The coroner says the evidence shows that it is more probable that the sex trafficker for the Clintons and other elites was strangulated rather than hung.
This comes after the fact that so many Liberal media tried to call out "conspiracy theories" and "fake news" about his death.
Baden, 85, the coroner, has done over 20 000 autopsies in his career.
1992, 27 years ago. Who knows what Epstein was into three decades ago, way back before people had cel phones? There were no underage girls in the video. This isn't incriminating.
Bill Clinton making two trips the island on the Lolita Express while he was POTUS is incriminating. There's no denying what Epstein was into at that stage of his life. Going to that island once might have been a mistake, going twice was not a mistake it was a decision.
For all the video that they're finding a