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Is Canada becoming a Communist state?

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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

And once again, the Queen didn’t pay your cheques or fight the battles the constitute the storied history of your regiment.  Neither did the Brits or the Yanks.  The Queen has been a good monarch, but don’t overestimate her impact.  The Canadian people and the country of Canada bred and paid you.  They should be your first loyalty.  The Queen of Canada symbolizes that.  She’s the figurehead.  I say that as a dual citizen of Canada and Britain.  

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Canadian Forces and RCMP swear allegiance to Her Majesty, which represents the country.  This is because Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy. 

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What in the world is with PHAC, the Public Health Authority of Canada?  First they said is OK for Canadians to cross the border into the U.S. to get vaccinated.  Then a few days later, they withdraw permission.

"On May 17, in response to a request from local officials in Windsor, Ont., for guidance regarding Canadians getting vaccines in the United States, PHAC confirmed to David Musyj, president and chief executive officer of Windsor Regional Hospital, that receiving a COVID-19 vaccination is indeed a valid exempted reason to cross the U.S. border; that confirmation was shared with local media.

In an interview with the Post, he said that he had two main questions when he reached out to PHAC. There are already scenarios in which PHAC has helped source critically needed medicines for health-care workers in Windsor from the United States; he offered an example of a rare anti-venom that was urgently needed and was sourced, with PHAC’s aid, from a zoo in Michigan. PHAC told Musyj they’d look into that. Fair enough. Musyj also sought clarity on whether a COVID-19 vaccination would qualify as medically essential care — because if so, a Canadian who got vaccinated in the U.S. would not need to quarantine. PHAC confirmed to him that, yes, that would be a valid exemption.

The email to Musyj, sent May 17 by officials at PHAC, is clear. “The (emergency border closure order) allows an exception to the requirement to remain in quarantine for the purpose of attending essential medical services or treatments at a health care facility, including undergoing a COVID-19 vaccine or molecular test .” (Emphasis added.) That’s a clear answer from PHAC — getting a vaccine qualifies.

This was great news. Until PHAC walked it back.

In a new statement sent to the media on Thursday, PHAC reversed its original, extremely clear statement. “The Order In Council provision that outlines testing and quarantine exemptions for travellers returning to Canada after receiving essential medical services (in) a foreign country was not intended to be used for those seeking to receive a COVID-19 vaccination,” the new statement says. “This provision is in place to allow Canadians who are seeking life-saving medical treatment outside of Canada.” The statement also says that PHAC hopes this helps clear up “misinformation” being published by the media, and that vaccines are now “widely available” in Canada.

Have these people gone bonkers?

This is an agency that has already been roundly criticized, and deservedly so, for bad, unclear and inconsistent communications. Fifteen months into it, they’re still so bad at this that they’re reversing themselves in days on issues of awfully significant public interest. And they’re saying that journalists who reported on the obvious plain reading of their own original statement were spreading misinformation ?

With leadership like this, our continued struggles with the pandemic make more sense, don’t they?

There’s no guarantee this plan was ever going to work. The border works both ways. American officials have to be willing to let Canadians in to get vaccinated. Officially, the United States says they do not consider getting a vaccine an approved reason to enter the United States during the emergency. Unofficially, it’s clear certain border guards are interpreting that policy extremely loosely, to the benefit of their Canadian friends and neighbors. Your mileage very much seems to vary on this one. Still, it’s worth noting that PHAC could be demanding Canadians go to the U.S., and if the Americans don’t play ball, nothing happens.

But they could still be doing everything on their part to make it feasible. They aren’t. Musyj said he was communicating directly with health-care providers in Michigan about setting up an operation where Canadians could have gone to Michigan, gotten jabbed in their car and returned to Canadian territory without ever setting foot in America or driving onto any public roads there. It would have been a perfectly contained vaccination loop. That’s exactly the kind of program we should be trying to hammer out with our ally, but instead, PHAC is finding ways to sloppily rule it out, in the most confusing way possible.

“Take a walk in my ICU right now,” Musyj told the Post. “You’ll see it’s full of people who couldn’t get access to the vaccines they needed. The people who didn’t have a chance. Forget a ‘one-dose summer.’ Let’s get them vaccines now.”

--National Post 

Matt Gurney: Canada's public health agency goes bonkers reversing vaccine exemption for border crossers (msn.com)

If hospitals and ICUs are full of people who never had a chance to get a vaccine shot, what is the matter with PHAC, that they would decree an order denying people the right to cross the border to get a vaccine shot, which is free, and gives people the chance of choosing which vaccine and even getting a second shot sooner?  The only way we are going to get over this pandemic is if as many people as possible get their two shots as soon as possible.  Why does PHAC stand in the way?   Is politics getting in the way of common sense?

In another pandemic news article: 

Conservative Health Critic: ‘we do have to be questioning the health minister’s competency’ | Watch News Videos Online (globalnews.ca)



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8 hours ago, blackbird said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Canadian Forces and RCMP swear allegiance to Her Majesty, which represents the country.  This is because Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy. 

Yes the Queen’s role is as figurehead.  It’s ceremonial.  Republics have a head of state too, which is sometimes separated from the political office, as is the case in France.  Separating the ceremonial actually removes many distractions.  Our GG hands out the Orders of Canada.  It works well because our GG is chosen by an elected leader.  If she or he shits the bed like Payette did, there’s really no future in the position.  It’s less permanent than a hereditary monarch.  Thankfully Elizabeth has been an exemplary Queen for Britain.  

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

Yes the Queen’s role is as figurehead.  It’s ceremonial.  Republics have a head of state too, which is sometimes separated from the political office, as is the case in France.  Separating the ceremonial actually removes many distractions.  Our GG hands out the Orders of Canada.  It works well because our GG is chosen by an elected leader.  If she or he shits the bed like Payette did, there’s really no future in the position.  It’s less permanent than a hereditary monarch.  Thankfully Elizabeth has been an exemplary Queen for Britain and for Canada

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16 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Yes the Queen’s role is as figurehead.  It’s ceremonial.

incorrect, it is not ceremonial, it is the basis of whether you could be guilty of treason or not

you only commit treason if you violate a binding oath taken of your own free will

this is what fealty means, and the binding legal oath is simply not taken in fealty to Canadian Confederation

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Canadian Confederation is not a country, Confederation is simply an agreement

a shady backroom deal cooked up in 1867 to keep the French in, the Americans out & the Indians down

Canadian Confederation is nothing more than a trade & military alliance supposedly to defend from the Americans

it has no sovereignty unto itself, you don't owe it any fealty, and you are free to vote to secede from it as well

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it really is just endless episodes of Canadians don't understand their own history nor even what "Canada" means

and yes, this is why Canada is a basket case, de facto failed state

this is how you get to the Post National State, a Potemkim Village propped up by wholly Un-Canadian Canadians

the net result of Canada failing, is that the vast majority of Canadians are totally Americanized

they describe their "country"  as a kind people's republic which simply does not exist

and of course, this is how you get to Philosopher King dictators ruling over a fake country

this is the very essence of totalitarianism, this is exactly how that works

you are called to swear fealty to this Mussolini like buffoon instead of the true sovereign

any dissent from the dogma is treated as thought crime by the Canadian nanny police state



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11 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

  I’d trust Canadians over any people. 

see, I don't find that to be the case

I find Canadian culture to be one of moral and physical cowardice

Canadians are the most likely to sell you down the river to save their own necks

it is a not a warrior culture, it is a regime of spinless tyrannical bureaucrats

it's frankly despicable, which is why I despise it

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8 hours ago, blackbird said:

What in the world is with PHAC, the Public Health Authority of Canada?  First they said is OK for Canadians to cross the border into the U.S. to get vaccinated.  Then a few days later, they withdraw permission.

"On May 17, in response to a request from local officials in Windsor, Ont., for guidance regarding Canadians getting vaccines in the United States, PHAC confirmed to David Musyj, president and chief executive officer of Windsor Regional Hospital, that receiving a COVID-19 vaccination is indeed a valid exempted reason to cross the U.S. border; that confirmation was shared with local media.

In an interview with the Post, he said that he had two main questions when he reached out to PHAC. There are already scenarios in which PHAC has helped source critically needed medicines for health-care workers in Windsor from the United States; he offered an example of a rare anti-venom that was urgently needed and was sourced, with PHAC’s aid, from a zoo in Michigan. PHAC told Musyj they’d look into that. Fair enough. Musyj also sought clarity on whether a COVID-19 vaccination would qualify as medically essential care — because if so, a Canadian who got vaccinated in the U.S. would not need to quarantine. PHAC confirmed to him that, yes, that would be a valid exemption.

The email to Musyj, sent May 17 by officials at PHAC, is clear. “The (emergency border closure order) allows an exception to the requirement to remain in quarantine for the purpose of attending essential medical services or treatments at a health care facility, including undergoing a COVID-19 vaccine or molecular test .” (Emphasis added.) That’s a clear answer from PHAC — getting a vaccine qualifies.

This was great news. Until PHAC walked it back.

In a new statement sent to the media on Thursday, PHAC reversed its original, extremely clear statement. “The Order In Council provision that outlines testing and quarantine exemptions for travellers returning to Canada after receiving essential medical services (in) a foreign country was not intended to be used for those seeking to receive a COVID-19 vaccination,” the new statement says. “This provision is in place to allow Canadians who are seeking life-saving medical treatment outside of Canada.” The statement also says that PHAC hopes this helps clear up “misinformation” being published by the media, and that vaccines are now “widely available” in Canada.

Have these people gone bonkers?

This is an agency that has already been roundly criticized, and deservedly so, for bad, unclear and inconsistent communications. Fifteen months into it, they’re still so bad at this that they’re reversing themselves in days on issues of awfully significant public interest. And they’re saying that journalists who reported on the obvious plain reading of their own original statement were spreading misinformation ?

With leadership like this, our continued struggles with the pandemic make more sense, don’t they?

There’s no guarantee this plan was ever going to work. The border works both ways. American officials have to be willing to let Canadians in to get vaccinated. Officially, the United States says they do not consider getting a vaccine an approved reason to enter the United States during the emergency. Unofficially, it’s clear certain border guards are interpreting that policy extremely loosely, to the benefit of their Canadian friends and neighbors. Your mileage very much seems to vary on this one. Still, it’s worth noting that PHAC could be demanding Canadians go to the U.S., and if the Americans don’t play ball, nothing happens.

But they could still be doing everything on their part to make it feasible. They aren’t. Musyj said he was communicating directly with health-care providers in Michigan about setting up an operation where Canadians could have gone to Michigan, gotten jabbed in their car and returned to Canadian territory without ever setting foot in America or driving onto any public roads there. It would have been a perfectly contained vaccination loop. That’s exactly the kind of program we should be trying to hammer out with our ally, but instead, PHAC is finding ways to sloppily rule it out, in the most confusing way possible.

“Take a walk in my ICU right now,” Musyj told the Post. “You’ll see it’s full of people who couldn’t get access to the vaccines they needed. The people who didn’t have a chance. Forget a ‘one-dose summer.’ Let’s get them vaccines now.”

--National Post 

Matt Gurney: Canada's public health agency goes bonkers reversing vaccine exemption for border crossers (msn.com)

If hospitals and ICUs are full of people who never had a chance to get a vaccine shot, what is the matter with PHAC, that they would decree an order denying people the right to cross the border to get a vaccine shot, which is free, and gives people the chance of choosing which vaccine and even getting a second shot sooner?  The only way we are going to get over this pandemic is if as many people as possible get their two shots as soon as possible.  Why does PHAC stand in the way?   Is politics getting in the way of common sense?

In another pandemic news article: 

Conservative Health Critic: ‘we do have to be questioning the health minister’s competency’ | Watch News Videos Online (globalnews.ca)


again, it's the Canadian Iron Curtain

the people cannot be seen fleeing over the wall to the free world to save themselves

this is why the East Germans built the Berlin Wall

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11 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Your loathing of such a great homeland makes no sense

ah, but Canadian Confederation is not my ancestral homeland

my family came to British North America in 1757

when my ancestor jumped ship at Halifax harbour after being pressed ganged by the Royal Navy at Liverpool

so my homeland here is technically Nouvelle France under occupation by the House of Hanover

vive le Quebec libre


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3 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

see, I don't find that to be the case

I find Canadian culture to be one of moral and physical cowardice

Canadians are the most likely to sell you down the river to save their own necks

it is a not a warrior culture, it is a regime of spinless tyrannical bureaucrats

it's frankly despicable, which is why I despise it

I’m not going to discuss the countless sacrifices through wars, acceptance of refugees, building of the social safety net and a multicultural just society, peacekeeping, etc.  You’ll piss all over it because you only respect the biggest powers, which Canada won’t be because of its geography.  I do think Canada’s stances on a range of positions have mattered, though more must be done to build hard power and independence or such positions become difficult to back.  We’ve had all these discussions.  I do trust Canadians because I’ve had the experience of living in different countries, including Britain, the US, Russia, and for shorter periods, parts of mainland Western Europe.  This is a good place to be for many good reasons.  I’m surprised your military tours haven’t convinced you of that.

 I know you’d rather that Canada be part of the US, but that country has problems too, just different ones.  I remember you saying Ontario should go it alone.  Well Ontario could.  It’s a good place to be in the pandemic except for the long winter, but it’s worth it to most Ontarians to maintain Canada.  

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2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

ah, but Canadian Confederation is not my ancestral homeland

my family came to British North America in 1757

when my ancestor jumped ship at Halifax harbour after being pressed ganged by the Royal Navy at Liverpool

so my homeland here is technically Nouvelle France under occupation by the House of Hanover

vive le Quebec libre


Except that by 1757 the Brits had sent the French Acadiens packing.  English Acadia is great too, but Halifax was a counter to New France and Louisbourg.

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Of course the Holy Roman Inquisition which lasted for about 400 years was a great evil that killed millions of people. There have been many evils done in the name of Christianity or religion;  however this does not negate the truth of the Bible or gospel which was taken to heathen nations.  There has been much savagery in various parts of world.  It is nonsense to suggest aboriginal culture is somehow something to be admired or encouraged, without knowing what all it entails.

I've never heard the Inquisition called 'Roman' before, but I had heard it called 'Spanish'.  *googles*  Neat!  It's its own sub-Inquisition!  Sometimes I'm amazed at the things I don't know.  Roman Inquisition - Wikipedia

Maybe an organization that enabled and protected child molesters while supplying them with a steady stream of children to abuse (Catholic Church sexual abuse cases - Wikipedia), in addition to the aforementioned barbaric, savage atrocities, such as publicly torturing people to death for the "crime" of not believing a particular piece of dogma, doesn't have enough moral authority to say who is or isn't a "heathen."  Just a thought.

Didn't actually suggest Indigenous culture should be admired or encouraged, just stated that people are free to like or dislike it but to claim it doesn't exist is false.

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4 minutes ago, GrittyLeftist said:

Not many people are willing to say this out loud any more.  FWIW, I agree that that is what the Mounties were created for.

it's the only war Canada ever fights on its own behalf

the war to keep the French in,  the Americans out,  and the Indians down

Plains of Abraham 1759

Heights of Queenston 1812

Ridgeway 1866

Northwest Rebellion 1885

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it is in fact the Battle of Ridgeway in 1866 which incites Canadian Confederation in 1867

the battle hardened Civil War veteran Irish Fenians rout the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada outside Fort Erie

it is only the intervention of Washington which puts a stop to it, otherwise the Fenians could have kept going

this incites panic in the Dominion of Canada, the Americans are actually invading again

the British however have no interest in fighting the million man Union Army for Canada

so Canada is essentially kicked out of the British Empire in a military sense

the British are not coming to save Canada, so the colonies here had better Confederate to defend themselves

the whole deal is cooked up in the backrooms in Charlottetown, in a matter of weeks

this all induces an inferiority complex in Canada, kicked out of the Empire, not worth fighting for

this is why the Canadians rush to fight for the Empire afterwards, whenever they got the chance

first they charge into South Africa to repress the Boer on behalf of Britain

next they charge into Flanders to save a tiny corner of Belgium for George V, at the cost of 60,000 killed


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17 minutes ago, GrittyLeftist said:

I've never heard the Inquisition called 'Roman' before, but I had heard it called 'Spanish'.  *googles*  Neat!  It's its own sub-Inquisition!  Sometimes I'm amazed at the things I don't know.  Roman Inquisition - Wikipedia

Maybe an organization that enabled and protected child molesters while supplying them with a steady stream of children to abuse (Catholic Church sexual abuse cases - Wikipedia), in addition to the aforementioned barbaric, savage atrocities, such as publicly torturing people to death for the "crime" of not believing a particular piece of dogma, doesn't have enough moral authority to say who is or isn't a "heathen."  Just a thought.

Didn't actually suggest Indigenous culture should be admired or encouraged, just stated that people are free to like or dislike it but to claim it doesn't exist is false.

The RC religion, if examined in the light of the Holy Scriptures, is a false religion of idolatry and a false gospel.  In that religion a person must work their way to heaven and must believe in the RC religion and partake in their sacraments, which is contrary to the Bible.  So it doesn't matter what they say about who is heathen.  It is neither here nor there.  All that matters is what the Bible (Holy Scriptures) teach.

I know some people believe indigenous culture should be supported or encouraged, but nobody says exactly what that means.  Most people who have any knowledge realize indigenous people cannot return to the ways and beliefs of their ancestors.  Today there are many red power activists who want to capitalize on their ancestry in order to extract what they can from the land and natural resources developed by white men.  I can see why they would wish to remain separate and self governing in order to extract what they can from society.

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On 5/19/2021 at 12:07 PM, GrittyLeftist said:


I sincerely hope you are right about Russia and China being less murderous than America.  Worth pointing out that nobody has been able to say 'no' to America since WWII - I'm skeptical that China or Russia would handle being a hyperpower any better.  I think it's bad for a person, or a people, to have the kind of power over others that America had for about 70 years.  


I have no interest in reading the tealeaves and trying to figure out who is most 'murderous' of today's most powerful nations. What is clear is that one and ONE only of those nations has had overwhelming military, economic and political power over all other nations in the world, and no longer even tries to pretend that it all happened by an accident of circumstances, or because of the failures of Russia, China and even supposed allies in Europe to rise to equivalent power of the US Empire. 

Does Russia or China seek to replace the US as the hegemonic "exceptional nation" in a unipolar world, as fake, disingenuous liberals are forced to admit now? 

I don't know how many times Putin or other Russian leaders have commented on US hegemony, aside from contentious issues like trade and energy development, but Russia does not have the economic capacity to take over as world economic or military power today. Russia's economy is still primarily dependent on energy and natural resource extraction, and regardless of the propaganda we are fed with, its military is less than 10% of the bloated US expanse of Army, Navy, Air Force and more than 800 military bases on foreign soil. All that crap is bankrupting the US now, and Russia has been smart enough to focus their military spending on stuff like missiles....which can demolish carrier fleets and land-based equivalents needed for large offensive operations. If Iran is now being considered a 'hard' target, with costs to invade that outweigh the advantages, it's no surprise that US policy makers turned to economic warfare - sanctions, tariffs, embargoes, even blockades, to squeeze its enemies instead of military attacks. 

But, recent evidence from this past year, under the glorious new Biden Administration indicates that the US has reached too far by creating too much debt, and is now being faced with a declining Dollar (that's why the Cdn Dollar has increased value lately...not anything good actually happening here), and losing more and more of its share of "special drawing rights" - SDR's - representing the share of foreign exchange reserves at the IMF. IF the US cannot control the IMF, then it can no longer be the great global hegemon that feeds off the rest of the world by forcing other nations to accept its declining currency! 

Now, Russia and China say they want a return to a "multipolar" world, where no one nation can dictate terms to the rest of the world! Whether good or evil, there are good reasons to believe that neither Russia or China want to take America's crown and fill the same role in global affairs! 

Russia has no realistic option for becoming supreme world power, and China's economy may be becoming more developed, but it is still largely dependent on manufacturing exports. So, the last thing China would want (just like Japan in a similar situation 40 years ago) is to have their currencies go through a rapid appreciation in value...which would come as part of assuming reserve currency status, and make their exports too expensive for foreign buyers. 

So, the question is still 'will the US shrink and fade away slowly and gradually like the UK started doing over 50 years ago, or will they threaten total extinction for everyone by going out with a bang? Declaring a big, global war with one of their many chosen enemies that will provide the excuse to unleash the nukes!  Right now, who knows! Because aside from the British Empire, most empires become too arrogant, too calcified and to bankrupt for ideas to try anything new.

So, where will everything go from here? Who knows! It all depends on who is ultimately in charge in Washington. And the only thing for sure is that it's not the dimwitted/now senile 80 year old who was placed in the White House as a place-holder because inside powers of the Democratic Party couldn't get their voters to select one of the candidates they wanted. So, they made sure one of them was named Veep, and will take over when the senile old clown kicks the bucket some time in the near future, or becomes too infirm that aides (including his power hungry wife) can pretend he's actually in control of government! 

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22 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. vs keeping them home and teaching them that evolution is true, vaccines are bad etc.  This is why home schooling should be taken away from unqualified teachers.  If it's a comfort, imagine the horrors of some hippie family keeping their kid home and teaching them about peace in love.  That one ought to give you nightmares.

2. Like the Christian runaways who end up on the streets of my city... gay kids shunned or the famous Mormon lost boys...

3. I heard that he recently expressed regret for his actions.  It was contempt of court and disobeying a judge that got him in trouble, I do believe.

Please teach your children your values in a PUBLIC context and not in spite of community standards.   It's hypocritical to demand others follow the law and refuse to do the same.

You are holding to a false belief system of what home schooling and Christianity is all about.  I forgot the word for holding a false biased belief about something.  Maybe you can recall it.

The theory of evolution has been debunked by many scientists.  Maybe do some reading from another point of view instead of automatically believing everything the secular humanists / atheists tell you.  Try the website creation.com

There are many Christians who believe vaccines are good.  They have saved millions of lives.  But there have also been the odd case of serious bad reaction to vaccine.  That is why it should always be a matter of choice except as I have already said, when a person is in close proximity to older residents in a care home.  Aside from that vaccination should not be mandatory in a free society.  

Home schoolers must follow the provincial required curriculum.  But, they can also include the Biblical viewpoint  by having the Bible included as a extra subject.  That is what freedom is all about in western civilization.  We still have freedom of religion.  Same as private schools.  Some of them include their religion as an extra subject, which is an important difference from public schools, which do not.   We don't live in a fully Communist state yet and still have some fundamental freedoms.

Kids run away from all kinds of homes, not just Christian homes for a variety of reasons.  Again you single out Christians while there are countless people who left their non-Christian homes.  Trying to blame Christian families for kids that run away is ludicrous.  There is no basis for it.  I have known many Christian families and can tell you many of the ones I have seen are stable.  Many of the young people have grown up well and gone on to university.  I can't say the same thing for a lot of non-Christian families where there is drug abuse, alcoholism, broken homes, and rebellious children.  But some kids often rebel regardless of how stable or good the home is.  They are often heavily influenced by their friends in the public schools as well who may be wild.  Sometimes young people just rebel for no apparent reason.  The influences from the world are very strong.



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On 5/18/2021 at 11:59 PM, Yzermandius19 said:

those are the actual numbers

just because people you disagree with can use those numbers to undermine your preferred narrative doesn't make them incorrect

% of GDP is a far better measure of the scope of the military relative to the economy than nominal military spending

facts don't care about your feelings

Thank you Mr. Shapiro! Got any more slogans you've stolen from the rightwing thought leaders who implant their propaganda in your head? 


Ben Shapiro may be too much of a psychopath to recognize it, but FACTS or what are claimed to be 'facts' do depend on feelings, and that's why they come wrapped in emotional rhetoric, and why fascists, empire-builders and beneficiaries of war industries keep trying to scare the public with bullshit propaganda!

And, using percentage of GDP as an excuse to increase military and surveillance agency budgets is bullshit pure and simple! 

Not only because GDP is an inexact measure of economic productivity and development, but also because this trope was created and is being used to justify the notion that shoveling money into a military-industrial complex = security and safety from attack. Total horseshit!

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26 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

Thank you Mr. Shapiro! Got any more slogans you've stolen from the rightwing thought leaders who implant their propaganda in your head? 


Ben Shapiro may be too much of a psychopath to recognize it, but FACTS or what are claimed to be 'facts' do depend on feelings, and that's why they come wrapped in emotional rhetoric, and why fascists, empire-builders and beneficiaries of war industries keep trying to scare the public with bullshit propaganda!

And, using percentage of GDP as an excuse to increase military and surveillance agency budgets is bullshit pure and simple! 

Not only because GDP is an inexact measure of economic productivity and development, but also because this trope was created and is being used to justify the notion that shoveling money into a military-industrial complex = security and safety from attack. Total horseshit!

facts are only facts to you if they agree with your feelings

if they disagree with your confirmation bias, then you think they aren't facts

American military spending as a percentage of the economic activity has been going down for a while

you may feel otherwise, but that is irrelevant

warmongers might use those facts to push their own false narrative, but that doesn't mean it isn't a fact

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2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

it is in fact the Battle of Ridgeway in 1866 which incites Canadian Confederation in 1867

the battle hardened Civil War veteran Irish Fenians rout the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada outside Fort Erie

it is only the intervention of Washington which puts a stop to it, otherwise the Fenians could have kept going

this incites panic in the Dominion of Canada, the Americans are actually invading again

the British however have no interest in fighting the million man Union Army for Canada

so Canada is essentially kicked out of the British Empire in a military sense

the British are not coming to save Canada, so the colonies here had better Confederate to defend themselves

the whole deal is cooked up in the backrooms in Charlottetown, in a matter of weeks

this all induces an inferiority complex in Canada, kicked out of the Empire, not worth fighting for

this is why the Canadians rush to fight for the Empire afterwards, whenever they got the chance

first they charge into South Africa to repress the Boer on behalf of Britain

next they charge into Flanders to save a tiny corner of Belgium for George V, at the cost of 60,000 killed


You like to tell this story, but it’s got nothing to do with Confederation, which was an effort underway since the formation of Upper and Lower Canada, and the carving out of New Brunswick from Nova Scotia. Unification heightened after Canada East and West replaced Upper and Lower in the unified Canadas and the rebellions in both provinces.  The idea of a rotating parliament between the two Canadas wasn’t working. There was a strong desire to settle the west among subjects and to bring the Maritimes into the fold.  Yes there had been Métis vs Crown tensions in what would become Manitoba.  There was the promise of a national railway, new opportunities to acquire land, the construction of a bridge to PEI, and enhanced trade.  The US was also a threat, which was why Ottawa had been chosen as a future capital of Canada in 1857 long before Confederation.  It was farther away from the US border than Kingston, protected by a fortified canal, the Rideau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site hacked out of limestone by Scottish stonemasons.

The Fenian raids were a joke, mostly a bunch of drunken rabble rousers.  The Americans didn’t support them.  At the end of the War of 1812 the British forts on the American side were peacefully  returned to the Yanks and the border consolidated. There was no US plan to shift them after the Civil War.

Andrew Jackson wanted to have a go to expand into Canada as part of Manifest Destiny.  It didn’t work, though it did foil the Indigenous-British plan to form a native homeland in the Ohio Valley.  Tecumseh is the great hero from that period.

Early Pre-Confederation British North America was less free than the US in some ways, with its landed gentry Family Compact, but the rebellions rectified that and helped lead to Confederation.  Also, slavery was banned in the British Empire in 1832.  Prior to that is was banned in Upper Canada by its first Governor Simcoe.  Slaves from the US were free upon entry, as their American owners couldn’t bring them up or retrieve them. The Underground Railroad is an important part of Ontario’s history.

As for your disparaging of the Canadian military’s honourable and massive contribution to both world wars, read about the taking of Vimy Ridge by four Canadian divisions, the liberation of Holland in WW2, the tremendous arms and military production in those decades.  It’s quite staggering that a country with such a small population could make such an outsized contribution.  Canada should have a permanent seat on the Security Council over France.  Of course Canada demurred and embraced peacekeeping.  It’s a great history.  I don’t like how easily the country made these sacrifices without demanding more weight in international circles, but it’s probably made us more trusted internationally in some ways as honest brokers.  It’s helped the US in Iran and relations with Europe.  These choices have involved compromises and I’d like to see more hard power in Canada.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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53 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

Thank you Mr. Shapiro! Got any more slogans you've stolen from the rightwing thought leaders who implant their propaganda in your head? 


nd why fascists, empire-builders and beneficiaries of war industries keep trying to scare the public with bullshit propaganda!

And, using percentage of GDP as an excuse to increase military and surveillance agency budgets is bullshit pure and simple! 

Not only because GDP is an inexact measure of economic productivity and development, but also because this trope was created and is being used to justify the notion that shoveling money into a military-industrial complex = security and safety from attack. Total horseshit!

That the world is a scary place, is that propaganda your referring to, how would you describe the below organization


Founded in 1945 by Albert Einstein and University of Chicago scientists who helped develop the first atomic weapons in the Manhattan Project, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists created the Doomsday Clock two years later, using the imagery of apocalypse (midnight) and the contemporary idiom of nuclear explosion (countdown to zero) to convey threats to humanity and the planet.

it was a clock that they designed to show mankind how close we were to our final hours of existence, i think the objective of the clock was to give all of us a pause and think just how dangerous the world has become, not sure if these gentlemen fit into your pigeon hole you laid out. But if the left side of the spectrum is telling us the world is unsafe , then maybe it is worth a second look....Instead of the standard rhetoric, we don't need a military the world is safe enough... and somehow our government decided that there is way to many bad men in the globe that have pissed in someone cornflakes to the point Canadian government decided to use force to deal with it...... 

Is there another metric you want to use that could reflect all western nations, as they all have different incomes and expenses ? GDP was the metric NATO decided it wanted to use because of why ? Those nations that are having issues with the GDP measure are normally the ones that do not or will not meet that minimum spending requirement... and it works both ways if a nations GDP goes down so does military spending, but like everything products and equipment get more expensive every year , it needs to be adjusted for inflation, shit cost more, more money needs to be invested, it's not rocket science.

Really our military industrial complex is how large in this nation....almost as big as some 3 rd world nations...that has got to be scary... what is scary is the many different jobs our nation has dumped on DND, year after year, until it is overwhelmed and can not afford to do any of them very well. Our security apparatus is starving for cash, but Canadians are to cheap or stupid i have not figured that one out yet to provide adequate funding so each department can do the jobs it has been assigned , but safety is not a Canadian concern, never has been, what is a priorty now is how much money can they stuff in my pockets, or what social programs can we get next...

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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On 5/21/2021 at 4:36 PM, Zeitgeist said:

You like to tell this story, but it’s got nothing to do with Confederation, which was an effort underway since the formation of Upper and Lower Canada, and the carving out of New Brunswick from Nova Scotia. Unification heightened after Canada East and West replaced Upper and Lower in the unified Canadas and the rebellions in both provinces.  The idea of a rotating parliament between the two Canadas wasn’t working. There was a strong desire to settle the west among subjects and to bring the Maritimes into the fold.  Yes there had been Métis vs Crown tensions in what would become Manitoba.  There was the promise of a national railway, new opportunities to acquire land, the construction of a bridge to PEI, and enhanced trade.  The US was also a threat, which was why Ottawa had been chosen as a future capital of Canada in 1857 long before Confederation.  It was farther away from the US border than Kingston, protected by a fortified canal, the Rideau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site hacked out of limestone by Scottish stonemasons.

The Fenian raids were a joke, mostly a bunch of drunken rabble rousers.  The Americans didn’t support them.  At the end of the War of 1812 the British forts on the American side were peacefully  returned to the Yanks and the border consolidated. There was no US plan to shift them after the Civil War.

Andrew Jackson wanted to have a go to expand into Canada as part of Manifest Destiny.  It didn’t work, though it did foil the Indigenous-British plan to form a native homeland in the Ohio Valley.  Tecumseh is the great hero from that period.

Early Pre-Confederation British North America was less free than the US in some ways, with its landed gentry Family Compact, but the rebellions rectified that and helped lead to Confederation.  Also, slavery was banned in the British Empire in 1832.  Prior to that is was banned in Upper Canada by its first Governor Simcoe.  Slaves from the US were free upon entry, as their American owners couldn’t bring them up or retrieve them. The Underground Railroad is an important part of Ontario’s history.

As for your disparaging of the Canadian military’s honourable and massive contribution to both world wars, read about the taking of Vimy Ridge by four Canadian divisions, the liberation of Holland in WW2, the tremendous arms and military production in those decades.  It’s quite staggering that a country with such a small population could make such an outsized contribution.  Canada should have a permanent seat on the Security Council over France.  Of course Canada demurred and embraced peacekeeping.  It’s a great history.  I don’t like how easily the country made these sacrifices without demanding more weight in international circles, but it’s probably made us more trusted internationally in some ways as honest brokers.  It’s helped the US in Iran and relations with Europe.  These choices have involved compromises and I’d like to see more hard power in Canada.  

a montage of social history vignettes, in typical Canadian fashion

that being Liberal Party of Canada fashion

that fashion being to submerge the central narrative

that central narrative being keep the French in, the Americans out, and the Indians down

trying to make Canada into a Post National State de facto people's republic

that project being folly from a Canadian perspective, as the process itself will bring Canada down

God, Queen, Country

that God being Jehovah, that Queen being Victoria, that Country being Nouvelle France occupied by Hanover

once you peel those layers away, like an onion, there is nothing left at the centre in the end

Je me souviens


Edited by Dougie93
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5 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

a montage of social history vignettes, in typical Canadian fashion

that being Liberal Party of Canada fashion

that fashion being to submerge the central narrative

that central narrative being keep the French in, the Americans out, and the Indians down

trying to make Canada into a Post National State de facto people's republic

that project being folly from a Canadian perspective, as the process itself will bring Canada down

God, Queen, Country

that God being Jehovah, that Queen being Victoria, that Country being Nouvelle France occupied by Hanover

once you peel those layers away, like an onion, there is nothing left at the centre in the end

Je me souviens


Show me a better society than Canada’s

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