  You live in some kind of strange alternate reality. I have given you lots of reason to explain my beliefs.  You don't seem to accept the most basic reality.  Your idea of a world where everyone is entitled to other people's property and wealth is a dark, evil criminal ideology which would lead to destruction and anarchy.  A world without law and order , private property rights, and respect for individual rights is a kind of hell.  That's the way it is in Communist countries and other brutal dictatorships.  Maybe because of an addiction you cannot work or earn a living and think a Socialist type system would take care of you and provide whatever it is you are addicted to.  If you were in N. Korea, China, or many other places, they would probably just lock you up or euthanize you.  They would have no mercy.  Communist systems or hybrid Communist type government-controlled capitalist systems (as China and Russia now) do not have such things as compassion or mercy for individuals.  They are still authoritarian systems that do not care for individuals except those in the upper ranks of the party.  It is another myth to think they care for the individual. They just eliminate anyone they think is a trouble maker or anyone who doesn't fall in line.

Do you drink from morning to night?  That might be a big part of the problem.  You need to get help.  You could start by pouring the liquor supply down the drain right now.  God is a clear reality and is demonstrated by the complex and beauty in the creation.  His revelation in the written word is demonstrated by the many supernatural events recorded by the many people who observed them.  Such as his resurrection.  There is still hope but you must make some attempt to get help.  Maybe a good local evangelical minister or elder could help.

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On 4/14/2021 at 1:09 PM, myata said:

I have no problem with millionaires in general. Started your business from scratch, make something that people are willing to buy great for you and great for the country. I have problem though with those millionaires on the public pay, million golden parachute millionaires, hundreds of thousands plus bonuses for the Phoenix system ones and so on. The budget could not and will carry it forever because it's not bottomless while the perception of the bureaucracy of the privilege and entitlements it deserves very much is. So we'll face it at some point and at that point we will have no other ways of delivering services to the public.

Get into the clown making face mask or the Covid sign making business because come this fall there will be a lot of money to be made. Hundreds if not thousands of people have already made plenty of money from Covid. Why not you? 

This fall is going to be when the big time daddy of them all viruses will be dropping by and if we have not had enough yet, just wait until then. The Covid game has only just begun people. It's going to become a wild and wicked ride. Hope you all enjoy your new and improved Covid 21 ride seeing that you still want to play this Covid 1984 game ride still. Enjoy!! 

PS: Although we can avoid this amazing new ride coming if we all start to wake the hell up and say enough already, I do not want to play this virus Convid 1984 game anymore. It's your call now. Just saying. ;)

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I don't know how to turn the italics off.  Doesn't seem to be a way.

The BC NDP (Marxist leaning) is now imposing travel restrictions on BC citizens and not allowing them to travel from one health region to another for unnecessary travel, whatever that is.  They are planning random police roadblocks/check points to question travelers to see what their reason for travel is.  This sounds like it may be contrary to the Charter of Rights.  But that is how Canadian provincial governments and the federal government operate;  they do what they wish without regard to the Charter of Rights, and will only stop if enough political pressure is put on them or someone wins a Charter challenge in a court.  This means the existence of Charter rights is somewhat questionable.

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On 4/21/2021 at 8:13 AM, blackbird said:

I have given you lots of reason to explain my beliefs.


Your reasons with no exceptions sooner or later take us to your bible.

What you post up here departs so significantly from common sense, plane logic and science, that the only way for you to have survived would be if you were a mormon of some kind or associated with some religious group praying on other peoples weakness and beliefs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/10/2021 at 1:42 PM, blackbird said:

While I don't agree with the anti-vaxers and the anti-Covid crowd, I still believe Canadians have freedom of speech.  This guy Chris Sky has just been put on the no-fly list for being an anti-vaxer, anti-Covid protestor/speaker for exercising his right to freedom speech.  The government appears to be shutting him down and preventing him from travel so he cannot go to protest rallies and speak. This while a convicted terrorist, who killed someone when he was fighting for al Qaida in Afghanistan, received 10.5 million dollars and an apology, is not on the no fly list and is free to fly. This is Trudeau's Canada.  Trudeau did express his admiration for the Chinese Communist system about six years ago.  Are we fast becoming a Communist state?  Could the pandemic and Trudeau government's response be the trigger that removes our fundamental freedoms and establishes Canada as a Communist dictatorship?  Should there be a difference between the way a Communist dictatorship acts and the way a western democracy acts toward people who differ in their beliefs and speech about the pandemic and government response?


Yes the purpose with Covid is probably to reshape the system. Their financial system is on life support. If the financial "elite" want to continue to rule over us they will need something with more control over each one of us. Like Chinas social credits + a 100% digital currency. And of course a much lower global population. 

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On 4/22/2021 at 8:38 PM, cougar said:

Your reasons with no exceptions sooner or later take us to your bible.

What you post up here departs so significantly from common sense, plain logic and science, that the only way for you to have survived would be if you were a Mormon of some kind or associated with some religious group preying on other peoples weakness and beliefs.

You call yourself a predator that hates planes . . . . 

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On 4/21/2021 at 7:42 PM, blackbird said:

I don't know how to turn the italics off.  Doesn't seem to be a way.

The BC NDP (Marxist leaning) is now imposing travel restrictions on BC citizens and not allowing them to travel from one health region to another for unnecessary travel, whatever that is.  They are planning random police roadblocks/check points to question travelers to see what their reason for travel is.  This sounds like it may be contrary to the Charter of Rights.  But that is how Canadian provincial governments and the federal government operate;  they do what they wish without regard to the Charter of Rights, and will only stop if enough political pressure is put on them or someone wins a Charter challenge in a court.  This means the existence of Charter rights is somewhat questionable.

"Public good" and "following the law" generally takes precedence over individual rights.  

Do you accept random checks of Canadian drivers to check sobriety?  It's no different.

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Back to the topic, there are visible similarities between the two, for example in: patent inefficiency of public administrations even in critical matters for the society; and in the number and frequency of officials feeling entitled not only to outrageous compensation at the public expense, but also to the right and privilege to say anything, without any responsibility or accountability. Accomplished detachment of the function and the result when function runs on its own, as long as there are budgets to burn and without any relation to the targets, results and the public need, even reality. Pushing a button once in so many years and if I feel like it is a very weak form of control if any at all and this bureaucracy has broken out of pretty much all controls.

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If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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One of the characteristics of Marxist dictatorships is the people (or enough of them) worship the leader as if he is a god.  This is the way it works in Communist dictatorships like N. Korea, China, and Russia, even though they are not strictly Communist in the sense of equality.  There is a chain of hierarchy in the power structure.  What it takes to set up that kind of authoritarian system is a leader who has a certain charisma that appeals to the mindless drones.  That's it.  From then on, the leader becomes a kind of god, especially to those who do not believe in the God of the Bible.  The mental vacuum of these drones leaves them vulnerable to becoming idolizers of the earthly god.  It doesn't take a large majority to do it.  In fact in our system, it only takes between 30 or 40% of the population to believe and trust in such a leader.  The reason is because of the divisions and number of political parties which split the vote.  This leader can exploit his position if he so chooses and increase his power and security of position.

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1 hour ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Justin Trudeau comes across as a dolt . . . maybe he isn't though? 

My opinion he truly is, has all the elements of naivete and entitlement. Most entitled Canadian PM ever, and most dangerous.

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On 5/4/2021 at 8:40 AM, dialamah said:

"Public good" and "following the law" generally takes precedence over individual rights.  

Do you accept random checks of Canadian drivers to check sobriety?  It's no different.

What defines the public good enough to justify denying fundamental rights?  Using the same argument, a dictator could also deny people their basic freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom of association, etc. as is done in North Korea.   Incidentally, why does the Liberal government say they can't stop Canadians from travelling internationally because it would violate their Charter rights but provinces can deny them the right to travel between health regions?  Seems to be a contradiction there.

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