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  1. All healthcare would be better off being affordable, not free. - I'm not sure how the government would implement this but this would ideally mean more money going towards healthcare and faster and more effective services. Physical health and Mental health are important, but mental health is not free for all and it is not even affordable for the vast majority of people. Everyone is supposed to be treated the same in Canada but we need to establish that not everyone needs the same treatment and mental health plays a big factor in this. If we can extinguish the stigma surrounding mental health by having all Canadians evaluated at least once, and daily as children then society could see a huge change in a very positive way. Mental health is the foundation of what makes someone human. The big difference between human and animals is not only our thumbs but is, in fact, our minds. We have the ability to effectively communicate with our fellow man. If our mental health deteriorates because we lacked the resources then this causes a problem for the rest of society. Why put so many funds towards prisons and getting people jobs when we could easily reduce the numbers by taking an actual effort to help people with their psychological problems? Mental health needs more funds if we wish to keep people healthy and if we wish to show society even the government is serious about mental health and not just worried about people killing themselves. Sure it is horrible when this happens, but it is also horrible our own government would be so cheap and allow teens and adults alike to suffer to the point of wishing to die. There are many people who can't get a job, get addicted, and even commit crimes because of mental illness not being addressed properly. The government can argue that they are trying to combat mental illness by making people more aware, but I'm sure nearly all Canadians are painfully “aware”. Now it is on the government to take action. They need to realize people with mental illness don’t always have a clear mind and maybe it isn’t always for good reasons, but we can only blame the government for lack of resources and for not taking the issue as serious as it needs to be addressed. Some people feel alone and to be quite frank are alone in their heads much of the time. P.S I am not trying to claim we only have the government to blame, or that the government has ill intentions towards any Canadians, but stress that this issue is not being addressed properly because we need the government to address mental illness with a serious effort to help all affected by it because someones mental state can literally change in an instant. If someone could enlighten me whether it is truly free for all Canadians to receive mental health evaluations then that would be much appreciated. I tried researching but found many people claiming they had to pay.
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