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Found 3 results

  1. $ 43 Million Dollars down the toilet simply to avoid some embarrassment. What the hell, it wasn't Harper's money. In fact, Louis Sapi, Brian McWilliams, and David Lewis of Toronto were not even his friends. They would never know anyway. It pays to answer your emails and letters as Harper will probably learn the hard way. If you read this Open Letter To The Queen, you will see a major scandal in the making guys. Apparently Harper cared more about helping Bush cover up some dirt than about Canadian investors... http://www.opnlttr.com/letter/open-letter-queen-elizabeth-about-canada-prime-minister-steven-harpers-secrets He also used the courts to conceal and export his secrets as soon as possible. See here... Here is the original Toronto Star article: http://www.investorvoice.ca/PI/229.html and then if you Google "American Financial Group $87 Million scam you will find another piece of the story and then then this piece below makes more sense: http://whyunclesamhatesbruce.blogspot.com
  2. No matter how deep you bury skeletons or how far you you exile the witnesses, the truth has a habit of floating to the surface. PM Harper has never been one for transparency so when he decided to ignore the author of this letter and decided to extradite him instead, he probably figured his secrets were safe. http://whyunclesamhatesbruce.blogspot.com who wrote the letter to Harper 9 fricking years ago and offered to take a polygraph test.
  3. Canada has always been a loyal ally to the U.S. But is there a limit to this loyalty as Chretien once demonstrated? Will too much loyalty to America kill and terrorize more Canadians for no justiafiable reasons? At first I was of the attitude "Kill all those damn terrorists" until I read this article and realize that if some foreign troops invaded and occupied Canada because our leader refused to turn over Canada's oil fields for pennies on the dollar, we'd also be pissed off. And if we came home from work one day and found our home smoldering in flames and our spouse and kids charred black like coal from some stray missile, we would also be outraged and called "patriots" to seek revenge on the barbaric bastards responsible for the war crime. So today my opinion is a little more objective. Read this and see if your truly disagree or if you are just trying to be politically correct or a false patriot http://www.globalresearch.ca/prime-minister-stephen-harper-and-canadian-war-crimes-in-afghanistan/24473 This is why IMO Harper has helped to increase terrorism in the world today. Real terrorism must be stopped, but drones impose terrorism from 30,000 feet and Harper implicitly condones this by unconditionally supporting American policies in Afghanistan and Iraq. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/nov/24/-sp-us-drone-strikes-kill-1147 The UN and 57 countries have agreed that drones = terrorism and the war in Afghanistan is illegal. So should Canada really be fighting America's illegal war? Before you answer just think about how fairly America has treated Canada on past lumber and trade deals. Do they really deserve such unconditional loyalty or do we have the right to say "No Thank You" once in a while?
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