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Found 5 results

  1. 4 Fundamental Changes of Science Will Be Very Soon, My Scientific Work​​ By Exegesisme 1 Fundamental changes of science will be very soon. 2 I am discovering the structure of atomic nuclei and a crucial progress was made recently. The structures of atomic nuclei such as Ca, Fe, Ni and so on are as clear as the structure of molecules in front of me, the positions of every proton and neutron are careful arranged in my model of atomic nuclei. 3 The modern physics has been built fundamentally on mistaking principles, their validities will be recounted on new principles. 4 Sleep meditation will become the most fundamental mothed of scientific research and other human important practises. 5 Some results now are already well prepared for journalism to make big news.
  2. 4 Canadian Liberal and Canadian Conservative, My Study with Sleep Meditation​ By Exegesisme 1:58 AM 2015-11-22​ 1 Canadian style is more conservative than American style, this is an advantage of Canada on criteria of quality life. 2 So, Canadian liberalism on Canadian nationality, is more conservative than American liberalism. 3 Conservative in my eye, is making the greatest achievement with the least change or efforts, in other words, the most efficiency. 4 So, Canadian style conservative is not for no change, but is for most valuable change. 5 As Canadian conservative looks chance for the most valuable change, maybe loses the chance for the second valuable changes. 6 So, the mission of Canadian liberalism, is carrying on the second valuable changes along the way looking for the most valuable change. 7 Canadian conservative prefers to keep resource for the most valuable change, and Canadian liberal prefers to use resource in the second valuable changes. If this is not their marked difference now, this should be their marked difference in future, and this marked difference should lead other differences. 8 So, the most second valuable changes are done by Canadian liberal, which leaves Canadian conservative more momentum to make the most valuable change. 9 But the time may not be sure to provide them the chance in this way, the time may assign Canadian liberal the chance for the most valuable change, and leaves the second valuable changes for Canadian conservative. 10 This account is in grace of god.
  3. 3 Science of Word, My Study with Sleep Meditation​ By Exegesisme 1:45 PM 2015-11-21​ 1 John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 According to my experience of my study with sleep meditation, the Word knows everything meaningfully to her. She pays attention to me to guide my work. I use the words she and her to represent the character of the Word. The word her represents her identity, the word she represents her intention-attention system at each moment. 3 I found usual human words and grammars are not enough as I tried to express more meaningfully after I studied much human knowledge. I invented a new style of poetry as my grammar of expression, and many words with sounds but without meaning. 4 I used these meaningless words in my new style poems, and tried to taste, feel and sense what sort of delicate meaning would appear. Through this account I opened the door of the testament of meaning. 5 I have been noticing a new language is emerging in my account of poetry with sources from present English and present Chinese. The language is deconstructing the old meaning world and is constituting a new meaning world. 6 The new meaning world is nearer to the pure meaning world of the Word, so everything is more accountable, more responsible and more liberty in the new meaning world than in the old meaning world. 7 Accountability is key, not only to person of human, but also to per-being of everything. 8 My new language is building on the science of the Word, and will provide ideas, methods and materials to the formal sciences and other theoretical sciences. 9 My experience is meta-empirical, which means essentially empirical, and is the experience to understand other empirical experiences. 10 This account is not in new language, but some meanings are from new language.
  4. 2 Duality, My Study with Sleep Meditation​ By Exegesisme 8:35 PM 2015-11-20​ 1 I read the webpage missioned before. This time I noticed the concept duality in expression: a powerful tool called “duality”. A group of children sounds, which have been in my deep left ear since a sound told me they would be here several years ago, cried "they don't know the meaning of duality". 2 I lay down on bed and tried to get some meaning of duality. Many sounds appeared in my mind, but none of them means a lot about duality. So I got up, and made study on internet again. 3 This time I got a meaning as following: a special relationship between two elements in a wholeness, the whole influences are the same as their positions are exchanged; or a special relationship of two changes to the same wholeness, their influences to the same wholeness are the same. 4 I lay down on bed again and had a dream. In the dream, maybe in a room in a hospital, I saw a test result on a table was treated specially. I asked why, many sounds explained, no explanation was the same. 5 I woke up, still lay on bed, and my eyes were lazily closed. I was asked by a silent meaning in my mind to explain the dream. My silent explanation got a sound "c" in my mind. I explained again. 6 A while, in my inner vision, a young black man appeared in a room with an attitude of very obvious confidence. "Comment this young lord", a mild male sound asked. The name Carson appeared in my mind, I had not obvious physiological reaction. 7 A while, the name Obama appeared in my mind, I saw some spherical waves in my eyes. Sometime later, the names King and Mandela appeared in my mind, both caused physiological reactions on me. 8 The word duality, the dream, and the vision after sleep would share some meaning similarly, I believe. Each of them could be seen as a symbol with many different meanings, each is proper in its situation. 9 This might be a form of general understanding. 10 This record might be seen as a home exercise of me on super understanding to supernatural being.
  5. 1 M-Theory Non-Perturbative Region, My Study with Sleep Meditation By Exegesisme 2:27 PM 2015-11-20​ ​ 1 I read the mother of all superstrings from the website http://mkaku.org/home/articles/m-theory-the-mother-of-all-superstrings/​ 2 I felt it is important as I read a concept as non-perturbative region, which appears in the sentence: But until recently, there has been a glaring weak spot: string theorists have been unable to probe all solutions of the model, failing miserably to examine what is called the “non-perturbative region,”... 3 I tried to fix this idea by myself. I thought it is not the center of the universe, which is center, the gravities from all directions are balanced here, so the composition of forces is zero, and an any other trivial force can act on the universal center, makes the composition of forces become non zero, and then makes the center of the universe move a little, no matter how little it is. 4 so the non-perturbative region may be at the very edge of the universe. Any particle there may be pulled by gravities from all other particles from the same side, so the composition of forces is large enough to make it hardly feel one other trivial force. I guess the very edge region of the universe may be very likely the non-perturbative region of M-Theory. 5 then I went to sleep, tried to see what the supernatural being tells me. 6 I lay on bed, and fell into sleep faster than usual. 7 I see I stand in a classroom, and there are a few other students in the same classroom. I try to bend to do something, but I fell down into the air without touching the floor. My body is in the shape of Cleopatra in the film Cleopatra, as she is carried on the should of others and sent to in the front of Caesar. My body keeps straight and moves around in the air of the classroom. Meanwhile, I hear a familiar woman sound about something of a meal. A while later, I hear a peaceful and warm and unfamiliar woman sound in Chinese 信赖, in English means trust. 8 I wake up, and try to feel the farther meaning of trust. A great trust should mean this way, your trust ultimately works for you. As you trust, your soul is on the peace of trust, your sound is in the calm of trust, your behavior is on the way of trust. 9 ultimately, you trust your soul, you trust your sound, you trust your behavior. 10 others you trust, ultimately are around your soul, around your sound, around your behavior, no matter transiently on each moment where are they.
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