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Everything posted by Shakeyhands

  1. So who is suspected of having multiple accounts? Out of curiosity of course....
  2. The rules are pretty clear, and from all I've read Duffy fraudulently claimed living expenses. But yes, lets wait for the audit.
  3. There's a small group of Fords behind all of Fords legal issues, you can't blame anyone but them. Unless you're a partisan hack I suppose...
  4. He is also under investigation like the rest, why spread lies?
  5. I'd do the same thing as Brazeau's accuser I suppose. I guess I'm not a big manly man like you are...
  6. Not sure the bail amount reflects the seriousness of the charge, but rather the flight risk of the accused.
  7. Well... while we don't know all the details, other than what he's been charged with, how long till he gets the boot? Interesting side note, he claims... How long until he has to pay back his living allowance? http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/02/08/senator_patrick_brazeau_expected_in_court_after_domestic_violence_incident.html
  8. This time it's about Early Bird specials and 8:30pm bedtimes...
  9. I did the test and it determined that I wanted to get drunk and have sex. What is wrong wIth me???
  10. Better watch out for the ball boys in the final BC... You've a good chance of winning now, and I'll be cheering for Bradford.
  11. One of my favourites. It's meaty and it's peaty... Enjoy!
  12. Not so according to Catholic-Pages.com http://www.catholic-pages.com/life/fridaymeat.asp Interesting answer here too.... http://www.askacatholic.com/_WebPostings/Answers/2009_09SEPT/2009SeptHasTheVaticanEverStatedThis.cfm
  13. Cached copy - if you missed it. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.acdi-cida.gc.ca%2Facdi-cida%2FACDI-CIDA.nsf%2Feng%2FCEC-111213736-54K
  14. Typical non-hockey comment. Stick to your football.
  15. One bad day at the rink doesn't a lost edge make. Compare 4-0 to 2-2...
  16. I wear Etymotic Er6i's while on the motorcycle and on flights.... great sound out of them.
  17. Wow... You may be a lovely woman, but as a supporter of the CPC you gotta have HUGE cajones to say anything about smears or allegations!!!
  18. Whores is definitely going too far... rat faced seems perfectly reasonable though.
  19. Since when was the litmus test that someone didn't vote because of these calls? Oh Conservatives... so silly with your obfuscation!
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