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  1. It's no secret that Western politics, especially when it comes to foreign policy, is heavily influenced by Zionist bankrollers. Throughout this thread, I will add more information on the Zionist lobby's grip over Canadian and European politics as well. This control is certainly true when it comes to the U.S. There are countless Israeli/Zionist lobby groups and agenda driven, so-called think tanks, backed by billionaires (Like Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban) who are using their billions to control who gets to be a politician and what kind of ideas are acceptable to be discussed when it comes to foreign policy. (Update, Van Hollen has won 53% of the votes) At the moment, there is an interesting senate race happening in Maryland. LINK TO PHOTO This is the brave face of the real American people shaking the foundation of the rich and powerful Zionist hold on the US politics -- Congresswoman Donna Edwards is running for the US Senate in Maryland and she has dared to defy the power of the Israeli Fifth Column inside the US --AIPAC and its supporters --over her conscience and politics --as a result Haim Saban --the rich Zionist bosom buddy of Hillary Clinton who joined force with George and his wife Amal Clooney to raise even more millions for her --has just allotted 100,000 dollars for a last minute blitz to defeat Ms Edwards in her race against a garden variety white man and of course devout pro-Israel candidate Chris Van Hollen -- The phenomenon now gathering around Bernie Sanders is much deeper and much wider and it has reached a critical mass that can no longer be purchased, silenced, intimidated, or corrupted by rich Zionists like Haim Saban or certified idiots like George Clooney --this grassroots foundation of a far more progressive politics informs the BDS movement and there is very little that Hillary Clinton, Haim Saban, or the New York Times can do to change that demographic fact in order to sustain in power the racist apartheid settler colony of Israel and enable it to continue to steal the rest of Palestine, murder more Palestinians, and systematically destabilize the Arab and Muslim world -- To learn how the Israeli lobby and Haim Saban in particular are ganging up against Congresswoman Edwards go here: mondoweiss.net/2016/04/donna-edwardss-campaign-unsettles-the-israel-lobby-inside-the-democratic-party/ To learn more specifically about Haim Saban's determination to defeat Congresswoman Edwards go here: https://theintercept.com/2016/04/25/pro-israel-billionaire-haim-saban-drops-100000-against-donna-edwards-in-maryland-senate-race/ To learn more about Congresswoman Edwards' own extraordinary story go here: http://www.thenation.com/article/weve-had-1-black-woman-senator-in-227-years-donna-edwards-is-running-to-change-that/
  2. 5 Collective Psychology, My Spiritual Work​​ by exegesisme 1xπ there is a master of collective psychology, whose name is trump. 2xπ he would reshape both politics and religions of us. 3xπ no matter you like him, or dislike him, you would prepare to live in his influence. 4xπ he hears the sounds directly from the grassroots. 5xπ the elites also do not dislike him, but just are not habitual with his style. 6xπ his style is compatible with human genome, which has been creating by god since 4 billion years ago. 7xπ this is the reason why his polls were higher each time against lower expectation of others. 8xπ his style showing in his campaign is a micro model of the creative evolutional process of life, and which is recorded in the genome of each human. 9xπ there was a sound called him lord in my sleep meditation, this sound was only appeared once until now. 10xπ the above is my witness, in both my sleep meditation and my clear analysis. ​
  3. 1. A climate change policy 2. Legalized pot 3. Electoral reform 4. No more talk of niqabs or barbaric practices hotlines 5. An end to CRA targeting of charities 6. Scientists who can speak up
  4. 1 Holy Good Capitalism, What They Should Do​ By Exegesisme My concept, holy good capitalism, is inspired from Canadian constitution, verses in bible and the Liberal winning of the election 2015. 1, Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law. 2, Genesis 1:4, God saw the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. Revelation 21:24 The nations will walk by its light. The light in the verses above, in our era in Canada, here and now, I understand as holy good capitalism. In the holy good capitalism, there are two fundamental wings. One wing is holy good, which is our environment and from God, we can not live without environment or holy good. In this wing, everyone is equal. The other wing is human good, which is created by human in the environment from God, we can not make progress without human creation inspired by God. In the human wing, people are not equal, peoples are arranged in a hierarchy of creation according to their creativity. According to the model of holy good capitalism, the just elected liberal government is not only the government of liberal, who directly voted them, but also and first is the government of all Canadians, it is in the political system of all Canadians they were elected. Therefore, all policies of this government, should consider two requirements, the benefits of all Canadians and the liberal view. This is the answer of what the liberal government should do.
  5. I for one want to see some more fresh faces and idea people in Ottawa and less secrecy and corruption. I was once a Harper fan but he lost me with his secret trade deals and the Duffy mess. Plus he has not really told us of any new ideas he has to make more people prosperous.
  6. 1. Elizabeth May is far and away the best parliamentarian of any of the party leaders. She is the least partisan, the most reasonable, the most willing to work with other parties and has the most integrity. 2. Their platform is most aligned with my values as measured by the vote compass website. 3. They are the only party that makes environmental issues a priority, not just a matter of preference when they happen not to conflict with other party favorite issues. 4. They were the first (or only) party to get behind things that are so blindingly obvious, they should have been done years ago, including proportional representation, marijuana legalization and guaranteed minimum income. 5. In my riding, the Conservative party candidate has no chance of winning so I don't have to worry about vote splitting.
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