Popular Post Boges Posted July 10, 2020 Popular Post Report Posted July 10, 2020 I'm shocked you guys haven't jumped all over this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/pm-trudeau-s-mother-brother-and-wife-were-paid-to-speak-at-we-charity-events-1.5017697 Quote OTTAWA -- Members of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s family were paid a total of nearly $300,000 over the last four years to speak at WE Charity events. The charity group is at the centre of an ethics investigation into Trudeau. Trudeau's mother, Margaret Trudeau, spoke at approximately 28 events and was paid $250,000 in speaking honorariums between 2016 and 2020. His brother, Alexandre Trudeau, also spoke at eight events from 2017 to 2018 and was paid a total of approximately $32,000. The irony of getting paid that much, and giving that much taxpayer money (almost a billion) to promote volunteering is laughable. This is textbook corruption by the Trudeaus. Sadly with the country distracted by COVID and the Opposition without a leader, this probably won't effect him too much. 5 Quote
Popular Post Moonlight Graham Posted July 10, 2020 Popular Post Report Posted July 10, 2020 Anyone who takes a payment from a charity just to speak at an event is a true piece of turd. 4 1 Quote "All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.
dialamah Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 2 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said: Anyone who takes a payment from a charity just to speak at an event is a true piece of turd. Apparently, JT himself isn't, but his brother and mother are. Thats a lot of money for people who don't really need it. 21 minutes ago, Boges said: This is textbook corruption by the Trudeaus. Agree, but think it's not particularly unusual among politicians. JT seems particularly careless, I'll give him that. Quote
dialamah Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 23 minutes ago, Boges said: Sadly with the country distracted by COVID and the Opposition without a leader, this probably won't effect him too much. Yeah, was thinking about this last night when Erin O'Toole suggested in his email that there should be a fall election - I'm like, no way. Perhaps in a non-pandemic year I'd support that, but not right now. 1 Quote
bush_cheney2004 Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 2 hours ago, Boges said: I'm shocked you guys haven't jumped all over this. Too busy worrying about Trump. Besides, wouldn't this be Trudeau's 4th or 5th ethics violation with no consequences ? 3 Quote Economics trumps Virtue.
scribblet Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 (edited) Trudeau should resign, this is way too shady. where are his advisers, was there no one in Cabinet who thought it was a bad idea, most of all,why did Trudeau not recuse himself. Now we know Morneau’s daughter is also connected to WE Charity. How many more Liberal cabinet ministers are in a conflict of interest. I don't see how an election could be held during a pandemic so likely this will save him. Edited July 10, 2020 by scribblet 1 Quote Hey Ho - Ontario Liberals Have to Go - Fight Wynne - save our province
-1=e^ipi Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 3 hours ago, dialamah said: Apparently, JT himself isn't, but his brother and mother are. Thats a lot of money for people who don't really need it. Do you realize that Justin Trudeau's first scandals where back in 2012 or earlier, before he became leader of the LPC, where he was charging 'charities' excessive amounts of money to speak at events? Like $20,000 per speech. Often these speeches would not have much content. That's more than a lot of people earn in this country in an entire year for doing far more work. 2 Quote
scribblet Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 This should be three strikes and you’re out for Trudeau, but he seems to be teflon coated. Quote Hey Ho - Ontario Liberals Have to Go - Fight Wynne - save our province
Moonlight Graham Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 12 minutes ago, scribblet said: This should be three strikes and you’re out for Trudeau, but he seems to be teflon coated. Well the government he leads did go from majority to minority last election. But now he has higher approval ratings because people like getting tons of free money while not having to look for a job. 1 Quote "All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.
Moonlight Graham Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 Morneau has family that are paid employees of WE charity. LOL it keeps getting better. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/we-charity-contract-morneau-1.5644839 1 Quote "All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.
ironstone Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 A quick search says Craig Keilburger is worth from 100 grand to 1 million. Brother Marc is way ahead at 8 million. This charity owns quite a lot of real estate in Canada, over $40 million worth at the end of 2019. Who knows how much they own in other countries? Must be great to have friends in high places.Maybe everything is on the up and up with WE but it kind of smells when they get so much money from the government and then family members of high up Liberals get lucrative speaking gigs. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-maybe-we-should-have-been-looking-at-we-charity-earlier Quote "Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it." Thomas Sowell
Army Guy Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 9 hours ago, dialamah said: Apparently, JT himself isn't, but his brother and mother are. Thats a lot of money for people who don't really need it. Agree, but think it's not particularly unusual among politicians. JT seems particularly careless, I'll give him that. Justin has taken money to speak for crowds while he was in opposition ... 1 Quote We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.
Army Guy Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 5 hours ago, scribblet said: This should be three strikes and you’re out for Trudeau, but he seems to be teflon coated. It's not that Justin is all that and a bag of candy, it is the liberal followers that will vote liberal even if the candidate was a pile of horse shit...They are scared the conservatives will put them in chains, and sell them for slave labor.... 1 Quote We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.
-1=e^ipi Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 2 minutes ago, Army Guy said: it is the liberal followers that will vote liberal even if the candidate was a pile of horse shit... I disagree. A lot of people don't see any viable options to voting for Trudeau. Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives don't count as a party; they certainly don't compete in the marketplace of ideas and nor do they try to convince people why their policies are better. They only preach to their choir of CPC members, which accounts for 0.1% of the Canadian population. 1 Quote
WestCanMan Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 8 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said: Besides, wouldn't this be Trudeau's 4th or 5th ethics violation with no consequences ? Yeah this is a big scandal but it's not like he's this great PM who suddenly has a chink in his armour. It's normal for him. Ironically, his massive deficit of $354 Billion is providing distraction from his abject covid failure and his scandal. Or is it the other way around? Tough to say. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
WestCanMan Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 18 minutes ago, -1=e^ipi said: I disagree. A lot of people don't see any viable options to voting for Trudeau. Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives don't count as a party; they certainly don't compete in the marketplace of ideas and nor do they try to convince people why their policies are better. They only preach to their choir of CPC members, which accounts for 0.1% of the Canadian population. So much idiocy condensed into one little post. ICYMI, the conservatives actually won the popular vote. That took a bit more than 0.1% lol. 1 Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
scribblet Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 18 minutes ago, -1=e^ipi said: I disagree. A lot of people don't see any viable options to voting for Trudeau. Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives don't count as a party; they certainly don't compete in the marketplace of ideas and nor do they try to convince people why their policies are better. They only preach to their choir of CPC members, which accounts for 0.1% of the Canadian population. That's B.S. they got a larger % of the popular vote than the Liberals, and with a new leader they will have a much better chance. That being said, liberals don't seem to mind a corrupt PM which speaks to their morals, or lack thereof. 2 Quote Hey Ho - Ontario Liberals Have to Go - Fight Wynne - save our province
WestCanMan Posted July 10, 2020 Report Posted July 10, 2020 10 hours ago, Boges said: I'm shocked you guys haven't jumped all over this. 50% of Canadians don't care because they only pay attention to his virtue signalling and his shiny hair, 50% of Canadians couldn't possibly lose any more respect for him. CBC will dig up an old allegation of police abuse or something to move Canadians along. This story has already outlived it's CBC shelf life. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
Michael Hardner Posted July 11, 2020 Report Posted July 11, 2020 27 minutes ago, -1=e^ipi said: Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives don't count as a party; they certainly don't compete in the marketplace of ideas and nor do they try to convince people why their policies are better. Pretty harsh. I would say Scheer is close but no cigar. I also think that this is a typical scandal, ie. Not enough to sink Justin, though it should. Now what I am REALLY INTRIGUED ABOUT is this marketplace of ideas you mentioned... when are we getting this? 1 Quote Click to learn why Climate Change is caused by HUMANS Michael Hardner
WestCanMan Posted July 11, 2020 Report Posted July 11, 2020 6 hours ago, -1=e^ipi said: Do you realize that Justin Trudeau's first scandals where back in 2012 or earlier, before he became leader of the LPC, where he was charging 'charities' excessive amounts of money to speak at events? Like $20,000 per speech. Often these speeches would not have much content. That's more than a lot of people earn in this country in an entire year for doing far more work. It was sad that he did it before he was an MP, but he actually did a couple of them after he was elected. That was just a perfect example of how much he really cares about Canadians. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
-1=e^ipi Posted July 11, 2020 Report Posted July 11, 2020 (edited) 45 minutes ago, WestCanMan said: ICYMI, the conservatives actually won the popular vote. That took a bit more than 0.1% lol. They get a third of the popular vote due to lack of competition and options in a first-past-the-post system. Not because they are an appealing option and certainly not because they have good policies. CPC members account for 0.1% of the Canadian population. Membership in political parties in Canada is a lot lower than other democracies, such as the United States. Perhaps that is a good indication that the Canadian political parties are very out of line with the political views of the Canadian public compared to other democracies. Edited July 11, 2020 by -1=e^ipi Quote
-1=e^ipi Posted July 11, 2020 Report Posted July 11, 2020 46 minutes ago, scribblet said: That's B.S. they got a larger % of the popular vote than the Liberals, and with a new leader they will have a much better chance. That being said, liberals don't seem to mind a corrupt PM which speaks to their morals, or lack thereof. The LPC not being appealing doesn't mean that the CPC isn't also unappealing. The Canadian political parties in general are unappealing. With respect to the next election, the CPC tried Harper 1.0 and then Scheer (Harper 2.0). I doubt Harper 3.0 (O'Toole or MacKay) will make a difference. If Trudeau survived the blackface scandal, then he can survive the WE scandal, no problem. There is essentially 0 political diversity within the CPC if you compare it to the political diversity in the US Republican party, to the UK Conservative Party, to the Australian Liberal Party, etc. They represent a narrow subset of the population, but then surround themselves with sycophants and preach to their choir. They can't adapt to changing circumstances (which I guess makes sense being conservatives). They never try to reach out to make a more politically diverse party and be appealing to subsets of the population that may agree with them on some issues. Thus the CPC is doomed to failure. Quote
-1=e^ipi Posted July 11, 2020 Report Posted July 11, 2020 (edited) 55 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said: Pretty harsh. I would say Scheer is close but no cigar. When Harper was prime minister, he mostly hid from his media and told all of his MPs not to talk to the media. He was prime minister for nearly a decade, but never really talked about what he believed and why, nor did he ever show his personality (if he had one). Harper only became prime minister due to the sponsorship scandals, he never actually had any appeal. He was destined to lose once anger over the LPC scandals died down. Then we get Scheer who runs on a platform of changing nothing, exempt maybe being a bigger worshiper of the diary cartel, and unsurprisingly he loses. The next leader may likely be O'Toole, who will also change nothing, and will also probably lose. 55 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said: Now what I am REALLY INTRIGUED ABOUT is this marketplace of ideas you mentioned... when are we getting this? Never at the rate things are going. In fact, we appear to be going backwards with cancel culture. Edited July 11, 2020 by -1=e^ipi Quote
Argus Posted July 11, 2020 Report Posted July 11, 2020 WE producing election style ads for Justin Trudeau https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1281713439640096775?s=20 1 Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
bush_cheney2004 Posted July 11, 2020 Report Posted July 11, 2020 The Liberals got more upset over a $16 glass of orange juice. 2 1 Quote Economics trumps Virtue.
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