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Everything posted by DogOnPorch

  1. I never stated anybody can win a nuclear war to be clear. That's just more feverish idiocy from the idiot warmongers. But what the same twits do not get is that megaton weapons will generally not be doing ground bursts kicking-up a shit-storm of fallout like the Castle Bravo test. They'll instead be majority precise air-bursts of smaller yield where the fireball doesn't touch the ground unless some error is made...and there will be a few errors, minimum. Radiation will mainly be in the form of the ionizing variety that does not linger. As for Viet-Nam...there were MILLIONS of casualties.
  2. Yup...Russia helped write MAD. You want the most likely? Still an EMP attack. We'll be mad and nuke a bunch of Russian civilians...but you and I will be learning to do without electricity. You can pretend Russians are poor and stupid if that makes you feel safer.
  3. I'll no longer be responding to any of your posts if you want to call what I wrote drivel. Goodbye.
  4. I'm already subscribed to his channels. Simon has lots of great content but he's not an expert by any means. I'm surprised you had no concept of what a tactical nuclear weapon is. As I've already stated, Putin will not be nuking Ukraine if it comes to their use. Far more likely would be a multi-megaton detonation in space over Western Europe creating an electro-magnetic pulse. Nothing electronic would be functioning unless heavily shielded or based on pure mechanical analogue technology. That is: a physical switch (et al) rather than a button sending a signal. It would take months if not years to repair all the damage. Meanwhile, our cashless society would fall to pieces worse than it already has. America...France, UK can do their own EMP attacks on Russia but they'll not be nearly as effective as Russia is still heavily using analogue technology even though more modern methods are available to them. Odd, hey? What Simon missed in this video was the existence of the N-Bomb which as you might recall is a 'tactical nuke' that uses a low yield device to produce excessive amounts of ionizing radiation. People gone...buildings all standing...no significant fallout. N-Bombs are not very effective against military targets as most APCs, AFVs etc are NBC capable these days no matter Simon's assertion that Russia has no capability to operate on the nuclear battlefield. NukeMap by Alex Wellerstein is quite handy for seeing the general effectiveness of various yield weapons for both ground and air-bursts. Ground bursts are less likely these days...very dirty...tons of fallout. Air-bursts can be very precise at having bomb detonation at the proper height so the actual fireball doesn't touch the surface. One still gets blasted and burned...just from above. Give it a go. Finally, I'll point out the possible existence of devices called salted weapons...cobalt bomb in popular lexicon. These weapons are not for launching or dropping on your foe. A nation would in theory build one in a secure area away from the action and in an existential scenario would be detonated as a 'last laugh'. The idea is to use a big hydrogen bomb encased in cobalt that simply goes off and pumps unbelievable amounts of the radioactive isotope cobalt-60 into the upper atmosphere...On The Beach in real-life. The half-life of cobalt-60 is such that even those in long-term shelters will have long since eaten their last can of beans by the time is is barely safe to return to the surface to inspect what little remains. Israel is one of the prime candidates for possibly having built one (Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center in Dimona). But Russia certainly has the capability. They've a similar device in their Poseidon torpedo which is also a 'getcha later' weapon. Upshot Knothole Climax (61 kiloton yield) showing the precision available in the 1950s to detonate at just the right height. They've only improved in accuracy...
  5. I think you've just made your point. If you don't want me around, just say so.
  6. We all know about Joe Biden's (and Hunter's) proclivity towards the young ones. I suppose one could try and wish that part of their characters away and sweep it all under the ol' rug. But let's just say the cat is out of the bag on this...has been for years.
  7. I suppose being a Democrat supporter you'd have to laugh these days. Your chances of success count-on how well you can cheat in swing-states.
  8. None that say slay all those from other religions.
  9. Oh yeah? Well, you are also allowed your opinion...and it's your house. So others can do it until they're blue. I refuse.
  10. Joe Biden. The most popular and legitimate President in the history of the Universe...but he can't attract a supportive crowd in California. Let alone show up to a football game... Meanwhile...
  11. People are allowed to believe what they believe. Others can down vote all they like. Says much about their character, I think.
  12. And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do. Quran 8:39
  13. To add: I'd really like to see all you pro-war people put your money where your mouth is and go fight some Russians.
  14. I see no difference between Russia and Ukraine. It's like being asked to choose between a viper and a scorpion. Both are dictatorships disguised as 'democracies'. That you've fallen prey to propaganda and actively side with Ukraine doesn't mean those who don't share your lust for war side with Russia.
  15. He's a collaborator like so many Jews before him. It's not that surprising what a lot of cash, girls and piles of coke will buy.
  16. Football games have been regularly breaking out into F Joe Biden and Let's Go Brandon chants for well over a year. But this is Doctorb Jill*. Supposedly beloved. *The 'B' stands for bargain.
  17. As for Russia...give me a break. They knew that when NATO had no interest in... a) disbanding b) letting Russia join ...that the Cold War was still very much on.
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