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  1. I wonder that some posts that appear imho as trolling are not dealt with while some are. Of course Mapleleafweb has that right and choice of rulings and I don't dispute it. Good Luck. I of course take a bit of pleasure in posting here (and elsewhere),as the debate is often quite revealing and of interest. In over 2000 posts I feel I have contributed to the forums interest and content. A couple posts have been met with disfavor which is usually understandable (but not in this latest case.) Still, I would say at least one poster has been trolling frequently and far more egregiously than the rest and is ignored., and it ain't me. I don't much care since the post either leads to discussion or not as the members here chose regardless the seemingly selective ignoring.Hardly the need of censoring since the response, or not is sufficient usually. The definition below quoted is of course quite general and all encompassing. Interpretation is very subjective. QUOTE FROM Forum Rule and Guidelines, "We define "trolling" as a message that serves no constructive purpose and is likely to cause offence or arguments." ************************************************************************************************************************* I was rebuked as shown. "It has already been deleted, as the quality of the initial posting is pure troll bait. Peeves, consider this your notice that any future posting that is this poor in quality, will be deleted. " Given the above definition I must object to the deletion of my post on Olivia Chow. as trolling (added for clarification) Public admonishment and contentious decision deserves a similar response here, which I am posting appropriately as directed and as you point out in the responding sentence, "No one contacted me requesting an explanation. Also, this is NOT the place in the forums to post questions about moderation and or missing threads. If any of you post a thread like this again, outside of the Support and Questions section of the forum, I will delete the thread without notice." ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* My decision to post on the subject was due to the heavy media coverage locally. I found the discussion/debate of general interest "LOCALLY" which is where I posted. IT WAS a legitimate subject for debate here too given the 'legs' and profile in the news media. Her name has recently been the subject of much debate , both in the news media and on talk shows as to her possible being a candidate contesting Ford's Mayoralty in the next election. Given that possibility, the pros and cons elsewhere, the newsworthy aspect of the subject LOCALLY, it does not meet the test of trolling in any sense. If you are unaware of the subject in the press and on talk shows then you are uninformed and do me and the subject an injustice. Certainly it is your prerogative to be selective in your determination as to what is or what is not trolling, however in this case though you have the right, you are wrong and mistaken, unless the major Toronto media and the talk shows are also trolls given their attention to Olivia's (?) candidacy. https://www.google.c...o run as mayor? ***************************************************************************************************************************************** An interesting response followed to another poster, but without any supportive facts followed the removal of my post and member(s) concerns. "Climb off the cross bcsapper, no one here is trying to censor or impose their "biases" on you. The original post was deleted because it was deemed inflammatory and a pretty good example of a trolling post. It was a judgement call made by me and I stand by it. Now, should a note have been sent to the original poster requesting they repost with more respect and decorum, yes. A note should have been sent, and the Moderation team will make every effort to notify a member if an action like this is done in the future. However, i will point you all to the rules and guides, specifically this section:" "Mapleleafweb will attempt to monitor the content of the postings and reserves the right to delete any message for any or no reason whatsoever. We will also attempt to use this power judiciously and fairly, but our decisions are final." Of course, but they can also be both seemingly ....selectively judged and as well,..... wrong.
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