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Found 13 results

  1. Considering the stink made about Senator Duffy and Rob Ford and Karlheinz Schreiber, I am a bit shocked that Canadian investigative reporters won't dig into massive drug smuggling and money laundering Harper allowed to take place on our soil - especially since the bulk of the black profits went to the yanks. Aside from the $3 million made by Harper, only Levesque and Nesbitt Burns (and the bikers who handled the nation-wide distribution) made the big bucks. But the end users of all this cocaine and heroin included our high school and uni students. Are we supposed to let Stephen just ride off into the sunset with a fat pension for deliberately ignoring and allowing the posioning of our kids - especially at the expense of Canadian investors? RE: http://AmericanFinancialGroupFraud.wordpress.com Harper did far more than just "look the other way". He made sure that two eye witnesses were rushed out of Canada by using his Justice and Immigration Ministries as political weapons. With these two guys in Canada Harper risks spending the balance of his life in prison, that is why Gorcyca and Ingvaldsen simply had to go. The media toyed with Rob Ford until the video turned up. There has, according to court records and sworn private investigator's report been both audio and video tapes about this huge drug ring for years. Why is the Canadian media afraid to make those tapes public or track down a copy of these seized book manuscripts; http://www.worldlawdirect.com/forum/off-topic-messages/91146-uncle-sam-seized-book-manuscripts-protect-jeb-bush.html Hrper went out of his way to approve a fake extradiiion of a former federal agent to keep his own ass out of jail. If the media will not hold our pols accountable on the big down and dirty stuff most foul, why bother with Rob Ford's drug addiction? Why does Canada, just like America punish whistle blowers instead of help them. We are becoming the 51st state and our media is asleep at the switch, or somehow standing to gin from all the corruption they deliberately ignore??? http://www.veteranstodayforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=1229
  2. If you learned from a credible former IRS agent and DEA agent and 2 honest RCMP agents that former PM Harper was aware of massive drug smuggling of cocaine into Canada from corrupt American government agents who worked for Jeb Bush and Oliver North, would you want him prosecuted for not stopping it? A DEA agent says he uncovered evidence that Harper received a $3 million campaign gift from Bush to look the other way and to keep the Regina court records of Mike Huxtable and Terry Nelson sealed. And when two American eye witnesses confirmed in writing about the $1Billion drug ring in letters to Harper, he did not answer their letters, but instead he made sure both witnesses Erling Ingvaldsen and Bruce Gorcyca were removed from Canada before some MP opened an investigation and had the chance to subpoena them. The below diagram is one of many contained in a book manuscript that federal agents seized from author Bruce Gorcyca who filed a refugee claim in Toronto and asked for asylum. According to immigration records, Marshal Drukarsh was the solicitor who represented the refugee claim (that was ignored for 8 years) It is quite detailed as is the chapter leaked by user "Nico" at worldlawdirect.com. More about this story can also be found at http://rabble.ca/babble/national-news/canadas-drug-problem-was-quite-profitable-stephen-harper-jeb-bush-mike-huxtable and by googling "The Secret Heartbeat of America" and this detailed background of Jeb Bush - http://voxfux.com/features/bush_world_class_criminal.html But specifically do you believe that former PMs should be exempt from prosecution for crimes that affected over a million Canadian citizens? Not just ignoring this drug ring, but also allowing U.S. government front companies like American Financial Group to swindle Canadian investors out of $43 milion just to keep hiding the drug smuggling operation? If any other Canadian citizen did the same thing they'd probably get locked away for 10-15 years. Why should Harper be treated differently http://americanfinancialgroupfraud.wordpress.com Here is more about the criminal history of the Bush family http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20001and as we all know, Jeb was Stephen Harper's biggest American cheerleader http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/05/20/jeb-bush-stephen-harper-2015-election_n_7346398.html The American author who sought asylum explained why in his book manuscripts. IMO they should be used to bring charges against Harper so the DEA and RCMP agents in the know can be subpoenaed. You can read one of the 39 chapters here: http://www.worldlawdirect.com/forum/off-topic-messages/91146-uncle-sam-seized-book-manuscripts-protect-jeb-bush.html A Canadian private investigator named Edward Reiken spent 3 months investigating the above and swore out an 11 page report that you can read in this Law Society complaint http://bruceslawsocietycomplaint.wordpress.com which I add here for the benefit of anyone who wants to label this as just some crazy conspiracy theory.
  3. I was told my previous post about the 15 years of drug smuggling into Canada by friends of Oliver North and Jeb Bush was deleted because of the graphic photo of the executed Barry Seal, which by the way autloaded when I inserted the you tube link (in other words, you tube inserted the photo - not me) Here's the summary of my previous post... It is alleged that our former PM was given $3 million (either an outright bribe or a campaign contribution) by Canadian Mike Huxtable on behalf of Jeb Bush and Oliver North's smuggling team which flew over $1B of cocaine (wholesale value) into Canada over a 15 year period, and even after getting caught by honest mounties in Sakatchewan in 1997, (both Huxtable and a corrupt retired FBI agent named Terry Nelson were arrested), continued after a 6 month recess. The source is a veteran DEA agent and two witnesses who tried to blow the whistle (Erling Ingvaldsen and a former U.S. Treasury agent named Bruce Gorcyca were booted out of the country - with the help of a corrupt Brampton lawyer, who himself was arrested for child abuse and the subject of a 200 page Law Society complaint http://bruceslawsocietycomplaint.wordpress.com. Five insiders actually wrote books about Bush's involvement in Canada with four proxies of FBI Terry Nelson (now retired), Canadian Mike Huxtable (a personal friend of Stephen Harpers), a Florida Lawyer named Stephen J. Finta, and a former RCMP Colonel named Pierre Jeanette from Montreal. Gorcyca also wrote a book and then sought sanctuary in Canada after federal agents seized his book manuscripts at gunpoint, and five witnesses named in the manuscripts were murdered (George Morales, Al Chalem, Canadian John Pierre Gonyou, Johnny Molina, and Stephen Finta) See: http://www.worldlawdirect.com/forum/law-news/91146-uncle-sam-seized-book-manuscripts-protect-jeb-bush.html For those quick to shout "conspiracy theory" or suggest I wear a tinfoil hat, you may want to do a little background homework first since NONE of these authors were ever sued for libel or slander by Bush or anyone ellse they accused: Daniel Hopsicker: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0970659105 wrote BARRY & THE BOYS and all the sources found in this article: http://www.worldlawdirect.com/forum/human-rights/91228-will-pm-trudeau-right-wrong-harpers-fake-extradition-bruce-gorcyca.html Also read this book by a former U.S. Navy Commander Al Martin: THE CONSPIRATORS, http://www.amazon.com/The-Conspirators-Secrets-Iran-Contra-Insider/dp/097100420X and another by a highly decorated USA Army General named Russ Bowen who used to work with Bush father during his CIA Director days. http://www.amazon.com/Immaculate-Deception-Crime-Family-Exposed/dp/092235680 IMMACULATE DECEPTION - INSIDE THE BUSH CRIME FAMILY There is is also even better reading material in the exhibit sections of that Law Society complaint above espcially the 11 page sworn report of Canadian Private Investigator Ed Reiken. It also details a $43 million investment fraud scheme that Harper is alleged to have covered-up as well as per http://rabble.ca/babble/election-2015/43-million-secret-reasons-not-to-vote-steven-harper-yet-another-cover And this was takend from another forum: "Take a look this http://www.copi.com/articles/Montana/980326dh.html Anyone with a brain between their ears will know that this is not some "conspiracy theory". The dots are now easy to connect but it seems nobody has the courage to investigate Harper who is alleged to have taken either a $3 million bribe, or a $3 million campaign contribution... "The veteran DEA agent just looked at me in silence for almost a minute with a fully frustrated look on his face, then finally admitted "We know that $3 million went from Jeb to Harper through Nelson's group in 2010. Finta delivered the cash to Huxtable who had a late night meeting with Harper. We requested a court order for wiretaps but were turned down. The DoJ keeps getting in our way and if we push this issue, we will all get transferred to Nogales!" This was not the first time I heard about interference from the top. When I met with XXXXXX and XXXX I got pretty much the same feedback. But at least XXXX was determined to nail Finta. Once Finta was bagged and facing a 30 year sentence XXXX was sure the "fat fuck lawyer" would roll over on everyone. I agreed with him and also suggested they go after Fischetti and the accountants. He asked me if I had the names of the accountants and I gave him one. He jotted it down in his notebook. Officially he said he was not assigned to the Nelson case, because the "Nelson case" no longer existed officially - thanks to Don Gregg and the DoJ. He further admitted that he was not even supposed to be in Beijing but his former partner XXXXXXXX asked him to "check in on Gorcyca". I am glad that he did. I was still worried about the two shootings at our home in Mississauga and now that I heard Soave was retiring, we would have nobody to call for help. Soave and Besson both knew the score but both said Ottawa was calling the shots when we decided China was the best "temporary solution". I told XXXX about my meeting with Ms. Frazier at the Renascence Center in Toronto and I played some recordings for him of my conversations with Maury and XXXX. He grabbed my arm and said "Listen Bruce, you are preaching to the choir. I believed your story after I first spoke with Maury and read the Reiken report. Save those recordings for the people who don't believe you." Despite his assurances and support he still asked me for a copy of them so I gave him the USB - one of seven I made and gave to various friends I had around the world. If anything happened to me or my family, I asked my friends to post everything on line and give copies to two reporters that had been asking me for interviews for more than five years. The only person that I wanted to speak with was not able to communicate with me and I still do not know for sure if my courier package actually reached their hands. My emails had been locked or blocked for months as were most all of my skype calls. Just to call my wife and kids I would have to buy a phone card and use the landline at a local business or hotel. They were doing a good job of isolating me in China, but I was determined to keep my family together. Without communications, that is not easy to do." Note: Atty. Stephen J. Finta was murdered with an induced heart attack in July of 2012, two weeks before the DEA planned to arrest him. My sources suspect the NSA was spying on the DEA's South Florida task force - by executive order for more than five years. Finta had served as a paid FBI informant and Nelson's front man since 1986. It was Finta who delivered the $16 million in cash to the offices of American Financial Group in 1996." Lastly the guys in Montreal at GlobalReasearch.ca seem to know all about Bush as well: http://www.globalresearch.ca/jeb-bush-the-mexican-drug-cartel-and-free-trade/5448747 So in summary, if some way, some how America elects Jeb Bush as President, Canada will be flooded with even more cocaine from the yanks. It got so bad in the late 90s that local citizens even sent a open letter of protest to the FBI director http://www.copi.com/articles/Montana/971215.html Will Trudeau also turn a blind eye to drug flights from America? How ironic their government doesn't want Americans to buy prescription drugs in Canada! P.S. Since I am not allowed to post the youtube video about the hit on Barry Seal, I guess you have to Google it for yourself ("Youtube.com, Barry Seal, murder") Btw... this was also taken from that other forum and show the cocaine trail into Canada starting about 1990. To be clear Harper was not part of the smuggling ops, he just ignored them when he was told about them by both the DEA, RCMP, and some inside informants.. link
  4. My family has been in the oil and gas business for almost 80 years and neither my father nor uncles think the Nexen deal was a good one for Canada. They say if China was so desperate for oil they would have settled for 49% and Canada was dead erong to give controlling interest to the Chinese. Would we have made the same deal with the Russians? So why would take such a risk with China? This basically gave Canada's self-sufficiency a bullet to the head because in 20 years or so Canadian oil will be going to China and we'll be importing American oil! Canada should never be dependent on foreign countries - any foreign country for oil. We saw the bribery taking place with the Chinese on the lumber deal, and I wonder if the same may have influenced such a bad decision on the Nexen deal?
  5. I have never seen one politician piss off so many people and Canada's two largest newspapers. Does Harper have a way to mend fences quickly enough before October 19th? What should he do or say? http://www.whynotharper.ca/#1
  6. Harper and the Conservatives have been responsible for so many negative, divisive and disgraceful actions that it's hard to keep track of all of them. So, I thought it would be helpful to have a thread to catalogue them. Here is an opening list: - Ran huge deficits caused by ill-advised and ineffective tax cuts - Politicized non-partisan institutions by using or squabbling with the incombents; including the GG, Elections Canada, the PBO, and the SCC - Dramatically increased the centralization of power in the PMO - Interfered in the internal workings of the Senate - Appointed the most partisan and corrupt senators - Gutted environmental rules and laws - Used the CRA to attack environmental groups and charities that disagreed with his policies - Gagged scientists to prevent information that would not support his pro-oil agenda from reaching the public - Defunded pure scientific research in favour of applied science that would help his industry friends - Destroyed scientific documents with no assurance that they were digitized first - After being elected on a platform of accountability, did everything possible to evade accountability - Was found in contempt of parliament - Systematically interfered in the ability of Parliament to perform its duties by withholding information, proroguing parliament and writing omnibus bills so massive they couldn't properly be debated - Undermined democracy by deliberately disenfranchising groups of voters that are not inclined to vote for him and by changing media rules to better allow for negative campaiging - Damaged our international reputation through one-sided support of Israel and against the Palesinians - Damaged our international reputation and climate change efforts by withdrawing from Kyoto. This list isn't even close to being complete. There is a website called shd.ca Note: if you want to debate the actions of Chretien, Wynne, Pierre Trudeau, or anyone else, you're welcome to open a different thread.
  7. This is a REAL question but a mod suggested it was a farce and deleted my original post. THIS IS NOT A FRIVOLOUS POST!!!!. Harper has been in office for over decade and I really cannot find any achievement that benefited ALL Canadians - only wealthy businessmen. What will be his legacy - Secrecy? He should come to this thread and personally remind all of us how he helped us live better lives and how. Do YOU feel we have a better life than we did 10 years ago? How has Harper improved education, immigration, and our economy? We still have one of the highest tax rates in the world. Do you feel more or less confident about our economy and future today with Harper at the helm? In my own personal opinion, PM Harper spent most of his time concealing trade deals until they were already done and gave no time nor space for public debate or review by the House of Commons. In a way he is just a much smarter version of George W. Bush and far more secretive as well. He has put our troops in a precarious situation that basically invites terrorists to come seek revenge in Toronto or Vancouver. To be fair, he did the right thing to embrace refugees from Syria, but one right move does not make for a legacy IMHO. So those of you who think Steven Harper has done more good than harm for Canada, please step up here and provide a list of 10 achievements that benefited every Canadian and not a niche group of bankers or businessmen. Anyone who does not think this is a damn serious question and topic is simply a biased conservative. Hopefully Admin is more objective. This is a subject quite worthy of a real debate. Am I wrong to expect one real achievement for every year in office?
  8. I almost fell out of my chair when I read this! Straight from George Orwell's 1984 if you ask me... A new police hotline where we report our neighbors for "suspicious activities". I don't know about the rest of you, but I have known my neighbors for almost 6 years! "REPORT YOUR NEIGHBOR PROJECT" http://www.salon.com/2015/10/06/white_people_dont_have_to_worry_about_canadas_new_report_your_neighbor_hotline/ The other user who said Harper is the long lost illegitimate son of George H. Bush may be right!
  9. A quote from another thread: I agree pretty much, but I don't want a government that's perfect. I demand a government and political representatives that are at least somewhat honest, that will put their country above their own career aspirations, above their own re-election, above getting what they politically want at all costs. I demand a government that respects our democracy, and our constitution. I want MP's and a PM that would rather do the right thing and be willing to lose their jobs rather than keep their job if it means needing to do the dishonest/undemocratic thing. Is this really too much to ask? To do otherwise, as many of our politicians do, is almost akin to treason in my eyes. How is Stephen Harper not a traitor to our country and our democracy when he ie: muzzles government scientists just so he can get his own environmental policies enacted without scientific criticism, or muzzles members of his cabinet and party whenever it suits his agenda? Who does this assh**e think he is? If you too support Harper's more draconian policies because they happen to advance your own political agenda then aren't you too a traitor to our democracy? Call me idealistic, but there's politicians in this country that will put their country before themselves, and we need more of them, and we need a PM like this. The Harper gov is not like this, and is why I'll never mark their name on a ballot so long as they are, even if you put a gun to my head. Because I'm a patriot. Canadian soldiers are willing to die to protect our country, but shouldn't every Canadian be willing to do this, even if not a solider? I'd much rather spoil my ballot than to give my consent to a party or politician that's fundamentally corrupt, even if it's the least worst of the crappy options. This isn't an anti-conservative (small "c"), anti-rightwing rant. I felt the same way with the scumbag McGuinty Liberals in Ontario. I voted for the CPC in 2006 in order to rid our government of the Chretien/Martin-era Liberals, hoping the CPC would end the Liberal corruption. I honestly feel bad for the conservative-minded voters who only have one major party to choose from, but there are other conservative parties out there to support. The BS in our government has to end! We get the governments and the politicians we deserve, because we give them our consent to govern by marking their names on a ballot. If we demand a certain level of behaviour from our politicians or else we refuse to vote for them, they WILL comply. To the people who will vote for the CPC anyways this election, FOR THE LOVE OF PETE please at least email your MP, the CPC party, and/or the PM and tell them that despite your support you demand changes in their behaviour.
  10. For the third time in three weeks yet another thread about Stphen Harpers well hidden scandals from almost 10 years ago was deleted. The latest one to disappear was Titled: "PM STEPHEN HARPER CANNOT HIDE 9 YEAR $1BILLION COVER-UP". I made a comment on the thread yesterday and Scribblet made a rebuttal. I went to post this comment now, and guess what? The thread is gone! It was originally posted by user "Not Yet" three weeks ago. So is this a case of a biased moderator or a Harper hacker? Just more good stuff for my article I am researching. How convenient that someone deleted (CENSORED) this scan of an actual court order that POST-DATES the links Scribblet just posted. Please note that the fabricated stock fraud charges against Gorcyca were DISMISSED by the most Senior Federal Judge in America - Jack Weinstein on December 17, 2007 and Gorcyca has been a free man ever since. Read this link Scribblet and deal with the facts instead of trying to smear the man. http://whyunclesamhatesbruce.blogspot.ca. At this same link you will also find: * Sworn statements from 9 eye witnesses (court documents) * Medical report of how Gorcyca was abused * Proof positive that the extradition was fake and illegal * Cmmentary from a University of Toronto Law Professor who reviewed the case * Some interesting photographs. * Scans of actual newspaper articles. Now if you can identify the name of any real victim that can be verified, I am all ears Scribblet. I asked you to give me a link to real victims but you keep posting the same 3 links and no victims are idientified in any of those links - only old accusations put to rest by Judge Jack Weinstein. SCREEN SHOT NO. 36
  11. I for one want to see some more fresh faces and idea people in Ottawa and less secrecy and corruption. I was once a Harper fan but he lost me with his secret trade deals and the Duffy mess. Plus he has not really told us of any new ideas he has to make more people prosperous.
  12. By now everyone is aware that the country is in a recession by the definition that the Tories legislated themselvestwo quarters of negative growth. Some claim there is a silver lining: jobs are up, GDP grew in June, and our exports to our largest trading partner are up. By now the Conservatives are playing politics with their euphemisms "contraction" and "technical recession." They're using these term because they truly believe that the economy has already recovered and that the dip is meaningless. However, putting the GDP aside and despite the growth in jobs and exports, there are other indicators that suggest we may not be pulling out of the recession at all. From the linked article by economist Iglika Ivanova: Business investment is down for three consecutive quarters For starters, business investment is still down and has been on the decline since the Tories won their majority government in 2011. Indeed, Mark Carney, then governor of the Bank of Canada, accused corporate Canada of sitting on stockpiles of dead money. Nothing has change since then and in fact it has only gotten worse. Consumers being able to signal demand is the lifeblood of any economy. Companies can't invest if people don't tell them with their dollars what they should invest in. People don't have the money to signal demand if corporate Canada is sitting on it and not investing. It's a catch 22 that requires intervention to get wealth moving again. And that's exactly what happened in January when the Bank of Canada cut interest rates. Except business investment continued to drop for two more quarters with no end in sight. It's not just oil and gas in decline Conservatives keep repeating that it's only oil and gas that have turned down. They must only be looking at the oil and gas column in the numbers because the truth is a number of sectors are in decline. Construction, manufacturing, and wholesale trade are all major indicators of our economic well being. For some bizarre reason, the Harper Government has completely ignored their precipitous decline and only refers to oil and gas. Household debt is on the rise Disposable incomes are falling. The rising consumer spending that people have pointed to as an indicator of our economy recovering is being financed by debt. While the interest rates are dropping, the proportion of debt to household income hasn't budged since 2008. Consumers are trying to spend their way out of the recession by incurring more debt, while businesses are sitting on stockpiles of dead money and not investing. -- So growth of 0.5% in June is nice, but our economy is still struggling under Harper's leadership. We need a better focus on a more diversified economy that doesn't give corporate welfare to companies who sit on that money. The problems with Canada's current economy run far deeper than a stagnate GDP.
  13. It would seem that The Right Honourable Stephen Harper P.C., M.P. (Calgary Southwest), the Prime Minister, is going to have more of an uphill battle than he might have thought in convincing the Supreme Court of Canada that he can make changes to The Honourable the Senate without substantive provincial consultations. All ten provinces have served notice to the Supreme Court that they intend to intervene in the Supreme Court's deliberations on the Senate reform reference questions referred to it by the Governor General-in-Council. The Government of Nunavut has also served notice that it intends to intervene, and there is anticipation that the other territories can be expected to follow suit shortly. While Ontario favours the abolition of the Senate, there are several provinces—such as those in Atlantic Canada—which would lose considerable power on the national stage with the termination of the Upper House (these provinces collectively control over one-quarter of the Senate, while they represent only 7% of seats in the House of Commons). The Governor General-in-Council has referred six questions in a reference to the Supreme Court of Canada, asking a range of questions related to what options might be within the legislative authority of the Parliament of Canada in respect of Senate reform. These include questions such as whether the property requirements for honourable senators can be abolished by Parliament acting alone; whether the abolition of the Senate requires a 7/50 amendment (the consent of at least seven provinces, representing at least 50% of the population), or unanimous consent; and whether Parliament acting alone can create "consultation" processes to inform the selection of senators. (Source)
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