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Found 2 results

  1. I saw this on the news last week, and was reminded of it today while having lunch, listening to some toddler whine, shriek, and bang stuff on the table while his mother did... nothing. Local Restaurant's 'No Kids Allowed' Policy Starts Nationwide Trend This has gained a lot of attention, and has apparently sparked a trend, and controversy as well: Opinion: I'm a parent, and I get it. Opinion: If children are barred from certain restaurants, they'll grow up to be murderers and rapists. Personally, I'm all for it. I've had enough meals ruined by screaming toddlers. I think the restaurant owner's comment is significant: "...he thinks he's tapped into anger that's aimed at rude parents, not kids." Kids will be kids, but the rest of us don't need to listen to your little angel's tantrum. The rest of us are sick of your little angel. The majority of parents probably do their best to keep a handle on things, but it doesn't always work. And those parents who just don't give a crap have ruined the situation for other parents who make the effort. Mr Vuich has identified a market need that was not being met. He's improved his business by addressing it. Good job. Lots of other restaurants will be only too happy to serve the needs of families with young children. What do you think? -k
  2. Harper and the Conservatives have been responsible for so many negative, divisive and disgraceful actions that it's hard to keep track of all of them. So, I thought it would be helpful to have a thread to catalogue them. Here is an opening list: - Ran huge deficits caused by ill-advised and ineffective tax cuts - Politicized non-partisan institutions by using or squabbling with the incombents; including the GG, Elections Canada, the PBO, and the SCC - Dramatically increased the centralization of power in the PMO - Interfered in the internal workings of the Senate - Appointed the most partisan and corrupt senators - Gutted environmental rules and laws - Used the CRA to attack environmental groups and charities that disagreed with his policies - Gagged scientists to prevent information that would not support his pro-oil agenda from reaching the public - Defunded pure scientific research in favour of applied science that would help his industry friends - Destroyed scientific documents with no assurance that they were digitized first - After being elected on a platform of accountability, did everything possible to evade accountability - Was found in contempt of parliament - Systematically interfered in the ability of Parliament to perform its duties by withholding information, proroguing parliament and writing omnibus bills so massive they couldn't properly be debated - Undermined democracy by deliberately disenfranchising groups of voters that are not inclined to vote for him and by changing media rules to better allow for negative campaiging - Damaged our international reputation through one-sided support of Israel and against the Palesinians - Damaged our international reputation and climate change efforts by withdrawing from Kyoto. This list isn't even close to being complete. There is a website called shd.ca Note: if you want to debate the actions of Chretien, Wynne, Pierre Trudeau, or anyone else, you're welcome to open a different thread.
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