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Found 2 results

  1. The Reunion Of Altruism And Selfishness On Selfish Morality​ By Exegesisme I once had lived in Chinese communism regime for decades. I suffered deeply from many good names, but actually they were only all sorts of disguises of evil. As I went deep in Chinese history, I realized the core there is that evil of fa-school disguised with that appearing goodness of Confucianism. And nowadays in that politics of Chinese communism regime, there were so much evil hiding behind so many good words by names. As I turn my attention to western traditions and histories, and realize that that similar phenomena also existed. Therefore, that knowing or unknowing evil beings in various disguises of goodness are that nature of evil. On this finding, I try to look for words and ways to make names to express goodness that are distinguished from those disguises of evils, and are much less likely to be used by evils as their disguises. On this intention, I casted the concept Selfish Morality. The word selfish means that a person cares only about herself or himself, and not about other people. The word morality in my mind means that an inner ability with a set of believes to distinguish the right and acceptable expecting behaviors from those wrong behaviors. I stress the word expecting in the expression the right and acceptable expecting behaviors, to make the word morality work in future direction. As the word selfish and the word morality work together in the concept Selfish Morality, the meaning of Selfish Morality appears as the inner ability with a set of believes to distinguish the right and acceptable expecting behaviors for the expecting good benefits of good self from those wrong behaviors for the wrong benefits of wrong self. From this definition of selfish morality, I see an evolutional mechanism of selfish morality on future-directed healthy self-criticism of those wrong behaviors for the wrong benefits of wrong self in the past. The word self is crucial for understanding the concept selfish morality. There are many different selves of the same person, such as my self in the eyes of God, my self in the eyes of my family; my deep self, my inner self; my past self, my future self, my self at now; my self as an officer, my self as a super-applied-meditator, my self as the image of the president as I try to see everything from the eyes of the president, my self as the image of God as I try to see everything from the eyes of God; and so on. In the open understanding of self and on future-directed healthy self-criticism, I see the reunion of altruism and selfishness in the concept of selfish morality. ​
  2. I am glad to discuss with you both. I see a difference between you as following: Freddy​ : If anything , this system we have is as ideal as it gets. The only issues are always at the top. Of course accountability is difficult to execute at the top without having to much power in one hand. Moonlight Graham​: Capitalism is an economic system that takes advantage of the selfish side of human nature. What if an economic system were designed that was both efficient and that took advantage of the altruistic side of human nature? I agree with both of you, and have a theory (my own theory) to include your ideas. I am top-ism, which you can think as the name of my theory, which means always thinking for the being over top and transcending top, and refining any thing under top to the top and then transcending it to the being over top. Top-ism can be used for faith, any beauty under top can be refined to the top, and then believe a much more beautiful vision of it with the being over top. If see top as now, then under top as history, and over top as future. To Freddy, "issues are always at the top", so we need creatively to create the being over the top to avoid these issues at the top. You know, for a specific system, there is a specific set of issues which can not solved in the system, we need a new system to transcend the system and then avoid its specific issues all together. To Moonlight Graham, I admit there is altruistic side of human nature, and even in some relations this side is very strong. However, usually, the selfish side of human nature is more general and deep, and we can use the selfish side to explain the altruistic side, and we can not use the altruistic side to explain the selfish side. Therefore, I created a theory of morality firstly on human selfish nature , and around this core, let the selfish benefits and altruistic benefits grow alternatively. This moral theory with top-ism together, I hope that the creative evolution of human politics and in turn human society may speed up. ​
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