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Posts posted by Moonbox

  1. On 1/20/2025 at 1:53 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

    2. Leave Trudeau in place. There’s an argument that he should stay to face the music and leave the next leader with a clear run to rebuild the party without a massive defeat on their record but I suspect most MPs would prefer a fighting chance to hang onto their seats. 

    None of those MPs deserve to keep their seats. I highly respect Mark Carney and under normal circumstances I'd probably consider voting for him, but not while the chucklef*cks that enabled Trudeau and clucked and nodded at every dumb thing he said/did for 10 years are still pretending they have something of value to offer the country.  

    I think it was a really poor decision for him to run for the Leadership.  The only reason I can think of is that he wants to be there for the 2029 election.  

    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 hours ago, herbie said:

    What this war did proves is that Russia's a paper tiger.

    Not just a paper-tiger - a complete shit hole led by criminal thugs and populated by servile donkey-people.  The incompetence of Russian military leadership is only matched by the dispirited futility of the Russian thrall-soldier.  We haven't seen military ineptitude like this since Gadhafi tried to invade Chad, with his soviet tanks beaten off by pickup trucks.  

  3. 15 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    And now you've mentally devolved to the point where you're basically a parrot!

    He says, immediately after parroting:

    15 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    if you were right and i was wrong, i'd be chasing YOU around the forum attacking you randomly to cope with insecurities

    Tell us again about how I'm chasing after you, the omnipresent stink that hangs around every thread  and cannot be avoided.  🤡🤡🤡

    • Haha 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    Anyway, I don't mind. Watching your little temper tantrums amuses me :)  And you must like them too, you do them so often

    That's the best part of this circus-act you perform in your mind.  Not only do the citations that prove you wrong somehow (magically) prove your point after a bunch of useless wailing and carrying on, said wailing and carrying on also somehow (magically) proves the other person is having a tantrum!  🤣👍

  5. He doesn't have to do much of anything.  He just has to make a show of it and say he did.  The detachment from reality with MAGA voters is fascinating.  Even when they know what he's saying is absurd/wrong/awful, they just sort of mentally discard it.  Like Build-A-Bear, Trump is a different person to every MAGA voter. You take the parts you LIKE, and you pretend the parts you DON'T LIKE were just jokes and don't include them in your version of TrumpyBear. 

    • Like 2
  6. I was on a video call with a rating agency's chief economist last Monday (a Texan), and he said they were giving long odds that Trump will actually follow through with much of the dumb shit he said he'd do.  

    They were giving 10% probability at blanket across-the-board tariffs, as these would immediately boost inflation and anger voters while providing next to no benefit to the economy, but the big tariffs on China are a lot more likely  (with a lot more rationale behind them).   

    The one thing the US system has going for it is the midterms, and the House isn't going to go along with some of the more useless and self-destructive stupidity Trump is inclined to chase.  

  7. On 1/18/2025 at 11:56 PM, DUI_Offender said:

    Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, and has been waging war on Ukraine for the past decade. If Russia withdrew it's forces from Ukrainian land, the war would be over.  It's really that simple.

    The only thing more simple is Wastecanman's reasoning skills.  I don't have many people on ignore on this forum, but he was the first - the harbinger of the clown parade that invaded this forum over the last decade.  

    • Thanks 1
  8. 18 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    And the only times you ever provide cites. which is rare enough, they wind up working against you. You do 1 second google searches and grab headlines you think support you but the articles acutally don't.  We've all seen it a couple dozen times with you. 

    You're just describing your imbecilic coping.  The cite that clearly and explicitly proves how clueless  and uninformed you are doesn't magically do the opposite because you rant uselessly and throw shit in every direction.  🤡

  9. On 1/18/2025 at 11:08 PM, CdnFox said:

    You've never posted a direct site that contradicts my points in your entire life.

    I'm sure that's what you make yourself believe, but your biggest weakness is that you're so utterly convinced of whatever chicken-brained thoughts pop into your head that your hot takes are not just clueless, but also very specific. A quick citation is all it takes to blow you out, and the debate's over before it began. 

    The only question after that is how much energy are people willing to spend entertaining your exhausting meltdown and  mental gymnastics, while you desperately cope and try to convince non-existent readers that you haven't just pissed all over yourself...again.  🤡

  10. 13 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    When you do post a site it almost inevitably proves that you're wrong. 

    Muppet, we've already described this coping mechanism:

    When someone posts a quick cite that explicitly and directly contradicts your bullshit, you spiral out into comical, longwinded ranting about muffins, projected butthurt and then a bunch of useless mental gymnastics that (in your muddled little head) somehow magically turn into something that does the opposite.  🤡

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  11. 51 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    If you'd learn to think a little before you typed, did a tiny bit more research before you got into an argument,

    When my joining the argument is usually a cite directly contradicting whatever recent bullshit you've been peddling, and you spend the next 10 pages mewling about sea-lioning and making excuses about why you can't/won't cite anything, you get a gold medal for clueless gaslighting here.  🤡👍

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    I've told you a million times that for me this takes next to no time.

    Yeah, and you've also told us that you dictate your posts, including your spastic emoji spam.🤣

    What you don't seem to realize is that you claiming something doesn't make it real.  You're so full of shit that people stopped even bothering to reason with you.  You're just a noisy, useless clown that pisses all over the place.  🤡

  13. 42 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    It's no wonder you don't come here more. If i looked as stupid as you do every time i showed up i'd probably stay away too :)  

    Except when I'm making you look stupid, it's just by quoting you and knocking it down with barely a full sentence.

    Your attempts, on the other hand, are deranged, multi-paragraph rants, spastically spammed emojis and bizarre attempts to re-imagine past debates in which you clowned yourself.  Ask me again what 100-50 is.  🤡

    • Like 1
  14. 12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    I get it. Nobody respects you and you feel bitter and angry about it.

    He says, while miserably wasting the majority of his waking hours fighting with people on the internet. 

    I get it though.  Yours is a sad, lonely and angry existence.  Projecting that misery on to others is how someone with as little self-awareness as you avoids having to face reality.  

    The rest of us see it though.  You have nothing, and you have nobody.  🤡🤡🤡



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  15. 12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    Says the guy who literally hounds me around the forum for 90 percent of his time here taking elementary school level pot shots at me :)  LOLOLOL

    90% of my time here is 0.005% of your time here.  You're the biggest no-life loser this forum has seen in 25 years, and it's not even close.  The best part about it?  You know it's true, and that's why you puke out these useless rants to convince non-existent readers otherwise. 

    Go outside, incel.  

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    No it's pathetically stupid. It's been explained before in detail. The whole thing is your idea of being clever when in fact it just highlights your complete lack of understanding.

    Problem is that everything you explain is "pathetically stupid" - uninformed and misinformed in equal measure.  

    2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    This is why it's almost impossible to have a reasonable political discourse anymore.

    The idea that you're even remotely interested in reasonable discourse is the funniest thing you've said so far this year.  🤡

    • Like 2
  17. 20 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    Yep, taking the time to whine about it like a jealous 4 year old.  Well done :) 

    Making fun of you for bragging about is whining?  OKAY! 

    All you've done is confirm how much of a sad, lonely little no-life you are. 

    "Look MOMMY!  I have most upvotes on Re:Politics for the year!"    🤣👍

  18. 20 hours ago, User said:

    Yeah, they still have not taken all of Kursk back either. 

    ...but...but...Russia is STRONG, Ukraine has no hope, and NATO is a paper tiger according to the Re: Politics brain trust.  

    20 hours ago, User said:

    If Russia had made any significant gains, the usual suspects would have been on here bragging about it. 

    I wonder if Army Guy wants to go compare some maps from May/June to today.  Nah.  It's way easier to just warp reality around you and dig your heels in on what you've already decided.  

    • Like 1
  19. 17 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    Sure kid :)  Having had your cowardice pointed out you try to defend it :) 

    Yet here I am, still responding and laughing about how you still believe that what you insist on is what manifests in reality.  🤡

    17 hours ago, CdnFox said:

     People preferred me as a poster. Sorry you're butthurt :) 

    Is there anything more sad than bragging about how you farmed the most upvotes after posting at least 50x more than the next closest guy?  Tell us more about how little you have going on in your life.  


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  20. 8 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    It's pathetic that you're now so afraid of me you have to talk "to" me by talking about me to someone else  :) 

    I'm afraid of talking to him, he says, as I bait him into another thin-skinned response.  🤡

    14 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    Hell i won forum member of the year. Over mike i'd point out :)  LOLOLOL

    You won the no-life medal for having absolutely nothing else going on in your life.  Congratulations! 

    Mike never had a chance, really.  How can his 45,000 posts since 2003 contend with your 26,000 since 2023?  The only thing more pathetic than that is that you're actually bragging about it.  


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