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Everything posted by DogOnPorch

  1. I'd expect that you do not know the Sun rises in the East...certainly.
  2. Things we know... Water is wet. The Sun rises in the East. Trudeau is never at fault for anything.
  3. The Carboniferous is broken down into two classic sub-eras...the Pennsylvanian and Mississippian. This was apparently due to all the prehistoric windmills that covered the landscape.
  4. That's awesome that you can find many more pictures of Freeland holding-up a Nazi banner proudly.
  5. I have a scratch on my arm from the variola inoculation I got as a kid...perhaps you're old enough...that WORKED very well. You simply did not get sick. Decades later, it will STILL apparently provide some immune response if smallpox becomes a thing suddenly thanks to our germ lab loving friends in Ukraine, Red China and the like.
  6. Let us recall when she helped displayed the banner of the Ukrainian Nazis of old. This photo is being scrubbed hard from the ol' search engines.
  7. I have no dog in your fight. As I've already stated, this is like being asked to vote for a scorpion and a shark as to who is more cuddly. Most people avoid Nazis...you not so much. Glory to Ukraine and all that...you and Freeland make a good pair.
  8. I was more familiar with the citizen reporters that were doing such excellent coverage of the event itself. Which was, on the ground in Ottawa, not coordinated at all by all appearances. Three dance stages though...that was pretty cool. Lots of Ottawa babes coming out nightly to party.
  9. Actually, it's by the checks and balances thing that doesn't give any single branch of government as well as the people too much power at once.
  10. But you're the good guys...why are YOU dealing with Nazis? I expect it from your Russian enemies.
  11. Never heard of him nor Tamera until after the convoy, frankly.
  12. The Russians are the bad guys. And you're the good guys. Try to keep up.
  13. The Constitution is to avoid the tyranny of the majority...something they were aware could happen.
  14. Whatever you fellows need to tell yourself in order to justify the Azovs. What's a few Nazis? The greater good is what counts. You are the good guys in this fight. Right?
  15. Desserts/Deserts is a variation of deserved in this case.
  16. Hey...I was one of the good Frenchmen that DIDN'T cooperate with the Reich. Please remember....
  17. Don't lie about the efficacy of the covid-19 vaccine.
  18. Gosh no. The vaccine is totally safe and effective. Right?
  19. The feeble didn't seem to grow-up with James Burke and Carl Sagan (et al) pointing-out the bleeding obvious. One of my favorites... The Demon Haunted World By Carl Sagan
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