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Dear ...,

Re: Territories vs. Provinces, Elections Canada mock polling for underage voters

The territories should only have non-voting seats in federal parliament since they are only baby-infants or toddlers in comparison to the adult and upper-teen level provinces.

Though the 16-year age to vote is currently being considered in Canada, the territories still have not attained this level of maturity as they relate to the provinces. The territories do not have the mature infrastructure all provinces enjoy i.e. several cities, several hospitals, a university, a municipal police force.

It would be much more advantageous for territories to receive much more money from Ottawa to build its people and land infrastructure as a result of foregoing their irrelevant voting seat in federal parliament in exchange for a non-voting seat.

For your information, a country like the United States do not allow its territories a seat in its legislative buildings, period.

Do Canadians allow their newborns, preschoolers, elementary students or junior high school students to vote in elections? The answer is no: simply because these children have not matured enough to make life-altering decisions for themselves and for the jurisdiction in question. A mock election for underage voters performed by Elections Canada during real elections at the same polling buildings, at the same time, is ideal and likely practical for encouraging these young citizens to be politically involved today and in the future.

Re: Student Loans and Grants

Most everyone is aware of the financial burden today’s students must carry after they graduate from post-secondary school. In light of the seriousness this exorbitant debt poses against students, I am proposing the following:

Student financial assistance from the State would consist of half the monies in non-repayable grants and the other half in interest-free loans to be repaid in equal installments within 10 to 20 years following a 2-year grace period from graduation.

A 2-year grace period from graduation would allow the student to find employment in their field of study in the event there is a recession on or about that time, while their credit rating would not be threatened if they were obligated to repay the loan immediately. The actual term in the 10 to 20 year repayment period would depend on the salary received from employment during this period: the repayment term will change as their salary changes.

It is in the State’s best interest to educate its citizens in order to improve civilization and to better compete on a global basis. Therefore it is imperative that the State provides financial assistance in the form of grants and interest-free loans to ease the burden received by today’s students in exchange for increased future consumer consumption and societal achievements performed by the latter.

Re: Gradual Tobacco Prohibition

Tobacco prohibition does not involve criminalizing it. The likely best approach to eliminating and outlawing a health evil like tobacco is to wean people away from it. The weaning period would be 10 to 20 years while a timetable to do this weaning would be made law and educated to the people on a timely basis.

Some weaning laws could possibly include: no smoking in the view or vicinity of a minor, no smoking in the public indoors and public outdoors, no smoking in the private indoor while a non-smoker is also in this indoor.


Yves Villeneuve



That is a very bad and unfair idea to not give representation to our territories. The territories are very important to Canada; holding much of our resources and northern security. No taxation without representation.

For your information, a country like the United States do not allow its territories a seat in its legislative buildings, period.

Who cares what the USA does; this is Canada.


RE Student Loans and Grants

Nice wet dream, now how would that be implemented without causing even more deficit? And more importantly, where would the money come from in the first place?

I suggest if we were to alleviate the financial load on post-secondary students we should first make it a level playing field (a truly level playing field) and eliminate minority advantages (such as first-nations free education etc) that taxpayers are currently forking out for. Give a global reduction to tuition and make all students pay the same, why should minorities be priviledged in such a fashion? Eliminating such advantages reduces racism, descrimination, and also decreases taxpayer dollars being wasted. This could then be channeled either back to the people or used to furthur reduce tuition costs.

The only thing more confusing than a blonde is a Liberal

Check this out

- http://www.republicofalberta.com/

- http://albertarepublicans.org/

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)



That is a very bad and unfair idea to not give representation to our territories. The territories are very important to Canada; holding much of our resources and northern security. No taxation without representation

As so far, their seat in federal parliament is irrelevant: A non-voting seat would accomplish the same as their current single voting seat. They still get representation because they are allowed to speak their views in federal parliament.

It would be much more wise for the Territories to give up their voting seat in exhange for a non-voting seat and a lot more money to expand their people and land infrastructure; resulting in becoming a province a lot quicker.



RE Student Loans and Grants

Nice wet dream, now how would that be implemented without causing even more deficit? And more importantly, where would the money come from in the first place?

If you haven't noticed, the Federal and Alberta governments have huge budget surpluses.


Australia has, or rather had a system called HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme). The system has been renamed and revamped this year but for the purposes of what I'm describing is the same. Any student who is accepted into University can defer, in part or in whole, their fees to the Commonwealth (Federal government). The Commonwealth then pays the fees up front to the university and the student will owe the same to the government (tax free and index linked). That debt is then payable whenever the individual begins earning over a certain amount and is paid automatically out of increased tax on the income. Perhaps this system could work in Canada?

That is a very bad and unfair idea to not give representation to our territories. The territories are very important to Canada; holding much of our resources and northern security. No taxation without representation.

The territories are a huge drain on taxes. We basically pay for all services there, fund about 99% of territorial and municipal governments, and provide huge tax writeoffs for employers and individuals located there. We'd be better off dumping them entirely

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

Australia has, or rather had a system called HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme). The system has been renamed and revamped this year but for the purposes of what I'm describing is the same. Any student who is accepted into University can defer, in part or in whole, their fees to the Commonwealth (Federal government). The Commonwealth then pays the fees up front to the university and the student will owe the same to the government (tax free and index linked). That debt is then payable whenever the individual begins earning over a certain amount and is paid automatically out of increased tax on the income. Perhaps this system could work in Canada?

I don't know if it makes any sense, but it's probably worth looking at. In this system, it appears the student is compensated for getting an education and owing more tax dollars to the government. The end result is their education is free or they pay less tax.

The end result is their education is free or they pay less tax.

How did you reach that conclusion?

The territories are a huge drain on taxes. We basically pay for all services there, fund about 99% of territorial and municipal governments, and provide huge tax writeoffs for employers and individuals located there. We'd be better off dumping them entirely

We'd lose Canadian sovereinty in the north if we dumped them entirely. Maybe a country like China or Russia would love to annex the territories. Though I doubt the USA would sit back and let it happen. The USA may end up annexing them instead.



Based on your description, the student turned taxpayer repays the fees using the amount exceeding a minimum tax. In other words, the student is repaying his fees and only paying a minimum tax or in other words, the student is theoretically not repaying his fees though paying full tax.


Perhaps I don't have a financial mind. In fact there is no doubt about it - I don't. To me more tax is more tax. I don't see how anybody would be paying less tax or receiving a free education.

For anyone interested there is information for the system on this student support website.

RE Student Loans and Grants

Nice wet dream, now how would that be implemented without causing even more deficit? And more importantly, where would the money come from in the first place?

If you haven't noticed, the Federal and Alberta governments have huge budget surpluses.

Its not hard for the federal government to get a surplus when they keep stripping away funding from areas such as the military, not to mention they better have a surplus with the amount of taxation they have on us.

As for the Alberta surplus, I am waiting to see how it is used.. Klein has frozen the tuition currently, which is definitely a good start

The only thing more confusing than a blonde is a Liberal

Check this out

- http://www.republicofalberta.com/

- http://albertarepublicans.org/

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)



Setting aside political partisanship at the moment, First Nations free education is a very small portion of the total Canadian education system. Eliminating this would not have much effect. As for global reduction of tuition fees, who is going to pay for the rising cost and expansion of post-secondary overhead?

Its not hard for the federal government to get a surplus when they keep stripping away funding from areas such as the military, not to mention they better have a surplus with the amount of taxation they have on us.

As for the Alberta surplus, I am waiting to see how it is used.. Klein has frozen the tuition currently, which is definitely a good start

In the last federal budget, the government has promised $13 Billion towards the military. With regards to taxes, if you feel so strongly about it, write to Klein and other MPPs and ask them to lower the provincial tax rate, since the Alberta Treasury has a surplus afterall.

If you're an independant thinker, tell us how Klein should spend the surplus.


Setting aside political partisanship at the moment, First Nations free education is a very small portion of the total Canadian education system. Eliminating this would not have much effect. As for global reduction of tuition fees, who is going to pay for the rising cost and expansion of post-secondary overhead?

Thats true, it might not make up a huge part of the total Canadian education system but it creates a gap between first nations and the rest of Canada. The same way as reserves create barriers. If we want to truly be an equal society of mixed cultures we can't continue to allow our government(s) to erect walls between our societies, we must break them down so we are all truly equal.

Getting back to the point, eliminating freebies for first nations would also provide some extra funding for other projects, it might not be huge but it would certainly help.

Not to mention that getting first-nations off the reserve and into the tax system would help as well.

As for the rising costs and expansion of post-secondary overhead, I would like to know why it keeps rising? I dont understand why teachers keep getting raises while the rest of us are left to pick up the tab, our post-secondary system is going to end up bureaucratic again; with only the richest being able to attend, therefore allowing only them access to high-paying jobs.

The sad part is that even our government-funded colleges and universitites, whose purpose for government funding is to provide cheaper schooling for the public, are getting to the point where most people can't afford to attend them. We need to cap some costs (such as salaries) or we are going to end up with alot of unedcuated people living off of welfare rather than working at McDonalds.

In the last federal budget, the government has promised $13 Billion towards the military. With regards to taxes, if you feel so strongly about it, write to Klein and other MPPs and ask them to lower the provincial tax rate, since the Alberta Treasury has a surplus afterall.

If you're an independant thinker, tell us how Klein should spend the surplus.

Well I recall the Liberals promising alot of things, as they always have. The problem is they consistently fail to deliver on those promises, which is why it is simply amazing that people continue to re-elect them. Lets just say I will believe them when I see the 13 billion spent on the military, not to mention 13 billion wont go far considering how much they have allowed the military to erode.

As for writing to Klein, its not necessary since Alberta doesn't even have PST =)

I believe he should provide tax relief to Albertans with the surplus, either that or devote it to the Health-care plan he summarized at the Premieres convention in Ottawa.

The only thing more confusing than a blonde is a Liberal

Check this out

- http://www.republicofalberta.com/

- http://albertarepublicans.org/

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)

Not to mention that getting first-nations off the reserve

In case you don't know North American history, it was non-natives who invaded this land. First Nations should have a significant means to preserve their culture by living in and maintaining reserves.

As for the rising costs and expansion of post-secondary overhead, I would like to know why it keeps rising?

Have you considered inflation or supply and demand forces?

We need to cap some costs (such as salaries)

Even though I don't agree with wage regulating, isn't that what you are proposing? Would you like your wage to be capped? Does Klein the Conservative agree to government involvement in any wage regulating, including his own wage?

As for writing to Klein, its not necessary since Alberta doesn't even have PST =)

So what. Write to him anyways and ask for an income tax cut.

The territories are a huge drain on taxes. We basically pay for all services there, fund about 99% of territorial and municipal governments, and provide huge tax writeoffs for employers and individuals located there. We'd be better off dumping them entirely

What a dumb idea. That area is richj in diamonds and fuel for the future. Plus it is essential to our sovereignty and security. Why do you think Denmark and the USA would like to get their hands on the territories; a tax write off????? get real


Not let the representative vote from the Territories. The way our system works is the every eligible Canadian gets to vote for representative to go to Ottawa. that person then represents the area they are from and the people in that area and generally they are a part of a party system, but not always. We elect them to act for us at a national level - they don't always do what we want but they are suppose to act for the public good.

Are you really suggesting that only some people of Canada get to be represented? You could argue that the seats from Atlantic Canada do not matter either because most elections are decided in Quebec and Ontario and our population is so small that no one really needs to pay attention to our needs.

I also bet that the Liberals are pretty happy to have the Northern seats right now and that the MPs, one of which is a very capable junior cabinet minister are just as sophicated as anyone else.

I truly can not follow your logic. Children? ?????

Are you really suggesting that only some people of Canada get to be represented?

I'm suggesting that provinces can be fully represented at the federal level while the territories can be represented without any voting power at this level.

I also bet that the Liberals are pretty happy to have the Northern seats right now and that the MPs, one of which is a very capable junior cabinet minister are just as sophicated as anyone else.

I truly can not follow your logic. Children? ?????

You obviously misread the intent of my letter. In NO WAY do I make reference of the people living in the territories as to being children versus being adults. Please read my letter more carefully. Thanking you in advance.

I am saying, a territory (not the people living in the territory) does not have the same maturity as the provinces do, therefore the former should not be given full rights in national decision-making.

I am saying, a territory (not the people living in the territory) does not have the same maturity as the provinces do, therefore the former should not be given full rights in national decision-making.

The territories have been there all along. Those who have the vote for the territories are just as knowledgeable as any provincial representative. What next; let's take the vote away from PEI and Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. They are pretty small and a drain on federal coffers, too. Only the "have" provinces get a vote???

The territories have been there all along. Those who have the vote for the territories are just as knowledgeable as any provincial representative.

It's not the point. The territories are not provinces, period.

What next; let's take the vote away from PEI and Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. They are pretty small and a drain on federal coffers, too. Only the "have" provinces get a vote???

I never suggested any of this. In fact, I'm proposing the federal government give more money to the territories in exchange for federally disfranchising them. The more money the territories receive the faster they mature to become provinces. It's a plain and simple strategy to obtain provincial status quicker and it involves a lot of MONEY!

Sell the territories to the U.S. for a price equal to our national deficit. Get rid of two problems at once...

Now that is a dumb idea. Why should we sell off land that is rich in resources and sandwich us in by the USA.


Could you name off a few major resource development projects in any of the territories at this moment?

I will not pretend to be knowledgeable in this area, but as far as I know, the only real resource that the territories have is diamonds. I am currently checking up on what type of income this brings in...

Also, why would being "sandwiched" by the U.S. be a bad thing? The U.S. is our ally, protector, and largest trading partner...

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