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"Wherever there is conflict, women must be part of the solution” – Michelle Bachelet I discovered an interesting E-Discussion on women's participation in politics in post-conflict countries. Some interesting thoughts: It's a very good discussion since "Women are still mainly the victims of conflict; their voices still go unheard after the fact and their needs in post-conflict countries often ignored." Some suggestions brought forth: “Affirmative action measures should be established, as part of state policies, in favor of women’s development in each country, thereby reducing interference with and control of the state and citizens to comply. Gender quotas should also be established, with the non-recognition of institutions that do not meet the quota, promoting leadership and financial support, which are considered essential, among others" "Such quotas have assisted women to voice their demands and interests during the reconstruction process in countries such as Afghanistan, Rwanda, and Uganda, among others." I believe that with more women in power, solutions will be found through peace and not violence. Here is an example of a woman in power and the end results: "In Nicaragua we are blessed to still have alive a great woman who became president of this country by ending a very bloody 10 year-long war. As a woman, she brought about a peace dialogue and allowed a hurt people the opportunity to be reborn, to dream again. This woman returned the faith and hopes to an entire country and sent a message to the world that peace was attainable. I know that perhaps there were many factors that helped make this possible, but I am convinced that it was the fact that she was a woman, a wife and mother that moved the people to fight with faith and with the hope to attain peace in our country and to stop killing each other. For this, Nicaragua is proud to have had Violeta Chamorro as president.” You can read more here.