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Official Languages

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Personally, I have always felt a great joy in the things that we Canadians share in common, among them an ability to communicate. I don't think that it really mattered if that language were English, French, or any other known language, so long as we all shared it in common. There is a definite need for Countrymen (and women) to understand each other.

Of course now we have opened the door to paying for a 2nd offical language, and so since we can afford this luxury, why not more? We are multicultural and have many more languages we could incorporate as Canada's 3rd, 4th language and so on.

Personally, my vote for our 3rd language would be an Aboriginal one. When it comes to historical significance, what would be more truly appropriate than that we all learn Ojibwa, or any language that our Canadian Natives reach concensus on to represent their heritage?

In fact, if we are going that route, perhaps as time goes by we could incorporate more of the languages used by our many other cultures?

The expense perhaps? Yet if we cannot afford financially to adopt all languages, how many Canadians feel left out when their cultures language and contribution is ignored?

Let me then ask you this, is it the things which make us different we should concentrate on, or is it the things we share in common that make us uniquely Canadian.

It was truly said "united we stand, divided we fall."


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Having two official languages causes enough headaches, and you want to have a third? Are you a masochist?

An aboriginal language? Why not esperanto or pig-latin? (ywhay otnay igpay atinlay?)

Your post makes a mockery of the whole idea. Or rather, you seem well suited for a senior position in Brussels.

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Wow! I'm confused, does no replies mean you all agree?

Canada Rocks....absolutely, what a great idea. I would prefer Cree for our third official language, and I would like to see BC adopt French as their second official language, just like New Brunswick. :D

An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't.

Anatole France

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I think that in some ways Canada does need to be respective of the fact that we have two official langauges. But at the same time the people of Canada should'nt be forced into learning new langauges, tolerance comes with experience not government intervention. However if you go through Vancouver, then you'll notice that alot of street signs are spelt in Mandirin, and in the North, alot of the inuit language is basically a second langauge. I think that we should just get rid of having official languages all together.

"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"

- George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Having 2 official languages is fine with me, but the provinces should have more authority in how this is applied.

In the east, french is genuinely a second language. But out here in the west, the second language is mandarin Chinese.

Provinces should have the authority to apply rules in a regional basis.

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If I'm not mistaken it has a lot to do with the rights of a Canadian citizen to communicate with the government. This means being able to understand laws, law enforcement officials, court procedings or even a trial if one were conducted.

Supposedly, people who immigrate are expected to learn one of our official languages. The fact that a lot of immigrants with a common language live in a common area does not imply that we need to add another official language -- even though they might appreciate it if it did happen.

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I think that in some ways Canada does need to be respective of the fact that we have two official langauges. But at the same time the people of Canada should'nt be forced into learning new langauges, tolerance comes with experience not government intervention. However if you go through Vancouver, then you'll notice that alot of street signs are spelt in Mandirin, and in the North, alot of the inuit language is basically a second langauge. I think that we should just get rid of having official languages all together.

"tolerance comes with experience not government intervention"

Thanks Alliance. This should be tatooed on the forehead of every bureaucrat in the official languages and immigration departments. Ever since Trudoo-doo, the gov't has been clubbing us over the head to force us to like each other and it has only delayed natural assimilation and acceptance.

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When my family immigrated to Canada, we had to learn how to speak English (or french dependant on what part of the country we decided to settle in) back in the 70's. There was not much tolerance for people who could or would not speak english. Now I know people who have been in this country for many years and they hardly know how to speak english and they can even become citizens. It used to be that you had to have to be able to communicate well in english (or french) before you could become a citizen. I still believe that all people who immigrate to this country should be able to speak one of the offcial languages fairly well within a few years or the shouldn't be able to become citizens. Adding other offcial languages is not going to help, look at the feelings a lot of english speaking people have towards the french because it is mandatory to learn french in school now where as Quebec still does not make it mandatory to learn English. Adding another "official" language is just going to piss everyone off, lets let the people make up their own minds whether they want to learn another language or not.

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In my lifetime I have met people from all different races and cultures. I have an Aboriginal friend, a Black friend, a Filipino friend, and an Asian friend. I also have a cousin that is homosexual. I found that I did'nt need the government to tell me about tolerance, I learned it myself, my relative that is homosexual I have a fairly good relationship with, I just don't agree with his lifestyle. But I have a huge problem when the government shoves tolerance down peoples throats. For example I dont have a problem with gay as "people", but I have a huge problem with gay pride parades in my community, that does'nt make me a homophobe, and I should'nt be forced to believe that the homosexual lifestyle is alright.

On the languages issue, I believe that when immigrants come to this country, they should have to learn english and adopt Canadian democracy, and the Canadian system. While I feel that immigrants should adopt Canadian culture, their is nothing wrong with people who bring over some traits of their old culture.

PS; I might actually have to learn mandirin if I try out for Vancouver Police Department.

"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"

- George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Overall, the impression I get from the many replies, is that a country should have one official language to enable us to communicate effectively with each other, and to encourage a sense of commonality.

Beyond this, I get the feeling that the majority of replies encourage leaving languages beyond one official one, up to the citizens of that particular area?

I've always felt very good about Canada's many cultures. Knowing that while we are each in our own way so unique, we also share so much in common as human beings, gives great hope for Canada's future, and indeed the worlds.

It is not then the things that set us apart that make us countrymen, but the things we share in common, that make us one People. The things which make each culture unique, are the spice that makes us the interestingly versatile group that we are.

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With the provinces in control of education, their is very little in the way of national standards. Personally I would like to see children in school learn English and French equally (early years are the easiest time to learn languages). I'd also like to see students learn a third language of their choice, maybe something to do with their heritage (preserving the idea of multiculturalism) or one that has future career benifits. I think with the pevalence of computers and language education programs out there, this would be a realistic goal.

Anyone believing this is too difficult to accomplish should look at the multilingual abillities of some European nations (germany, switzerland, etc).

The abillity to communicate gives one the oppurtunity to understand, and even to persuade others. Business and social influence over other countries and their citizens could be invaluable to Canada.

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You can't drop down to one official language because of the history of Canada. Originally it was two halves... the French and the English. Based on where we've come from it makes all kinds of sense to have two official languages.

English speaking people should be welcome in Quebec and French speaking people should be welcome outside of Quebec. Those are the two languages or cultures that were orginally joined to create one country.

Everyone else that feels it is worth immigrating to Canada should indeed have to learn one or both of these languages so they can contribue and participate. If they choose to retain their own language and teach it to their children, then good for them -- that is their choice.

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I think that in some ways Canada does need to be respective of the fact that we have two official langauges. But at the same time the people of Canada should'nt be forced into learning new langauges, tolerance comes with experience not government intervention. However if you go through Vancouver, then you'll notice that alot of street signs are spelt in Mandirin, and in the North, alot of the inuit language is basically a second langauge. I think that we should just get rid of having official languages all together.

Since the early Seventies the two official languages in the Federal Government has resulted in the following:

1) Merit principal in the public service down the toilet

2) Cost to taxpayers over $60 Billion

3) Numerous Businesses and careers ruined

4) Animosity has increased dramatically

5) Corruption and incompetence in the public service has risen dramatically

6) A load more

THE WORLD switched over 12 years ago to English as the language of communication in all aspects that affect our daily lives.

The French language is now irrelevant as far as communication is concerned.

Canada is a multi cultural multi lingual country.

Quebec is full of BS slimebuckets who do NOT believe in bilingualism.

SO why two languages when the world has gone to one??

Canada is behind the times and our public service no longer hires competent folks or promote candidates based on merit.

That is freaking unreal !!

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Quebec is full of BS slimebuckets who do NOT believe in bilingualism.
I've always felt very good about Canada's many cultures. Knowing that while we are each in our own way so unique, we also share so much in common as human beings

Canada, a choice between Churchill and Lennon! (Sorry if I go with UK examples.)

First, French Quebec is a small 6 million Iceland in a North Atlantic of 300 some odd million English. Whaddya do?

Second, English Canadians and Americans? Same thing. Absolutely no difference. To understand this (and I'll assume you're English Canadian), do you make a difference between Americans? Pro-Kerry, pro-Bush? They're Americans, and Americans are well, you know, basically clueless.

French Quebec views English Canada the way English Canada views America.

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I think what po's most people about 2 official languages is that even though we are one country, there 2 very different sets of rules. We have the Quebec rules and then we have the rest of Canada. There no respect for the english language in quebec but the rest of the country has to take some french in school. If the score was even across the board, then people wouldn't care so much aside from the millions of dollars wasted every year on dual language signs, packaging, etc. There is nothing wrong with learning a second language and it should be incouraged in school but it should necessarily be french. I think this should be more up to each province where they want to spend education money and should be based more on the demographics of each province. As was stated earlier by lost, with new technology, it is doable. Should we have two legislated official languages, I dont think so. Should we have 1 official language and one secondary language, makes more sense to me. That way companies can chose whether they want to make their packaging dual language or not. My parents never asked for Danish on their packaging in Canada, they learned the language instead.

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As of March 1st 2004 if a public servant cannot pass the french language course then his/her career is over. No matter how comopetent one is you are toast. There is 100% discrimination against the English Language used in the federal public service. This is a fact and no in Canada gives a rats ass. Nice eh! Canada democratic country. Really?

If a second language is necessary in Canada then it should be Mandarin, if not then Cantonese if not then Italian,,

French Queerbecers who are at best slimebuckets are calling the shots and it costs us Canadians Billions of dollars every year. Who cares? No one!

French Canadians are just like the citizens of France, they HATE FRench Queerbecers because of what they have done to this country. That too is a fact !!

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As of March 1st 2004 if a public servant cannot pass the french language course then his/her career is over.
The rule applies to senior civil servants only (about 2000 some odd people). And if you believe a senior civil servant is going to lose her/his job because of a language test, you are dreaming... Every year this deadline comes and goes.

You are right however. The reality is that "Canadians" speak primarily English and in Ottawa, anything important occurs in English. French-speakers are largely clueless.

Hence, I don't quite understand your slur:

French Queerbecers who are at best slimebuckets are calling the shots and it costs us Canadians Billions of dollars every year. Who cares? No one! French Canadians are just like the citizens of France, they HATE FRench Queerbecers because of what they have done to this country.
Citizens of France are concerned about Canada? News to me.
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Dunno folks, to me, a second language is a luxury item and a danger.

Having one common language binds us closer and gives us commonality, makes us stronger.

Having a second one when we are saying we can't afford social programs? dang.. I could have understood having a second language if Canada had the cash to spare and were looking for ways to fancy the place up.. but even then, its dangerous, because Canada is multi cultural in nature and every culture that does not have its language of culture represented becomes a second class citiizen. Heck, even worse if you only know one of our "two" official languages you're automatically a second class citizen who cannot qualify for a government job regardless of how many pertainent degree's or qualifications you have. Our government then must consist not of the best qualified Persons available for the various positions, but the best qualified English/French speaking Persons.

I dunno.. but somehow, it just don't seem right. (and no offense is intended to our quebec french speaking Canadians, were quebec english the first language, and a province demanded we make Italian (just an example) our second official language, the same reasoning I think would apply?

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So then, we should all speak with an American accent, and say 'couch' rather than 'chesterfield', 'power' rather than 'hydro', and so on.

Well, if the United States is prepared to join Canada, and live as Canadians, I would be willing to change my accent.

Barring that, I was and am referring to Canadians when I speak of unity and commonality.

Of course, on another level your point is valid. Likely the People of United States do get along with us to a larger degree as a result of us sharing a common language.

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As of March 1st 2004 if a public servant cannot pass the french language course then his/her career is over.
The rule applies to senior civil servants only (about 2000 some odd people). And if you believe a senior civil servant is going to lose her/his job because of a language test, you are dreaming... Every year this deadline comes and goes.

You are right however. The reality is that "Canadians" speak primarily English and in Ottawa, anything important occurs in English. French-speakers are largely clueless.

Hence, I don't quite understand your slur:

French Queerbecers who are at best slimebuckets are calling the shots and it costs us Canadians Billions of dollars every year. Who cares? No one! French Canadians are just like the citizens of France, they HATE FRench Queerbecers because of what they have done to this country.
Citizens of France are concerned about Canada? News to me.

All positions in the federal public service where it is bilingual it is imperative ie if you fail then bye bye no joke and it is a fact

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