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Found 3 results

  1. Yesterday, in the midst of watching a seditious mob casually walk past an unprepared capitol hill police force, I came across a brilliant tweet: After spending the 20th century undermining democratically elected governments that commit the unforgivable crime of failing to be sufficiently deferential to US business interests, the US became a snake trying to devour it's own tail. Much attention was paid to Trump and his gang of sycophants. However, Trumpism is only marginally about Trump. For decades, across the western world, right wing ideologues (starting with Reagan and Thatcher) have been trashing anything remotely resembling collective action. Governments have been discredited (conservatives are people who are so convinced governments are incompetent, they elect people who will prove them right) and taxes slashed. The predictable results have been a diminished sense of individual security as wages stagnated; and healthcare and education retreated towards their traditional roles of being the exclusive preserve of the wealthy. Even among people doing relatively well, there is a heightened sense of precariousness as these days, anyone can lose their livelihood overnight. Nowhere is this more pronounced than in the US, where education and healthcare are most expensive, worker protections are weakest and corruption is rampant. Having been thoroughly inculcated with anti-government ideology, conservatives looked for others to blame for their problems and Trump supplied them with plenty of others - immigrants, Muslims, the media, and, most of all, Democrats. Hyped up on conspiracy theories, people will now automatically discredit anything that comes from "official" sources and believe whatever they find on the internet that confirms their beliefs. Many people assume that things will be OK as soon as Trump is out of office but this is far from evident. Seventy-five million lost souls voted for an evidently delusional, lifelong-crooked failed businessman who has never taken responsibility for anything. Those people will still be there once Trump leaves.
  2. A Symbol of Inequality In China By exegesisme In China, Chilren live on the bottom of the wild political nation under the wild power of CCP, who took the national power of China by violence and instigating hatred. The Children of poor family live even under the bottom. A 13 years old girl who committed suicide recently is just a symbol of this inequality. This unfortunate girl was forced by her own desire to steal a few chocolates from a supermarket unsuccessfully on Dec. 28, 2015. The personnel of the supermarket illegally punished the girl for about two hours until her mother came to the supermarket. Her mother punished the girl again and looked for money to pay the penalty fined by the supermarket. With the two punishments at the end of a 13 years living without any idea of dignity in a wild political culture of a communist gang named as CCP from a theory of a Jew named as Marx, the 13 years old girl ended her life with a jump from the 17th floor of a new modern building between half past 2pm to 3pm, Dec. 28, 2015. She was born on June 10, 2003. Her name is 赵(surname)花(her given name, means flower). http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Accused-of-stealing-chocolate,-12-year-old-Gansu-student-commits-suicide,-causing-protests-(Video)-36308.html http://www.dushi.ca/tor/news/bencandy.php/fid11/lgngbk/aid179612
  3. The good thing about modern so called "free enterprize" is that if you've got enough money or you are well enough connected with the upper echalons of corporate power, you only fail upwards when you screw up! Exhibit A: Target's package for ex-CEO matches package for all 17,600 Canadian workers Target’s "employee trust" package for its Canadian workers, announced last week, amounts to $70 million ($56 million US). It’s designed to provide each worker with 16 weeks of pay. Target Canada's liquidation will begin in 2-3 weeks Target's launch into Canada 'a multifaceted failure' Depending on who’s doing the calculation, the golden handshake handed to ex-CEO Gregg Steinhafel last May is in roughly in the same ballpark. Fortune Magazine put the value of his total "walk-away" package, including stock options and other benefits, at $61 million US, including severance of $15.9 million. 60 million+ Now that ought to keep the lights on when he moves back home and ponders whatever executive opportunities await him....where he can fail next, and cost thousands their jobs!
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