A simple proposition:
Since Bill C-290 has been overwhelmingly passed by the democratically elected House of Commons but stalled by the unelected Senate, and since C-290 only seeks to repeal a section of the Criminal Code of Canada and does not seek to add or amend any paragraph to the CCC, therefore, should C-290 be defeated or die on the order paper when Stephen Harper has the Governor General prorogue Parliament later this year, then:
- would the Prime Minister be justfied of he were to advise the GG to use the Royal Prerogative of Mercy to extend a general amnesty that would grant unconditional immunity from prosecution to any party that may contravene Paragraph 207(4)b of the CCC, either now or in the future?
- and if the GG issued such an amnesty, would that amnesty for all intents and purposes have the same legal effects as Bill C-290?
I believe the answer to both questions is yes.