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DogOnPorch last won the day on November 6 2022

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    Turn off the paved road.

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    British Columbia
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    Propane and propane accessories.

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  1. Amazing how far you'll go to justify your support of the Nazis. I also doubt you're going to be sleeping outside tonight. Nice warm bed with the heat still on...am I right? Of course I am.
  2. Trudeau is lying as fast as he can at the POEC.

    1. DogOnPorch
    2. sharkman


      Castro’s bastard…

    3. scribblet


      One of his biggest lies:  I didn't call anyone names ...    his nose will grow

  3. By your Ukrainian Nazi friends.
  4. Anti-Nazi. You're pro-Nazi.
  5. Yet there you are supporting actual modern day Nazis and their germ labs.
  6. Got to love the let's use tanks on the protesters stuff coming out. How Red China of Trudeau and his fascist friends.
  7. Rather him than Nazis.
  8. Do you, like Trudeau does, admire Communist China for their basic dictatorship? Trudeau wants what they have here in my country. You'll support it.
  9. You do follow all the authoritarian's rules, right? And will continue to do so. You should be fine as a non-freedom lover in the new world order.
  10. Non-stop victory for Ukraine.
  11. You've made your choice to support the Nazis and their money laundry.
  12. Ever heard of a Gesundheitspaß ??? No? You have a good sleep. I'm sure they'd never target you...a good German who follows all their rules.
  13. Ukraine from space at night. Either the Ukrainians are very good at getting their blackout-curtain all pulled or the Russians have succeeded in destroying Ukraine's power grid. Which do you think is the most likely, there?
  14. Ukraine uses the S-300. With Russia, the S-400 has replaced it putting their remaining S-300s into reserve units. Everything we hear about Ukraine and S-300s comes FROM Ukraine. So when the Ukrainians say that the Russians are now using a surface to air missile (with a small 150kg warhead....and relatively short range) as an ad hoc ballistic missile by simply attaching a 'GPS unit', it sets off my BS detector, alright. The S-300 requires multiple support vehicles just to shoot. The SAM itself is very expensive per round. Why do that when one has plenty...thousands...of dirt cheap reserve Scuds just waiting to be fueled-up and launched? Those have HUGE warheads and very long range. Ukraine is shooting-off the S-300s in this fight. Lots of them. They have aircraft to shoot down. Russia...not so much if any at this point. The Ukrainian air force is essentially non-existent. A tiny fraction of all the S-300s being fired will actually hit a Russian aircraft. The rest will impact onto Ukrainian territory...or Polish as we've seen. S-300s impacting onto civilian targets we can assume is the problem here...bad for moral when your own forces are killing the civilians they're supposed to be protecting. So invent an outwardly plausible story about the Russians doing the shooting...only a few missile junkies like DOP will go "Huh??? No way!" I'll believe it...literally...when I see it in action. ATM all we have is Ukraine claiming it...and they want money.
  15. https://news.yahoo.com/zelensky-nationalizes-tv-news-restricts-173820471.html
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